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RECEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN is he that bad?

I don't know how things go on Holland but here in Turkey i have never met anybody not proud of Ottomans. Ottoman Empire was the Pinnacle of the Turkish civilization, ruled over 3 continents, Super-power of it's time.

What did I say? I said Ottomans have their place in our history, BUT we shouldn't idolize them but be better than them. What is wrong with that? Look at AKP, they act like Ottoman Sultans:

No respect for Turkish Republic
Spending money on luxery, going abroad, hookers and what not
And letting Turkish people pay and then trying to abolish Turkish Republic.
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I don't know how things go on Holland but here in Turkey i have never met anybody not proud of Ottomans. Ottoman Empire was the Pinnacle of the Turkish civilization, ruled over 3 continents, Super-power of it's time.

Don't worry the same goes for Holland *** apart from istisnas. You should see the impact the ottomans left on western countries.
Whenever E.U. And Turkey are linked in a news report you have to read the dutchies comments.
Nearly half of them are comments like " o they are going beyond vienna walls this time " and " plz no don't let them join they are gonna conquer entire europe this time " funny as hell man.
I don't know how things go on Holland but here in Turkey i have never met anybody not proud of Ottomans. Ottoman Empire was the Pinnacle of the Turkish civilization, ruled over 3 continents, Super-power of it's time.
Sure, but all of that is until Selim the II. After that there's nothing to be proud of.

I find this "comparing" between the Empire and the Republic moronic. Ottoman Empire's time has ended with the French Revolution. It was an obsolete tired man barely managing to live. We are living in a different era now, we have different goals and different challenges.

As a state and nation we have our shortcomings but looking for answers in the past is backward and retarded. We have to keep adapting to our environment, changing and improving. Repeating the same mistakes is for morons who doesn't read history books.

IF you love the Ottoman Empire, be a worthy descendant to them and don't repeat the mistakes they did before!'
He and AKP have managed the most successful democratic government in Turkiye going back decades. No party has managed the same degree of high GDP growth rate, increased per capita income significantly, payed off last IMF loan payment of 52-years, and a whole fleet of other successes. CHP has poor governing record, yet they are the biggest critics of AKP, they criticize about Islamization brought by AKP and undermining secularism; have they seen their own party? They're pathetic in comparison, they can't govern and can't develop the country like AKP has.

There are something's I don't like about Erdogan but his achievements far out shine is negatives. Him and Pres. Gul have brought Turkiye to $1 trillion+ economy and one of the top 20 economies of the world.
Sure, but all of that is until Selim the II. After that there's nothing to be proud of.

I find this "comparing" between the Empire and the Republic moronic. Ottoman Empire's time has ended with the French Revolution. It was an obsolete tired man barely managing to live. We are living in a different era now, we have different goals and different challenges.

Of course mate, i mean time of conquests have passed. Ottomans was good for their time. If Ottomans survived to this time, they would probably looked like Saddam's Iraq.
Sure, but all of that is until Selim the II. After that there's nothing to be proud of.

I find this "comparing" between the Empire and the Republic moronic. Ottoman Empire's time has ended with the French Revolution. It was an obsolete tired man barely managing to live. We are living in a different era now, we have different goals and different challenges.

Come on man i'm a fan of murat the fourth .
He and AKP have managed the most successful democratic government in Turkiye going back decades. No party has managed the same degree of high GDP growth rate, increased per capita income significantly, payed off last IMF loan payment of 52-years, and a whole fleet of other successes. CHP has poor governing record, yet they are the biggest critics of AKP, they criticize about Islamization brought by AKP and undermining secularism; have they seen their own party? They're pathetic in comparison, they can't govern and can't develop the country like AKP has.

There are something's I don't like about Erdogan but his achievements far out shine is negatives. Him and Pres. Gul have brought Turkiye to $1 trillion+ economy and one of the top 20 economies of the world.

That's why people for vote for him....but democracy, human rights, freedom of speech, etc... I think he took us many years backwards.

Come on man i'm a fan of murat the fourth .

Murat the fourth, last warrior sultan, conqueror of baghdad, the man who could use a 60 kg mace. Lots of people admire him.
Because of the ottoman empire we have people like Bülent Arinc who isnt even a turk and whose grandfather fought against Turkey become vice premier and can say to Turkic people who can come to Turkey and who cannot.
Because of the ottoman empire we have people like Bülent Arinc who isnt even a turk and whose grandfather fought against Turkey become vice premier and can say to Turkic people who can come to Turkey and who cannot.

