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Reliance on China to Hurt Pakistan in Future

Lets clear few facts of history. During 71 war Chairman Mao order to mobilize Chinese army, but it was stopped by Pak General. A huge confrontation raise between Mao and Kessinger at that time, When Mao accused Kessinger for doing nothing to support Pakistan, Instead giving India free hand. But Mao was very firm to move army to fight with India.

Are u aware that US backed off from 1971 war for a reason. if u dont just google it. If the almighty US backed off for a reason then its better not to talk about then Chinese army.If US and China were in behalf of Pakistan we Indians had our buddy Soviet Union. Soviet promised us to watch our back from a possible US aggresion. If u dont know the story am gunna quote few lines for ya...read up.

"The Nixon administration also ignored reports it received of the 'genocidal' activities of the Pakistani Army in East Pakistan, most notably the Blood telegram. When Pakistan's defeat in the eastern sector seemed certain, Nixon sent the USS Enterprise to the Bay of Bengal, a move which was a nuclear threat. The Enterprise arrived on station on December 11, 1971. On 6 December and 13 December, the Soviet Navy dispatched two groups of ships, armed with nuclear missiles, from Vladivostok; they trailed U.S. Task Force 74 into the Indian Ocean from 18 December 1971 until 7 January 1972. The Soviets also sent a nuclear submarine to ward off the threat posed by USS Enterprise in the Indian Ocean."

when the USS Enterprise reached the Indian Ocean, Soviet nuclear submarines surfaced without any kind of verbal warning or threat. There was no formal or informal dialogue between the USSR and the United States. As the United States were not ready to risk open nuclear warfare with the Soviets the Enterprise simply turned around and sailed back to the US.

Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now lets get back to the topic plzz!!!
Indian friends tell Pakistan to not rely on brother ally China, who have always been a brother to Pakistan - then theyh respond that Soviet Union supported Indian with threat of nuclear confrontation with US and China -- curious.
The idea is to get Pakistani goods flowing in the opposite direction -- Indian friends should practice what they preach - they should stop allowing Chinese goods from entering Indian markets.

u r mistaken here. India is not encouraging chinese goods to take over Indian markets. Not only that our Domestic industries and factories are flourishing and mainly consumed within the country. In addition to that we do other nations work through outsourcing. the question is, Is that what happening in Pakistan?.
You are making straw man arguments - Indian should at least follow his own advice, isn't that so? When can we expect Indian to close his markets to chinese goods?
Indian friends tell Pakistan to not rely on brother ally China, who have always been a brother to Pakistan - then theyh respond that Soviet Union supported Indian with threat of nuclear confrontation with US and China -- curious.

nobody is telling Pakistan to break relationship with China. Pakistan-China relationship is good and thats fine. Infact its even better if Pakistan can find a huge market of 1.3 billion people. That way pakistan's homegrown industry can thrive. the the big question here is, Is that happening now? if not it should. Thatz all am trying to say. No intention to break u guys up.LOL. If there is a bridge, there should be flow from both sides.
nobody is telling Pakistan to break relationship with China. Pakistan-China relationship is good and thats fine

That's mighty white of you, Indian friend - Your approval is important.
Am not going to argue with u muse, as u r deviating from the point. The dude who started the thread just asked a billion dollar question. the rest is upto u guys, after all Pakistan is ur nation.
It's not even a one cent question - If today we are on the road to self sufficiency, it is because China helped us and continues to help Pakistan and I am grateful for that, that's all. Not an argument, not personal, I hope I have got that through.
there are over 20million muslim in china,those mobs represents nobody,they betrayed of their faith.and pakistan is not relying on china
Are u aware that US backed off from 1971 war for a reason. if u dont just google it. If the almighty US backed off for a reason then its better not to talk about then Chinese army.If US and China were in behalf of Pakistan we Indians had our buddy Soviet Union. Soviet promised us to watch our back from a possible US aggresion. If u dont know the story am gunna quote few lines for ya...read up.

