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Record number of Pakistanis visited India last year

And what of the social cost to India?
The ideas and concepts that these people come with - of shariah and non Muslims, the levels of violence prevalent in their society ?

Be practical in your approach, not idealistic.

Rofl, bro, the foreign ministry do a vigorous check of background before allowing to enter in India, the visa granting still taking as high as six month. They dont allow everybody.
Then doctors won't have morals left. You'll become worse than african doctors.

Once you make rule of ignoring one kind, it'd expand. If your words are adopted, one day in India doctors will cater to only Muslims, some to Indians... When one will be dying, doctor will wait for other religion doctor to aid and watch him suffer.

Poison expands. It's like cancer. It won't stay one place or affect one place only.
I agree with this.
And so the problem should be solved by simply denying visas. The Government can do that easily..and the societal cost you mention of discrimination would be limited.
You bridge gaps with people who are better, you dont bridge gaps with a population that has been radicalized over decades, that has not been living in a pluralistic society and is a violent society.

Yes, they have a flawed system of education, and the indoctrination of hatred towards India and everything that's even remotely non-Islamic, is rampant and widespread, but we have to remember at all times that the majority of Pakistanis are normal, sane, and decent, and I for one, wish that their numbers increase with each passing year. Let's not allow a bunch of rotten apples to cast a shadow of doubt over the other regular, non-violent people of that country.

1 lakh Pakistani's coming to India each year is nothing short of a travesty!Even if they influence 2 Indians, that is 2 lakh Indians with Pakistani vision of shariah and non-Muslims each year!

Have you ever seen/heard of something like that happening? I haven't (yet)
Its good, they are too jus people, like we are. They are not born with Pakistani label in there mind. And giving medical help, its even more good.
good job , this type thinking can only bring us together.
I have repeated it main times

We should maintain gap with indians.
Thanks for the concern but we are not Pakistan. I simply voiced my opinion and I would say again I don't want Pakistanis in my country.

BTW, we don't brainwash our people in the name of religion. Doctors would continue to serve it's just that I don't like them saving lives of Pakistanis. Cancer spreads in Pakistan and not in India. You kill in the name of Allah and you allow people in Pakistan to be brainwashed in the name of religion.

It has already spread my friend. But we would vaccinate the disease in our country and one way to do that is by not allowing Pakistanis inside.
Because you can't use religion. Lots of muslims there... who helped make nukes, jets and are high rank military official.

Clearly you're one hopeless guy and must have some physcological disorder to think such way. So i'm done replying to you. Keep spewing hate... You're only wasting time .
It is a PDF secret..... :P

Hmmm ...........:o:

And what of the social cost to India?
The ideas and concepts that these people come with - of shariah and non Muslims, the levels of violence prevalent in their society ?

Be practical in your approach, not idealistic.

Well I understand the risk of it, but then you dont need a visitor from other country to do that.... Internet is enough, if our society is that vulnerable....
But why? Its good, people to people contact, and btw, what the hell even means visa ease. As the visa ease increases, definitely number of tourist from Pak increases.

And hospitals, if they can treat Pakistanis well, then what the problem with them, we are happy to treat westerns but not Pakistanis. Thats a hypocrisy bro,

Stop already with your unfounded emotions. Emotions don't work when it comes to Pakistan. Think logically and see the potential concerns for national security. That number is simply too big to be accepted.
Pakistanis come for medical treatment too. But this is wrong. The number should be under 1000. We don't want them here. Indian Hospitals should say no to treating Pakistanis. Let them treat their own people as per Islam.

Shut up....
Luckily global Indians and Pakis are much better and won't listen to people like you, hence you conceding. Fanatics like you don't exist here.
Is asking for reduction in visas given to Pakistanis fanaticism?
Why did you deny them to rohingyas then?
Why does canada deny visa to so many in te third world.

Sir, this is not a question of fanaticism and using such words to change the direction or relevance of question is condemnable.

This is a question which is very straight - Do we want so many Pakistani's visiting India. There will be a social cost to India in terms of those who host the Pakistani's. Pakistanis are by and large far more radicalized than Indians. What will be the result of this?

This is a question the people of India must question and ask themselves.
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