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Report: Saudis may allow Israel's use of air space

Saudis cannot calculate such a risk. The extremists that exist in Saudi are of sunni origin, but allowing Isreal of all countries to use its airspace is just fueling outcries from such networks and cells regardless who against. Iran will be hoping and arming Hezbollah and Hamas, so that both those groups can open up another front against Isreal. This would mean Isreal would have to deviate some of its resources to fight a battle on that front.
Who says the US must occupy Iran? You?

Just airstrike and no boots on the ground won't be good for homeland security. Either they go all in and change government or do nothing. Just airstrike will incense popular opinion and instead rally them behind the current regime

before accusing jews for their propaganda, please see the source, its iranian propagandist press TV :disagree:

For all the Spiegel is jewish propoganda talk from Press TV the origional article could be summarised as Bibi is an idiot.

Rarely before have Jews and Arabs been as united as they are in the face of the Iranian threat. But Israel's government is deliberately ignoring this historic opportunity to push the peace process forward. Indeed, Benjamin Netanyahu's government seems satisfied with the status quo.

One of the tenets of the Middle East conflict has always been that Israel's hawks are the only ones who can bring about a peace agreement -- the doves are too weak to make it happen.

A second is that Arab leaders need the conflict in order to justify their own wobbling and undemocratic regimes.

The third tenet is that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

With the farce that it is now playing out with its ally, the United States, Israel's government has simultaneously taken all three tenets out of play, and that isn't good news.

It goes so far that Saudi Arabia's foreign minister has even spoken openly to his US colleague Hillary Clinton of the potential necessity of a military strike against Iran. In its research, SPIEGEL has learned that Western intelligence agencies believe that the Saudis would even open up their air space to Israeli jets for an attack on Iran -- unlike the Americans, who would not allow them to fly over Iraq, with good reason.

Opinion: Netanyahu Against the Rest of the World - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
This Article Makes me think that West Still Believes in Divide and Rule & We STILL do not Think so.

SAD !!
Western security sources believe Saudi Arabia will readily let Israel use the country's airspace to strike neighboring Iran if a war breaks out between the archenemies.

Prominent German news magazine SPIEGEL claimed in a Tuesday article that there exists a strong unity between Israel and Persian Gulf's Arab states against Iran.

The periodical noted that Riyadh has gone so far with the idea as to speak openly to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of the potential need for a military option against the Islamic Republic.

SPIEGEl also cited Western intelligence agencies who believe that the Saudis would even open up their air space to Israeli jets for an attack on Iran.

This is while the United States has been reported intent on not allowing Israeli warplanes to fly over Iraq, it added.

The report also referred to an Arab League ministerial summit where they unanimously called on the Palestinians to start a new round of US-sponsored "proximity talks" with Israel.

Observers reiterate that SPIEGEl is greatly influenced by the Israeli regime and has previously published reports that were meant to serve as an Israeli propaganda campaign ore psychological warfare against the Islamic Republic.

Report: Saudis may allow Israel's use of air space

Saudi Arabia not to allow use of its airspace against Iran

Jerusalem: Saudi Arabia has refuted the report that the Israeli and British intelligence heads met with its officials, who agreed to allow the Jewish state to use their airspace to attack Iranian nuclear facilities.

British newspaper Sunday Express had reported that Saudi officials had recently met British Intelligence chief and Israel's Mossad chief Meir Dagan in London and given consent to Israeli Air Force jets for using their airspace in such an event.

As per the report, it was also agreed that Saudi Arabia would turn a 'blind eye' to Israel's use of its airspace during a strike.

The Saudi Press Agency today quoted a source from royal family as saying that the report is untrue and asked the Iranian media to refrain from publishing such stories for the sake of journalistic credibility, Israel Radio reported.

Israel, which has dubbed the Iranian nuclear programme an "existential threat", has been emphasising that Tehran's nuclear ambitions not only bothers the Jewish state but several Arab states are equally worried, though not willing to publicly admit it.

