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Report: Saudis may allow Israel's use of air space

Fighting Iran after 8 years of two wars will be different to fighting Iraq in 1991 which lasted 4 days of ground action, unless US is only having airstrike and no occupation
Who says the US must occupy Iran? You?
so we will soon see more innocent deaths. May god help us all. Its not iran nuclear program. Its just iran is harsh on someone's Bitc H. Also their are news that US is moving bunker buster to attack iran.
so we will soon see more innocent deaths. May god help us all. Its not iran nuclear program. Its just iran is harsh on someone's Bitc H. Also their are news that US is moving bunker buster to attack iran.
For what? And why should the owner stand idle?
Soudi is the most powerful islamic country
You think:cheesy:, what about Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, in which only Pakistan is a nuclear power, Yes Saudi have the most defense budget more then that of India, in Islamic countries but still they have no high tech indigenous stuff in their arsenal :disagree:
That opinion and judgment is after the fact. What matter is perception and whether Iran is perceived as a threat or not. A good example is before the Kuwaiti invasion. Iraq claimed that Kuwaiti oil machinations harmed Iraqi interests and therefore Kuwait was perceived, at least claimed so by Saddam Hussein, as a threat. If Saudi Arabia deemed a nuclear Iran a sufficient threat, and if others in the region agreed, then Iran is a threat. An Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear facilities will be seen by all as a benefit.

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) was created as regional authority and by their consensus, Iraq deserved support in a war against Iran. In short, what happened then was dictated regionally.

Not much respect for Fisk from me. Fisk's so called 'analysis' often received so much discredits that a new Internet slang was created...

Fisking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The word 'fisking' or to have been 'fisked' is now derogatory implying the target contain sloppy research, is grossly biased and has blatant disregard for proper contexts. Robert Fisk have been 'fisked' many times over.

What will happen is that all the countries that gave tacit approval for that Israeli strike will also crack down on internal transit routes that Iranian agents uses to provide material support for Hezbollah. It will make it difficult for Iran to retaliate against Israel through terrorism. Not saying impossible, just more difficult. Iranian missiles are not as accurate as Iranian propaganda claimed. If Iran launches them, other ME countries will also be hit as 'collateral damages'. And what happen if an errant Iranian ballistic missile hit or even damages either Medina or Mecca if Iran decides to retaliate against Saudi Arabia for allowing Israel airspace passage?

I am saying that nationalism still trump any supposedly religious unity, that Iranian oil problems will benefit Saudi oil profits in the long run, and that the Saudi clerics would rather see Jews than muslims attack Iran, an theological aberrant muslim country.

Lebanon was used by the Palestinians to attack Israel.

The Avalon Project - Laws of War : Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers and Persons in Case of War on Land (Hague V); October 18, 1907

Article 1 is respected only if Articles 2 through 5 are enforced by Lebanon. Failure or refusal to enforce Articles 2 through 5 in one's own sovereign territory tantamount to the surrender of sovereignty to foreign powers for the purpose of waging a war that said neutral party claimed to be absent from. In short, failure or refusal to enforce Articles 2 through 5 equals to an indirect declaration of participation in said conflict and alliance to one side.


What the regional monarchs and elite will do is for all to see, and any ones guess at present. How the population will react that is another issue.
What the Israelis have done is Lebanon cant be excused because the Palestinians did something from there. As an occupying force it was Israelis responsibility to safeguard the locals from harm. But then how can we expect that from the people who kill the Palestinians day in day out with out any reason.

On the Israel and Iran thing I meant to say that I am sure that the Israelis don't let a chance go to harm Iran, and there have been many press releases regarding Israeli covert ops in Iran. you can find many on Google.

There is no conclusion to this argument and as I said we can just wait and see what happens.
What the Israelis have done is Lebanon cant be excused because the Palestinians did something from there. As an occupying force it was Israelis responsibility to safeguard the locals from harm.
Lebanon lost territorial sovereignty and was effectively coerced into a war. Israel was not the only occupying power, an interested party in a war, in Lebanon. There were Lebanese, Syrian as well as PLO forces divided up the country.

But then how can we expect that from the people who kill the Palestinians day in day out with out any reason.
Spare me the hyperboles.

On the Israel and Iran thing I meant to say that I am sure that the Israelis don't let a chance go to harm Iran, and there have been many press releases regarding Israeli covert ops in Iran. you can find many on Google.
Right of response. If Iran said there is a 'right' to conduct a low intensity proxy war against Israel, then Israel can say there is a 'right' to reciprocate. The nuclear option escalated the intensity of the conflict. There is no guarantee perceived, not just by Israel, but by the international community, that Iran will not build a nuclear weapon.
Lebanon lost territorial sovereignty and was effectively coerced into a war. Israel was not the only occupying power, an interested party in a war, in Lebanon. There were Lebanese, Syrian as well as PLO forces divided up the country.

Spare me the hyperboles.

Right of response. If Iran said there is a 'right' to conduct a low intensity proxy war against Israel, then Israel can say there is a 'right' to reciprocate. The nuclear option escalated the intensity of the conflict. There is no guarantee perceived, not just by Israel, but by the international community, that Iran will not build a nuclear weapon.

You have your opinions and I have mine. You have decided to turn a blind eye to the facts as per me and I am sure that you probably think the same of me as well. So lets agree to disagree. We will pick it up some other day. Hope you have fun enjoy your day and have a nice one.
Why all the hate for Saudi Arabia? I bet you guys didn't know when India tested its nuclear bomb and Pakistan was contemplating whether to test its nuclear bomb Saudi Arabia told Pakistan that it will give us 50,000 free barrels of oil per day and other aid to help cope with the economic sanctions that would ensue if we tested. And they did. Oh I bet everybody forgot that Saudi Arabia was the main financer of our nuclear weapon's program. Perhaps everybody overlooked the fact Saudi Arabia was Pakistan's strongest supporter in every single way during our wars with India.

What has Iran done for us? Certainly not as much as Saudi Arabia has done for us. Certainly not at much at all. Anybody think of that?

Some of you people are an embarassment.
You are right my friend, but why give a way for US to attack Iran??, "In Islam the command of non-Muslims over Muslims in not admissible":disagree:
what will be Pakistan reaction

Don't worry about us! I am sure that unlike your country we will take a stance, we wont come out with a hypocritical statement saying we don't condone but we don't condemn either.
You are right my friend, but why give a way for US to attack Iran??, "In Islam the command of non-Muslims over Muslims in not admissible":disagree:

Iran will be a threat to the Arab world and Pakistan if it develops these nuclear weapons. I must repeat myself - It is not in the best interest of Pakistan for Iran to develop nuclear weapons.
Well, this is just disgusting if it is true.

I hope not. I know that Arabs and Persians have tensions running against each other but this is just going way too far.
Propaganda forsure i don't think they will allow there airspace not cuz they like or love Iran cuz they can't risk being attacked by Iran and its missles for allowing the israel to use there airspace to attack Iran .. Although saudi's are 2 face i hate to say it they are another american puppet nation .
before accusing jews for their propaganda, please see the source, its iranian propagandist press TV :disagree:

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