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Remove Pakistan Completely: Bharat Verma

Lets not be dragged too far away in history , we were defeated in 1971 - had a balanced warfare result in 48 - 65. Germans lost two world wars so what ?

Situation post 1998 is different , we have the capability to change the above sentence and replace "Pakistan" with "India".

That capability exists with anyone who has a text editor with a Find and replace Functionality... So ?
Let's say India has lot of business with Pakistan and there is risk that if India didn't give up IOK than they will lose the business, So - by your logic India won't risk the business?

The Underlined words dont make sense , Try some Other Example

This Article is Crap anyway , Why Listen to someone Like Bharat Verma
Well he was Talking About ' Chinese will get Into war with India if India attacks Pakistan '

Chinese even Didnt Supported them In 1999 Kargil Misadventure , Now please Dont tell me that Pakistan Army was Not involved in Kargil

It's a skirmish. Pakistan could handle that.
I wonder what would happen if China does get involved. Do you remember how your Generals jumped crying when he mistakenly took Chinese workers in Kashmir as PLA personnel.
Lets not be dragged too far away in history , we were defeated in 1971 - had a balanced warfare result in 48 - 65. Germans lost two world wars so what ?

Situation post 1998 is different , we have the capability to change the above sentence and replace "Pakistan" with "India".

In 1971 China was in the Cultrual Revolution, you just can't count on that happen again in the future.
Once Pakistan gets a "real" leadership, we will be back on track and up to par with India. If India wants to annihilate Pakistan, now is the right time. Don't let the opportunity go to waste - give us your best shot! :cheesy: :pakistan:
^ :rofl: ^

inn dono ko ek pinjray mey band kardena chahyea, fir dekho tu tu mey mey ka tamasha, better than any catfight :argh::angel::argh:

then pinjra dooooooooooooooooooooooooor samnder main daal ker ana chayee P-8 nya liya hai test kero na bhai is trah .lets cheack the range of P8 hahahahahha
Once Pakistan gets a "real" leadership, we will be back on track and up to par with India. If India wants to annihilate Pakistan, now is the time. Don't let the opportunity go to waste - give us your best shot! :cheesy:

btw, Bharat Verma (idiot) is not recommending a direct attack on Pakistan.. Just gentle nudges to speed up Pakistan on the road its already on.. I can see his POV, but extremely misguided. If what he says becomes a reality, Pakistan will become another Afghanistan and all the problems being faced by Pakistan today due to proximity to Afghanistan will become India's problems due to proximity to Pakistan (or what ever is(are) the name(s) of the new country(ies)
IDR editors must be asleep at the wheel - it was jst silly to forward this kind of stuff for publication and imagine that ordinary readers will find any merit in it.

Come on , i expect an analysis from you not a dumb 1 and a half liner ! - So you reckon we should kiss each other and go to sleep wile IDR and other Think Tanks who have genuine following in Indian Military Structure weave a web of destruction for us and plan to bring war to our families ?
I don't agree with Bharat Verma. Who is going to pay for the cost of the war? Is Bharat Verma? Who is going to be accountable to the lives lost in this war?? Going to war is the absolute last resort. A stable Pakistan is in India's interest as it then would free up resources that could be used up for the development of the country.
It's a skirmish. Pakistan could handle that.
I wonder what would happen if China does get involved. Do you remember how your Generals jumped crying when he mistakenly took Chinese workers in Kashmir as PLA personnel.

You really Saw them Jumping and Crying ? Strange

and Do you Remeber What happened Recently in South China , Forget it lets not bring that here.

Point is China wont Get itself involved if a War broke Between India and Pak , Unless there is U.S Invlolvement

The help will be Limited to Weapons Supply
Just in case if anyone hasn't noticed , BV does tell what to do but does not say "how to". According to his assessment Pakistan is on a brink of collapse. My question would be , when was the last time when Indians were actually not thinking the same thing in last 60 years ?

India cannot achieve any of its objectives through military means , all they can do is try to destabilize Pakistan internally which they are doing. 1000 cuts to Pakistan maybe painful but wont be fatal , if Pakistan as per BV theory was to disintegrate it would already have done so 5 years ago.

BV consistently underestimates us , which is rather good for Pakistan , its not everyday you get an enemy who underestimates you.
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