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Remove Pakistan Completely: Bharat Verma

Yes you are right, as ur display name say u are in illusion.So get out of it .and see the real world.

My advice to you would be the same Bro. looks like you believe it, best of luck with that.

Edit: This article is crap, every society has loonies.
Bharat Verma is a vestige of irrelevant past and is fast becoming PASSE. He should best be ignored.
Where were you in 1965 where were in 71 and aahh how can I forget Kargil all these times Pak was standing alone all these times having their a$$$ whopped by us. :woot: . And dude don't bother about others when you are yourself having a hard time with us.

Too much dreams not good. In 65 & Kargil it was Pakistan who blew your @$$3$.
Too much dreams not good. In 65 & Kargil it was Pakistan who blew your @$$3$.

Get ur facts corrected, we the LOC and following happened.

Eleven years after the Kargil war, the Pakistan Army has quietly included the names of 453 soldiers and officers who were killed during the conflict on its website.

The 453 Pakistani soldiers are shown as killed in the Batalik-Kargil sector in Jammu and Kashmir.

Indians want war than let it be we ruled them for thousand years and we don't have problem to do it again very soon INSHALLAH
Too much dreams not good. In 65 & Kargil it was Pakistan who blew your @$$3$.

Make up your Mind ,
Sometime u guys say that Pakistan was not involved in Kargil , They were Kashmiris Fighting against Indian army , and You are Contradicting it

I dont believe it anymore.

Last thing we want is to drag China into a war , We are not Israel , don't drag friends into conflicts , we will fight to the death for our survival if India invades - by ourselves !

Dont worry , u got no friends to fight ur war either. China did not do **** in 1971
For most of the Indians Pak is nothing but a nation which plots terror strikes on India and a nation which got seperated from us back in 1947.IF TERROR STRIKES STOPS IN INDIA do you think these people will even be bother to care or know anything about Pak??? Dude we want to develop and want to reach at the top why will be bother about Pak.

Same thing here, for most Pakistanis Ind is nothing but a nation who supports terrorists against Pakistan, BLA TTP etc are few examples, also known for occupying Pakistani lands of Kashmir, Junagadh & Manavadar, Hyderabad Deccan. Pakistan ignored Junagadh & Manavadar, Hyderabad Deccan issues because they were in middle of India or have Hindus in majority but not Kashmir & only if Kashmir gets solve Pakistan won't bother for you.

BTW Pakistan was always a free country & never ever a part of India. 1947 India tried to make Pakistan & India one country but Pakistan chooses to remain indepandant as before.
India is not interested in what Pakistan stands for and is not bothered about the internal turbulence. Some idiots like BV shoot from the hip to gain some cheap publicity. As long as Pakistan leave India alone, we have nothing to do with Pakistan.

On the other hand , had Pakistan not been waging war on India, both directly or though its proxies since its inception , I don't thinkBharat Verma would have found interest for such dire proposal for the future of Pakistan.
Didnt the then Prime minister of Pakistan put the figures of Pakistani deaths at a number of 4000 or so ?

He was send to exile the very next moment for speaking that.. He returned recently i guess.

Now the guy who send him exile is on exile.
A strong Pakistan is in China Interest, Pakistan is our Arc into the Muslim World, Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, China's energy needs etc etc Pakistan won' be going anywhere.
Lets not be dragged too far away in history , we were defeated in 1971 - had a balanced warfare result in 48 - 65. Germans lost two world wars so what ?

Situation post 1998 is different , we have the capability to change the above sentence and replace "Pakistan" with "India".

i disagree
if you have the N bomb this doesn't make you capable to fight a war by your self. the term War is referred to all kinds of war, Proxy war, covert operation, sabotage, biological warfare, diplomacy and etc.
You only have close to equal hand with India only in N war but on the other side the rest of the capabilities are still very imbalanced. The N war is the last scenario and to avoid that proxy war and other kind of destabilization is already happening in your country, who is doing I do not know. I do not think there will be a point of time when we will be launching N tipped missiles on each-other.
A strong Pakistan is in China Interest, Pakistan is our Arc into the Muslim World, Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, China's energy needs etc etc Pakistan won' be going anywhere.

The fact is otherwise.

A unstable pakistan means more dependent on china for survival as the other option USA is not there.

So if not India-pakistan frendship + no USA + unstable pakistan = more good for china as china takes it as business.
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