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"Restraining Pakistan and Closing In On Iran: Proposed US Agenda"

Good job stealth. Its an open secret what zionist agenda is in this region. US cannot attack Pakistan the way they attacked Iraq and Afghanistan, but surely they can do covert operations in order to nutralize our nukes (which they cant).

The only reason which stopping US to attack Pakistan is our nukes and that is what is giving nightmares to US and Israel. Its just a propaganda for them Iran is not as bigger threat as Pakistan is. We talk a lot about china trying to encircle India but how about US encircling Pakistan. They have bases in middle east, Afghanistan, can be in India in case of war.

I believe US can become a bigger threat to us in future then India. They have already started their big game in the region by entering in Afghanistan and desstabilizing Pakistan through their puppet. (baitullah mehsud).
Good job stealth. Its an open secret what zionist agenda is in this region. US cannot attack Pakistan the way they attacked Iraq and Afghanistan, but surely they can do covert operations in order to nutralize our nukes (which they cant).

The only reason which stopping US to attack Pakistan is our nukes and that is what is giving nightmares to US and Israel. Its just a propaganda for them Iran is not as bigger threat as Pakistan is. We talk a lot about china trying to encircle India but how about US encircling Pakistan. They have bases in middle east, Afghanistan, can be in India in case of war.

I believe US can become a bigger threat to us in future then India. They have already started their big game in the region by entering in Afghanistan and desstabilizing Pakistan through their puppet. (baitullah mehsud).

I know for a fact that they were offering PAF their latest F-16 block 60 fighters. (PAF didn't go for them because they decided they were too costly and block 52 could also be upgraded to block 60 standard.)
If Pakistan was such a big threat, why would they do that? Also, China would not allow USA to do anything to Pakistan because they have their own interests in Pakistan - one of them being an arms market.

What you're saying might have some truth in it, but it is much more complicated than that. Iran's nukes are giving more nightmares to USA and Israel.
I know for a fact that they were offering PAF their latest F-16 block 60 fighters. (PAF didn't go for them because they decided they were too costly and block 52 could also be upgraded to block 60 standard.)
If Pakistan was such a big threat, why would they do that? Also, China would not allow USA to do anything to Pakistan because they have their own interests in Pakistan - one of them being an arms market.

What you're saying might have some truth in it, but it is much more complicated than that. Iran's nukes are giving more nightmares to USA and Israel.

one of the top most priority of US foreign policy is that there should be no Muslim nuclear power near Israel. Iran DONOT have nukes. it will take them at least 5-10years to build nukes whereas Pakistan have nukes as well as missiles to deliver nukes to Israel so Pakistan is the real and Last threat for Zionists. rest of Muslim world can be captured via simple police action.

As far as offering of F16s are concerned, US want us to rely on them so that they can get their dirty work done via blackmailing. US always be a back stabling prick for us. first they offered latest military hardware, then they imposed sanctions and tried to paralyze us in the past. thats why PAF have minimized the number of new F16s and now they are going for Chinese military solutions. Not to forgot that JF17 is itself a result of US sanctions
Spot on. It's wise to analyse how much of a threat these Yanks pose. They are trying to surround Pakistan by establishing military bases all around us. Still, not enough to capture our widely dispersed nukes. Thank God we possess this capability. Pakistan would have certainly by now been turned into another occupied Iraq. The nukes serve as an excellent deterrence mechanism.
nice 1 ! but if u look at it "its more about pakistan" Iran is just a dummy for eg in arab-israeli conflict Israel was pointing towards Jordan that it wil atack through their tactics they sucessfully managed to distract egyptians and in the end they sucessfully raided mitla pass and secured suez canal. Iran no matter threat they pose dont have the bomb, We have the bomb and its about us. Either way Pak and Iran must at all cost avoid this threat and counter this enemy with full force.
Spot on. It's wise to analyse how much of a threat these Yanks pose. They are trying to surround Pakistan by establishing military bases all around us. Still, not enough to capture our widely dispersed nukes. Thank God we possess this capability. Pakistan would have certainly by now been turned into another occupied Iraq. The nukes serve as an excellent deterrence mechanism.

Agreed. .....
Yes. Make no mistake. There is no bigger double faced poser around here than US.
I once saw a video on GEO "Meray Mutabiq" that was named by Dr. Shahid as "Brzezinski plan". That plan was for ultimate diplomacy of US. Brzezinski said in the video that our real threat is not any muslim country. Our threat is China and Russia which can challange us. The plan included that US will close on to China by using countries like Pakistan and Sudan. As Pak and Sudan are the largest military markets of China. When they will capture both (politically or militarily) than China`s economy will be disturbed as Sudan supplies oil to China. Then China will look at its own oilfields located at border with Russia. Then West will aggravate the situation and will try that both China and Russia must enter a military clash. Thus both enemies will be destroyed. So just attack Sudan and Pakistan.
fuk teh U.S.... U.S starts playin with Pak, Pak will quit the war on terror and join teh taliban fightin U.S... theyll relly fuk them this time... and so Iran can joine, and afghani taliban can join, evry muslims cuntry joins... and there we have our unitation of all teh Muslim cuntries.... It relly looks like U.S is gonna start war in N Korea again, and Iran... wat teh fuks wrong with the U.S... if only there was no U.S, the world wouldve been a safer place to live in....
Hi Stealth,

It is astonishing what you have put in picture---the threat becomes so real and fearsome when you look at the picture---but it is not iran that is the focus---but rather it is pakistan---.

SO they are using Iran to attack Pakistan Nuclear Facility ?
SO they are using Iran to attack Pakistan Nuclear Facility ?


Are you looking at a different map than me---please look one more time----a little common sense and with a little better observation you will have your answer.
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