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"Restraining Pakistan and Closing In On Iran: Proposed US Agenda"

Just wait till they take our nukes, in about the next 4 years i think, then bomb Irans nuclear facilities and missile production sites.
Then watch what Israel does.

Our? I doubt that you are even a true Pakistani!

No one is gonna touch our nukes, Insha Allah! We will destroy all those who are planning on hurting Pakistan!

Pakistan Zindabad! :pakistan:
As for the image don't include IOK as a part of India!

Highlight it and show that it is occupied Pakistani land!
As for the image don't include IOK as a part of India!

Highlight it and show that it is occupied Pakistani land!
Indian administered Kashmir has never been a part of Pakistan literally, so it may be Indian administered Kashmir but not Indian occupied Pakistani land. You may want to show it is a disputed territory at most.
Several months ago (12-28-2008) I made a post describing the Geo-Political plans by the Anglo-Saxon Powers US-UK for the new century, my post was foolishly ignored.

I agree with most of what you have said Asim...

I would like to point out and make a historical approach/connection here.

Many Geo-Political analysts including myself, believe that ultimately the United States wants to break up Pakistan and reduce Pakistan to an anemic, weak, and fragmented country, this will allow for India and United States to easily disarm Pakistan's Nuclear power by targeting key Nuclear Facilities.

One of the main reasons why Pakistan is being targeted is because one it is the only Muslim Nuclear Power and most importantly it is China's #1 most trusted Military ally. See the Western world fears the rise of this mighty Eastern Power China, because China is to surpass the West and become the World Global power; hence replacing the U.S.

In order for them to weaken China they must weaken China's allies first, they cannot directly target China when it is strong, and it's Allies are strong...Therefore just like what the British did in WWI against the Axis powers, is they attacked the Ottoman Empire first!!! The Ottoman Empire was considered to be the more weaker power and ally of Germany, it was considered the "soft belly", therefore making it a more feasible target...This is just an old WWI Western Military Doctrine on how to destroy a powerful country in this case China.

In this case the "soft belly" is Pakistan and China is the Germany if I may say so...Therefore the CIA, MOSSAD, and RAW, are all hellbent on making attacks in Pakistan to make Pakistan appear unstable, weak, fragile, and in front of the international audience a "Loose Nuke" Country, which naturally brings fear into many peoples minds...Once Pakistan is seen unstable and weak, the U.S will find justification to destroy Pakistan's Nuclear assets...

This will leave China all alone without it's #1 Military Ally Pakistan...The Chinese understand this, and this is one reason why they consider their relationship with Pakistan of utmost important in their national security equation.

That is All I will say...

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...dvisor-pak-terror-groups-worst-threat-us.html

"Hi Stealth,

It is astonishing what you have put in picture---the threat becomes so real and fearsome when you look at the picture---but it is not iran that is the focus---but rather it is pakistan---." -MastanKhan

Oh really, Pakistan? A partner on the "War on Terror" a Democratic country and long time ally of the United States, is the focus of US-UK-Zionist Geo-Political efforts...Hmmm

Exactly right though, it is Pakistan the aim not necessarily Iran. The presence of a strong Iran keeps the cowardly Arab states on their toes and more susceptible to US influence as they cowardly Arab states will run to the US for answers and help against any growing Iranian influence in the Middle East...What a strategic Geo-Political balance! (That benefits the Western Axis)

But Pakistan is a target inspite of it efforts in the WoT, it is a target by the Neo-cons, the Anglo-Saxon and Zionist elite. They see Pakistan as a state that can contest their influence in Asia because of Pakistan's own power and most importantly strategic defense ties with China. By damaging Pakistan they weaken China's security, and China looses it's #1 most trusted military ally.

You have to remember the US-UK elites are not worried about little states their concerns are for the major power houses that can and may contest western global power, Russia and China.

Look at the "Polish missile Crisis", we had the Cuban missile crisis, now we have the Polish missile Crisis which in the future will be capable of hindering Russia's second strike ability. The Polish missile base uses the excuse of Iran, but we all know Iran has no plans to lodge missiles in Western/Central Europe! They can't fool me. Poor Poland always being used by larger powers and ends up getting destroyed in the conflict. (Historically true)

They use India to contain China, the West is allying itself with India for the first time in history, this should be a wake up call.

Anyways hope you people learned something.
Just wait till they take our nukes, in about the next 4 years i think, then bomb Irans nuclear facilities and missile production sites.
Then watch what Israel does.

No one will take Pakistan's nukes. Only a certain people in Pakistan know where the nukes are, I dont even think Zardari knows where the nukes are.

