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Rise of Talibans - MQM sets up committees to guard its areas

City is hijacked by your TTP, PML-N, ANP, PPP, etc.
I didn't know I was belonging to so many organizations, that is news to me.
How did you get to know so much about me, man. Are you a fairy?:what:

How can a city be hijacked if majority people living there supports that party?
Remove the MQM bhata khors and lets see how much of a majority they have in Karachi. If MQM is so popular and successful why don't they become a pan Pakistani party?

its surprising that you don't know MQM already won from gilgit baltistan

as i said, embrace MQM and KPK will be developing and progressing, embrace MQM its better than embracing talibans or their political wings

We have embraced our culture, religion and country. Don't need to embrace a stupid racist party whose leader is sitting in London directing his minions to do the dirty work in Karachi for the glory of the Empire.
Its actually you who need to wake up and think about your religion and country instead of being remote-controlled by a stupid idiot living comfortably in London.
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I didn't know I was belonging to so many organizations, that is news to me.
How did you get to know so much about me, man. Are you a fairy?:what:

Remove the MQM bhata khors and lets see how much of a majority they have in Karachi. If MQM is so popular and successful why don't they become a pan Pakistani party?

We have embraced our culture, religion and country. Don't need to embrace a stupid racist party whose leader is sitting in London directing his minions to do the dirty work in Karachi for the glory of the Empire.
Its actually you who need to wake up and think about your religion and country instead of being remote-controlled by a stupid idiot living comfortably in London.

what is the use of religion and whatever pashtun culture if you pashtuns remain backward, underdeveloped and where the polio spreads?, MQM has developed karachi a lot, and they are a lot better than anyone yet in pakistan

if a party is performing who cares whats in london or what ever
I hope MQM are able to take their city back from taliban. Mohajirs can't afford to lose the city that they built.
this is a pashtun problem, when someone shows you the mirror he/she is termed racist, its a very bitter pill pashtuns need to swallow

if it was racist post a pashtun like @SHAMK9 had not thanked me

im actually advocating for the pashtun people here, but you are taking it as an anti pashtun opinion

Again I could reciprocate but I choose not to....
what is the use of religion and whatever pashtun culture if you pashtuns remain backward, underdeveloped and where the polio spreads?, MQM has developed karachi a lot, and they are a lot better than anyone yet in pakistan
MQM hasn't developed Pakistan has. Karachi was biggest and most industrialized city before MQM even came to prominence. Karachi is a Pakistani city not MQMs city, drill that into your skull.

if a party is performing who cares whats in london or what ever

But the question still remains, why is the leader of such an enlightened and progressive party hiding in a foreign land instead of leading his people and living among them?
Go figure
MQM hasn't developed Pakistan has. Karachi was biggest and most industrialized city before MQM even came to prominence. Karachi is a Pakistani city not MQMs city, drill that into your skull.

if you care about pakistan you wont have said about me commenting about pashtuns, but you are just a dirty hypocrite

well drill that into your skull too that MQM will come to KPK :azn:

Again I could reciprocate but I choose not to....

I didn't know I was belonging to so many organizations, that is news to me.
How did you get to know so much about me, man. Are you a fairy?:what:

Because you support all these groups against MQM.

Remove the MQM bhata khors and lets see how much of a majority they have in Karachi. If MQM is so popular and successful why don't they become a pan Pakistani party?

No one do "chori" in his own house. It is hard for me to believe that MQM is involve in all extortion activities in the city. Actually it is the other way around - TTP is generating money by milking Karachi by both hands, one small example is that for every building block (that cost PKR18/block) PKR3/block goes to TTP. This is what is fixed bhatta by them, other ways to generate money is by snatching mobiles/bikes/cars, robberies(houses/banks, etc), bhatta from newly built houses, etc etc.

MQM hasn't developed Pakistan has. Karachi was biggest and most industrialized city before MQM even came to prominence. Karachi is a Pakistani city not MQMs city, drill that into your skull.

I agree, Karachi is every Pakistani's city who believes in Pakistan & it's constitutions. But not for creatures like TTP & their supporters.
But the question still remains, why is the leader of such an enlightened and progressive party hiding in a foreign land instead of leading his people and living among them?
Go figure

lol beta, whatever atleast he has served the people meaning us karachiites million times better than JI, JUI, ANP, PPP, TTP, PTI, PMLN, QWP and whatever else served pashtun people in KPK
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Taliban Take Toll on Pakistan's Biggest City
Militants Claim Responsibility for Deadly Karachi Blast, Extending Hold Despite Government Crackdown
SAEED SHAH and SYED SHOAIB HASAN, Updated Feb. 13, 2014 8:29 p.m. ET


A security official stands guard at the site of Thursday's deadly bombing of a vehicle carrying police officers in a Karachi neighborhood controlled by the Pakistani Taliban. The attack killed at least 12 officers. Reuters

KARACHI, Pakistan—The Pakistani Taliban have tightened their grip over the country's commercial hub, officials and residents said, despite a five-month government crackdown here.

