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Religions must be Chinese in orientation: official

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Chinese members here tried to be polite when talking with muslims who wanted to convince them with their religion superiority. I said "tried" because we all know the dark side of your religion but pretended we don't when talk to you. Face the reality. It's not Chinese that need to change their culture. Your superiority complex won't make things better.
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Religions of Pakistan should also be Pakistani in orientation just like it's the case in Iran & KSA.
Well done!!!

I, for one, in-spite of all the brouhaha that goes around here between Indian and Chinese posters, absolutely appreciate the Chinese approach to religion.. They do have clear cut vision where they want to go as a society, which is not based on 1000s of year' old philosophies.. I don't want to say much because it'll hurt the religious ones, but I personally believe that it is high time now to confine religions (all religions i.e.) to where it belongs.. It is high time humans become humane in THIS WORLD, THIS LIFE first... All religions and religious philosophies are bringing only conflicts now a days, be it our right winged bhakts, centrist minority appeasing libterds or extreme no good leftists... All people should have free choice.. If I want to eat beef or pork, halal or non-halal, it should be of no concern to anybody else... It should be my and only my free choice.
Well done!!!

I, for one, in-spite of all the brouhaha that goes around here between Indian and Chinese posters, absolutely appreciate the Chinese approach to religion.. They do have clear cut vision where they want to go as a society, which is not based on 1000s of year' old philosophies.. I don't want to say much because it'll hurt the religious ones, but I personally believe that it is high time now to confine religions (all religions i.e.) to where it belongs.. It is high time humans become humane in THIS WORLD, THIS LIFE first... All religions and religious philosophies are bringing only conflicts now a days, be it our right winged bhakts, centrist minority appeasing libterds or extreme no good leftists... All people should have free choice.. If I want to eat beef or pork, halal or non-halal, it should be of no concern to anybody else... It should be my and only my free choice.

Well said,
Chinese members here tried to be polite when talking with muslims who wanted to convince them with their religion superiority. I said "tried" because we all know the dark side of your religion but pretended we don't when talk to you. Face the reality. It's not Chinese that need to change their culture. Your superiority complex won't make things better.

Why would we change anything?

Its the faith of over 1.7 billion people and growing quick spread over 50 muslim majority states and major minorities across the planet

Its the future for billions
Why would we change anything?

Its the faith of over 1.7 billion people and growing quick spread over 50 muslim majority states and major minorities across the planet

Its the future for billions
By applying your logic, the future will definitely belong to Africans.
Were not going to start eating dog and squinting our eyes to make you feel better.

Refusing to respect someones right to their own beleifs and culture will only bring more hatred and disrespect for yours
The fact is, some muslims have been hating us for long time. Thousands of our people got killed by Jihadists already. What worst it could be? Hate us and hate us more. What's the difference?
By applying your logic, the future will definitely belong to Africans.
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You cannot win arguments against the biased mind... All religiously affiliated people or organization trying to force their views and practices are absolute nuts... Like what's happening within my country with all these cow vigilantism, temple politics, caste politics etc... But the urge/ resolve to convert the whole world to their particular faith is substantially stronger in certain case.
I beg to pardon, but religion is also an ideology. Because it influence not only to the belief system of a person, but also his way of life. Which include but not only political view and culture. A religion follower can dispose his own cultural identity and absorbed into the culture of where the religion come from. A religion sect who has a lot of followers can even force a country to acknowledge their will. That's why religion is an ideology. They have a very powerful political power when they have a lot of followers in a country.

But at the same time, Communism is also a religion in their own way.

Very good point, precisely why China in the arc of history and beyond has not and never will adopt Islam or any other major religion or ideology (including communism) in its original form. I do agree with learning from major civilisations and pick out its wisdom and not adopt it wholesale. Hypothetically if China as a whole becomes Islamic it will be so far removed from traditional Islam that the Chinese sect will be seen as apostates as can be seen in Chinese Muslims outside of Northwestern China which is on the periphery of China. I'm from the North East (a well integrated melting pot of ethnicities) and home to many Hui Muslims and they would be considered apostates by DADY's definition because at heart they are no different than mainstream Han.