Don't get offended. But to comment somehody by the actions of his grandfather is porbably the greatest bs i have ever heard
Come on man i'm a fan of murat the fourth .
The man who banned alcohol :) We can say that Erdo's trying to be like him. He's trying to ban alcohol, he tried to ban abortion too. But he bailed like the spineless piece of sh.t he is :)

I like it the most when they were still living in yurts and fighting as a light cavalry force. However, they were too damn arrogant to adapt to the changes in the Europe, renaissance was the beginning of the end for the Ottoman Empire. And after the French revolution and the nationalist movement there was no hope. If it wasn't for Atatürk we'd be a miserable British colony. How could we brag about the Ottoman glory if it happened?

Most Turks aren't aware today what we got away from. Atatürk didn't just kick out them invaders he saved the honor of this nation.
Don't get offended. But to comment somehody by the actions of his grandfather is porbably the greatest bs i have ever heard
Well I'm judging him by his own actions and he's lower than Erdo can ever get in my eyes. Both Arınç and H.Çelik I'd cut their throats and throw them to into the sea for reasons "you know why"

Oh sorry, I mean @IS knows why ;)
The man who banned alcohol :) We can say that Erdo's trying to be like him. He's trying to ban alcohol, he tried to ban abortion too. But he bailed like the spineless piece of sh.t he is :)

I like it the most when they were still living in yurts and fighting as a light cavalry force. However, they were too damn arrogant to adapt to the changes in the Europe, renaissance was the beginning of the end for the Ottoman Empire. And after the French revolution and the nationalist movement there was no hope. If it wasn't for Atatürk we'd be a miserable British colony. How could we brag about the Ottoman glory if it happened?

Most Turks aren't aware today what we got away from. Atatürk didn't just kick out them invaders he saved the honor of this nation.
Not only that, the Christians would have commited genocide on Turks as payback. As I said it was a great mistake of Ottomans to treat Christians as second class, they should have either converted them or leave them alone.

When Greeks invaded Turkey, Brits gave order to Greeks to massacre Turks to create greater-Greece and said the same to Armenians to create greater Armenia. We wouldn't be Iraq, we would be Palestine/Gaza.

All these Gulenist kids who never picked up a book, wouldn't be able to brag about the Ottoman empire because some Christian would be on the belly of his mother. I really get upset about this. I'm sorry. AKP wants to reintroduce Ottoman policy and mindset. This will be the beginning of the end for the last safe-hold for Turks.

What I'm trying to say: Ottomans shouldn't be only remembered for its glory but also its mistakes. Don't forget that the Ottomans sit on the table with Europeans to divide Turkey, just so he could stay in power.
The man who banned alcohol :) We can say that Erdo's trying to be like him. He's trying to ban alcohol, he tried to ban abortion too. But he bailed like the spineless piece of sh.t he is :)

I like it the most when they were still living in yurts and fighting as a light cavalry force. However, they were too damn arrogant to adapt to the changes in the Europe, renaissance was the beginning of the end for the Ottoman Empire. And after the French revolution and the nationalist movement there was no hope. If it wasn't for Atatürk we'd be a miserable British colony. How could we brag about the Ottoman glory if it happened?

Most Turks aren't aware today what we got away from. Atatürk didn't just kick out them invaders he saved the honor of this nation.

Well I'm judging him by his own actions and he's lower than Erdo can ever get in my eyes. Both Arınç and H.Çelik I'd cut their throats and throw them to into the sea for reasons "you know why"

Oh sorry, I mean @IS knows why ;)

Also give credit that it was the last Ottoman generation that fought to save Turkiye from imperialist and they triumphed. We know the Ottoman Empire wasn't great in its final years and things fell apart, but Ottoman Empire as a whole was a remarkably successful empire in world history.

At least the Ottoman Empire managed to have a relatively safe exit and yes with help and leadership of Mustafa Kemal other empires have had a far worse ending like Byzantine, Roman, Mughal, Japanese, Soviet Union, and others.
what a joke topic. it started with erdogan and end it by Murad the 4th....
Also give credit that it was the last Ottoman generation that fought to save Turkiye from imperialist and they triumphed. We know the Ottoman Empire wasn't great in its final years and things fell apart, but Ottoman Empire as a whole was a remarkably successful empire in world history.
Perhaps but we are talking on a different base in here. Ottoman state was a multi-national empire, Turks were soldiers of this empire In the end Turks were alone and Turks had to save themselves from a grave peril. The ruling body of the Ottoman Empire, the dynasty fled the country. The last Ottoman Sultan fled Istanbul with a British warship. I'd say the victory was Turks'.
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