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Remembering Martyrs of 26/11

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I hope your banned, scumbags like you should be shot at sight before your corrupt society with your demonic attitudes.

Using abusive language just shows your depravity. You have been reported to the admins.

Lest we forget..
The fact is that there hasn't been too much evidence against him, which is why he has not been convicted in a court of law. Just because you think he is guilty doesnt make him guilty. And let me also say this - I am not a Modi supporter, and I have serious issues with some of the anti muslim things he has said at one time. But you cannot convict him just because yu think he actualy had a hand in it. For that, you need solid evidence.

I didn't generalize. And you weren't responding to another member when you said the "we muslims" bit, you were replying to me. Go back and check.

I'm glad you think of people as humans first and anything else next - you have to understand that in India, that is also state policy, unlike in pakistan. And by this I am not trying to start a my country better than yours thing, I am trying to point out to you that that is what all of us are taught even in 4th grade. And that is what you don;t seem to understand, when you asked that question about does our blood boil for the muslims killed in Gujarat.

Also: I haven't followed the Modi thread, and I know there are a lot of Modi supporters here. But did anyone there actually say that the deaths of muslims did not matter to them? Because that is what you implied when you asked "does your blood boil for them".

I didn't intend to derail the thread by referring to Modi case, just made my point that his popularity despite his damaged image in India makes me sick.

My first post in this thread challenges the idea that Karkare was killed by the terrorists. I expect a civil response, people who debate me on the issue. But some Uncle ji insulted me calling me a 'low life troll'. Then came another post saying "pakistani scumbags" post 19). Well I'm a Pakistani and I feel offended!Don't forget that this is a Pakistani forum. Refer to those involved as 'terrorists' and expect a normal and intellectual response.

You have the right to lecture me in an open debate, I don't mind but do not patronize me because of my age.
So far the responses are an attempt to kill the messenger but not the message.
you are a scumbag and will remain one, your much more than that but I dont want to spoil this thread any further.

Funny how fast you edited your post when you finally realized your hypocrisy and now resort to name calling. Real mature... You sir ruined the thread yourself so please don't blame on others.
If you click the link on 'cry' before replying with nonsense, you'll realize the hypocrisy you and your people deny 24/7.

u can't compare the people who died in Kashmir o those who are killed in Mumbai
People who died in Kashmir were used as puppets by extremist leaders, they took the law n order in their hands. They were constantly attacking police personal, as a result there were clash between extremist and police
But Mumbai was a brutal terrorist attack
u can't compare the people who died in Kashmir o those who are killed in Mumbai
People who died in Kashmir were used as puppets by extremist leaders, they took the law n order in their hands. They were constantly attacking police personal, as a result there were clash between extremist and police
But Mumbai was a brutal terrorist attack

Yeah that's definitely reason enough to ignore suffering on a human being. After all, in your mind Indian blood is much more precious than Kishmiri. To you they are not even humans, am i right?
You reap what you sow

May god give courage to the ones while reaping who have sowed.

Breedom fighters, Martyers................. my foot.
I didn't intend to derail the thread by referring to Modi case, just made my point that his popularity despite his damaged image in India makes me sick.

My first post in this thread challenges the idea that Karkare was killed by the terrorists. I expect a civil response, people who debate me on the issue. But some Uncle ji insulted me calling me a 'low life troll'. Then came another post saying "pakistani scumbags" post 19). Well I'm a Pakistani and I feel offended!Don't forget that this is a Pakistani forum. Refer to those involved as 'terrorists' and expect a normal and intellectual response.

You have the right to lecture me in an open debate, I don't mind but do not patronize me because of my age.
So far the responses are an attempt to kill the messenger but not the message.

It was me who called you a low life troll, not anybody else. And that is exactly what you did, peddling conspiracy theories without a shred of evidence. And as I already told you once, I cannot engage in a serious debate when all you showed yourself capable of doing was peddling the theories you want to believe, rather than the truth. If there was any reasoning or evidence for your assertions, I could have engaged in a debate. But don;t even try, that theory that Karkare was murdered by Indian interests is not something you will actually find any evidence for, other than from pakistani channles like Zaid Hamid's show.

And I'll modify what I said earlier about you, that you are not worth engaging with. Your subsequent posts show that you may actually be capable of enlightened discussion. But if you really do want to do that, examine your beliefs and try to find any supporting evidence for your assertions about Karkare. If and when you do that, I will be happy to analyse the evidence and discuss it.

I know it hurts to believe that it was your countrymen who did this horrible atrocity, and it makes you feel better to believe that it was all some grand conspiracy by your enemy. But as i said before, always ask yourself whether you are believing something because it makes you feel better, or because of evidence.
you are a scumbag and will remain one, your much more than that but I dont want to spoil this thread any further.