China will always be China, the last 5000 years showed that. China will always change and evolve, the China yesterday is not the China today and the China today will not the be China in the future but there is a cultural arc that stretches throughout time in China. The grinding stone of Chinese culture is history, we are a people that have gone through and survived at least 4 major population and social collapses where a quarter to half of the population died. When we are in dire times we look to our ancestors for guidance, not just in some spiritual way talking to our ancestor's ghosts but actually reading and studying what they have experienced and how they overcame the struggles(the book burnings that occur in different dynasties pisses me off for that reason, its lost wisdom), thats why we attribute our culture to be 5000 years old, its when our ancestors started to document their culture and stories. China's story is not just about how to survive because every culture that exists now are survivors but how they managed to put back the broken pieces and rebuild. We look to our ancestors in dire times, our ancestors were not Islamic, we can learn from other cultures but we cannot become the other cultures because those it wouldn't help us survive a cyclical societal collapse or prosper, especially Abraham religions which doesn't have the collective conscience that is suitable for social geography of the central plans and southern hills (I can explain that in another post).

Still East Asia genius.

They do mingle with locals, I should know, I was one of them.

In this context is all about culture, South East Asia is very different from East Asia. China, Korea, and Japan have similar cultural themes to some extent Mongolia. Very different from countries like Indonesia.

Why would we change anything?

Its the faith of over 1.7 billion people and growing quick spread over 50 muslim majority states and major minorities across the planet

Its the future for billions

And you shouldn't change just because others are asking you to change, take the path that is best for you and your people, the Chinese are not asking you to change anything and others shouldn't impose themselves upon China, thats the philosophy. Chinese culture don't take pride in changing others's way of life since it views other ways of life unique and there is a reason it exists, it is a byproduct of their unique environment. Imposing a Chinese way of life upon others would bring disharmony to this world. Its great that 1.7 billion people experiencing fulfilment in their lives and achieving development through Islam.

The Chinese should learn from Islam, and have a lot to learn from Islam. After the fall of comunism, peoples morals and values plumeted. So their response has been to push Budism, and Daoism, hoping to replace the virtues of comunism, but that is not likely to get you anywhere as you can see with Taiwan, and Hong Kong. The only thing they can become are pupets for the west. Budism, and Daoism wont save you from western decadence as it hasn't done so for HK, or TW. On the other hand, some of the most brilliant civilizations have been Muslim, ie Persia, Arabia, Egypt, Otoman, and even India's most valuable eras have been Islamic in nature. As far as I can see, some of the least decadent countries are Islamic, and they have championed family values much more than Daoist/Budist HK&TW where family values have faded away and women are loose. Even when you visit the Islamic parts of China, the people seem more civilized, especially when you compare them to Shanghai, and Guangzhou where crime is up, and family values are down. Most western historians will not argue that Greece and Rome couldn't have made it without technology acquired from Muslim countries.

Christianity, however, is likely to bring trouble to China, and pretty much has dating back to the Qing.

Thats quite a high and mighty tone you have. Only Allah can be the judge.

I have comments on a few points you've made:
1. Communism was never achieved and not likely to or was ever proclaimed to be achieved, so there was no fall (didn't functionally exist in the first place) but if you were referring to collapse of USSR then China already broke relations in 1962 or 1979 market reforms then sure that incentivized certain parts of the population to be more predatory and opportunistic. Now thinking back it was a by product of development, from the Chinese perspective it was terrible but worth it, others are free to say differently. In addition market reforms are only part of it, the CCP still holds substantial power (hybrid system).

2. In terms of development the Mainland actually wants to learn from HK and Taiwan in areas such as international finance and integrated circuits respectively. China wouldn't emulate their governming system or all aspects of their society but technologies and institutions are great tools. Sure they can be viewed as "puppets of the west" and sometimes overly liberal from the Mainland but they are more seen as brothers who went overseas to study but have also been indoctrinated to view their family back home with disdain which frustrates the Mainland.

3. "On the other hand, some of the most brilliant civilizations have been Muslim, ie Persia, Arabia, Egypt, Otoman, and even India's most valuable eras have been Islamic in nature." Sure, I did presentations on pre and post Islamic Architecture on those civilisations and I think post Islamic architectural design are of a higher quality than pre-Islamic due to its geometric designs and others aspects which presents to me a high degree of mastery in mathematics, and indicator of a brilliant civilisation.

