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Religions must be Chinese in orientation: official

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That probably thanks to the media coverage and a bunch of folks like to do big things in the name of Islam and make the headline news.

I know that documentary. Some of those documentaries even claim his tomb is in somewhere India. :)

I don't know what and how God would do but I am sure the size of his toolbox is beyond my wildest imagination.

So basically you will now vote for more Catholic rights in China?

good luck with that.

Actually you have assumed yourself that this is about Islam even though this has nothing to do with Islam or infact religion in general.

This statement simply needs an explanation otherwise we be debating what religion evolved where and how.
You're completely an idiot. 民大出的基本都是垃圾,或者低能儿。中宣部或者民宗委让你这种低能儿占据了,会搞得一团糟。巴国最怕的就是中国无神论影响穆斯林,锅内都不这样宣传,你倒好,弄个幕幕和咖啡了结婚的案例。你不明白着在这调事?
Beijing idiot is not Chinese. Long term Chinese members know this. Ignore the fool
So basically you will now vote for more Catholic rights in China?

good luck with that.

Actually you have assumed yourself that this is about Islam even though this has nothing to do with Islam or infact religion in general.

This statement simply needs an explanation otherwise we be debating what religion evolved where and how.
Yes, of course. I am all for greater religious freedom. I am also all for crushing any violent groups, no matter their religious claim.
Yes, of course. I am all for greater religious freedom. I am also all for crushing any violent groups, no matter their religious claim.


Now stop proving that extremism or terrorism is only a Muslim monopoly.
The Chinese Orientation is: for Uyghurs, Hui etc Muslim minorities, they should follow their traditional teaching of Islam(majority is Hanafi, for Tajik it' Isma‘iliyya, Sufi is also followed by some groups),
, clothe should not be impacted by foreign preaching e.g. Wahhabi, some uneducated Muslim have a funny logic, e.g. "Because Mecca is in Arabia, so what Arab said is true, is more near the truth of Islam.", this is absolutely not a joke, this is a case a young Hui Muslim's mother told her, she discussed this issue on social media. No full black clothe like some Arabs, young people should not have long beard, this is not tradition of these Chinese Muslim, however old people can have long beard as picture showed. Some Mulla should not forbid Uyghur to dance and play music in wedding etc, music and dance is part of Uyghur tradition, they're historically famous for this talent.

Simply put, Chinese Muslim should stick to their own tradition, not affected by foreign extreme ideologies. This is what I researched on government's policy toward Chinese Muslim, esp. these policy are primarily designed by Uyghur leaderships in Xinjiang, they hope to reserve their own tradition culture without affected by some extreme ideologies.

Don't take it wrong that PRC will force them to abandon Islam, it's impossible and stupid.

Now stop proving that extremism or terrorism is only a Muslim monopoly.
I never try that. :) I think, however, extremism is a fundamentalism monopoly, which has factions in all religions.
The Chinese Orientation is: for Uyghurs, Hui etc Muslim minorities, they should follow their traditional teaching of Islam(majority is Hanafi, for Tajik it' Isma‘iliyya, Sufi is also followed by some groups),
, clothe should not be impacted by foreign preaching e.g. Wahhabi, some uneducated Muslim have a funny logic, e.g. "Because Mecca is in Arabia, so what Arab said is true, is more near the truth of Islam.", this is absolutely not a joke, this is a case a young Hui Muslim's mother told her, she discussed this issue on social media. No full black clothe like some Arabs, young people should not have long beard, this is not tradition of these Chinese Muslim, however old people can have long beard as picture showed. Some Mulla should not forbid Uyghur to dance and play music in wedding etc, music and dance is part of Uyghur tradition, they're historically famous for this talent.

Simply put, Chinese Muslim should stick to their own tradition, not affected by foreign extreme ideologies. This is what I researched on government's policy toward Chinese Muslim, esp. these policy are primarily designed by Uyghur leaderships in Xinjiang, they hope to reserve their own tradition culture without affected by some extreme ideologies.

Don't take it wrong that PRC will force them to abandon Islam, it's impossible and stupid.

Why did you assume it was about Islam?
I never try that. :) I think, however, extremism is a fundamentalism monopoly, which has factions in all religions.

If this is to preserve the Chinese social fabric it has nothing to do with religion.
Religions in itself sets the tolerance level higher than any other ideology atheism included.
Why did you assume it was about Islam?
I suspect it is because Islam suffers in collateral damage. It has been used by some people in a way that makes another group of people feel threaten. It is always like that when a religion is used for political purpose or viewed as a political tool.

If this is to preserve the Chinese social fabric it has nothing to do with religion.
That is all I have been saying.
Guys stop flaming or there will be bans and infractions handed out. I recommend you edit your posts to avoid that.

Why did you assume it was about Islam?

In fact I personally consider political Christianity more dangerous, if you ask my opinion. Just see its history in China, for example the Taiping Rebellion.

But to be fair I will apply the same logic to all foreign religions, that have their political power base outside of China.

In the end, if religion can divorce itself from religious politics I will have no more concerns. If religion returns to being a private/individual matter without any foreign politics that would be the ideal situation.
Salafis don't glorify everything about him, we are more reasonable and view him as a human being, with flaws like any other human being. We just view him as being superior to the rest of us since God chose him to preach the message, but that's it. He's only perfect in terms of religious knowledge. He can make mistakes in other things. 6
Salafis don't glorify everything about him, we are more reasonable and view him as a human being, with flaws like any other human being. We just view him as being superior to the rest of us since God chose him to preach the message, but that's it. He's only perfect in terms of religious knowledge. He can make mistakes in other things. Only Sufis and others like them view him as some magical being who is made of light.

Wearing a Burqa is a women's decision. It's not indecent as she is covering up, she does not wish to have guys look at her face and develop feelings for her. Let her do so, or are you really so narrow minded that you demand the right to see her face?

What's next, will you ban the Hijab since you demand the right to see a women's hair?

Sufis and others like them view him as some magical being who is made of light.

Wearing a Burqa is a women's decision. It's not indecent as she is covering up, she does not wish to have guys look at her face and develop feelings for her. Let her do so, or are you really so narrow minded that you demand the right to see her face?

What's next, will you ban the Hijab since you demand the right to see a women's hair?

You should really refrain from repeating inaccuracies about the beliefs of others. You live in the UK, you can access many non psycho sufi ulema who will correct that misconception. It's not just you, everyone does it, it stems from molvi treating Islam as an episode of Yo Momma (terrible mtv show from the 90s) and not being respectable in how they present the view points of others.
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