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Record number of Pakistanis visited India last year

I didn't want to reply to yoi, but you brought religion and so I want to further show your hypocrisy. Muslims on both side worship same God. So don't bring religion into discussion.

Yes they do. But you take your religion too seriously! That is the point. We don't want the ideology being taught to Young Pakistanis in India. That is why Said it is too big a number to be acceptable.
we should, (imagine how many spies were in that 100,000) @Contrarian
This is not a question of spies or terrorism.
This is a question of world view and social outlook of Pakistani's that is very different from Indians. And if that rubs off of Indians, then it would be simply disastrous for us.
Kaku. The only thing I request you is to THINK before you post.
I did not say that the terrorists were coming.

I said their social system is such that they have bigotry and distinct views of sharia, Islam and non-Muslims. That is what they will tell their friends and relatives here if they are allowed to come rampantly. The GoI can not and does not check the world view of Pakistanis coming, they only check whether they are associated with a terrorist group or not.

These are TWO distinct things that you are conflating.

Yes, I have. Tabliqi Jamaat member of Pakistan who has a relative in India - my friend. My friend's outlook towards life changed completely and not for the better because the continued association and brainwashing done by his Pakistani tabliqi jammat relative.

Now, we also have tabliqi jamaat here, but the fact is that the individual concerned - my friend - was not inclined to listen to them. So there has been atleast one instance of a social cost that India has had to bear because of Pakistani visits.

No, No, from background check, I mean sympathizer too.

BTW, we are granting visas to Afgani citizens or to any Arab country, even there visa norms are much more milder than the Pakistan one. This thing apply to them too. Think about it.

BTW, these people not going to live forever to radicalize the whole Indian society, maybe 15 days or 1 month.
Yup they fulfill there agenda in15 days and preach the Islam in 15 days. BTW, Islam is not bad at all, but its radicalization is.

What is it that I have been saying all this while? It does not even take 15 days. Are you even aware of how people are brainwashed? A Fatwa is enough too harbour anti Indian feelings. I am saying all this because India has some takers for this ideology.
This is not a question of spies or terrorism.
This is a question of world view and social outlook of Pakistani's that is very different from Indians. And if that rubs off of Indians, then it would be simply disastrous for us.
what exactly are you afraid would rub off on indians?

@kaku1 your one of my fav indians now actually. i now realize your not a troll.
No, No, from background check, I mean sympathizer too.
And these are not terrorism sympathizers. They dont condone terrorism, but their world view of Islam, Sharia, Ahmadis and non-Muslims is incompatible with modern and pluralistic India.

BTW, we are granting visas to Afgani citizens or to any Arab country, even there visa norms are much more milder than the Pakistan one. This thing apply to them too. Think about it.
The number of Afghans and Arabs coming to India is miniscule.
Did you see the data - over 1 lakh Pakistani's coming to India each year.

BTW, these people not going to live forever to radicalize the whole Indian society, maybe 15 days or 1 month.
I gave an example of their effect, they come repeatedly. Most people who are coming, they keep coming each year or alternate year.

Do you realize you are now sounding slightly childish? 'They come for 1 month'. That is not the point. They are able to influence enough in that 1 month that they are here to set some people down on a very dark path.

Should we subject that to Indians? Why should we not limit the Pakistanis coming to India to say 10,000 a year instead of having one lakh people come each year?
Refusing to see that there is a social cost involved for India does not mean it will disappear or will not happen.
Pakistanis come for medical treatment too. But this is wrong. The number should be under 1000. We don't want them here. Indian Hospitals should say no to treating Pakistanis. Let them treat their own people as per Islam.

Here's an idea, build your own hospital and then implement this policy. Cheers.

Why are those beggars allowed......they shouldn't be allowed even on medical grounds............we must not help those ingrates..........let them die a wretched death in that god-forsaken country...
Curing one Pakistani means creating one more terrorist.....

what exactly are you afraid would rub off on indians?
Pakistani social outlook in every form.
Their view of Islam, their view on Secularism, their view of jihad, a whole host of other things.

If you are unaware of the Pakistani social outlook, then I can not discuss this with you. You got a chance to see it when you said you were becoming secular.
Pakistani social outlook in every form.
Their view of Islam, their view on Secularism, their view of jihad, a whole host of other things.

If you are unaware of the Pakistani social outlook, then I can not discuss this with you. You got a chance to see it when you said you were becoming secular.
is that how insecure you are?
And these are not terrorism sympathizers. They dont condone terrorism, but their world view of Islam, Sharia and non-Muslims is incompatible with modern and pluralistic India.

The number of Afghans and Arabs coming to India is miniscule.
Did you see the data - over 1 lakh Pakistani's coming to India each year.

I gave an example of their effect, they come repeatedly. Most people who are coming, they keep coming each year or alternate year.

Do you realize you are now sounding slightly childish? 'They come for 1 month'. That is not the point. They are able to influence enough in that 1 month that they are here to set some people down on a very dark path.

Should we subject that to Indians? Why should we not limit the Pakistanis coming to India to say 10,000 a year instead of having one lakh people come each year?
Refusing to see that there is a social cost involved for India does not mean it will disappear or will not happen.

You have no idea what kind of measure GOI has taken......

I have a friend who works in an MNC, had to train 4 new recruits from pakistan.... When they landed my friend was incharge of them and he was causal (as in any other foreigner who come for training), There was a call from an agency to him to give the details for which he again acted casual...... He never forget the reply from the man on the other end..... The next moment my friend was like ....... He gave all the details he had and there was a check on their movement...... After that his company decided to send trainees from Pakistan to Srilanka .....

I am sure the story is going to be similar if one of us visit pakistan....
is that how insecure you are?
Yes. That is exactly how insecure I am.

I am sure when the wahabis started opening their mosques in Pakistan, a whole host of Pakistani's must have said 'my faith is not insecure, let them operate'.

We see the result of creeping radicalization today in Pakistan.

I would nip this problem early on than testing the security or insecurity of Indian society.
Yes, I have. Tabliqi Jamaat member of Pakistan who has a relative in India - my friend. My friend's outlook towards life changed completely and not for the better because the continued association and brainwashing done by his Pakistani tabliqi jammat relative.

Now, we also have tabliqi jamaat here, but the fact is that the individual concerned - my friend - was not inclined to listen to them. So there has been atleast one instance of a social cost that India has had to bear because of Pakistani visits.

that's unfortunate, but I'm pretty sure these things don't happen often given the stringent visa process involved. Clearly, there are risks, but we certainly can't have an entire people be held responsible for a few fringe elements of society.
Pakistani social outlook in every form.
Their view of Islam, their view on Secularism, their view of jihad, a whole host of other things.

If you are unaware of the Pakistani social outlook, then I can not discuss this with you. You got a chance to see it when you said you were becoming secular.

You speak as if its a germ we all carry, the hyped up Jihadi rhetoric you mention is limited to a VERY small minority of people who are increasingly becoming alienated in Pakistan themselves, many thanks to the Taliban and increasing education. Your concerns about changing the outlook of Indian society is thus misplaced, also, if a person is able to transform the social structure of your people in a month, then you should seriously consider that the danger lies in your social structure that it is so easily corrupted by foreign influence.
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