4. Everyone's definition of decadent is different including between Muslims unless of course you prescribe to Wahhabism and consider those "muslims" apostates. In that case, that definition would have little appeal outside of self isolating communities and would be incompatible with modern China. China also had backward practices like feet binding of women, it was tradition but rejected due to societal progression. Not all traditions are compatible with modernity, thats if you want modernity.

5. I don't have statistics but from my personal experience many third tier cities and second tier cities in western China don't feel as safe as Shanghai or Beijing. Guangzhou is another story due to foreign influx, I do think it has a higher crime rate compared to similar cities in China. Statics do show overall China has one of the lowest homicide rates in the world lower than most Islamic countries and I don't attribute murder rates to religion. I'm trying to say that religion and your definition of decadency doesn't have much relation with crime (my pick of crime category)

Islam not stop you from following your culture, Islam is not Arabism, you can wear your Chinese modest dress, women can add their own style of head scarf (Many Muslim countries have their own types of Muslims scarfs, even xinjiang female wear different scarfs then Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistani ladies), Pakistan and Bharat have special type of Muslim music called "Qawali" which you will not find anywhere else in Muslim world (they have their own types), This is result of fussion of religion and culture in subcontinent. Similarly you can enjoy Chinese cuisine with halal meat. I dont see any problem.. You can enjoy Chinese poetry and Music as long as its not lewd erotic and immoral. You can have your cultural dances like all Muslim regions have their own but point is it shouldnt be lewd, erotic and immoral.

The fact that some are saying Chinese "can add their own style of head scarf" is imposing a foreign culture upon China and makes many people uncomfortable, sure they can and should do this when they visit an Islamic country because we respect your culture but will not do so at home. The issue is not the design of the scarf but the scarf itself. Actually many Chinese women used to wear scarfs many years ago as a fashion statement and for practicality but nowadays if they know its a religions symbol they would be more reluctant to do so. Women should have the freedom to choose their fashion within boundaries of course, there are moral codes and indecency laws in China but its different than Islamic countries, even Islamic countries have big differences and some would even consider those haram. Again, "you can enjoy chinese poetry and music as long as its not lewd erotic and immoral." " you can have your cultral dances like Muslim regions have their own but point is it shouldn't be lewd, erotic and immoral", this is the very reason why Islam is facing opposition in many "liberal" countries. It is very important to be self aware of one's actions and how others percieve it. To non-Islamic countries Islam is not the center of society and they dont like to be dictated on how to live by a foreign religion. Would you like to be told how to dress and what parts of your traditional culture you can or cannot enjoy? How can Chinese people and guests from around the world enjoy Chinese food when pork is not allowed? It is a major part of Chinese cuisine. Islam is rooted in the deserts of Arabia, I respect pork was prohibited in Arabia, its not a suitable place for dirty pigs as they can spread germs quickly in the heat and produce unimaginable stench. But I'm not from Arabia, I'm from North Eastern China, the climate is like Siberia and we get Siberian winds that can send temperatures down to -40C, I need an energy rich diet to stay healthy and feed our big bodies in that climate we eat sausages and drink vodka, do you have a problem with Russians too?

Kapitalist shils lack vision, and have limited sight. The question you should ask yourself is, where was the west? For thousands of years, the west was irrelevant and backwards. It was only in the past 300 years that the west had come to power. So if you look at 5000 yrs of man's history. 300/500
I wouldn't say the roman and greek empires was irrelevant and backwards, the infrastructure and culture of their civilisation still stands today, while true that they didn't dominate the world then like they did in the industrial era, it is still very wrong to say they were irrelevant.

Were not going to start eating dog and squinting our eyes to make you feel better.

Refusing to respect someones right to their own beleifs and culture will only bring more hatred and disrespect for yours

I have not seen Chinese members saying Pakistan shouldn't be Islamic or refusing to respect your right to your beliefs and culture. We are happy that you are proud of your culture. The whole point the members were making was that it is wrong to impose one's own culture upon another. It is wrong for Chinese people to impose their culture upon Muslims just like it is wrong for Muslims to impose their culture upon others. Its just that many people have noticed a tendency of Muslims imposing their culture upon others in a ever stricter way.

It is clear your feelings have been hurt and feel attacked but this world is vast and different people have different origins, histories, and cultures. I apologise on behalf of fellow members if any lies have been told or bad behaviour but its wise to be self aware.

I gotta ask how old are you? I am 22 btw.

