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Revenge for 4 murdered PakistanI children....dish served cold.

Mayra biraah our forefathers were very wise people, they were not that technologically advance, aware and educated but they had wisdom, they didn't invent this muhawara just for nothing "Baghal may churee muh may ram ram".

I respect your views but now I find it hard to be like you, the last decade has taught us a lot of lessons. I hope we don't forget those lessons that easily.

Lala, I do not disagree on this at all. My contention is just that while our response be swift and appropriate it must intrinsically display the difference between us and them. I know you'll agree with me once the understandable anger fades, you and I both just aren't them.

As stated before, Pakistan is following a proactive policy, with overwhelming response which is not only limited to LOC but involved cross border special forces raids across LOC inside Indian territory buttressed by intelligence assets and surveillance resources. This will be the norm from now on.
Indian army and govt officials are lying trying to placate the concerns of their public by claiming that for every bullet of Pakistan, they are firing 100 bullets, this is just for domestic consumption and hollow nationalism, since their expectations have been made high by a hypernationalist government and media. Pakistan's response has been lethal, swift and instant. Those Indian soldiers responsible for deaths of innocent children have been neutralized and the message has been delivered to the intended quarters. Pakistan will continue to maintain this proactive defence posture at LOC.

We adopted this back in the late 90s when one Indian force thought it wise to cross over and behead every man, child and grown, in a village. We go back to it when ever they start itching. While Indians go lala on a single fantasy surgical strike, our boys have crossed over every time they have tried to reach beyond their limits. One can even find these accounts in their media of the time.
Lala, I do not disagree on this at all. My contention is just that while our response be swift and appropriate it must intrinsically display the difference between us and them. I know you'll agree with me once the understandable anger fades, you and I both just aren't them.

For our own moral high values...... yes I agree ............ but you never know how they will reinvent the history and distort the facts, I don't want our next generation reading their bull crap about how we raped and destroyed people. They will never appreciate any soft humane gesture from our side. Bajrangi Bai jan and Ansar Burnee can never be the same, one is fiction the other is reality.
Honestly, I don't see where you Ganga goblins get the notion that Chinese-controlled Kashmir is comparable to Hindu-occupied Kashmir.
The China-Pakistan land swap as an agreement arranged by two consenting governments. Not anywhere near comparable to your Hanumans gobbling up an extra chunk of land and proceeding to blind its youth and rape its women.

If India wants it Hanumen to stop being slaughtered in Kashmir, it needs to get rid of this mindset.

y do u pick on their religion? in some of the threads here, i noticed that indians pick on our prophet (saw) when some stupid pakistanis such as u pick on their religion. please grow up
Given Pakistan's history of butchering their own people with glee - I won't be surprised if these 4 unfortunate children have been butchered by the Pak Army itself. History shows they have qualms about killing their own citizens and there is no accountability either - this is a country where the military has conspired with the judiciary to hang a former Prime Minister after all. It is a shame that the Pakistani people continue to be taken for a ride by their military.
You scumbag, don't dish out your sick mentalitty on others.
It's your pathetic country which has earned the distinction of a fake encounter state and there is plenty of evidence to prove that.


Please don't use abusive language. Fact is - there might be a few bad apples in all forces but no Army since the end of WW-2 has been seen as much killing of innocents as the Pak Army has seen - and they have done it to their own civilians. Look up Operation Searchlight for instance. As I said, there is no one to check the Pak Army - it answers to no one within its own geographical limitations.

Hey .............. the sh*t that comes out of one's rear is sh*t ............ but you can call it fact too.
And u still thinking pakistan is hiding its casualties
Please don't use abusive language. Fact is - there might be a few bad apples in all forces but no Army since the end of WW-2 has been seen as much killing of innocents as the Pak Army has seen - and they have done it to their own civilians. Look up Operation Searchlight for instance. As I said, there is no one to check the Pak Army - it answers to no one within its own geographical limitations.
Why dont you lookup for operation blue star instead and see the killings of innocents by the Indian army? And i dont even want to start on Kashmir and what Indian army is doing there.
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