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RECEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN is he that bad?

Okay, we are making progress. Now answer this: why did other empires hold on to their land we lost our lands?

And you say Ottomans had great achievements? What achievements do they left on the Balkan? They don't even speak our language anymore whereas the Russian empire did leave a mark. Everywhere Russians went they still speak Russian.

Oh now i get it you'r sore with the fact that the ottomans never had an ethnic cleansing/ assimilation policy. Well in your opinion that might make it unsuccesful but my opinion is that shows me again how civizlized the ottomans were especially considering that europe was going through it's dark ages.

You as an european turk should know what kind of a turk the ottomans left in the heads pf the western europeans. Even today european citizens still have a biased opinion of the turks left by the ottomans.
Our Turkic ancestors threw the Iranian people out of central asia.
The ottoman empire was a big fail for the future who did they make muslim?
Only Bosnia and Albania are Muslims wow when the Spanians came to South America they made all of them Catholic.
Who is speaking Turkish in Balkan or Arabia?
No one speaks Turkish eventhough most of the ex-Udssr hates Russia they still speak russian they did a great job the ottomans didnt accomplished anything at all.

Oh now i get it you'r sore with the fact that the ottomans never had an ethnic cleansing/ assimilation policy. Well in your opinion that might make it unsuccesful but my opinion is that shows me again how civizlized the ottomans were especially considering that europe was going through it's dark ages.

You as an european turk should know what kind of a turk the ottomans left in the heads pf the western europeans. Even today european citizens still have a biased opinion of the turks left by the ottomans.
And do you think spain gives a damn about **** like this they were succesfull.Almost everyone in south america speaks spanish and is catholic i see this as a sign for a strong empire when the people you left behind have the same religion and even speaks the same language as you even if they dont like you.
why you dont limit your prime ministers to be prime minister only for two times?
Our Turkic ancestors threw the Iranian people out of central asia.
The ottoman empire was a big fail for the future who did they make muslim?
Only Bosnia and Albania are Muslims wow when the Spanians came to South America they made all of them Catholic.
Who is speaking Turkish in Balkan or Arabia?
No one speaks Turkish eventhough most of the ex-Udssr hates Russia they still speak russian they did a great job the ottomans didnt accomplished anything at all.
The Ottoman's weren't imperialists or totalitarian and that is what made them great. You considering this as a failure is up to you, but I personally am very proud of it. Not to mention that forcing people to become Muslim goes against the very nature of Islam.
I agree with Ashika. When I read the comments of some Gullenist kiddies, I only understand why Ottoman empire fell. It deserve to be partioned. I'm only glad that Ataturk saved a safe home for Turks in Anatolia and now those Gullenist want to do the same in here?

Don't you Gullenist know that Ottomans were called sick man of Europe? They made fun of us. And you talk how great, peaceful, not barbaric, blabla they were?

The Ottoman's weren't imperialists or totalitarian and that is what made them great. You considering this as a failure is up to you, but I personally am very proud of it. Not to mention that forcing people to become Muslim goes against the very nature of Islam.

Go and ask Balkanites if they think Ottomans were imperialist or not. They will jump at your throat, little gullenist punk. Go and ask if they think Ottomans were peaceful and not massacrers. One tip: don't ask, if you don't want to be beaten.

There was no where left for the ottomans to spread Islam the surroundimgs were all monotheistic religions. Even then you somehow forgot to mention that the ottomans were defending the muslims in all of north africa, middle east, caucasian and the balkans. Not to forget the utter destruction of the east roman empire/ byzantine empire and the conquest of constantinopel. The equivelant of what rome is to the catholics . Istanbul was to the orthodox. Anyways were going way offropic.

@ atawolf.

They made fun of us thrue the entire Turkish republic up until now.mso get over it. And what the f is a gullenist?
The things that i mentioned are considered throughout the civilized word as humane. Something you probaply never heard of as you show with your comments.
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@ atawolf.

They made fun of us thrue the entire Turkish republic up until now.mso get over it. And what the f is a gullenist?
The things that i mentioned are considered throughout the civilized word as humane. Something you probaply never heard of aa you show with your comments.