Easy to be abusive behind the safety of computer as a anonymous entity. People like are not that brave in real life.
Still Some People are In Denial and Calls 26/11 as an 'Inside Job' when Only Recently The Pakistani 'Memo' Issue which Caught Glimpses across the World has Pakistani President Accepting Involvement of Handlers from Pakistan in 26/11 and was Ready to Hand over them to India fearing Military Coup !!

Salute To The Bravehearts and Remember 'Every Action has Reaction' , the Live of Martyrs Wont go In vain and The Eniemies shall be Brought to Justice !
Yeah that's definitely reason enough to ignore suffering on a human being. After all, in your mind Indian blood is much more precious than Kishmiri. To you they are not even humans, am i right?
all I want to say that anybody who takes law n order in his hand should be severely punished whether he is in Punjab, Kashmir or any where in Country. No Mercy for criminals
all I want to say that anybody who takes law n order in his hand should be severely punished whether he is in Punjab, Kashmir or any where in Country. No Mercy for criminals

Step out of dreamland where your occupation forces are angelic fighting forces of evil. In real world your angelic forces kill civilians who take up arms for vengeance. These occupation forces are facing the backlash of their own torture (Justice in your words).

Indeed no mercy for criminals.
Anyone who dies for a cause or his must be regarded, but these wrong thing made this thread worse. The initator must remove the name and pic of the person who is disputed to settle it out.
Lets not forget the Indian Terrorist Murderers of Samjhota Express Martyred Passengers:

This just reveals the Hypocrisy of Indians as they don't have a leg to stand on:

The Daily Mail’s investigations reveal that Indian investigation agencies under instructions of the then National Security Adviser (NSA) N.K. Narayanan deliberately overlooked the known involvement of Indian Military Intelligence(MI) and ultra-right wing Hindu terrorist outfit ‘Abhinav Bharat’ (Dominant India) in a string of terrorist acts, including the Samjhauta Express train blast (February 2007). Pakistani passengers were targeted in the Samjhauta Express that killed 68 persons including 42 Pakistan nationals. The investigations had established Indian Military Intelligence and Hindutva terrorist role but the Indian government placed wraps over the facts as disclosure of this sinister nexus would have exposed its lie to the world.

