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Revenge for 4 murdered PakistanI children....dish served cold.

Recently also heard that our commandos have been mutilating their corpses. If they are going to target children, then have at it I say.
Last of the Kafar v Muslim conflict this ... this absolute hatred of Kafars for us muslims will eventually turn inwards and result in the start of a mass genocide of (Kashmiri) muslims of India before an all out war breaks. LOC will remain volatile until then. More bloodshed is inevitable, unfortunately.
This is the rona I am talking about. Now check Kashmir riyasat map. India, Pakistan and China have almost equal parts of it. You ignore Chinese part, call most of yours as GB separate from Kashmir.
You cannot produce a map coz you never were serious about resolving it.
Any sane country in this world when claims some disputed land or sea boundary then it gives map of claimed area but not Pakistan army or govt.

what is so hard to understand, why do anyone need to see the map, we want part of Kashmir you occupy...its just that simple
Welcome 2 PDF....Pak-Russia collaboration is about to start regarding Afghanistan...Who knows?
if they are also discussing about India under umbrella of China..

Thanks man.Thats true . Latest intelligence suggests the war is slowing down.The intensity and frequency of shelling from both sides has subsided .I am great full to Pakistan army for showing restraint.But Pakistan must always remember one thing.
Indians are only lions when kremlin is giving massive support to India. Indian army cannot fight all alone. Without Kremlins support Indian army becomes a militia , a militant unit demoralized with no skills and no motivation.
BJP always forgets that the only man who destoyed 8 patton tanks in 1965 war was Abdul Hamid. BJP is shitting bricks now they know that only Muslims inside India can wage a war against pakistan army.

Now we must think about the future. Modi is looting India (he has closed all bank accounts 1.5 billion bank acc ) because he wants to give 10 billion dollars payments to kremlin to procure latest smart ammunition , sniper rifles , artillery shells ,anti tank.All forms of close combat equipment. The total payment that Modi is thinking may be around 30 billion dollars just for close combat.
But he forgets one thing that will all the technology Indian army still lacks skills , ammunition depots, motivation and will power(real mental strength to wage war) to wage a consistent battle against Pak army.
Indian army is only suited for twitter, mobile apps , facebook ,kala dhan wars .Indian army is not suited for battle hardened mujahids battlion of pakistan army.

NOW the goal of Modi is to compensate all the ills plaguing the Indian army with massive purchases of arms from Kremlin. I think if pakistan steps up diplomatic offensive with Chinese Oil and gas companies who are bankrolling the kremlin.I think Pakistan will emerge victorious.Pakistan China diplomatic offensive is urgently needed to convince the Kremlin that giving ground troops technology to Indian army is lose lose situation. Kremlin will no longer enjoy thefinancial benefit it used to enjoy from China.
Thats the message which needs to send across to Russia only then war hawks in Kremlin will understand and stop
supporting the Indian army and Modi.
what makes you say so... this is not the first time btw

recent Beheading was claimed by Indian Sources while accusing Freedom Fighters in IoK for such along with other casualties 2 days back (if I am not wrong) and it is nothing like that this time, IMO otherwise, Indian presser would have been different.
Kasmhir was peaceful and there where no forces in Indian kashmir before 89,there where no protests too then...you dint accept then its part of India.
Your military leaders planned operations based on belief, people of kashmir will support and join forces with the PA disguised as irregulars or tribesmen,they where cought and handed over to Indian army by the kashmiries..you dint accept then its part of India.
When our PM was in your country talking peace your general was sending his men to occupy the peaks,who where detected by the kashmiries and informed that to the Indian forces,,you dint accept peace or kashmir is part of India.

Trouble started in kashmir from 88-89 and you know how and who started it and why.

Trouble started in Pakistan too but after 88-89 and lets wait and see what is the price each country willing to pay.onething is for sure from Indian side you will not find another leader who was born before Independence and carrying the baggage.

Bhai why we fought 65 war?
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