You don't see China saying to the Islamic world that they should live a certain way because they have the moral high ground because Chinese civilisation fundamentally thinks this world is a diverse ecosystem with differing ways of life in which the harmony should not be disturbed. I have said this before, don't mistake Chinese people's humbleness as an opportunity for you to take advantage of. It is just a sign of respect to your culture and civilisation and please reciprocate or the respect will be eroded. Poking China would be poking the hornest nest, just unnecessary but people poke anyways because it looks like nothing is going on. I hope Muslim friends do not persue the dream of converting China into an Islamic state as i have seen being discussed by certain members on this forum, it will turn out really ugly for China-Islamic relations. China has seen lots in its history and invaders are either Chinese now or non existent in China. Muslims have contributed to China historically in many ways and we don't look at them as muslims or some outsiders, to us they are just Chinese part of the big family in the Middle Kingdom, if they are foreign they are seen as Arabs, Persians, Turks, Jews, etc. and not defined by their religion. Their religious affiliation is a private matter. In fact many Persians from old Persia escaped to China during Islamic invasion and assimilatted with the Han. Ones that try to impose an foreign ideology in China like Anlushan tried to establish an Islamic caliphate during the Tang dynasty resulted in a 7 year long civil war, 20 million dead. Tang dynasty was also the most socially open dynasty in Chinese history with many Persians, Arabs, Japanese, Turks, Jews and other serving in the Chinese court and in trade brought to an end by Anlushan. After that the Tang still survived but its people became much more conservative towards outsiders. I guess you can call it China's experiment with liberalism.
Don't mistake this as China hating Muslims, its just that we have experienced so much and so many combinations in our history that we are aware of that we can forecast events based on historical precedent.

A interesting story is the story of the Mooncake and how it helped citizens during the Yuan dynasty overthrow the mongols. Mongols thought the Chinese were passive so they oppressed them with policies like one knife per village chained to the well. When in reality they were passing messages in mooncakes and then got hold of the one knife and chopped up the mongols all across china, overthrowing them.

I urge Muslims friends to live and let live. In fact it is deeply disturbing to non-Muslims around the world that there are people out there dead set on making the world mono-theistic. Seek to understand others first and help from a genuine place, not a egotistical moral high ground.

Also would like to add that Chinese in general have a strong sense of history and what place in history that person currently occupies, we are confident in ourselves in overcoming anything but that might cause some of my comments can come across as defensive, offensive or hurtful. Its just another way of looking at things and its not coming from a hateful place. In fact when you understand the cycles of history you will start to look at things more neutrally and understand that there are certain laws of nature.
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LOL you were saying Shanghai and Guangzhou are less civilized than Xinjiang? Your so called brilliant civilizations like Persia, Arabia and Egypt, where are they today?

Fact is there are no Islamic countries today where other people want to move into. It's a joke to even compare with HK or Taiwan, much less look down on them. Japan practices Shinto/Buddhism and they are probably the most well-mannered and civic-minded nation in the world. Sorry but Islam isn't compatible for East Asia.

How many non poor people move to China? The quality of life is not a draw, the work is a draw. Even the next generation of Chinese will expect better standards, if China is to be successful it will adapt (I'm sure it will) to these standards.

Had Colonialism chopped China into peices today we'd be asking you where all the talk of this great Chinese civilisation comes from. Taiwan broke away and for all your talk of civilisation and being a big draw you've not been able to reconcile. The Muslim world was carved up, it will take us centuries to recover, if we ever do.

Talk of superiority of cultures and religions is for fools. The success of any religion or culture is limited to the individuals or communities who associate themselves with it. China is communist and is the only success story of Communism. The USSR is dead, Vietnam is no longer communist, N.Korea is a failure, Cuba is a failure - the reason is because China applied communism the best out of all these examples.

Over time there have been very successful implementations of Islamic culture and others which have been failures. Today more are failures than successful.

The original statement made by the Chinese official is not unreasonable, depending on what it means. If it means the only religions being tolerated in China are those which are local in origin - that statement is unreasonable and will cost China in the long term. If he means no religious practice will be accepted that is outside of the legal framework in China, then that statement is reasonable - assuming the legal framework does not unjustly discriminate against people of any religious background and their acts of worship.

