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Regional countries should follow Turkey’s model towards Iran’s N-case

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First, o right now, no one is dying from lack of medicine, it has improved greatly since 2 years ago.
Second, your example is irrelevant, even if they dye from lack of medicine, that still has nothing to do with making or not making a nuclear weapon.

I can only hope that is true.

What a great example, shows your logic at best.

I know, thank you. Instead of wasting resources on propagandas like Qaher, had Iran invested them in actual projects like Pakistan did back in the day, it could have made significant progress towards nuclear weapons or reactors by now. And the thousands of Iranian deaths and all the misery caused by sanctions wouldn't be for nothing.

Since you are so sure that Iran could have built nuclear weapons by now if it really wanted to, let me ask you, what does Iran want and what does it get so far?
I can only hope that is true.

And the thousands of Iranian deaths and all the misery caused by sanctions wouldn't be for nothing.

Since you are so sure that Iran could have built nuclear weapons by now if it really wanted to, let me ask you, what does Iran want and what does it get so far?

Do u smoke Cannabis ??

My turk kiddo, Iran doesn't want to build Nukes, Iran only wants peaceful nuclear energy; but if Iran wanted to built nukes did not give a shyt to USA; that mean Iran is afaraid of no one, bur for various reasons itself does't want to build nukes.

PS. Building nukes is not good for Iran's geopolitical posotion, another reason is having nukes in Islam is haram, having or using nukes means try to genocide thousands of civilians which is strongly forbiden in Islam.

Having capability against the countries which have nukes is another story.
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Do u smoke Cannabis ??

Yeah, i thought i was being modest too. I should have said tens of thousands maybe? How many people have died in Iran because of the direct and indirect effects of sanctions? For example due to lack of medication?..
Yeah, i thought i was being modest too. I should have said tens of thousands maybe? How many people have died in Iran because of the direct and indirect effects of sanctions? For example due to lack of medication?..
Maybe some medicines (2%) became expensive but no one died due to lack of medicines.
I know, thank you. Instead of wasting resources on propagandas like Qaher, had Iran invested them in actual projects like Pakistan did back in the day, it could have made significant progress towards nuclear weapons or reactors by now. And the thousands of Iranian deaths and all the misery caused by sanctions wouldn't be for nothing.

Since you are so sure that Iran could have built nuclear weapons by now if it really wanted to, let me ask you, what does Iran want and what does it get so far?

I already answered that question here

What I expect? What every other nation in the world can have, a fully independent and indigenous nuclear program under NPT regulations without any handpicked hypocrisies and selective measures, that's what the warmongers and nutjobs in U.S and Israel have been opposing from day one.

We want it and we will get it.

I'd like to point to some hypocritical stances from people like you. I've seen Turkish members who boast about how the 'devil western world' was trying to blackmail Turkey after the first World War, how they treated you unfairly and how you fought those devil demands. But now, people like you are trying to act as the representative of 'civilized' world that how you are concerned about the huge lie that Iran is going to make a nuclear weapon and how you try to pretend that it's impossible for angel western countries to blackmail and harass other countries, even by telling a huge lie to the world.

We could care less if people like you believe it or not that we don;t intend to produce nuclear weapons.

If you feel so confident that your western friends are telling the truth do the following and let us know the result:

1. Get out of Nato
2. Denounce U.S and Israel's actions openly and sharply
3. Start an indigenous nuclear and enrichment program
4. Produce ballistic missiles
5. Inform us as soon as you get in to the list of axis of Evil and also the news about how Turkey is trying to destroy the whole world, how the 'international community' is concerned with Turkish human right's situation and how all options are on the table about this rogue regime. Also how the the 'civilized' world should protect the innocent Israel from Turkish claws and blah blah.
6. Then you will agree with me that there indeed can be a huge hoax to fool the whole world, you have no idea what media is capable of.
I'd like to point to some hypocritical stances from people like you. I've seen Turkish members who boast about how the 'devil western world' was trying to blackmail Turkey after the first World War, how they treated you unfairly and how you fought those devil demands. But now, people like you are trying to act as the representative of 'civilized' world that how you are concerned about the huge lie that Iran is going to make a nuclear weapon and how you try to pretend that it's impossible for angel western countries to blackmail and harass other countries, even by telling a huge lie to the world.

