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Religions must be Chinese in orientation: official

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So God can only be Chinese? That doesn't exactly make sense now does it?

Makes more sense than Moses, Christ and Mo's birthplace. If anyone of these hustlers wanted to spread their true religion they should have born in India or China.

I would if i really cared. But I really do not care

Fair enough. In that case fire away.
God is Chinese, too. Why cannot God appear in Chinese form to Chinese people?

God is applicable to all of humanity, why would he send contradictory messages to different people?

Just because certain customs of yours are incompatible with a religion, doesn't mean the religion automatically becomes invalid. That's not an honest objective look at the religion, to decide whether or not it's the truth.
This is a very good question. I don't think there are exact criteria. The basic idea is to shape the religion so that it doesn't look too alien to the local tradition. Using Buddhism as an example, in China, most monks use religious names in Chinese style. Some of Buddhism saints also have their Chinese names, too. Their statures may use Chinese faces and their fashion styles may be Chinese. There are even Chinese version of their legends. Basically, a mingled version of Indian and Chinese cultures.

Chinese way of life has little religious influence to begin with. The statement still does not explains alot of things. Dalai Lama surely know what this statement basically means.

We simply have a problem that whenever religion comes to mind people start talking about Islam. Which is kinda ironic and funny.
Makes more sense than Moses, Christ and Mo's birthplace. If anyone of these hustlers wanted to spread their true religion they should have born in India or China.

We believe God sent a Messenger to every nation, but only some actually ended up following the Messengers. The ones mentioned in the Quran are only a handful of the successful ones.

Many have even speculated if other religious figures like Zoroaster or Buddha were Messengers sent by God whose teachings were corrupted.
We believe God sent a Messenger to every nation, but only some actually ended up following the Messengers. The ones mentioned in the Quran are only a handful of the successful ones.

Many have even speculated if other religious figures like Zoroaster or Buddha were Messengers sent by God whose teachings were corrupted.

Well I won't challenge your belief as I am a chill dude.
God is applicable to all of humanity, why would he send contradictory messages to different people?

Just because certain customs of yours are incompatible with a religion, doesn't mean the religion automatically becomes invalid. That's not an honest objective look at the religion, to decide whether or not it's the truth.
True seekers will go beyond the form of customs and the appearance of a religion. But for regular people and government, it is nearly impossible. That is the reason why they demand this orientation.
My intention is to help them, but I'm stuck and can't leave. All I can do currently is send money to charities, which I'm currently doing.

I hope you are telling the truth, cause we always donate to the poor, one of China's most famour singers 姚贝娜 died from cancer and she donated all she has to a Muslim primary school in Xinjiang Pamir region. Love transcends religion or ethnicity.
God is Chinese, too. Why cannot God appear in Chinese form to Chinese people?

Jesus was a Bhuddist monk. That is a very famous documentary which you may want to chance upon.

God does not have to appear to anyone to make him aware of his presence nor change Chinese way of life or its national security.

How does a Burmese react to this statement? Any guesses?
We simply have a problem that whenever religion comes to mind people start talking about Islam. Which is kinda ironic and funny.
That probably thanks to the media coverage and a bunch of folks like to do big things in the name of Islam and make the headline news.

Jesus was a Bhuddist monk. That is a very famous documentary which you may want to chance upon.

God does not have to appear to anyone to make him aware of his presence nor change Chinese way of life or its national security.

How does a Burmese react to this statement? Any guesses?
I know that documentary. Some of those documentaries even claim his tomb is in somewhere India. :)

I don't know what and how God would do but I am sure the size of his toolbox is beyond my wildest imagination.
I hope you are telling the truth, cause we always donate to the poor, one of China's most famour singers 姚贝娜 died from cancer and she donated all she has to a Muslim primary school in Xinjiang Pamir region. Love transcends religion or ethnicity.

Charity is always good, no matter who you give it to. I greatly respect anyone who helps the needy.

In Islam, it is considered mandatory to give at least 2% of your earnings to charity. Not doing so can take you out of the fold of Islam according to certain people.
Just because certain customs of yours are incompatible with a religion, doesn't mean the religion automatically becomes invalid. That's not an honest objective look at the religion, to decide whether or not it's the truth.
Whether religion is invalid or valid, Chinese doesn't care. Even the religion is valid, why Chinese should take it?
I wouldn't even mind living somewhere like Damascus, it's still a pretty decent place to settle down in.

Probably for the best, if you were to live somewhere with Sharia law.

Much better than funding the UK government's war in the Middle East every time you buy groceries or pay for your utilities. If as you say, the UK is bombing the Middle East and killing innocent Muslims, you should avoid funding them. If you live in the UK you are directly funding the UK government budget, including their military budget.

If the Middle East is your vision of a good future for yourself and your family, then I do wish you the best of luck. It's not what I would choose personally, but it's your choice.

That's not an honest objective look at the religion, to decide whether or not it's the truth.

Alright, can you answer this as objectively as possible.

Out of the hundreds/thousands of religions/beliefs/deities that exist in human societies, why do you think your one is correct and all the others are wrong? Any kind of empirical evidence to support one being correct over all the others?
Whether religion is invalid or valid, Chinese doesn't care. Even the religion is valid, why Chinese should take it?

Because people should attempt to learn the truth.

Whether religion is invalid or valid, Chinese doesn't care. Even the religion is valid, why Chinese should take it?

Because people should attempt to learn the truth.
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