P.S. US will not go into a war with either Pakistan or Iran because these two countries have powerful armies...U.S. likes to go into war with weak countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, or Vietnam...and Pakistan is no Afghanistan, Iraq, or Vietnam...Pakistan has the 5th largest army in the world and is the 7th nation that is a nuclear power. Iran also has a powerful army.
No one will take Pakistan's nukes. Only a certain people in Pakistan know where the nukes are, I dont even think Zardari knows where the nukes are.

P.S. US will not go into a war with either Pakistan or Iran because these two countries have powerful armies...U.S. likes to go into war with weak countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, or Vietnam...and Pakistan is no Afghanistan, Iraq, or Vietnam...Pakistan has the 5th largest army in the world and is the 7th nation that is a nuclear power. Iran also has a powerful army.

Pakistan/Iran Military not a big issue for US problem is "MONEY". US dont have enough money for start War against Any (single country).

What i said before (POINT OUT IRAN UNDERATTACK BY US). Most of guys over here bit disagreed about IRAN UNDERATTACK by US.


WASHINGTON: The top U.S. military officer says a military strike to thwart Iran's nuclear development is an option no one should take.

Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen says the possibility of a military strike remains on the table. But he told a Washington audience Tuesday that he worries about what Iran would do if attacked.

He says a strike would be a threat to stability in the Middle East. He urged caution even though, as he put it, the clock is ticking.

Mullen says Iran could have nuclear weapons capability in one to three years.

He did not directly address remarks by Vice President Joe Biden, who suggested Sunday that the Obama administration would not stand in the way if Israel attacked Iran's nuclear facilities.


THE NEWS: Mullen: Strike on Iran a bad option

GEO: Mullen: Strike on Iran a bad option - GEO.tv

PS: US will go for attack on Iran maybe or maybe not but thy offical PINPOINT Iran (UNDERATTACK BY US).

First start massive propganda on CNN and other undercontrol US/Jewish Media Channels and create massive hipe against IRAN.
Dear All:

V are obsessed with the greater region around us and the real or perceived threats since our foreign policy is being run by a bunch of Fauji's sitting in GHQ & ISI HQ. They are trained to defend from all possible threats -- the same problem that the US neocons started having when they came into power (most of the critical policy makers were ex generals or admirals!).

If our foreign policy is dictated by concern for the socio econmic wellbeing of the people of this country instead of projecting jihadist as part of our forward defence and as a foreign policy tool-- we would not be in this mess US or no US.

We need to think beyond the KARAHI!!!!

My two bit worth
Well I have made this image after some research.... Post this topic in Military aviation Section because of research on Airforce bases.

Bluish-Green: Iran and Pakistan
Orange Spot: US/NATO Bases
Light Orange: IAF Bases
Yellow Oval Spot: First Target Locations (my opinion)
Looking at this map we can see that USA has deployed its forces on around 30 bases in this region of South Asia, Middle East and some nearby territories. These forces include the NATO forces. If USA wants a war on terror then what is this preparation for?

From the placement of USA forces it is evident that it is after Iran and nobody else. The bases are located all around Iran. And to keep Pakistan under control, it seems USA has planned to put pressure on the country from two sides. It is befriending India so that India will put pressure on Pakistan from the Eastern border.

USA troops are already present in Afghanistan so it can put pressure on the Western border of Pakistan as well. With Pakistan trapped from two sides, USA forces will be free to attack Iran without any interference from any neighboring country.

Excellent work but I would request a few changes:

1. Not all bases in Iraq or Afghanistan can be used for Iran so lets change the support or minor bases to a different color.

2. China and Russia basis are also important as these two countries will not sit idle if Iran is attacked.

3. India's base in Tajikistan (Farkhor Air Base) should be on this map as well.

I also think that the eventual target are the strategic weapons of Pakistan. Iran may actually switch sides and help provide pressure on the Western border.

After 26/11, Iran moved well equiped forces to the border of Pakistan because they wanted to counter the influx of refugees from Pakistan in case of a war. :)

This is a way of creating psychological pressure.
Our? I doubt that you are even a true Pakistani!

No one is gonna touch our nukes, Insha Allah! We will destroy all those who are planning on hurting Pakistan!

Pakistan Zindabad! :pakistan:

Exacltly what signs does a true pakistani bear..
a big "I am pakistani" tatoo on the butt I guess..hmm
Half of you dodo's are busy passing certificates on Pakistanism and Islam. You dont realise the hell about to enter your lives.

Destroy who you say, those who possess an overwhelming conventional superiority over you?? and are waiting for the chance that your nukes are taken from you on the context of one thing or the other so that they can crush you once and for all.
If half of You Pakistani's used your head and started seeing the bigger picture. Your ideas of destroying whats theirs would turn into saving whats ours. Then maybe Us Pakistani's can have a better future to look into.
I am working on another new image (related bases including China, India, Russia and Isreal. So i need some suggestions from all of you guys..
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