Meanwhile, the head of Iran's nuclear energy agency yesterday said that his country would not discuss issues related to its nuclear "rights" at its meeting with six world powers scheduled to take place tomorrow.

Bureau Report.

Saudi Arabia not to allow use of its airspace against Iran

Saudi denies would let Israeli jets pass for Iran attack

Riyadh rejects media reports it has agreed to allow IAF aircraft to use kingdom's airspace en route to attack on Iran's nuclear facilities


Saudi Arabia denied on Monday a report that it has agreed to allow Israeli planes to fly through the kingdom's airspace to attack Iran's nuclear sites.

"Of course this is not true. We don't have any kind of relationship with the Israelis," Osama Nugali, spokesman for the Saudi foreign ministry, told AFP.

Britain's Sunday Times reported that the head of the Mossad had held secret talks with Saudi officials to discuss the possibility of Israeli jets flying over Saudi Arabia for such an attack.

"The Saudis have tacitly agreed to the Israeli air force flying through their airspace on a mission which is supposed to be in the common interests of Israel and Saudi Arabia," the newspaper quoted a diplomatic source as saying.

Nugali rejected the claim of any talks having taken place, stressing that the two countries have no diplomatic, commercial or other relations.

He said occasional reports of a secret relationship are aimed at fraying Arab unity.

"Our policy is very transparent and our position is very firm regarding any kind of relation with Israel," Nugali said. "Fortunately, these continuous allegations are not taken seriously."

On Sunday, the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also denied the report, calling it "fundamentally wrong and baseless."

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Saudi Arabia should take a stand with Iran and build confidence with them.

Turkey and KSA are not likely to allow Zionists to Attack Iran through their Territory's .

Even Turkish PM said " Cross our air space to Attack Iran and we will respond like and earthquake "

Muslims Must Stay United against the aggression and not Repeat another Iraq Iran war , this is a way to success.
You are right my friend, but why give a way for US to attack Iran??, "In Islam the command of non-Muslims over Muslims in not admissible":disagree:

Why are you using Islam to stand up for Arabs or Iranians. They don't like us. They don't care we're Muslims, yet we have to care for them.

Why do we Pakistanis stand up for Palestenians (or other Arabs) or Iranians? They don't like us. I see all this hate by Pakistanis for Israel but I have never once seen any Arab or Iranian demonstration to halt Indian atroticities for Kashmiris. Pakistanis go to other Arab nations and we get treated worser than dirt yet we still stand up for them...
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Pakistanis suck up to Middle Easterners

Given the situation of middle class Pakistanis in Arab countries where they are often underpaid, not even paid for months, abused, subject to false accusations and racism this important question arises once again: Why are Pakistanis so vigorously pro-Arab and pro-Middle Eastern?

The answer lies in a discomforting fact: Religion. Few are willing to face this fact. Because the last Prophet in Islam happened to be an Arab, many Pan-Islamist Pakistanis, particularly Wahhabbists simply worship Arabs.
This goes against Islamic teachings which openly stress Arabs and non-Arabs are equal in the eyes of the creator.

A fact to note is that in modern politics, Arabs identify themselves as Arabs, Turks as Turks, Persians as Persians (I'm not counting Iran's non-Persian populations as I am not certain on their political viewpoints). It's only the Pan-Islamist Pakistanis who see themselves as Muslims and identify themselves only as such.

These ignorant Pakistanis don't see the outright racism of Arabs against their people, nor do they realize Arabs would never want to include themselves with Pakistanis in their political movements.

You can often spot Pakistanis in pro-Palestinian demonstrations weather in Arab or western countries. At times you can see many of them, they're not difficult to spot at a pro-Arab demo.
But never have I seen or heard of Arabs or any other Middle Eastern national at pro-Kashmiri/Pakistani demonstrations.