Politicians across Europe have made similar statements and it's never been an issue. In some countries like the UK the implementation of these statements is just. There is no interference with the right to worship, but UK law is considered supreme above any other. In other countries the implementation is unjust, like in France where the wearing of the veil is banned in public spaces, where halal food is banned in some schools etc. In some cases they have even banned vegetarian alternatives to force Muslim children to eat haram, or remain hungry.

No, why don't you folks leave us alone? we don't want Christianity or Islam.

It might interest you to know Islam has been in China since the 6th century. Many historic Chinese figures were Muslims - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_China

Chinese Muslims are ethnically Chinese, they have Chinese names, they eat Chinese food, speak Chinese language.
The fact that some are saying Chinese "can add their own style of head scarf" is imposing a foreign culture upon China and makes many people uncomfortable, sure they can and should do this when they visit an Islamic country because we respect your culture but will not do so at home. The issue is not the design of the scarf but the scarf itself. Actually many Chinese women used to wear scarfs many years ago as a fashion statement and for practicality but nowadays if they know its a religions symbol they would be more reluctant to do so. Women should have the freedom to choose their fashion within boundaries of course, there are moral codes and indecency laws in China but its different than Islamic countries, even Islamic countries have big differences and some would even consider those haram. Again, "you can enjoy chinese poetry and music as long as its not lewd erotic and immoral." " you can have your cultral dances like Muslim regions have their own but point is it shouldn't be lewd, erotic and immoral", this is the very reason why Islam is facing opposition in many "liberal" countries. It is very important to be self aware of one's actions and how others percieve it. To non-Islamic countries Islam is not the center of society and they dont like to be dictated on how to live by a foreign religion. Would you like to be told how to dress and what parts of your traditional culture you can or cannot enjoy? How Chinese people and guests from around the world enjoy Chinese food when pork is not allowed? It is a major part of Chinese cuisine. Islam rooted in the deserts of arabia, I respect pork was prohibited in arabia, its not a suitable place for dirty pigs as they can spread germs quickly in the heat and produce unimaginable stench. But I'm not from Arabia, im from North Eastern China, the climate is like Siberia and we get Siberian winds that can send temperatures down to -40C, I need an energy rich diet to stay healthy in that climate we eat sausages and drink vodka, do you have a problem with Russians too?

I think you miss the whole point of my comment, i was not talking about imposing Islam on all Chinese non Muslims, you are free to do whatever you like,, i was talking about can Chinese Muslims and Chinese culture co-exists. i think with little modification they can.
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Most western historians will not argue that Greece and Rome couldn't have made it without technology acquired from Muslim countries.

IIRC by the time countries became Muslim, Yonan and Rum were through with their civilisations. Dont see how they cud have acquired technology from "Muslim" countries.


Agree. Islamic scholars learnt from Greece - it was the rest of Europe in the middle ages who then benefited from the knowledge that Muslim scholars had put together taken from Greek, Roman and even sources as far as China and what is now India (mathematics).

Chinese members here tried to be polite when talking with muslims who wanted to convince them with their religion superiority. I said "tried" because we all know the dark side of your religion but pretended we don't when talk to you. Face the reality. It's not Chinese that need to change their culture. Your superiority complex won't make things better.

The very nature of empires is to impose themselves. Lets not pretend everyone in China who is registered as Han today was born Han. You've shipped plenty of people to Tibet and Xiajing too - for the express purpose of reducing the control of the ethnic minorities. That's just "people management" - everyone does it who has the power to do it.

The problem here is two fold;

1. Chinese members don't know their own religious heritage and assume Islam is something that is new to China, not something that has existed in China for 1400 years. A lot of you guys seem to think Islam is ISIS/Al Queda and knife attacks.

2. Some Muslim members decided to try to convince Chinese people to abandon thousands of years of their identity and culture and consider someone elses as supreme, simply because they hold that opinion. This s not only foolish it is offensive too.

The level of discussion is laughable. Right from the first post it was not established wether the intention of the political statement was to establish the writ of Chinese law above all religion, or to curb the practice of non Chinese religions in China.

I propose that people hit the proverbial "reset" switch and start discussing the statement and their opinions/thoughts and do less accusations and dick waving. For people who claim to be allies we really know very little about each other other than joint interests. True friendship is built outside of interests.

I urge Muslims friends to live and let live. In fact it is deeply disturbing to non-Muslims around the world that there are people out there dead set on making the world mono-theistic. Seek to understand others first and help from a genuine place, not a egotistical moral high ground.

