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RECEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN is he that bad?

Personally I have prefer Abdullah Gul over Erodogan , he is more nationalist and concerned about Turkey's interests , also he is not close to the Gulen movement.

If AKP wants to continue dominating Turkish political scene they have to find a more moderate leader , I think Abdullah Gul would be a great one and he is more capable of improving ties between AKP and the left secular parties in Turkey like CHP .
The recent Economic success of Turkey between 2002-2013 should be credited mainly to Ali Babacan , he is currently deputy prime minister and from what is being said about him , he is a technocrat .

Lets not forget also another great leader who opened up the turkish economy in 1980s Turgut ozal .
Personally I have prefer Abdullah Gul over Erodogan , he is more nationalist and concerned about Turkey's interests , also he is not close to the Gulen movement.

If AKP wants to continue dominating Turkish political scene they have to find a more moderate leader , I think Abdullah Gul would be a great one and he is more capable of improving ties between AKP and the left secular parties in Turkey like CHP .

Actually its total opposite of what you said Abdullah Gul is the real Gulen puppet while Tayyip Erdogan is going with One Man Army mentality trusting no one.Few months ago there was a divide between Tayyip Erdogan and Fethullah Gulen then Abdullah Gul gone and took Fetullah Gulen's side , i believe Gulen Movement right now seeing Tayyip Erdogan as danger to themselves since he became too powerful/popular they can't control him anymore.
OP, you are totally welcome to your own opinion. Im not a huge Erdogan fan, but I certainly wouldnt flame you for it.

In regards to why Im not a fan - I am a secularist, and I fear extreme Islam like the plague because its record in religious countries shows nothing but poverty, instability, religious conflict, stubbornness, and suffering. I dont want that for my country or its people.

On two conditions, I would happily support Erdogan and be able to overlook any other flaws:

1) Lean a little less towards religion - Sure we're a Muslim nation, but that should take a back seat to the fact that we are a Secular nation as well.

2) Mend ties with Israel and stop playing love/hate games - Im just as critical of Israels behaviour at times. Fact is we need advanced tech (even with our newly found weapons development success), and we need CAPABLE/INFLUENTIAL allies in the region. Israel is a global leader in both, and they could certainly use our muscle as a deterrent as well. Its completely win-win, and I feel Erdo just likes breaking ties to please Muslims.

Aside from that, the man does a fantastic job and has brought tremendous prosperity to the Turks....But I still hate him :devil:
OP, you are totally welcome to your own opinion. Im not a huge Erdogan fan, but I certainly wouldnt flame you for it.

In regards to why Im not a fan - I am a secularist, and I fear extreme Islam like the plague because its record in religious countries shows nothing but poverty, instability, religious conflict, stubbornness, and suffering. I dont want that for my country or its people.

On two conditions, I would happily support Erdogan and be able to overlook any other flaws:

1) Lean a little less towards religion - Sure we're a Muslim nation, but that should take a back seat to the fact that we are a Secular nation as well.

2) Mend ties with Israel and stop playing love/hate games - Im just as critical of Israels behaviour at times. Fact is we need advanced tech (even with our newly found weapons development success), and we need CAPABLE/INFLUENTIAL allies in the region. Israel is a global leader in both, and they could certainly use our muscle as a deterrent as well. Its completely win-win, and I feel Erdo just likes breaking ties to please Muslims.

Aside from that, the man does a fantastic job and has brought tremendous prosperity to the Turks....But I still hate him :devil:

Completely agreeing with you.
Press freedom, his tone, his lies, the fact that he is selling his country to make sure he gets his presidential system and much more.
You are right about Press freedom.
I don't see what is wrong with his tone.
Lies are normal in politics, prove me wrong by showing one leader who hasn't lied.
I fail to see how he is selling the country.
We can all agree on his economic achievements.
Do you remember the zero problem policy?
You have to admit his foreighn policy sucks,
1-Israeli policy before the Flottila incident(he clearly wanted to cutt all ties with Israel)Israel was our ally.
I would have done the same. As I argued many times in this forum, we need friendship of Arabs more than that of Israel, and we can choose only one.
2-Kurdish problem,this is the solution?
Do you think they dont want more,and they will just accept it like it is become model citizens?
I also detest him hiding what was the agreement with PKK. But not much is clear about that agreement, so let's not discuss that now, instead let's hope it was worthy of peace.
4-He defends Hamas(a terrorist organisation)why?
Hamas doesnt represent the Palestinian people.
It goes back to the arabs friendship subject I mentioned above.
Don't care about what he did to your country but with the foreign affairs, he supported Muslim countries and he is known for his hatred against Israel and Zionism. So what can I say about Erdogan's foreign policy? Turkey distanced away from the Arab states, they should start forgetting about history and get along. One thing I hate about him is being hyprocrite.
I see some of us, wants to see him gone in the elections. I also won't vote for him but i don't want him to lose the election.

