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After Balkanizing Russia, West's focus will be on Iran and not on China

Nukes did not save USSR from balkanization.
But they will save Russia from balkanization.
Nukes will not save Russia and India from getting balkanized.
it has so far, it forced NATO to rely on a proxy, aka Ukraine, instead of itself, to execute the mission to "weaken Russia", only mistake is that Ukraine wasnt actually that good a proxy to use for the mission, so the backfire is happening now.
Russia and India are weak artificial nations.
then why did NATO know this and still choose to use Ukraine to attack Russia instead of attacking Russia directly? claiming to tough strong and bold but then using the weak route for execution..smh.

As and when Arab majority Khuzestan joins Iraq, Iran will go bankrupt.
The best and last chance Khuzestan had to leave Iran was during Saddam's war against Iran, but those days are over, decades gone, so it will never happen, its a permanently lost opportunity.
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