This comment here is very valueable to Muslims. Anyone who is Muslim and reading this should think about the impression they give on this forum and how it feeds into the feelings in this statement.

Perception is more important than reality, the reason being because perception is formed much earlier than reality and can lead to reality never being seen.

This poster is Chinese and his/her preception is that Muslims want to push Islam onto other people and will continue to do so until other cultures/religions cease to exist.

This perception is exactly the view that our enemies have portrayed of us for years and the view our extremists have helped enforce. On this topic idiotic remarks have helped further to enforce this stereotype.

We are losing a PR battle because we don't have a PR team. We should consider what we are saying and how it sounds to other people before we say it. Most Chinese know very little about Muslims or Islam, and we certainly know very little about Chinese. This will only be overcome through positive engagement where people spend more time listening and less time lecturing.
The difference is the future

Most people in Muslim world dont hate Chinese, to be fair we dont know enough about you

Be warned however that China's rise is seen as a threat by World powers, whether it be the U.S, EU, Japan it dosent matter they want to see you fall, see you cut down to size.
They are even sweet talking india to set them as a patsy against China

Your enemies are numerous

Chinese should have a long memory, time stops for no man
You SHOULD remember times when Vhiba was weak and humiliated and your people slaughtered en mass, today you are stronger but there is NO gurantee you will be strong inthe future

Muslim armies used to destroy entire cultures, make mountains of skulls of our enemies,
Today we are weaker but have more numbers then ever, with over 50 countries and spread around the world
In the future we will be strong again

You have enough enemies without courting more

What are you so scared of you little yellow bastard!

You think if you give freedom to chinese people to choose they will instantly choosh islam or christianity?

How is constantly forcing them going to help you?

Chinese strategists and civilians are quite aware of the fact that China has no allies its been widely acknowledged subject and came to public eye in the early 2000s. China is an strategically isolated and encircled country no doubt. But people must understand Chinese people are born into this condition and accustomed to it, there is no fear of isolation, it doesn't keep 1.4 billion people up at night. But to prosper China definitely wants to connect with the world more.

"Muslim armies used to destroy entire cultures, make mountains of skulls of our enemies,
Today we are weaker but have more numbers then ever, with over 50 countries and spread around the world
In the future we will be strong again" - Is that a threat? because i interpret it as such, you know who else made mountains of skulls of their enemies,made their cities flow with the fat of their enemies, and destroyed entire civilizations? The mongols, i think they were the best at it, should I call my cousin the mongol to finish the job? (literally i have some mongol ancestors) Nah, I'm just playing with you, I think humanity is beyond that point. If there is any wish that I have is to see the world peruse scientific endeavours to benefit mankind and take us to the next level. This is why humanity should peruse some big common goal because if we don't we will bicker on this tiny planet until we go extinct.

I always find it funny when non-chinese people say "little yellow bastard". Maybe its because im from the North East and my view of Chinese is skewed but me and others from North Eastnern China are bigger than most Europeans I meet in North America. If a man is under 175cm he is considered short, above 180cm is considered acceptable. The height for my male cousins are 185cm-188cm, female cousins 175-180cm.

Do you not believe times change?

How many chinese died in the 19th century?
Tens of millions, mainly from internal strife and famine cause by natural disasters and wars. That's the cost of being socially and technologically backwards unfortunately, god doesn't play fair but who am i to blame anyone but ourselves.

I think you miss the whole point of my comment, i was not talking about imposing Islam on all Chinese non Muslims, you are free to do whatever you like,, i was talking about can Chinese Muslims and Chinese culture co-exists. i think with little modification they can.
In that case, my apologies. I agree with your point.

Agree. Islamic scholars learnt from Greece - it was the rest of Europe in the middle ages who then benefited from the knowledge that Muslim scholars had put together taken from Greek, Roman and even sources as far as China and what is now India (mathematics).

The very nature of empires is to impose themselves. Lets not pretend everyone in China who is registered as Han today was born Han. You've shipped plenty of people to Tibet and Xiajing too - for the express purpose of reducing the control of the ethnic minorities. That's just "people management" - everyone does it who has the power to do it.

The problem here is two fold;

1. Chinese members don't know their own religious heritage and assume Islam is something that is new to China, not something that has existed in China for 1400 years. A lot of you guys seem to think Islam is ISIS/Al Queda and knife attacks.