"The Nixon administration also ignored reports it received of the 'genocidal' activities of the Pakistani Army in East Pakistan, most notably the Blood telegram. When Pakistan's defeat in the eastern sector seemed certain, Nixon sent the USS Enterprise to the Bay of Bengal, a move which was a nuclear threat. The Enterprise arrived on station on December 11, 1971. On 6 December and 13 December, the Soviet Navy dispatched two groups of ships, armed with nuclear missiles, from Vladivostok; they trailed U.S. Task Force 74 into the Indian Ocean from 18 December 1971 until 7 January 1972. The Soviets also sent a nuclear submarine to ward off the threat posed by USS Enterprise in the Indian Ocean."

when the USS Enterprise reached the Indian Ocean, Soviet nuclear submarines surfaced without any kind of verbal warning or threat. There was no formal or informal dialogue between the USSR and the United States. As the United States were not ready to risk open nuclear warfare with the Soviets the Enterprise simply turned around and sailed back to the US.

Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now lets get back to the topic plzz!!!

All genocide stories were surfaced mainly through propaganda media. But US knew under sign treaty defending Pak was his primary liability. And Mao was extremely angry because of US act. Russia was never key role player. Had sympathy for India, but was for later some time. Plus USS enterprise never reached Indian ocean. This is another good story.But anyway Indian back stabbed well Pakistan, by supporting Bangalies. Which Pak army never forget. Thats why if General Mullen tell PA thousand time, no threat form India. They will only listen, but they know their potential enemy mentality.
It's called a deal. The US doesn't need our business as much as China did. China benefited a lot from the JF-17 deal, so they offered a lot in return (including ToT). Now, as an example, India is offering big business with the MMRCA contest winner, US$10-billion, and therefore, the US is willing to transfer certain amount of their technology to India (which is outdated according to their standards). That's because the US is looking our for itself. Guess what, China does the same.

The argument that the Americans are less reliable than the Chinese as a people is flawed. They are both equally reliable, given that we can provide an equally valuable return.

Now, from Pakistan's point of view, I agree, China is a more reliable partner. But that is only because Pakistan can offer China what they want in return. Without Pakistani business, China's defense industry may not have been able to get where it is today.

Like I said, we should not expect anyone to do us any favors. Cooperation is always good, but too much reliance is bad. This is pretty much common sense, I don't see why anyone would disagree.

1 I can't bear you any more, are you secret agent from India or the West? we should ask administrator to delete your post!!!:devil:
2 You want to foment our relationship with China!
3 Even muslim have many bad guys like you! Some muslim in China are used by US to attack China , everyone knows that except your fool~~~~

4 without China's valuable help,we can't make a plane even in 20 years, what about you? can you make a aircraft ? Now , we are few countries that can make the 3rd generation aircraft,what a big progress! the West especially US will never help us and alway make sanction on us!!!:pakistan::china:
The topic seems to be exaggerating the whole Pak-China relationship..... and subsequent posts are just dogfights based on a notion that some anti Pakistan -China force is at work here.....

No one seems to have spent time trying to understand the depth of the relationship.

Any international relationship has to be a mix of

1. Direct or indirect aid
2. Infrastrusture joint ventures
3. R&D in any field
4. Bilateral trade

If the relationship has all these elements in a right proportion then there is no harm in a strong partner whom you can rely upon.

But the moment the balance starts tipping towards the strong partner in the long run, this is where the other partner should start worrying now its for Pakistani Government to see ow they want to manage their partnership with China. As of now China seems to be a stronger partner having too much leverage because, for some reason Pakistan is unable to contribute substantially to the relationship.
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One of he dumbest post sofar. And I have to admit that I am soft when I say this... Where did you make your conclusions? BRF?

Oh my GOD how u comment like this

and i am astonished that so many people thanked you for dis vulnerable post

My dear PAK has friends and foe coz of there own intersts.
China simply wants to Access the arabian sea route throgh proposed Express way at place of KKH.
and it wants calm in south west to focus on other issues.
in future if it supplies would be for ASEANS of for ausies then it will care the country of its southern side

So be realistic
china is our great friend till it has great interst with us
Chine would be our small allie when it would have small interst with us
Agreed there that pakistan is loosing the plot by depanding too heavily on china. I doubt china can give them a helping hand if required from their direct involvment in a war. clear example is AFGHAN war.

Pakistan is facing toughest time and these times they need a very stong chinese help but are they proving themselve worthy at the standard required or anticipated by pakistan ?


Never depand too much on any body. china is getting in a postion where it will be developed and would like to interfere in any kind of dispute outside its boundaries. because that will hit china more than naybody and its growth which they acheived after lot of hard work.

Pakistan need to look for russian help directly . or self dependence.
there are no permanent friends or enemy. only strategic or diplomatic relations.
Pakistan need to look for russian help directly
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