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Report Abusive IDs / Dps and Signatures

Ifrit the verdict is here. I believe you have accomplished your goal. :partay:
No @Slav Defence I must admit I do not really know you too well.

Should I?

I don't think we've ever even spoken to each other, so curious.

Cheers, Doc
Ifrit the verdict is here. I believe you have accomplished your goal. :partay:
My goal was just to bring abusive things to mods notice i swear to God its not against any persons but the abusers. But they they attack me would change my thinking they abuse me pull my legs bring many things call me banned member umair nawaz and many more. The gang should be eleminated. ASAP

Signature worked well, mission accomplished and got sahadat in this unholy world.

People can't see suffering of bigots and low IQ trolls on this kind platform. Your intolerance toward them is unacceptable.
Mr @vsdoc
Well,you know me,I don't pay heed to every complain unless they are really something to be considered.
I must say that you must mind your language. You are not the only human with reproductive capability,lol,every specie on earth is granted with such authority,so that they could shift not only their blue prints,their program but also their culture and habits to establish identical colonies.
This is the basic foundation on basis of which we are able to attain identity as different recognizable nations .At this point,I do appreciate @Syed.Ali.Haider. No matter what he says,he do speaks with tameez.So it is mandatory.

Sir, with respect. Every reference to reproductive capability is not negative or vulgar. After all everything is part of creation. Please take it in context. I agree that "rectum juice" is gross and vulgar but "take a spin on my Pappu" is irreverent and funny. It really captures the spirit of this poster and I don't think it would offend anyone other than the most Victorian prude - what do you say?
Sir, with respect. Every reference to reproductive capability is not negative or vulgar. After all everything is part of creation. Please take it in context. I agree that "rectum juice" is gross and vulgar but "take a spin on my Pappu" is irreverent and funny. It really captures the spirit of this poster and I don't think it would offend anyone other than the most Victorian prude - what do you say?
Lol why dont you take a spin on his pappu- lets see how much you enjoy it- lol
Lol why dont you take a spin on his pappu- lets see how much you enjoy it- lol


Only I decide who spins on my pappu.

No need to clamor.

It's a big pappu, with room for many.
Lol why dont you take a spin on his pappu- lets see how much you enjoy it- lol
Dude, it is supposed to be funny - in reality it is not possible for anyone to spin on a Pappu. Lighten up - that is all I am saying. It would be a sad world to live in if all our politically correct jokes had to go through a censorship committee.

C'mon dude - I know you like to laugh too.
Dude, it is supposed to be funny - in reality it is not possible for anyone to spin on a Pappu. Lighten up - that is all I am saying. It would be a sad world to live in if all our politically correct jokes had to go through a censorship committee.

C'mon dude - I know you like to laugh too.
I dont need no riding on some ones puppy to laugh- on other hand you are laughing, enjoying and defending someone's puppy and invitation to spin- so why dont you just take the offer-
I dont need no riding on some ones puppy to laugh- on other hand you are laughing, enjoying and defending someone's puppy and invitation to spin- so why dont you just take the offer-
OK let us leave it to Slavdefence to decide, after all, it is his call not yours or mine. If we censor every joke no matter how mild, force every personality into a straight jacket moral code, in a very short time we will have a world in which no one laughs, no one is interesting, everything is black or white. I know I would not want to live in one like that.
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