We could care less if people like you believe it or not that we don;t intend to produce nuclear weapons.

If you feel so confident that your western friends are telling the truth do the following and let us know the result:

1. Get out of Nato
2. Denounce U.S and Israel's actions openly and sharply
3. Start an indigenous nuclear and enrichment program
4. Produce ballistic missiles
5. Inform us as soon as you get in to the list of axis of Evil and also the news about how Turkey is trying to destroy the whole world, how the 'international community' is concerned with Turkish human right's situation and how all options are on the table about this rogue regime. Also how the the 'civilized' world should protect the innocent Israel from Turkish claws and blah blah.
6. Then you will agree with me that there indeed can be a huge hoax to fool the whole world, you have no idea what media is capable of.

I don't know what you are talking about, perhaps you should write to those members you've seen. But let me tell you this I'm not trying to act as the representative of anyone. I merely state my own opinions which you might agree with or not. You should read my posts in this thread once again because you apparently didn't get them.

Although currently Iran doesn't have the capability to build nuclear weapons, it has some of the instruments and intention to do so. And nobody can guarante that it won't succeed in the long run. Fanatics such as your mullahs with nuclear weapons is a no joke, it'd threat not only the region but the whole world, hence the sanctions. You might find them harsh and unfair, and probably they are but remember, with their nuclear program and constant threats, mullahs brought these on you. Blame US and Israel all you want, but also save some for the zealots.
We can't imagine all the chaos that is being caused by Iran's sectarian policy in the middle-east. You have to live there to actually know what terror really is. I cannot even imagine the families that are being bombed by barrel bombs by Assad (supported by Iran). You have to live in those cities with your family to know that feeling. We can also not imagine how it is to live in Israel as a Jew where they have safety chambers in every house against Iranian rockets and gas attacks. We can also not imagine how it is to loose your son to PKK terrorism supported by Iran. You can only know how those feelings are when it happens to you. These things are happening without Iran having nuclear bombs. Just imagine the audacity Iran would have if they had the nuke? The problems in the middle-east would increase 10 fold. No, I undestand Israel's concerns. And all other neighbors of Iran have the same concerns, maybe less vocal than Israel but we all share Israel's opinion. Every option should be on the table to stop Iran nuclear development or change Iran's regime.
AFAIK Turkey cannot use the nuclear missiles as it pleases. Turkey along with Netherlands, Germany and some others only share these US bombs. Furthermore, according to this article Turkey doesn't have the capability (though we have the planes) to carry out such strikes anymore due no training.

Reassessing the Role of U.S. Nuclear Weapons in Turkey | Arms Control Association

That's what I meant with arms race. Iran having such bombs will spur Turkey too.
US is preparing to deploy new generation of tactical Nukes in Incirlik AB and Aselsan is upgrating the storage security, do you really think we dont have the training to carry out strikes when we have everything else necessary?

ASELSAN achieves new Technology

ASELSAN, bombaların güvenliğini sağlayan sistemi yeniledikten sonra ABD, yeni tip nükleer bombalarını belli bir takvime göre İncirlik’te konuşlandıracak.