The Daily Mail’s investigations reveal that New Delhi has been portraying itself as a victim of “Pakistan sponsored terrorism,” which is actually the handy work of its own Military Intelligence in connivance with the home-grown Saffron terrorists.
These investigations indicate that witnesses had told the investigators that the RDX used in Samjhauta blasts was supplied by MI officer, Lt. Col Purohit procured by him from the Army Ordinance Depot in the Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK). The investigations further reveal that the sophisticated locking mechanism used by the Indian Army was employed for all these blasts. According to the official Indian sources, the Hindutva terror outfits were trained in making sophisticated Low Intensity Explosive Devices by the Army which are very lethal and effective but require less quantity of explosive material and same were used to trigger inferno in the Samjhauta Express. The same batch of SIM cards used in numerous blasts by Abhinav Bharat pointed to the link up of MI and the Hindutva terrorist outfit. Narayanan who in his capacity as NSA was the overall Chief of IB, RAW and Joint Intelligence Directorate that includes MI, at this point instructed the investigators to hush up the MI-Hindutva connection.
The Daily Mail’s findings further indicate that Samjhauta Express blasts occurred a day before Pakistan’s then foreign Minister Mahmud Kasuri was to arrive in New Delhi for the next round of talks. An important similarity of Samjhauta Express blasts to the Mumbai attacks on 26/11 is that this time Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mahmud Qureshi was in India for talks. Thus indicating an involvement of Hindu extremist in both the attacks with the purpose to sabotage Pakistan’s Foreign Ministers’ visits and the Pakistan India peace process.
These investigations further suggest that Indian investigating authorities were quick to blame Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammad. Even as late as February 2009 Indian Intelligence Bureau claimed LeT to be responsible for the Samjoutha blasts although MI-Hindutva connection was well known to New Delhi by that time. Despite a lapse of almost four years not a shred of information has been shared with Pakistan.
Malegoen 2008 blasts put Karkare on MI-Hindutva trail:
The daily mail’s findings indicate that more that one-and-half year after Samjhauta Express blasts another low-intensity bomb with powerful impact exploded in the small town of Malegaon, Maharashtra, on 29 September 2008, leaving six dead and several injured. It was this blast that put Maharashtra Anti Terrorist Squad (ATS)’s slain Chief Hemant Karkare on the trail of self-styled God-woman called Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur belonging to Abhinav Bharat. Pragya’s interrogation and calls’ data from her cell phone opened a Pandora’s Box. Her close associate Shamlal Sahu, 42, a commerce graduate, was first to be arrested on charges of planting the bomb. Shivnarayan Kalangasara Singh, 36, a science graduate, was arrested for setting a timer device in the bomb. Another science graduate, Sameer Kulkarni, 32, was arrested for his role in procuring chemicals for the bomb. The second big catch after Pragya was Maj (retd) Ramesh Upadhyay, 64, a resident of Pune. He had worked in the Indian Army’s Military Intelligence (MI) and had imparted training to those who had assembled the bombs planted in Malegoen. He had also headed the BJP’s ex-servicemen’s cell in Mumbai. The biggest fish was however, netted by Karkare on November 5, merely days ahead of 26/11 Mumbai attack, the first ever serving army officer, Lt. Col Purohit, belonging to MI, was arrested for procuring the RDX used in the blast. Arrest of Purohit however, proved more than Karkare could handle for he was later assassinated by Hindutva terrorists under the cover of Mumbai attack on 26/11. Congress Party’s Senior Secretary General Digvijay Singh has proved beyond doubt by showing phone records that Karkare called him merely a few hours before being assassinated saying he feared for his life as he was being threatened of dire consequences if he did not stop probe into the terrorist activities of MI and Saffron terrorist syndicates. Karkare requested assurance of security and safety for himself and his family requesting Digvijay to talk to the Congress high command. According to Digvijay his first reaction when he heard the news of Karkare’s assassination was “oh my God they (Saffron terrorists) have killed him”
Saffron Terror Tapes exposed MI-Hindutva nexus
The Daily Mail’s findings reveal that Karkare hit a minefield with the arrest of another Saffron operative Swami Dayanand Pandey alias Shankar Acharya-Shukhakar Dwivedi, on 14 November that completely exposed the MI and Abhinav Bharat link. Swami Pandey had a habit of recording all his conversations with his co-conspirators on his laptop. The ATS retrieved three videos and 37 audiotapes. These proved to be an unprecedented source of information. On 21 November, 5-days before 26/11 attack, Karkare questioned Pune’s RSS leader Shyam Apte, named in the tapes. By now RSS and Army were screaming calling Karakare’s line of investigations “blasphemous”.
The Audio tapes revealed a chilling landscape. Political bigwigs, RSS functionaries, Sangh Parivar activists, Hindutva terrorist outfits, as well as serving and retired Indian army officers all formed an integral part of the conspiracy. The tapes spilled vitriolic hate for Pakistan, Muslims and even Hindus who did not subscribe to their ultra right-wing communal vision. The Group had set up Abhinav Bharat with the intention of infiltrating and subverting every institution in the country, particularly the Armed Forces, bureaucracy, media, TV, films and civil society.
The Daily Mail’s investigations reveal that there are a total of ten serving and retired Indian army officers, whose names figure in the tapes. There are however, clear indications that the network has deep institutional roots in Indian army from top officers to the low levels of ordinary soldiers. At least four of the officers, named in the recordings have an MI background. Apart from Lt. Col Purohit and Maj Upadhyay, who are now in jail, there are names of General JJ Singh -Purohit’s mentor in Maratha Regiment, Brig Mathur (full name not known, but he was apparently posted at Deolali Cantonment near Nashik); Col Hasmukh Patel. A JNU graduate, Patel was commissioned into the Infantry Jat Regiment and later detailed with the MI. He is a specialist in threat analysis, background checks, physical- electronic-aviation security, vigilance, investigations, disaster management, negotiation and loss prevention. The investigators are understood to have questioned him recently. Col Shailesh Raikar is a retired commandant, who belonged to the Maratha Regiment. According to the recordings, Raikar was commander of the Bhosla Military Academy in Nashik. He provided academy facilities to Purohit and other Abhinav Bharat members for weapons training. Others named in the tapes are Col. Aditya Bappaditya Dhar ; Maj. Nitin Joshi and Maj. Prayag Modak. No concrete action is yet to be initiated by the investigators against them. Apart from these men, there is a Brig. Lajpat Prajwal, posted on deputation with the Nepal Army. According to the tapes, Purohit and Brig Prajwal had trained together at Indian Military Academy (IMA) and that Purohit was in constant touch with him for logistic support.
Although, Lt. Col Purohit has been arrested, Indian Army has still not proceeded against other officers involved or initiated court martial.
Israeli Nexus and Nepal Connection:
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that it has also been revealed that Lt. Col Purohit speaks in the recordings of sending thousands to Israel and Nepal for terrorist training. According to one Maharashtra ATS official “most of what Purohit says on the tapes about sending people to Nepal and Israel for training wasn’t taken seriously, and deliberately overlooked” adding “the entire truth on Purohit is still not out.” These recorded conversations between Lt. Col Purohit, Maj Ramesh Upadhyay, Col Dhar, Swamy Dayanand Pandey, BL Sharma; a two-time BJP MP, and RP Singh; an endocrinologist at Apollo Hospital and President of the World Hindu Federation, reveal diabolic conspiracies and hair raising terrorist activities. The World Hindu Federation also has active offices in US and Europe and collects enormous amounts of funds from the Non Resident Indians (NRIs), using these to promote communal agenda and terrorist activities. The transcript also sheds light on the links between Nepal’s deposed King Gyanendra and Indian Military Intelligence. Gyandendra took over after grisly murder of his brother King Birendra, under mysterious circumstances. Most Nepalese think King Birendra was got assassinated by Gyanendra with the help of Indian agents.
Here is an excerpt on the conversation on Israeli nexus:
LT COL PUROHIT: Swamiji, we haven’t spoken about certain things, but two operations have been done by us. One of our own officers has visited Israel for training and meeting and there was a very positive response… We demanded four things from Israel — continuous and uninterrupted supply of arms and training, our office with a saffron flag in Tel Aviv, political asylum and support for our cause of a Hindu Nation in the UN. Israel has asked us to show something on the ground and have promised at least a supply of arms and political asylum... I have a state-wise population of Muslims in each state but we need more arms and ammunition including AK-47s. We couldn’t buy much earlier because we didn’t have funds, now we have plenty.
MAJ UPADHYAY: AK-47 is available at Cox Bazaar in Gorakhpur, we can buy more from open sources as military weapons and ammunition can draw suspicion…
LT. COL PUROHIT: The Israelis ask us to give them proof of our involvement. What more proof do they need? We have completed two successful operations (investigators believe that Purohit was referring here to Samjhauta and Ajmer blasts).

