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Religions must be Chinese in orientation: official

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I did some introspection, realised most of the time it wasn't our fault (unlike what I previously thought).

The word kafir means non Muslim. You are by definition a kafir. Just like I am by definition a Muslim, or a Salafi.

I thanked it because certain members started saying rude things about my faith. It's only fair to return the favour. We call this Qisas.

Sure doesn't look that way in Xianjiang, where Quran's are confiscated and calling your child Muhammad is a no-no.

This kind of failed introspection won't help all those innocent people being killed in the Muslim world as we speak.

Ironically the greatest threat to Muslims is not "Kafirs" but in fact other Muslims. Just look at the Middle East today.

Sure doesn't look that way in Xianjiang, where Quran's are confiscated and calling your child Muhammad is a no-no.

Lies from Radio Free Asia, which is a US foreign policy tool.
Let me explain Xianjiang muslims problem in an easiest way: Trouble makers deserve special treatment.

Seems to me like they're not the ones making the trouble here.

Even if some of them were, implementing collective punishment is just asking for Jihadists to launch attacks.
Jihadists are going to launch attacks anyway. Just look at the entire world.

Like I said, if you guys don't like it, treat us nicely and these attacks won't happen.

I'm not asking you to implement Sharia and bend over backwards or something. All you have to do is give us the same rights the US or UK does, but retain your policy of not attacking Muslims.
Seems to me like they're not the ones making the trouble here.

Even if some of them were, implementing collective punishment is just asking for Jihadists to launch attacks.

what can i expect from your view?
even if muslim kiiling non muslim, it's still not their fault.

that's why we put Iron Clad policy in Xinjiang
How about if you insult our beliefs by calling us Kafir?

Do you believe in Ancestor worship?

It's not an insult. An insult would be calling you dirty kafirs. The word kafir itself just means non believer.

No, I don't. But I won't tell all people who worship ancestors in my country that they can't name themselves after their ancestors, or continue to hold copies of their religious books. That's called being oppressive.

what can i expect from your view?
even if muslim kiiling non muslim, it's still not their fault.

that's why we put Iron Clad policy in Xinjiang

If a Muslim kills a kafir for no reason, that's a major sin.

Putting iron clad policy will only create more animosity between you and your country's Muslims.
Like I said, if you guys don't like it, treat us nicely and these attacks won't happen.

I'm not asking you to implement Sharia and bend over backwards or something. All you have to do is give us the same rights the US or UK does, but retain your policy of not attacking Muslims.
We punish whoever hurt our country's law and order, it doesn't matter they are Muslims or not. And do you not think that's totally our domestic affairs? Did China ever interfere with your country's internal affairs?
Jihadists are going to launch attacks anyway. Just look at the entire world.

Ironically they launch most of these attacks in Muslim countries themselves.

Many Muslim countries also like to bomb their fellow Muslims.

These Jihadists, as violent as they are, aren't hypocrites.
Like I said, if you guys don't like it, treat us nicely and these attacks won't happen.

I'm not asking you to implement Sharia and bend over backwards or something. All you have to do is give us the same rights the US or UK does, but retain your policy of not attacking Muslims.
I am afraid not. The non-muslim Chinese could not have the rights the US or UK people have. Why Chinese muslim people want more rights than other people.
Muslim people could not get the rights the US or UK give in their own nation. And jihads still launch attacks on US and UK.
We punish whoever hurt our country's law and order, it doesn't matter they are Muslims or not. And do you not think that's totally our domestic affairs? Did China ever interfere with your country's internal affairs?

No, you guys are clearly engaging in collective punishment, this is wrong. I could understand in certain circumstances, but the current one in Xinjiang doesn't merit it.

If Pakistan started mistreating Chinese people, believe me, you'd interfere.

there is no country muslim in China. Period!

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