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Regional power confronts China over East Sea

lol..any difference can be solved via dialogue..that you can't solve,you should try those in International Court..got it???Force should be last resort(if it is really needed to solve the problem).

does India always try to solve problem with its neighbors through international court? 1961 Indian annexation of Goa was ever presented to the international court?
does India always try to solve problem with its neighbors through international court? 1961 Indian annexation of Goa was ever presented to the international court?
SCS(east sea) is the property of the world, if you dare to rob it, then you will not only have problem with your neighbors but also the whole world will go against you:coffee:
SCS(east sea) is the property of the world, if you dare to rob it, then you will not only have problem with your neighbors but also the whole world will go against you:coffee:

US robbed the whole Pacific,what the world is gonna do about it,might is right.no one says this phrase,but we all know how true it is.
There are many reasons as to why China doesn't go to UNCLOS to settle the SCS disputes even thought she is a signatory, albeit with many provisions, of the ruling body. One of the reason is that she wasn't an active participant in drafting the rules of UNCLOS, as she should because her size, population and as a permanent member of the Security Council. No strong and dignify are bounded by the rules made by others.

So if the US can use her superpower status to skirt the UNCLOS, China can also cites she was a non draftee of rules thus she doesn't trust such rules. In another word, it's not an argument between China and the other five claimants of SCS, rather it's a standoff between China and the US.

China is tell the US: We'll abide to the rules only after you put your signature to do the same.
US robbed the whole Pacific,what the world is gonna do about it,might is right.no one says this phrase,but we all know how true it is.
US is super power, she can fight against the whole world, and she always has EU's support, but china is lonely and can't even fight against Phil. Look before you leap,dude :coffee:
US is super power, she can fight against the whole world, and she always has EU's support, but china is lonely and can't even fight against Phil. Look before you leap,dude :coffee:

not yet,but we are getting there,and your country's future is doomed.
What happened to the phrase "we beat the US during the Vietnam War when they were already a super power" ?
not yet,but we are getting there,and your country's future is doomed.
hehhe, every one will destroy you before you can rob SCS(east sea), your future is much more doomer, our Su-27 just patrol near Itu-aba isl and both CN-TW could do nothing but keeping their mouth shut :lol:
Southwest Cay is so close to Itu-aba isl, it seem like TW's fantasy journey in SCS(east sea) will be over soon:woot:

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-...spratly-patrols-phu-cat-14.html#ixzz21MsqMBLe
hehhe, every one will destroy you before you can rob SCS(east sea), your future is much more doomer, our Su-27 just patrol near Itu-aba isl and both CN-TW could do nothing but keeping their mouth shut :lol:

who is everyone? and how many Su.27 do you have?do you know how to make them?

The People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) (simplified Chinese: 中国人民解放军空军; traditional Chinese: 中國人民解放軍空軍; pinyin: Zhōngguó Rénmín Jiěfàngjūn Kōngjūn) is the aviation branch of the People's Liberation Army, the military of the People's Republic of China. In 2010, the PLAAF had approximately 330,000 personnel and 2,500+ aircraft, of which 1,617 were combat aircraft;[1] the PLAAF was the largest air force in Asia, and the third largest in the world behind the United States Air Force and the Russian Air Force. This does not include PLA Naval Aviation which had 26,000 personnel and 570 aircraft (290 combat aircraft).[2]

does India always try to solve problem with its neighbors through international court? 1961 Indian annexation of Goa was ever presented to the international court?

how many times i've to tutor you guys about Goa,Sikkim,Kashmir and Hyderabad????search it and you'll find reason.its not a dispute with another country.its civil war and population,that wanted Indian help.those are not territorial disputes..do you familiar with colony,empire???

Goa----Pro-Indian population wanted to free from portuguese colonial rule and wanted to join India..

1961 Indian annexation of Goa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Its Sikkim's Prime minister that wanted sikkim,which was a tributary under Indian rule,to be a state of India and to demolish monarchy..

Sikkim - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

India attacked Hyderabad,almost all of people,whose 85% was Hindu,wanted to join India but attacked by private armies of Nizam.not only that,india took action only after atleast 500 border villages of India were burnt down...

Operation Polo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was India who went to UN on Kashmir,else history would be anything else..

At this stage Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru decided to ask UN to intervene. A UN cease-fire was arranged for the 31 December 1948. A few days before the cease-fire the Pakistanis launched a counter attack, which cut the road between Uri and Poonch[citation needed]. After protracted negotiations a cease-fire was agreed to by both countries, which came into effect. The terms of the cease-fire as laid out in a United Nations resolution[20] of August 13, 1948, were adopted by the UN on January 5, 1949. This required Pakistan to withdraw its forces, both regular and irregular, while allowing India to maintain minimum strength of its forces in the state to preserve law and order. On compliance of these conditions a plebiscite was to be held to determine the future of the territory. In all, 1,500 soldiers died on each side during the war[21] and Pakistan was able to acquire roughly two-fifths of Kashmir, including five of the fourteen eight thousanders plus peaks of the world, while India maintained the remaining three fifths of Kashmir, including the most populous and fertile regions.

Indo-Pakistani War of 1947 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

on the contrary,China attacked UN backed forces in Korea.... lol....

Korean War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

whatever...enough for you today i guess... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
who is everyone? and how many Su.27 do you have?do you know how to make them?
hehe, every ones supporting us weapons now(Russia-India-Japan-USA-Israel_NATO), tha's enough to beat up coward and inexperience china's army :P

we don't know how to make su-30 yet, but Russia help us to mantain it, and we know how to use them in real air combat when china inexperience pilots don't know anything about it.that why china pilot keep hiding inside hangar when seeing our Su-27 :lol:
hehe, every ones supporting us weapons now(Russia-India-Japan-USA-Israel_NATO), tha's enough to beat up coward and inexperience china's army :P

haha,in your wet dream,no one will come to your help.Vietnam is just nobody in this world.
we don't know how to make su-30 yet, but Russia help us to mantain it, and we know how to use them in real air combat when china inexperience pilots don't know anything about it.that why china pilot keep hiding inside hangar when seeing our Su-27 :lol:

we have tons of SU-27 and SU-30 and other types and we know how to mass produced them.do you seriously think Vietnamese air force stand a chance against Chinese airforce,let's see if you are on your right mind or you are just crazy.
we have tons of SU-27 and SU-30 and other types and we know how to mass produced them.do you seriously think Vietnamese air force stand a chance against Chinese airforce,let's see if you are on your right mind or you are just crazy.
Oh yeah, your " tons of SU-27 and SU-30" are useless bcz your coward pilot don't know how to fight in real combat:P

That's why, our su-27 can fly freely near TW troop in Itu-aba isl :victory:
haha,in your wet dream,no one will come to your help.Vietnam is just nobody in this world.
support weapon is enough :P
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