On Thursday, tentative peace talks with the government were thrown into disarray when the militants claimed responsibility for a roadside bombing that killed at least 12 police officers when the bus taking them to duty was destroyed near the city's southeastern Landhi neighborhood, an area the Taliban dominate.

Karachi is likely to pay a steeper price if efforts by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's government to forge a peace deal with the al Qaeda affiliate's leadership in tribal areas collapse and a military operation is launched there.

"If the peace talks fail, we fear that a big terrorism wave will hit Karachi," said Raja Umar Khattab, a senior officer in the counterterrorism Crime Investigation Department of the Karachi police.

The Pakistani Taliban are a national threat, with Karachi providing the group a vital financial lifeline. Money raised in Karachi from extortion, land-grabbing, kidnapping and robberies is sent to the group's leadership in the tribal areas along the Afghan border, security officials said.

The January assassination of Karachi's most prominent counterterrorism police officer, Chaudhry Aslam, showcased the militants' reach and had a chilling effect on the police force, officers said.

"Everyone now is at a loss about who will step into Chaudhry Aslam's shoes," said Omar Shahid Hamid, a senior counterterrorism officer now on leave. "He had become a symbol, someone who is standing up to [Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan]

In January, the militant group attacked police officers, shot and killed three journalists, repeatedly bombed paramilitary Rangers who are helping carry out the crackdown, gunned down three polio-vaccination workers, and slit the throats of six devotees visiting a shrine. Karachi police said 27 officers were killed in January, after 168 were killed last year.

Mr. Sharif, concerned that his economic-revival plans would be undermined by spreading mayhem, initiated the security operation in September. Karachi, a fast-growing city of at least 20 million, has a huge industrial base, the country's only major port and is the nation's center of banking and finance.

Some officers said they fear local political support is fading for the Karachi operation, which they view as a last chance to regain control of the city from TTP and other militias. The operation's implementation depends largely on the Sindh provincial government, which is run by the opposition Pakistan Peoples Party, and which controls Karachi's police. There are signs of tension between the Rangers, who answer to Islamabad, and the provincial government, which is based in Karachi, security officials and politicians said.

"This is a difficult path," said Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, visiting Karachi on Thursday. "But, God willing, we will bring peace back to Karachi."

Ahmed Chinoy, head of the Citizens Police Liaison Committee, a statutory body that works with the police to reduce crime, said parts of Karachi were still too dangerous for regular patrols, while the crackdown targeted regular crime. "While the focus of the operation was on other crimes, the militants got breathing space and took advantage."


Last year, five different police chiefs served Karachi, disrupting the battle against crime. The current chief, Shahid Hayat, said that at any given time, he had about 7,000 officers available to be deployed on the streets, out of a total force strength of 27,000—9,000 officers are kept on personal security duty for politicians and other officials.

It is only in recent weeks, he added, that the operation has shifted focus to jihadi groups such as TTP.

"I'm being asked to control Karachi with such small numbers of police," said Mr. Hayat. "Policemen are being killed day in, day out. But we're still fighting."

More than 13,000 people have been arrested in the sweep since September, in more than 10,000 raids by police and the paramilitary Rangers force, the provincial Sindh government said. But officials and residents said it has left largely untouched the poor outlying neighborhoods that remain under TTP control, encircling the city, including one adjacent to the new U.S. Consulate compound.

TTP is the most aggressive armed group operating in multiethnic Karachi, alongside the ethnic Baluch gangs in Lyari, and the Muttahida Qaumi Movement, a party that represents the descendants of Muslim migrants from current India, and that has traditionally dominated Karachi politics.

The Karachi security operation led to the arrest of just 63 TTP members through the end of January, police said. That compared with the arrest of 296 people affiliated with the MQM, 101 with links to the Awami National Party—a secular Pashtun political party—and 171 members of Lyari gangs.

Sharfuddin Memon, the adviser to the Sindh provincial chief minister on security issues, said the operation had led to a 50% drop in assassinations and kidnapping for ransom in the city. He said police "morale is high" but the conviction rate for serious crimes is just 5%.

"There has been an impact from the operation, but if we don't sustain it, we are in trouble," said Mr. Memon.

Research by The Wall Street Journal, based on conversations with security officials and urban planners, shows TTP still control or dominate about 470 square miles of Karachi, or nearly a third of its area, where at least 2.5 million people live.

TTP's sway in Karachi extends right up to Saddar—the city center—and into areas such as Sultanabad, a ramshackle community next to the new U.S. Consulate compound.

These are districts with a majority population of Pashtuns, the same ethnic group as TTP's leadership. These areas that encircle the city include Baldia and the Sindh Industrial Trading Estate to the west and Gadap in the north. Residents in these areas said TTP's hold had gotten stronger over the past year.

"There's been no action against the main body of the TTP, just against some smaller factions," said Khawaja Izharul Hassan, a provincial MQM lawmaker.