İlk adım ASELSAN ile Milli Savunma Bakanlığı arasında imzalanan anlaşmayla atıldı. 79.8 milyon liralık modernizasyon anlaşmasıyla “Güvenli Nükleer Bomba Saklama Sistemi” olarak bilinen “WS3” sistemi yenilenecek. WS3 sisteminin iyileştirilmesi işini ASELSAN yapacak. İmzalanan sözleşmeye göre ASELSAN, tesis güvenliği için gerekli teslimatları 2014-2015 arasında yapacak. ASELSAN’ın modernize edeceği WS3 sistemi tüm NATO ve ABD hava üslerinde nükleer bombaların korunması amacıyla kullanılıyor. Bombaların taşınması, saklanması ve uçaklara yüklenmesi sırasında oluşabilecek kazalar bu elektronik sistem sayesinde önlenebiliyor.
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We can't imagine all the chaos that is being caused by Iran's sectarian policy in the middle-east. You have to live there to actually know what terror really is. I cannot even imagine the families that are being bombed by barrel bombs by Assad (supported by Iran). You have to live in those cities with your family to know that feeling. We can also not imagine how it is to live in Israel as a Jew where they have safety chambers in every house against Iranian rockets and gas attacks. We can also not imagine how it is to loose your son to PKK terrorism supported by Iran. You can only know how those feelings are when it happens to you. These things are happening without Iran having nuclear bombs. Just imagine the audacity Iran would have if they had the nuke? The problems in the middle-east would increase 10 fold. No, I undestand Israel's concerns. And all other neighbors of Iran have the same concerns, maybe less vocal than Israel but we all share Israel's opinion. Every option should be on the table to stop Iran nuclear development or change Iran's regime.


I read the last few pages and a lot of people are talking without any knowledge. Also a lot of knowledge is secret so we don't know the full secret of the nukes in Turkey. Read this:

B61 nuclear bombs in Turkey | Eurasian Hub

During the 1974 Turkish-Greek crises. The US removed the nukes from Greece because they were afraid they might use it. They wanted to do the same with the Turkish nukes. This tells us that we have the capability to deliver the nukes on our own.
Turkey has no Nukes, believe me
you read what i wrote rather than talking nonsense .
Turkey operate non ZERO what so ever of tactical nuclear weapons .

Turkish pilot only can drop the bomb after it been activated .

it is like you got cargo and you use donkey to deliver it .
meaning Turkey is only deliver it and is not capable of even packing cargo

There are 90 B-61 Nuclear bombs in Turkey. 40 of them are allocated to use of Turkey.
142. Squadron (Gazelles) are responsible for delivering nuke's to target.
142.Ceylan Filo Ankara-Akıncı Hava Üssü.jpg
US is preparing to deploy new generation of tactical Nukes in Incirlik AB and Aselsan is upgrating the storage security, do you really think we dont have the training to carry out strikes when we have everything else necessary?

ASELSAN achieves new Technology
my assumption is based on the following text from the link i provided;

"Moreover, the Turkish air force no longer has any operational link with the remaining tactical nuclear weapons deployed at Incirlik.[16] F-104s have not been in service since 1994. F-4s are still in service after modernization of some 54 of them by Israeli Aerospace Industries in 1997. Yet, only the F-16 “Fighting Falcons” of the Turkish air force participate in NATO`s nuclear strike exercises known as “Steadfast Noon,” during which crews are trained in loading, unloading, and employing B61 tactical nuclear weapons.[17] The Turkish aircraft in these exercises serve as a non-nuclear air defense escort rather than a nuclear strike force.[18]"

If this is true, I'm surprised about this too, i always thought our air force could at least deliver them (with US' approval that is). Nonetheless, I don't think that storing them equates with being able to deliver them, because I once heard a rumor (which is now reinforced with the above article) that an US aircraft would come to Incirlik, pick up the bomb and proceed its mission, which means Turkey is actually doing nothing but storing the bombs. I might be wrong though.

