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Religions must be Chinese in orientation: official

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Pakistan was ahead of China only a few decades ago, don't get too excited.

Arab governments don't matter to us, no so called "Muslim" governments matter to us. They all suck, so does ours.

Clearly, China does considering how much you are pouring into us.

Believe me, we could have made it without you.

Indeed China was quite behind Pakistan in terms of per capita economy and global relations not too long ago. Pakistan actually opened many doors for China for example it facilitated the opening up of China through the secret meeting with Kissinger a few years before the offical announcement through Pakistan and other opportunities. Some countries look to China in awe but Chinese people don't we always complain about this not being better and that should be improved, in reality we have a sense of urgency to catch up with the west not thinking we are ahead of everyone. But industrialisation was something China had more than all developing nations even when it was really poor (post 1949). There is a saying in China in those times "勒緊褲腰帶也要搞出原子彈" translates to "We need to produce the atomic bomb even if we have to tighten our belts" It means we need to create an atom bomb even if we are starving, it played into a greater national goal set by Mao of being entirely industrially independent, thats why today China is the only country with all of the industrial categories domestically (US has 95%). Chinese can be crazy in that sense, we rather starve to death then not achieve industrialisation (due to historical reason) even if its out dated technology we still have to have something to show for it. The overly sensationalised Evil Mao narrative of him killing 70 million Chinese in reality is his failed economic policy of industrialising the country through trading wheat/grains for machines with the USSR. He thought there was an agricultral surplus because local officals lied to him to look good so the central government taxed only the surplus and traded for machines when in reality there was no surplus and 20 million died as a result. I guess thats how crazy we are about industrialisation.

China's first atom bomb test in 1964
China's first hydrogen bomb test in 1967, 3.3MT yield

All of the industrial products were made in China because it was isolated, much like why Iran has the most complete industrial system in the middle east.

China maintained a complete industrial system isolated from market forces even when it was poor and starving, my grandmother always reminds me how she didn't have enough to eat. A big factor to China's rise in technology and industry after market reforms is because China already had a complete industrial system for 20-30 years leading up to reforms. All of the research and manufacturing institutions were in place and all they had to do was absorb information from the developed nations through joint ventures. Give the technology to a less industrially developed nation and they cant even copy it. Had China not maintained the complete system it not be able to have the leverage it has today.

China's investment into Pakistan has nothing to do with religion nor does it think pakistan is too unstable, it simply sees Pakistan as a worth while strategic partner that needs industrialisation, something China can help with. Of course its not charity, Pakistan doesn't need charity just stable energy, I think if thats done Pakistani entrepreneurs can manage the rest. I have friends from Pakistan who talk about regular blackouts in industrial zones, which kills any opportunity of investment.
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Please don't feed trolling. Japan is FAR FROM civilized, everybody have different view on how it's civilized. High income not necessarily equal to be civilized. Germany and Japan committed most barbaric war crime when they were considered 'very civilized' during WWII war. Islam do have its golden age although Muslim encounter big trouble in their society in modern era. I believe they will eventually walk over their hardness although I can't tell when.

BTW SG is not East Asia either.

Yes, many Chinese do believe that Islam in its Golden Age was indeed one of the greatest civilizations.

Today's radicalization is nothing but a Trojan implanted by the western imperialism with the agenda to keep Islam backward forever.

However, China is trying to weed out the radical elements of the modern Islam, and with the formation of the One Belt One Road project, it will eventually bring Islam back to its old self.

The existence of the Christianity and Judaism in the present day Middle East is a proof that indicates Islam did have strong tolerance in its Golden Age.
Which is why there are bombings against Assad's army.

As for ISIS, they took control by giving protection to the Sunnis who felt oppressed. If they felt like the weren't oppressed, ISIS would have never taken power.

As for Manchester, imo it sucks but if the UK wants these sorts of things to stop, it needs to stop attacking Muslim countries.
Muslims also need to phuk off from the infidels land
Pakistan was ahead of China only a few decades ago, don't get too excited.

Arab governments don't matter to us, no so called "Muslim" governments matter to us. They all suck, so does ours.

Clearly, China does considering how much you are pouring into us.

Believe me, we could have made it without you.
China is investing in Pakistan. Which we are grateful for.

Even more than the so called brotherly nations of the Arab countries.
China is investing in Pakistan. Which we are grateful for.

Even more than the so called brotherly nations of the Arab countries.

Islam is made by 2 billion people, it is impossible to be neglected by any other civilizations or superpowers, and China is learning how to better integrate with it globally.

The One Belt One Road is to make sure how the entire mankind learn how to better integrate with each other, no more war and disparity.
Islam is made by 2 billion people, it is impossible to be neglected by any other civilizations or superpowers, and China is learning how to better integrate with it globally.

The One Belt One Road is to make sure how the entire mankind learn how to better integrate with each other, no more war and disparity.
Thank you my Chinese friend.

This is indeed a dark time for the Muslims in this day and age and for this generation.

Muslim countries are invaded and are in ruins like Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Or there are other problems like Kashmir and Palestine issues.
I gotta add that I am grateful for this conversation as I have learned a lot and started a conversation about a controversial topic , it also confirms many of my previous thoughts on certain members.

