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RECEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN is he that bad?

If you did follow everything about it, you wouldn't have asked that.

I have a feeling that any discussion you and i are about to do regarding this topic will be a pointless one. Because as i said, to create such a topic in such a time, one must be either a troll or something lot worse for our nation.

let's check if we are speaking the same language.
we are talking about reyhanli blasts.
more than 50 people were killed in those blasts.
the most obvious suspect is Al Mukhabarat.
And Erdogan was preparing to protect turkey from such things from long before, bringing patriots and stuff.

I have created this thread just at the right moment, just after being filled with childish complaints about erdogan in the thread about reyhanli blasts (of you and other so called "anti-erdoganists").

I have even seen some who were complaining of erdogan for not returning fire to Syria, and then just after erdogan announced that Turkey will not be interfering in Syria, they were saying that we should give a serious response.
I dont think people are bad or evil, they just follow there own ideals and way of justice. Everyone has there own image of whats good for people. Thank god we have democrasy, so we might chose the person thats suits us the most. I am no longer much of erdogan supporter but its true that he is probably the only capable current leader in Turkish politics, the rest are idiots that have no clue how to run a goverment.

I couldn't agree more. Honestly, anyone believes that Kilicdaroglu would makes things better as a leader? He has a very simple formula behind everyone of his arguments; he simply takes what Erdogan has said and inverts its meaning. If Erdogan says "white", Kilicdaroglu answers "black". The rest of the parties chooses a nuance in-between.

A big issue in Turkey is that a part of the population are supporting their party like they are supporting a soccer club.
Never changing their opinion , never changing the party they support for the pure reason that it does not fit their ideology.
Their ideology is more important then the prosperity of Turkey.
They are present in all fronts. Islamist, kemalist, ultra nationalist.

Exactly! We basically have two major parties, AKP and CHP, who directly opposes each others' thoughts. The rest of the minor parties either goes;

or they simply keep silent as the discussed subject is not on their agenda...
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Is that whitebeard? from OP?
As long as Erdos keeps the economy growing my support for him will never end.

The economy of a nation is his main engine in prosperity. With the growth of the budget the different branches of the government can expand and develop. And this in his turn will result in civillian level in better life standards (social security, law enforcement, health care etc.) . The country would be more interesting for investors from outside the country, which will bring tremendous ammounts of capital, which then can be invested along with the capital from Turkey it self to various major projects that will improve the infrastructure, energy production and expansion of current existing businisses. And this will keep circling , it's like a cycle.

Globally it comes to this.

Country's economy will grow , expenditure of defence rises, military improves , prestige improves. If Turkey ever wants to be the regional leader it dreams of. It's solution lies in the advancement of it's economy.
Even if I LOVED him before. There's no way I'd support someone that brought the country down in the terrorists' level.

He's a little fvcking weasel and I don't like that kind of entities.
I just dont understand why he would support the FSA.
OH and one more thing that i need to point out.

Since that erdogan came to power in 2002 one of his main goals were to improve it's relations with the middle-east and norrh-africa. This in turn came back with huge increase in trade with these countries. The share of the eu in Turkeys trade volume decreased dramaticly due to this rise.
Would he have not done this. Turkey with it's dependance on eu trade would have been one of the most facked up countries in the global economic crisis. The volume trade would have gone that low, the economy would probaply be in worse condition then the 2001 crisis.

Anyone would be better than Kim Jong-Un right :laugh:
Lets know Who never doesnt like our Erdo and who constantly non-stop opposite to him everywhere and everytime..?

Whatever extremist and marginal groups exist in Turkiye such as extreme leftist, extreme secularist, pro-militarist, extreme nationalist and extreme islamic groups and so on.... all they are 100% pure unchangeable with full hatred opponents. According to them Erdogan represents all evils in the earth.. For Leftis he is Hitler. Acc. to pro militarist and extreme nationalists he is a traitors, To extreme Secularists He is Khalif and sultan of possible islamic state, Acc. to some extreme islamics he is a Mushreek/polytheist or Munafiqin of islam..

Those are domestic rivals. As for global rivlas
Global powers which has politic and economic influence on Turkey since a long time ago such US, West and Israel doesnt like Erdo as aslong as Turkey getting out of their control thanks to growing economy and financial power.

