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Record number of Pakistanis visited India last year

is that how insecure you are?

Indians are to an extent.

I remember the secularist jibes I got from here because of my refusal to mix religion with politics.

I remember you making a thread on that. Don't know how it went.

As you can see the suspicions between the two nations run deep. We can try again say in the next 120 years :/
You speak as if its a germ we all carry, the hyped up Jihadi rhetoric you mention is limited to a VERY small minority of people who are increasingly becoming alienated in Pakistan themselves, many thanks to the Taliban and increasing education. Your concerns about changing the outlook of Indian society is thus misplaced, also, if a person is able to transform the social structure of your people in a month, then you should seriously consider that the danger lies in your social structure that it is so easily corrupted by foreign influence.

Yes. That is exactly how insecure I am.

I am sure when the wahabis started opening their mosques in Pakistan, a whole host of Pakistani's must have said 'my faith is not insecure, let them operate'.

We see the result of creeping radicalization today in Pakistan.

I would nip this problem early on than testing the security or insecurity of Indian society.

Was not the Pakistani social structure easily corrupted by a foreign influence? It was because you under estimated the impact back then.
You speak as if its a germ we all carry, the hyped up Jihadi rhetoric you mention is limited to a VERY small minority of people who are increasingly becoming alienated in Pakistan themselves, many thanks to the Taliban and increasing education. Your concerns about changing the outlook of Indian society is thus misplaced, also, if a person is able to transform the social structure of your people in a month, then you should seriously consider that the danger lies in your social structure that it is so easily corrupted by foreign influence.

Bro, extremist people live in all corners of world, even in USA. I think you understand that what I am trying to say. :-)
.....but you haven't given a negative rating to the Pakistani who ranted before me(post #2).........this proves how ungrateful you pakis are.......

Avoid using slurs. I will check the post.

Seen: He was building an argument, it wasn't a rant.
that's unfortunate, but I'm pretty sure these things don't happen often given the stringent visa process involved. Clearly, there are risks, but we certainly can't have an entire people be held responsible for a few fringe elements of society.

a more sensible answer :-)
LOL.......you checked the 13th post before the 2nd............

No, I went straight to the second post. If you have gone through his entire post, you will see that he rubbishes his links at the end and says that that's how the argument is built in the Op.

I was building an argument too.....

In that case, you were building an argument using slurs.
You speak as if its a germ we all carry, the hyped up Jihadi rhetoric you mention is limited to a VERY small minority of people who are increasingly becoming alienated in Pakistan themselves, many thanks to the Taliban and increasing education. Your concerns about changing the outlook of Indian society is thus misplaced, also, if a person is able to transform the social structure of your people in a month, then you should seriously consider that the danger lies in your social structure that it is so easily corrupted by foreign influence.
Icarus, you are a man of numbers and analysis.

Let me break down the details. Most radicalization has happened in Pakistani punjab. It is 10 times more than what has happened in Sindh. It is in Punjab that SSP has a base, it is in Punjab where Punjab police damages graves of Ahmadis, it is in Punjab where massive crowds gather to kill people accused of blasphemy, it in Punjab where educated lawyers throw roses on Qadri.

Now the maximum number of Pakistani's that come to India are from Pakistani Punjab. Are you able to gather how the the extremists in Pakistan are disproportionately more represented in the tourists to India.
Yes. That is exactly how insecure I am.

I am sure when the wahabis started opening their mosques in Pakistan, a whole host of Pakistani's must have said 'my faith is not insecure, let them operate'.

We see the result of creeping radicalization today in Pakistan.

I would nip this problem early on than testing the security or insecurity of Indian society.
Was not the Pakistani social structure easily corrupted by a foreign influence? It was because you under estimated the impact back then.

Touche, but it was not something that happened in months or even years, it took over 3 decades of gradual ideological corruption.
No, I went straight to the second post. If you have gone through his entire post, you will see that he rubbishes his links at the end and says that that's how the argument is built in the Op.

In that case, you were building an argument using slurs.
so.....adding a line that "I was trolling" or adding a 'sarcastic' smiley after using slur......is ok according to you.....
Is that what you suggest to avoid negative ratings??.......

Secondly, when a person is admitting that he is trolling......why not give him an infraction/negative rating..........oh! I forgot, you consider trolling as "building an argument".........
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Yes. That is exactly how insecure I am.

I am sure when the wahabis started opening their mosques in Pakistan, a whole host of Pakistani's must have said 'my faith is not insecure, let them operate'.

We see the result of creeping radicalization today in Pakistan.

I would nip this problem early on than testing the security or insecurity of Indian society.
Was not the Pakistani social structure easily corrupted by a foreign influence? It was because you under estimated the impact back then.

Do you have a breakdown of the Pakistani visitor numbers in terms of Indian state??

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