MAJ UPADHYAY: Don’t forget, the Hyderabad blasts were also executed by our man.
Elsewhere in the tapes, Purohit elaborates on other sinister strategies the Abhinav Bharat group plans on adopting against Pakistan and Muslims — including shooting people under false identities to create mayhem.
“I know that the army and the BSF don’t complement each other’s action,” says Purohit. “Nor there is any coordination between the BSF, CRPF and state police. So if I buy two army vehicles from the scrap and paint them with army colours and send them along with our people in army uniform into Meerut, they can just fire and come out of the situation easily. There is so much confusion in this country.” The conversion betrays similar action taken by the Indian military intelligence when Purohit was posted in IOK. MI operatives and Abhinav Bharat members dressed in Army uniform, had slaughtered Sikh community members in Chattisinghpura, IOK, when former US President Clinton was visiting India in 2001 and blamed it on LeT.
The fact that these conversations were not recorded under police custody or during interrogation is significant. An IB official based in Mumbai has raised a pertinent question that Lt. Col Purohit cannot smuggle RDX and weapons from IOK Army depot on his own nor can he alone sponsor sending men for military training to Nepal and Israel.” Surley a wider involvement of MI is apparent. This question has even more alarming implications when one recalls that in the narco reports of Nanded blasts accused, Himanshu Panse and Sanjay Bhaurao Chaudhury, in 2006, the men clearly stated of how Army’s Col Chitaley alias Mithun Chakrabarty had trained them to make the IEDs for the blasts at the Sinhagad Fort. It may be recalled that Col Chitaley was the Chief Instructor in the Suicide Bombing Training Squad set up by RSS under General Premnath Hoon.
A senior Maharastra ATS Official disclosed that after Lt. Col Purohit’s arrest, there was a lot of pressure on them to downplay the role of the army. Army argued: “We were told we couldn’t lower the morale of officers posted in sensitive positions. It could have a backlash. But with more cases involving military intelligence officials coming out, confirmed a dangerous trend.” The MI is an important and lethal corps, even senior Army officers dread at its mere mention due to the arbitrary powers enjoyed by its personnel. MI especially focuses on destabilizing, conducting and sponsoring terrorist activities in Pakistan, China, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Middle East. Many MI cadre officers (Lt. Col Purohit was one of them) do not wear uniforms and work in conjunction with the IB, BSF (‘G’ Force) and other intelligence agencies. MI officials work in field formations and report to their respective commanders. Nobody, except the commander, would know they are part of MI. Sources disclosed that Lt. Col Purohit had learned Arabic at the Army Education Corps Training Centre and College in Pachmarhi, Madhya Pradesh, in order to coordinate with Al-Qaeda and Arab-Afghans. The disclosures of Lt. Col Purohit have exposed the Indian Army’s terrorist and communal overtones.
Swami Aseemanand’s Confession
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