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The myth of an invincible Israel

Yeah, in the same way as Hitlers army never retreated, they just straightened the front all the way from Kursk to Berlin. :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:.
Very bad comparison.
I suggest to go have some serious facts from both sides on the 1973 conflict and than come back for a discussion if there will still be any need for that.
I suggest you start, your comments about Syria not losing is hilarious.

The campaign in the Golan Heights is well known.
Syria attacked with 1000+ tanks & other armoured vehicles.
Got most of them destroyed and retreated, with Israelis in pursuit,

Valley of Tears - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Sound to me like the "Elastic Defense" as described by Goebbels in 1944/45.

Think Syria was the one getting the real lesson in this war.
Egypt achieved their (limited) goals early in the war, giving Israelis a shock which lasted long after the war.
With stalemate in Sinai, Syria in deep trouble, the Egyptians threw away the victory, to help the Syrians.
With significant help from US inventory, Israel crossed the canal, surrounded the third army,
but was stopped from annihilating it by Kissinger.

End result, peace negotiations resulting in a peace agreement between Israel and Egypt,
which is a Win-Win. Egypt decides to align themselves with the US.

This leaves the US as the real winners, with Israel and Egypt a little behind, and Syria/Soviet
as the loosers.
i dont know why so many forget that after isreal crossing the canal they attacked suez and ismalia and failed facing smaller numbers of defending Egyptians this maybe made them surround the 3rd army and never attacking in this war they realized what the Egyptian army can do from day 1 in the war and our army was doing the best he can even after sadat was forced to order the army to attack without air cover or ground air defence to save syrians and we had reserves and elite republican guards in cairo also our air force did not lose alot and they were ready to support our army
Yom Kippur War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
i dont know why so many forget that after isreal crossing the canal they attacked suez and ismalia and failed facing smaller numbers of defending Egyptians this maybe made them surround the 3rd army and never attacking in this war they realized what the Egyptian army can do from day 1 in the war and our army was doing the best he can even after sadat was forced to order the army to attack without air cover or ground air defence to save syrians and we had reserves and elite republican guards in cairo also our air force did not lose alot and they were ready to support our army

No, that's not forgotten. Israel had a lot more respect for Egypt after the war.
Egypt did a good job, until as you say, its army abandoned a winning position to help out Syria.
The commanders of the two armies across the canal were apparently fired after the war.
That is not what is happening in winning armies.
A lot of upheaval in Israel as well, but that is because they had higher expectations.

This is the official history. I agree to this, and I suggest people get this changed permanently,
If they disagree, instead of arguing here.

Yom Kippur War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We are not talking about the 1967 war your first map is from that era.
how can The Usraelis encircle the third Egyptian Army with the second Egyptian army is on their flank? think
Why don't you say that in 67, JEWS attacked by surpise as Hitler?
This is ridiculous to term any country invincible. The Israelis made some serious errors (including intelligence failure which was their one of the strongest instruments of warfare) in '73 war. The Arab had a brilliant plan.Though it was poorly executed the Israelis spent difficult times on field. The Israelis are tough nuts to crack and anybody who does not want to believe it may live in his own "Alice in wonderland."
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