While Pakistani pilots volunteered and risked their lives in Arab-Israeli wars, no Arab pilot was given permission by his government to engage in direct combat against Indian pilots in Indo-Pakistani wars.

It just doesn't end there with the Arabs. During the Iran-Iraq war right after the Shia Islamist regime in Iran took over, a lot of Arab and western countries supported Iraq (Syria sided with Iran I believe), while North Korea and Pakistan were the only known countries to lend military support to Iran.

Yet today many ignorant Iranians, especially Shia hardliners ignore this fact and falsely boast that Iran "fought alone" in the war without outside support.
Pakistani scientists Abdul Quadeer Khan even risked his life by sharing nuclear technology with Iran, another fact ignored by many Iranians.
Instead, Iran maintains excellent relations with India, sponsors protests against the treatment of Shias in Pakistan, when they have never protested against the oppression of their fellow Kashmiri Muslims by India or when Iran is known for it's discriminatory treatment of it's Sunni population. Iran has even lend India airbases within it's borders.

Imagine the reaction by the Arab and the Iranian regimes if Pakistan opened full diplomatic relations with Israel and allowed it to use Pakistani airbases. It's hypocrisy.
Yet all over the internet and public protests Pakistanis can be found all over, vigorously defending Iran in enriching it's nuclear program.

Another common phenomenon amongst Pakistanis is to claim Arab, Persian or Turkish ancestry. Some go as far as to claim direct descent from the Prophet Muhammad.
As I explained in this post, there was minor mixing with Arabs, Turko-Mongols (not the ones from Anatolia) and Persians, the majority still remain the same.

As the haplogroup maps below show, the distribution of the Semitic haplogroup J1 is very insignificant:



Even the Mughals, who were mostly Mongoloid belonged to haplogroup Q and it's subclades, invalidating Pakistani claims Mughal ancestry.
Sadly enough, there are even movements in Pakistan to make Arabic or Farsi the national language because some Pakistanis have decided to make Undri the scapegoat for all the linguistic tensions in the country and to "bring Pakistanis closer to their Muslim 'brothers'", which I decried and refuted such bias against Undri.

Having good relations with countries in our region is important for political and economic benefits. But this unconditional love and sacrifice for Middle Eastern people will take Pakistanis nowhere. It will gain us nothing and will only bring us losses.
As an example, Pakistan supported the Arabs during the Arab-Israeli wars and sold Iran missiles to aim at Israel.

Israel has been (probably in retaliation) selling India sophisticated weapons technology and actively been training Indian troops in Kashmir. Had Pakistan stayed out of other peoples conflicts, Israel might not have sided with India
Even in 2005-2006, Pakistan's government gave three million dollars to the Palestinian authority when there are millions of Pakistanis sitting on the streets starving and living in worse conditions then many Palestinians.

This money could have to improve living conditions for Pakistanis at home or even gone to Pakistani workers in Gulf countries who go unpaid for months and rely on bank loans to survive. Some even commit suicide to escape the unbearable slave-like conditions created by their greedy Arab employees.

Somewhere this inferiority complex towards Middle Eastern people has to stop if Pakistan is to progress as a nation.

Pak independent: Pakistanis suck up to Middle Easterners
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We Pakistanis need to stop worrying about these people. They don't care about us. If India takes over our country not one Arab nation nor the Iranians will will send their troops to defend us. We can't progress as a nation by supporting other nations in the name of Islam, when we don't get the same respect and when our own people are suffering. We need to move on and have pride in ourselfs and make our country the best in the world instead of looking to others.

Has any Arab nation or the Iranians given us support to fight the terrorism in our country. Have they condemned it?

I see some people here who hate the U.S.A. but they don't realize the U.S.A. wants to see us live and prosper. The U.S.A. is our best friend in this world.

I see some people here with Adolf Hitler as their username or Adolf Hitler quotes in their posts. Don't these people realize that Adolf Hitler would have executed us without any hesitation? We are not Arabs, he would have put us in the gas chamber with the Jews.
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