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Red Mosque Cleric Abdul Aziz warns of 'bloody revolution'

GOP has no option but to resort to military action.

What you think GOP was in aggreement with this action?

It was personal decision of Musharaf and may Allah will give patience to parents of student who dont have even seen dead bodies of their childrens.Allah SWT will do always justice , some times delayed due to any reason ,but this wound remain open uptill last day of jugdment.

We can do nothing but atleast comdemn this barberic and extreme action of dictator.

You seem very emotional and you make charge after charge, but you have not responded to questions put to you earlier, is this some new methodology from Waziristan?
Here you are admitting that the Mullah was part of a islamist network whose intention was to provoke the government by holding students hostage - isn't that so?

And how did you hope to explain that these "students" had conducted raids into the city and at one time held chinese residents of the area as hostage??

And how do you hope to explain how it was if these were hostages that these same students had raided the home of a private citizen and held her hostage as well???

And how did you hope to explain these "students" provoking authorites by saying that they would bring about a islamic revolution with their blood??

And how did you hope to show that SSg could "liberate" students firing automatic weapons at them??

See, Fundamentalist, your case is rather weak - reality is that Musharraf waited too long, had he acted earlier perhaps events would not have come to this - the mullah and his network were breaking the law, all the capital police had to do was arrest him on the charge of incitement, he would be out on bail, and he would incite again and be arrested again -- instead Musharraf listened to appeasers and it hurt him and it hurt the "students" -- lets hope there will be less of these "students" and more spine to uphold laws of the land.

Let me clarify you that i am extremely aganist Ghazi brothers, but in favour of all those who opposed commando action which burnt every human being inside LAL mosque .dead bodies of students were not recognisable?

My question is why this barberic methods adopted for liberation of LAL Mosques?
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You seem very emotional and you make charge after charge, but you have not responded to questions put to you earlier, is this some new methodology from Waziristan?

We should have embraced the "mullahs" and then killed them rather give them issues where they can rally public support.........come on you must admit that after lal masjid the mullahs hit the jackpot as a point to recruit terrorist to attack us.

Its the way we have gone about this whole problem that most people have a issue with.

You seem very emotional and you make charge after charge, but you have not responded to questions put to you earlier, is this some new methodology from Waziristan?

You believe or not SWAT mutiny has link with LAL mosque.

Yara, why are making charge after charge ? Is some bodies were unrecognizable, it is because the brave and Patriotic Fauj chose to save the lives of other soldiers and innocents.

Perhaps your indignation should be for those Islmaists who misled, misguided, their students, your indignation should be directed towards those imbecile and negligent parents who gave their children up to the cause of Islamism and the leadership of the insane.

No one wants to see anyone dead or shot up, but put the blame and the responsibility for this where it belongs - don't blame the policeman for doing his job, blame the criminal who refused to stop when the police told him to stop, the action of the criminal has consequences and blaming the police for doing it's job is unfair and just muddled thinking.

Yara, why are making charge after charge ? Is some bodies were unrecognizable, it is because the brave and Patriotic Fauj chose to save the lives of other soldiers and innocents.

Perhaps your indignation should be for those Islmaists who misled, misguided, their students, your indignation should be directed towards those imbecile and negligent parents who gave their children up to the cause of Islamism and the leadership of the insane.

No one wants to see anyone dead or shot up, but put the blame and the responsibility for this where it belongs - don't blame the policeman for doing his job, blame the criminal who refused to stop when the police told him to stop, the action of the criminal has consequences and blaming the police for doing it's job is unfair and just muddled thinking.

Right, but if you remember our cammandos liberated Kabah by using electrified water , and nerve gases.
You would rather that we had used electrocution and posion gas??
Right, but if you remember our cammandos liberated Kabah by using electrified water , and nerve gases.

did they now??? who said!!! ANOTHER MYTH my friend...if you have a link please provide!!!

i love my army but can't put up with lies!!! our army never liberated KABAA from no one!!!
No need to get emotional fundamentalist.Army is not a brutal organization that it's killed people that way.Army went into to save people not to burn them alive (There are huge myths about Lal Masjid and i am not surprised..we have thounsads of Myths in Pakistan about Army, Jews and USA etc).Colletrial damage is unavoidable.Any such mission have colletrial damage issues.Russian Army also went into to save school but a lot of childrens died.You see this is the problem with Pakistan.Had Lal Masjid fiasco happened in India..The people would have been thumping the Army for doing a good job but in Pakistan we like to groom terrorists as long as they belong to a madrassh and supposedly good muslims.
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Perhaps they leave him alone so they can capture the ones who are willing to take action. There must be some logical reason they allow him to continue to preach?

I find it funny how you completely blame the Army for the assault carried out. Why don't you criticize those who were inside the Red Mosque. The Army gave around 2 or 3 days and told the people inside a hundred times that they will strike if they don't come out. The families of the girls were standing outside with the military men begging for their daughters to come out but they didn't. Some were forced to stay inside and the doors were shut and closed by the mullah bastards inside so the women couldn't escape, even the little girls.

The Military had to do what it had to do, i agree that it could have been done in a slightly better way but the military is NOT to be blamed or held responsible here.

Here Watch the FULL AL-Jazeera Report by Rageh Omar who is a brilliant Journalist. I think these videos need to be put as a sticky or something so everyone can see what really happened.

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Here Watch the FULL AL-Jazeera Report by Rageh Omar who is a brilliant Journalist. I think these videos need to be put as a sticky or something so everyone can see what really happened.


The was not a "mad mullah" as the mushy machine said but a martyr for islam........somebody at least took a stand and future pakistanis will thank this brave hero.:pakistan:
Let me clarify you that i am extremely aganist Ghazi brothers, but in favour of all those who opposed commando action which burnt every human being inside LAL mosque .dead bodies of students were not recognisable?

My question is why this barberic methods adopted for liberation of LAL Mosques?

Sir what do you suggest should have been done? They tried talking to these extremists, but obviously they weren't going to listen, so action had to be taken. This is your naive thinking that such militant islamists will change their ways through talking. The army tried to talk to them and nothing happened, so action had to be taken. Its as simple as that.

I reckon Islamist apologists would rather have us sign a 'peace deal' for areas in Islamabad as well :rofl:

---------- Post added at 06:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:28 PM ----------

The was not a "mad mullah" as the mushy machine said but a martyr for islam........somebody at least took a stand and future pakistanis will thank this brave hero.:pakistan:

Yeah a great hero who took a stand by taking the law into his own hands and policing the community even though he has no such authority. Do you have any idea how much embarrassment this caused Pakistan in the world?

Some heroes and 'martyrs' for islam we have nowadays :rolleyes:
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