Regional rivals and foes Such as Russia, İran and Greek,Armania doesnt like Erdogan as Turkey getting strengthen in economy and military arena in ten years during hisleadership times..

By now, He won three times succesively the election and broken the historic record of Turkey and most likelly, at least he gonna to win next elections three more times succesivly in coming future..
at present, his ruling party AKP has above 50% support of people among 80 politic parties according to last surveys...



Lets know Who never doesnt like our Erdo and who constantly non-stop opposite to him everywhere and everytime..?

Whatever extremist and marginal groups exist in Turkiye such as extreme leftist, extreme secularist, pro-militarist, extreme nationalist and extreme islamic groups and so on.... all they are 100% pure unchangeable with full hatred opponents. According to them Erdogan represents all evils in the earth.. For Leftis he is Hitler. Acc. to pro militarist and extreme nationalists he is a traitors, To extreme Secularists He is Khalif and sultan of possible islamic state, Acc. to some extreme islamics he is a Mushreek/polytheist or Munafiqin of islam..

I can't even get mad at you while your daughter is looking at me through your avatar :) But you should stop labeling those people who oppose Erdogan as extremists! People actually have very good reasons to hate his policies

and no (to @FireFistAce) i don't see everything he does as evil. For example i have praised his efforts for decreasing Turkey's economic dependency on Europe in this very forum and i have been supporting his initiative for stopping PKK terror. Check PKK related threads and you'll see my posts. But overall, he is bad for Turkey and must be dealt with in the next elections.

You have no idea about me, you don't know me, stop calling me names.
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Press freedom, his tone, his lies, the fact that he is selling his country to make sure he gets his presidential system and much more.
We can all agree on his economic achievements.
Do you remember the zero problem policy?
You have to admit his foreighn policy sucks,
1-Israeli policy before the Flottila incident(he clearly wanted to cutt all ties with Israel)Israel was our ally.
2-Kurdish problem,this is the solution?
Do you think they dont want more,and they will just accept it like it is become model citizens?
3-Imprisonment of allmost the whole general staff of the armed forces.
Replaced by who knows maybe ''inferior''generals(Syria downed F-16 nothing happend)
4-He defends Hamas(a terrorist organisation)why?
Hamas doesnt represent the Palestinian people.
Is this the Turkiye you want,any moment anything can happen?
Im not saying there is a better one,but dont you agree on at least the foreighn policy?
In terms of what he has guided Turkey to do in terms of Economic Development , in my opinion, he is the Greatest Turkish leader of all times and probably the Greatest Muslim Leader of all times as well. Please keep in mind that I am speaking purely of Economics only.
We can all agree on his economic achievements.
Do you remember the zero problem policy?
You have to admit his foreighn policy sucks,
1-Israeli policy before the Flottila incident(he clearly wanted to cutt all ties with Israel)Israel was our ally.
2-Kurdish problem,this is the solution?
Do you think they dont want more,and they will just accept it like it is become model citizens?
3-Imprisonment of allmost the whole general staff of the armed forces.
Replaced by who knows maybe ''inferior''generals(Syria downed F-16 nothing happend)
4-He defends Hamas(a terrorist organisation)why?
Hamas doesnt represent the Palestinian people.
Is this the Turkiye you want,any moment anything can happen?
Im not saying there is a better one,but dont you agree on at least the foreighn policy?

He started now reconciling with Israel and his relations with Hamas made them more moderate compared to when they were allied only with Iran .

His relations with Hamas allowed him to influence it to enter a cease fire with Israel thus saving more palestinian lives. Isolating hamas is not a good strategy, after all it would fall again into the hands of Iran .

The biggest mistake Erodogan did was having close relations with a Terrorist sponsor like Iran , after all that rogue country has worked against Turkey and Azerbijan interests in every way possible.

Iran supported Armenia against Azerbijan during karabagh war and now undermines the blockade enforced by Turkey and Azerbijan by opening its borders with Armenia and supplying them with energy .

Iran funded and supported PKK , they even once arrested Murat karayalin the head of PKK on intelligence information from Turkey yet then they released him out again .

Iran captured but later released PKK leader Karay

Press freedom, his tone, his lies, the fact that he is selling his country to make sure he gets his presidential system and much more.

Do not forget Gulen movement

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