There are 90 B-61 Nuclear bombs in Turkey. 40 of them are allocated to use of Turkey.
142. Squadron (Gazelles) are responsible for delivering nuke's to target.
View attachment 177765
That's good news. But what about the codes for the bombs? can we use them whenever we need it without approval?

i also found this old thread
Will Turkey ever have to give back NATO nukes?
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my assumption is based on the following text from the link i provided;

"Moreover, the Turkish air force no longer has any operational link with the remaining tactical nuclear weapons deployed at Incirlik.[16] F-104s have not been in service since 1994. F-4s are still in service after modernization of some 54 of them by Israeli Aerospace Industries in 1997. Yet, only the F-16 “Fighting Falcons” of the Turkish air force participate in NATO`s nuclear strike exercises known as “Steadfast Noon,” during which crews are trained in loading, unloading, and employing B61 tactical nuclear weapons.[17] The Turkish aircraft in these exercises serve as a non-nuclear air defense escort rather than a nuclear strike force.[18]"

If this is true, I'm surprised about this too, i always thought our air force could at least deliver them (with US' approval that is). Nonetheless, I don't think that storing them equates with being able to deliver them, because I once heard a rumor (which is now reinforced with the above article) that an US aircraft would come to Incirlik, pick up the bomb and proceed its mission, which means Turkey is actually doing nothing but storing the bombs. I might be wrong though.
You are wrong. Just look at Sinan's post. Those F-16s have the special pylons to carry B-61 bombs, but Turkey has the codes for half of the nukes(40-50 out of 90-100 nukes.)
my assumption is based on the following text from the link i provided;

"Moreover, the Turkish air force no longer has any operational link with the remaining tactical nuclear weapons deployed at Incirlik.[16] F-104s have not been in service since 1994. F-4s are still in service after modernization of some 54 of them by Israeli Aerospace Industries in 1997. Yet, only the F-16 “Fighting Falcons” of the Turkish air force participate in NATO`s nuclear strike exercises known as “Steadfast Noon,” during which crews are trained in loading, unloading, and employing B61 tactical nuclear weapons.[17] The Turkish aircraft in these exercises serve as a non-nuclear air defense escort rather than a nuclear strike force.[18]"

If this is true, I'm surprised about this too, i always thought our air force could at least deliver them (with US' approval that is). Nonetheless, I don't think that storing them equates with being able to deliver them, because I once heard a rumor (which is now reinforced with the above article) that an US aircraft would come to Incirlik, pick up the bomb and proceed its mission, which means Turkey is actually doing nothing but storing the bombs. I might be wrong though.

Mate, there are lots of sources in the internet...everyone of them suggests another thing... though we made this discussion at the past. And came to a conclusion as i posted in my previous post.
Mate, there are lots of sources in the internet...everyone of them suggests another thing... though we made this discussion at the past. And came to a conclusion as i posted in my previous post.
We discussed it here
Will Turkey ever have to give back NATO nukes?
But then we didn't know Turkey's arsenal is planned to be upgraded for the f35 by 2019.
If this is true, I'm surprised about this too, i always thought our air force could at least deliver them (with US' approval that is). Nonetheless, I don't think that storing them equates with being able to deliver them, because I once heard a rumor (which is now reinforced with the above article) that an US aircraft would come to Incirlik, pick up the bomb and proceed its mission, which means Turkey is actually doing nothing but storing the bombs. I might be wrong though.

You are not wrong. This is exactly how it is.
You dont even have your own military telecommunication (which you sold to the West, along with many of your harbors, ports) so you cant wage war effectively unless it is in NATO interests.
So if you did something they did not like, they'd cut you off and you would be nothing more than a headless chicken.
Sorry for putting it so harshly, but reality is what it is and it cant be changed.
Turkey is an extension of NATO in the middle east. You think they would let you operate and deliver nukes, without their consent? They are there for storage.
Im glad you are not as gullible as the rest of your countrymen who are blinded by nationalism to realize the obvious reality.
To even think NATO would willingly just hand nukes to Turkey as a gift, without any sort of control mechanism...:rofl:
The stupidity and naiveness of your countrymen in this thread has been quite astounding and mind-boggling.
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