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Sir, with respect. Every reference to reproductive capability is not negative or vulgar. After all everything is part of creation. Please take it in context. I agree that "rectum juice" is gross and vulgar but "take a spin on my Pappu" is irreverent and funny. It really captures the spirit of this poster and I don't think it would offend anyone other than the most Victorian prude - what do you say?
Post no 36,first three lines.I was referring to that-

Isn't that the whole point of participation in a forum? Otherwise, why be here at all?
Sir,we are here to learn and discuss defence and millitary related issues.This forum is dedicated to all those people around the world,who are capable to think,while working at offices,their research labs or at home.These people- who are worried with the growing issues of world today.We want to encourage them,so that they could raise their kids with some vision and so that they and their kids live and grow with some vision.Who knows that what and who will become transformed and lead us towards the solution?
..and even if,we are not agreeing with such leadership theory,might be this will develop at least some discipline and patience to hear and understand each other?

Sir, with respect. Every reference to reproductive capability is not negative or vulgar. After all everything is part of creation. Please take it in context. I agree that "rectum juice" is gross and vulgar but "take a spin on my Pappu" is irreverent and funny. It really captures the spirit of this poster and I don't think it would offend anyone other than the most Victorian prude - what do you say?

It is India's street/slumdog society which has made most Indians relatively comfortable using vulgar terms in almost every conversation.
This is not the case elsewhere in the world, I'm afraid.
It is India's street/slumdog society which has made most Indians relatively comfortable using vulgar terms in almost every conversation.
This is not the case elsewhere in the world, I'm afraid.
You're sullying a nation.
I hope you know that it's because of such blanket statements that your country and mine have earned a certain "reputation" in the world.
You should not judge a nation by the signature of an online member.
@Slav Defence

My dear, Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one and it's fine to be proud of it, but its problem when you start waving it on others face or try to shove it in others back.

Sir did you mean this one?

Let me say how I see this post- off color language is being used to make a point that religion should be a private matter and not to be forced on anyone. This is off color no doubt but it is also useful to emphasize what is actually an important statement. IMO it adds color and interest, Many people would find it funny. Plus wasn't that the signature of a Pakistani poster for months? I don't remember the guys name but he has a picture of Salvadore Dali as his DP, so if it was OK then?

Juxtapose that against below quote-

Now this I would agree is pointless, crude, juvenile and the idiot deserves to be banned.

Nah, rosey is all together different.

#64 -disgusting , pointless, idiotic
@Slav Defence

Sir did you mean this one?

Let me say how I see this post- off color language is being used to make a point that religion should be a private matter and not to be forced on anyone. This is off color no doubt but it is also useful to emphasize what is actually an important statement. IMO it adds color and interest, Many people would find it funny. Plus wasn't that the signature of a Pakistani poster for months? I don't remember the guys name but he has a picture of Salvadore Dali as his DP, so if it was OK then?

Juxtapose that against below quote-

Now this I would agree is pointless, crude, juvenile and the idiot deserves to be banned.

This is not my post its a singnature of a member and i don't understande what is your point.
This is not my post its a singnature of a member and i don't understande what is your point.
I thought this was the reference slav defence made as being crude? Is it the wrong one?
yes he is refering all members not singal out Indians get his point why he refer this post otherwise there are lot abusive posts of your Doc
Ok sure, I don't know the full story - so I am leaving this thread.

I was just making my point that censoring every mild joke or personality kink will make this place very boring.

Peace out Dude !

You have a great rest of the day.
@Ifrit is so very annoying. She make senseless threads and when some one mock her (considering girls have this kind of nature, no offense if someone feel bad) she start tagging mods.
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