You are just wasting your precious time on that kid...
Atawolf is like Kamer Genç :D inappropriately sympathetic basterd :D

Dunno but gülen but IS was always an azz kisser of Erdo -his highness- :lol:
The Ottoman's weren't imperialists or totalitarian and that is what made them great.
It's a joke right? mere existence of Devşirme Ocağı is enough to prove you wrong.

You can't build an empire without an Imperial mindset. If you said "Ottomans weren't colonialists" perhaps I could agree.

They used arabic script and farsi language instead of enforcing or at least promoting Turkish. Which was idiotic not "tolerant" :)
Atawolf is like Kamer Genç :D inappropriately sympathetic basterd :D

Dunno but gülen but IS was always an azz kisser of Erdo -his highness- :lol:

Well kissing ***** is the main tool to move your way up. This is in politics , work environment and hell even in your family. Being the favorite son is not that easy :)
Atawolf is like Kamer Genç :D inappropriately sympathetic basterd :D

Dunno but gülen but IS was always an azz kisser of Erdo -his highness- :lol:

Exactly. Gulenist, Erdogan and Ottoman empire are all the same in their philosophy.

The Ottomans didn't care about anything other than Poems and Slavic women they slept with in their harems. That is why our Empire fell. AKP is exactly the same other than the slavic girls and poems. They drive in Mercedes, spend a lot for personal matters and let the tax payer pay. They don't care about anything or live in fantasy world like their followers.

Ottomans do have a place in our history but we shouldn't idolize them. We should be better than them. But to Gulenist kiddies these words will fall on death ears any way. I'm only talking to people who have a chance.

There was no where left for the ottomans to spread Islam the surroundimgs were all monotheistic religions. Even then you somehow forgot to mention that the ottomans were defending the muslims in all of north africa, middle east, caucasian and the balkans. Not to forget the utter destruction of the east roman empire/ byzantine empire and the conquest of constantinopel. The equivelant of what rome is to the catholics . Istanbul was to the orthodox. Anyways were going way offropic.

@ atawolf.

They made fun of us thrue the entire Turkish republic up until now.mso get over it. And what the f is a gullenist?
The things that i mentioned are considered throughout the civilized word as humane. Something you probaply never heard of aa you show with your comments.[/QUO
They should have forced the people to be muslims and speak turkish the muslim world would be alot bigger now and much stronger but you fools think it goes against the nature why were turkic people forced to be muslim and why did our prophet go to war against his own people?
Like atawolf said for the europeans and for some arabs we were imperialistic they are offensive against everything turkish and hate us more then south americans hate the spanish
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Not only that but Ottomans treated Christians as second class citizens. How would you feel if you are Christian and treated as second class citizen? And these Gulenist kiddies talk about how great Ottoman empire was. Go and ask our former subjects who are christian an opinion about us and you will get your answer.

This is what they should have done:

Either convert them or give them full rights. but don't treat them as **** and tell how great Ottomans were. Treating Christians as second class citizens was only a bomb waiting to explode in our face but don't expect these Gulenist kiddies to understand this. They talk with big words but don't understand anything.
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Well kissing ***** is the main tool to move your way up. This is in politics , work environment and hell even in your family. Being the favorite son is not that easy :)
If he has plans for politics, good luck with that. I've no doubt that he'd fit right in ;)

There's no such thing in the military.
Exactly. Gulenist, Erdogan and Ottoman empire are all the same in their philosophy.

The Ottomans didn't care about anything other than Poems and Slavic women they slept with in their harems. That is why our Empire fell. AKP is exactly the same other than the slavic girls and poems. They drive in Mercedes, spend a lot for personal matters and let the tax payer pay. They don't care about anything or live in fantasy world like their followers.

Ottomans do have a place in our history but we shouldn't idolize them. We should be better than them. But to Gulenist kiddies these words will fall on death ears any way. I'm only talking to people who have a chance.

I don't know how things go on Holland but here in Turkey i have never met anybody not proud of Ottomans. Ottoman Empire was the Pinnacle of the Turkish civilization, ruled over 3 continents, Super-power of it's time.
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