Its hilarious that some members suddenly became racist against Chinese people because Chinese members supposedly bashed Islam. No, you didn't suddenly became racist, you always were its just that now you feel there is social justification for you to come out and express your racism and hatred towards Chinese thinking that Muslim members would find it ok because you need to defend Islam together, but now have revealed their true intent. Give me a break, the truly faithful is not swayed by some talk, they live their life to their own accord led by Allah. To me certain member's reactions are just signs of insecurity and weakness.

On a side note I have noticed that people who are very hateful tend to be the "losers" of society and have intense identity issues like how recently one of the neo-nazi leaders in US came out being a Gay Jewish man. People who are confident in themselves and their culture are usually loving confident people, they can be stern and stubborn but are not rash people.

Due in largely to China's rise, racial remarks towards Chinese have less and less effect towards us, we are realists and we know where we stand in the arc of history. Personally i just find that you are so desperate for a leverage that its all you got much like a barking hurt animal. Secretly im laughing but wouldn't want to hurt your feelings irl, we respect your views as foolish as they may be.

Of course I don't feel angry at Muslims or Pakistanis at all, Im not going to mistreat and be racist to muslims or Pakistanis just because there were assholes or because I feel they are taking my culture's greatness. I'm impressed by their intellectual capacity in conversation, minus a few. I'm in the camp of being a realist, important matters should be conducted by adults. I will not defend Chinese who bash Islam and Muslims with lies, if there is truth then lets talk about it. There is a fair amount of criticism of China from members here, sure lets hear it (it will only help us grow) but remember this is a two way street. Although we generally try hard to be respectful and reciprocate with helpful suggestions.

A lot of this conflict we see today are the growing pains of a globalised society. Whether we like it or not the future trend driven by technology is a world more interdependent in trade, military, politics, and culture. If one's world view is stuck looking at the micro scale we can be caught up in the people to people disputes and entirely miss the bigger picture of society.

Living in the west I can see many groups conducting character assassination of Islam. What bothers me is the fact that many of the times they use blatant lies or whitewash their own religion in making Islam look bad. Of course there were terrible things done in history but in the long run very little matters, what matters is what survived history, historical people are already dead, does the entity or culture that evolved through history benefit people now? If yes then its good keep it up, if no then improve, no need for revolution to uproot its existence.
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You mean as fairly as how USA treat them ?

The USA might oppress Muslims in other countries, but at least the Muslims among them are generally treated fine (by the government anyway).

China is investing in Pakistan. Which we are grateful for.

Even more than the so called brotherly nations of the Arab countries.

Of course.

Muslims also need to phuk off from the infidels land

Make us.
Sorry I got emotional.my bad
I can expect something like this from an indian or American but not from a chines.
It show us how good is.propaganda machinery working against us.
In fact Pakistanis respect china more than any muslim country.
But they should also think it is not good to label terrorist every muslim.
Some one asked you about how many died in terrorist acts from Muslims men.
He should compare with death toll from protestent and chetolic conflicts in which more than 3000 people died and thousands got injured.
So every Christian shoild label terrorist why only Muslims.
There is a mistake that you have made.
For most Chinese non-muslim, the negative impression about Islam or muslim came from their impression about Chinese muslim , with little relationship with propaganda machine, cause religion is a sensitive topic for China media. And, China government do not want troubles caused by religions. In contrary, most of news about muslims (other religions too)are positive in China media.

Although some negative impression about muslims do exist, i think maybe 99% percentage of Chinese have good impression about Pakistan.

We Chinese do not mix the conceptions of religion and nation. So we can not image one Pakistan jump out and talk about China's internal affairs or say Uyghur or Chinese muslim are his people or brothers. By the by, Chinese could not accept Pope says Chinese Christian are his people,either.

Actually, most Chinese people has little interest about the trerrorist attacks happened in foreign country. They felt hurt ,cause Chinese people also got killed in the territory of China.
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But they should also think it is not good to label terrorist every muslim.
That's very wrong, we never labelled every Muslim as a terrorist, Our state policy is harmonious coexistence of different ethnic groups. Xinjiang's problem (mostly solved now) is a ethnic problem, not a religious problem, we have a dozen of other Muslim groups living in Xinjiang who never had any problems with the government. But some of your people bash China persecuting Muslims as a whole in China which is not true at all. Our policy is to make every law abiding Chinese citizen live a prosperous life regardless of their ethnic and religious background, Xi himself visited Xinjiang and average Uyghur families several times.
The USA might oppress Muslims in other countries, but at least the Muslims among them are generally treated fine (by the government anyway).

Of course.

Make us.
If you want them to leave you alone than leave their lands it's simple no one will force you to stay or to leave
If you want them to leave you alone than leave their lands it's simple no one will force you to stay or to leave
They started it, so they must be the first ones to end it.

You of all people should know, you're Iraqi.
They started it, so they must be the first ones to end it.

You of all people should know, you're Iraqi.
Wrong the agression started by the caliphs after the prophets death against non Muslims by the illegal invasions which are called conquests
Wrong the agression started by the caliphs after the prophets death against non Muslims by the illegal invasions which are called conquests
If you want to go that far back, wrong since Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) preached peacefully until the kafirs threw rocks at him.
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