In addition to the main TTP faction from the Mehsud tribe of South Waziristan in the tribal areas, long established in Karachi, the city is increasingly plagued by another TTP faction from the Mohmand tribal area, police officers said, along with TTP Swat.

Islamist militants also have influence over some non-Pashtun districts of the city, such as Lyari in the southwest where TTP ally Lashkar-e-Jhangvi has a base. TTP has an ability to stage attacks across Karachi.

TTP dominates 33 of Karachi's 178 administrative units—known as union councils— security officials said. These tend to be the larger, peripheral, districts, with ever expanding shanty settlements that eat into the surrounding desert. The militants are also now getting more educated recruits, including non-Pashtuns, and spreading to neighboring areas outside Karachi, including Hub to the west and Jamshoro to the northeast.

In the areas it controls, TTP is levying a tax on residents and businesses, said a businessman in Sohrab Goth, a Taliban-run neighborhood just north of the city center.

The militant group has set up courts in neighborhoods to resolve disputes, which give written judgments, handling matters that include disagreements over land ownership and regulating levels of theft from power lines that they allow, residents said.

"The Taliban milk money from their own communities," the businessman said. "They have calculated the worth of every person here."

For instance, on a monthly income of 40,000 rupees ($380), TTP takes a levy of 1,000 rupees. Concentrate blocks made for use in construction—a major business in the Pashtun areas—are sold for 18 rupees each, of which three rupees goes to the Taliban. The businessman said TTP's hold had hardened over the past year.

"The Taliban have complete control of Karachi," said Bashir Jan, a senior member of the Awami National Party, the main secular Pashtun political party in the city. "They can go anywhere and do what they want."

Yeah and you decide who is kicked out and who stays. It's people like you who should be kicked back to India and if they don't want you we can always throw you in to the sea.

We have plenty of universities and plenty of educated people, don't try to lecture us on what is good and bad for you. I bet you don't even understand what PakhtoonWali is about.
But just want to throw your opinion where none is required.
Like I said keep you MQM and Bhai worship to yourself.
wrora ignore these karachiites....they are the type of people who think that wearing patloon , jeans and speaking broken english make them modern, civilized and broad-minded. For them a traditional and cultural person , wearing turban, wasket and shalwar kameez is a jahil , poor and backward person....while every bearded person is a maulvi.
It is laughableto see that they view tribal elders like waderas and jirga as panchiat of punjab. These fools are not aware that pashtuns are not feudal, they are very democratic people, every person is independent and is not subservient to any wadera or sardar. Our tribal society is de-centralized unlike balochs. Concept of democracy was not yet tasted by folk of india while we pakhtuns were sitting in round circles, taking our decisions in a democratic manner.
wrora ignore these karachiites....they are the type of people who think that wearing patloon , jeans and speaking broken english make them modern, civilized and broad-minded. For them a traditional and cultural person , wearing turban, wasket and shalwar kameez is a jahil , poor and backward person....while every bearded person is a maulvi.
It is laughableto see that they view tribal elders like waderas and jirga as panchiat of punjab. These fools are not aware that pashtuns are not feudal, they are very democratic people, every person is independent and is not subservient to any wadera or sardar. Our tribal society is de-centralized unlike balochs. Concept of democracy was not yet tasted by folk of india while we pakhtuns were sitting in round circles, taking our decisions in a democratic manner.

why did you learn english then?

in my opinion speaking english is not the element of modernity, the mind set surly is, japanese people don't speak english, germans don't, but there is a common mind set which makes japan, germany the most advanced nations?

pashtuns need to come out of this mind set of isolation, the pashtuns need more interation with modern world, should come out of their hide outs and learn the global customs, pashtun wali if its a great thing, try to introduce it to the world, if it is indeed very nice stuff, the world will embrace pashtun wali, if not, please drop it, try to become a global citizen, forgod sake, you are using internet, and cell phones, modern cars, all o these didn;t exist 100 years ago, so please try to change your mind set as you are trying to influence your life style with modern developments like cell phones, internet etc

pashtuns or tribal pashtuns need a new mind set to succeed in the world and im not only talking about pashtuns but every ethnicity of pakistan needs change in mind set to progress in the modern world

if not, you and we all will go only backwards and not forwards
Nice "Research" my dear R&D friend.

On a serious note, obviously it is win-win for a person sitting miles away in Australia with family/friends living comfortably in the cities like Lahore or Islamabad.
How's the weather over there in US.

Makes sense...!:tup:
It will make sense when rangers go in and mop up the aftermath.

yeah right and you carry on with the great research work and enjoy the show from a safe distance ..
Thanks mate, i will.
Unfortunately situation of Karachi (Pak's economic backbone) hasn't been that rosy in the past decades with MQM in control, either.
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Thanks mate, i will.
Unfortunately situation of Karachi (Pak's economic backbone) hasn't been that rosy in the past decades with MQM in control, either.

the city was used and abused to accommodate jihadi assets from last 30 years some one had to stand up for the city .. Its otherwise in the rest of country they entertained these lunatics . MQM was against since day .. have fun between :enjoy:

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