Lets say Erdogan lose the next elections. Who will replace him ?

- Is it Kılıçdaroğlu, man can't control even his party, he always critise government but never came up with an alternative solution.

- Or is it Bahçeli, man can't speak without looking his papers. We have seen how corrupt they are with the video scandals. They were corrupt even before, anybody remember, Koray Aydın ?

I think CHP is done, some say Muammer İnce can save the party. I respect him but he doesn't behave like statemen (devlet adamı), more like a extremist.

MHP is done as well, still aged bahçeli and his corrupt officials, I think only Osman Pamukoğlu can save the MHP, clearing management etc... But the fact is pamukoğlu is aged as well, he doesn't show his age but he is 66 years old.
I see some of us, wants to see him gone in the elections. I also won't vote for him but i don't want him to lose the election.

Lets say Erdogan lose the next elections. Who will replace him ?

- Is it Kılıçdaroğlu, man can't control even his party, he always critise government but never came up with an alternative solution.

- Or is it Bahçeli, man can't speak without looking his papers. We have seen how corrupt they are with the video scandals. They were corrupt even before, anybody remember, Koray Aydın ?

I think CHP is done, some say Muammer İnce can save the party. I respect him but he doesn't behave like statemen (devlet adamı), more like a extremist.

MHP is done as well, still aged bahçeli and his corrupt officials, I think only Osman Pamukoğlu can save the MHP, clearing management etc... But the fact is pamukoğlu is aged as well, he doesn't show his age but he is 66 years old.

What about Abdullah Gul ? from what I have seen secular parties prefer him over Erodogan .

OP, you are totally welcome to your own opinion. Im not a huge Erdogan fan, but I certainly wouldnt flame you for it.

In regards to why Im not a fan - I am a secularist, and I fear extreme Islam like the plague because its record in religious countries shows nothing but poverty, instability, religious conflict, stubbornness, and suffering. I dont want that for my country or its people.

On two conditions, I would happily support Erdogan and be able to overlook any other flaws:

1) Lean a little less towards religion - Sure we're a Muslim nation, but that should take a back seat to the fact that we are a Secular nation as well.

2) Mend ties with Israel and stop playing love/hate games - Im just as critical of Israels behaviour at times. Fact is we need advanced tech (even with our newly found weapons development success), and we need CAPABLE/INFLUENTIAL allies in the region. Israel is a global leader in both, and they could certainly use our muscle as a deterrent as well. Its completely win-win, and I feel Erdo just likes breaking ties to please Muslims.

Aside from that, the man does a fantastic job and has brought tremendous prosperity to the Turks....But I still hate him :devil:

Your right , religion is a grave danger to any nation especially political Islam , it only brought destruction and chaos to countries where it entered.

The reason behind Assad able to survive all this time and lack of foreign support to the rebels was the rise of Alqauda within the opposition ranks .

no sane person would want his country become like Saudi Arabia or Iran .
What about Abdullah Gul ? from what I have seen secular parties prefer him over Erodogan .

There is rule in Turkey that after being President, you can't involve in politics anymore or something like this.

But lets say this rule have not existed, In my opinion Abdullah Gül more like Erdogan's puppet.
Erdogan's loyality doesn't lie with the Turkish Republic. He uses Islam as a tool to gain votes but doesn't care about the Turkmen in Iraq for example. The only thing I can compliment him on is that he raised Turkish reputation in Islamic world and destroyed our image in the west. I think he does also some good things but he talks too much and doesn't do anything. And what I also don't like about him is his crusade against Turks and brothership with PKK/AKP with cheap excuses like "don't make mothers cry" but at the same time supporting FSA who kill everybody.
He uses Islam to make Turkey not a Turkish/Turkic country he wants to build the ottoman empire again.
He support the Arabs by every problem,he sells the country to kurds, and he doesnt like his other Turkic brothers.
He also hates jews i would really like to see what he says to karaim jews bet he wouldnt like them.
And i think that the Hamas are terrorists i also think that everyone in Turkey who dont like Turks should get out quickly (yes i look at you BDP).
ALL good leaders in history have an Autocratic side to their personality.... (Otherwise they would fail)... Ataturk, Napoleon, Alexander The Great, Genghis Khan (Timucin) they all had it... If he can curb the religious side to his character, Erdogan is doing wonders for Turkey that no other politician has done since Ataturk...

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