2. Some Muslim members decided to try to convince Chinese people to abandon thousands of years of their identity and culture and consider someone elses as supreme, simply because they hold that opinion. This s not only foolish it is offensive too.

The level of discussion is laughable. Right from the first post it was not established wether the intention of the political statement was to establish the writ of Chinese law above all religion, or to curb the practice of non Chinese religions in China.

I propose that people hit the proverbial "reset" switch and start discussing the statement and their opinions/thoughts and do less accusations and dick waving. For people who claim to be allies we really know very little about each other other than joint interests. True friendship is built outside of interests.

This comment here is very valueable to Muslims. Anyone who is Muslim and reading this should think about the impression they give on this forum and how it feeds into the feelings in this statement.

Perception is more important than reality, the reason being because perception is formed much earlier than reality and can lead to reality never being seen.

This poster is Chinese and his/her preception is that Muslims want to push Islam onto other people and will continue to do so until other cultures/religions cease to exist.

This perception is exactly the view that our enemies have portrayed of us for years and the view our extremists have helped enforce. On this topic idiotic remarks have helped further to enforce this stereotype.

We are losing a PR battle because we don't have a PR team. We should consider what we are saying and how it sounds to other people before we say it. Most Chinese know very little about Muslims or Islam, and we certainly know very little about Chinese. This will only be overcome through positive engagement where people spend more time listening and less time lecturing.

True, Empires tend to impose themselves upon others but Chinese do not view those within its boundaries as others unfortunately.

I also agree that many people in China and others outside the islamic world see Islam being represented by ISIS and ultra conservatism, the migrant crisis in Europe is not helping the image of more liberal ones. For the average person in China the contact with the outside world is internet media and most western news outlets are not censored. Lets just say Islam is not represented by its friendliest face in western and internet media even though contrary to popular belief the Chinese state media is actually trying to paint a very positive image of Muslims showing them in normal life, doing business, being good friends/citizens and featuring their culture on the most important shows. The Chinese government wants social harmony.

I can't explain the entire Chinese mentality briefly but I hope through multiple interactions i can paint a better picture: Due to the fact that Chinese people have been isolated for so long, the Chinese people realise they know little about the rest of the world and are very curious to learn and seek to understand the world. They absorb whatever information is presented to them and what they see is the first impression, they see Muslims in the Islamic world and in Europe causing trouble and causes instability because thats the information presented by people that cover it. Not too many Chinese media cover middle eastern issues and European migrant crisis issues so stories are borrowed from foreign outlets. On the other hand Pakistan is covered very positively since Chinese media does cover Pakistani development a lot so the view is generally a positive image. In schools they teach that Pakistan is a good partner for China and the media says Pakistan is developing. Pakistan occupies this concept of the exceptional Islamic country in their minds
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1. Chinese members don't know their own religious heritage and assume Islam is something that is new to China, not something that has existed in China for 1400 years. A lot of you guys seem to think Islam is ISIS/Al Queda and knife attacks.
You made a mistake. Chinese people do know Islam has been in China for one thousand years. The ancient Chinese history books have recorded a lot of things what muslim people have done in ancient China.
Sorry to tell you. Many bad things happened again and again.
The normal scene was muslim people took the advantage of the crisis of China central government and tried to build a islamic regime by slaughering non-muslim people or converting them forcibly. But in the end, all the attempt s failed only caused huge harm to Chinese non-muslim people and Chinese muslim.
During 1860s, the rebellion caused by Hui muslims made a loss of 20 million population of Han people.
The last attempt (the three districts rebellion)happened in 1940s when China was in the civil war, during which the Ugyhur slaughtered nearly 300 thousands non-muslim people (mostly Han people ,also include Mongolian and Manchurian)in Xinjiang and claimed they were the only native people of Xinjiang and tried to build a state named east-Turkistan. Untill now, some ugyhur extremists bragged how bravely their grandfather butchered Han Chinese during such rebellion.
Trust me. Chinese people know Islam. How could not we know Islam ? Chinese have deal with muslim for more than a thousand years. There are so many Hui muslim living in inner area of China.
We Chinese respect Pakistan and do not want to trigger disputes. We hope Pakistan people respect our culture and stop imposing your religion on us.
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