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RECEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN is he that bad?

Well, ofcourse you got the Akincilar, Basibozuks etc those are masses of troops the Sultan cant win wars without them.

Now you tell me why were his personal bodyguards considered the Sultans most important troops the Jannisaries especially made out of non-Turkics?

Man i was refering to the sipahis. They were also bosyguards for the ottoman house and vezirs etc.

I don't understand your question.

C mon aren't you just another Ottoman lover? Don't tell me you dont know history of those Ex-Ottoman Christians...think harder what the difference between Albanians and rest of the Ex-Ottoman Orthodox Christians?
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The duties of the Sipahis included riding with the sultan on parades and as a mounted bodyguard. Earlier times Silahtar division was accompanied sultan on parades, though The Sipahi division took their place because sons of Ottoman "aristocracy" exclusively joined this regiment.

C mon aren't you just another Ottoman lover? Don't tell me you dont know history of those Ex-Ottoman Christians..Think harder what difference between Albanians and rest of the orthodox christian folks?

Bodyguards of the Ottoman family and palace were Janissaries not Sipahis.
You can't expect a head of a empire to reside in tents right? You have to impres foreign nations.
This is the same lie modern day Turkish politicians are telling the public about their excessive use of government resources. Sure they have to renew their Mercedes S-class vehicles every year or else the other world leaders look down on them :kiss3:

In the old days we "impressed" them with sole superior military might. Luxury of the leaders don't mean sh.t.
Man i was refering to the sipahis. They were also bosyguards for the ottoman house and vezirs etc.
Nope they weren't. Sipahis had a small fief assigned to them and they were feudal lords whom responsible for bringing additional troops of their house to the battlefield. Most of them probably never came back to istanbul after they received their fief.
Ottomans were Turks but they treated Christians as second class citizens compared to Muslim. Christians had to pay higher tax and they couldn't ride horses, etc.

Wtf kind of stupid policy is this? Either convert them or leave them alone. This only cost our head. When Christans landed on Anatolia their goal was to take revenge for this and destroy Turkish Muslim power on Christian land and strategic place in the world. They would have massacred us to the point we wouldn't be threat to Europe and the remaining made Greek or Armenian. There would be also a lot who would be deported to Siberia or deserts with no food.
C mon aren't you just another Ottoman lover? Don't tell me you dont know history of those Ex-Ottoman Christians...think harder what the difference between Albanians and rest of the Ex-Ottoman Orthodox Christians?

Well the one is moderatelyg muslim majority the others are christian.
mate, just answer the question it is fact that his dearest, closest troops were non-Turkic jannisaries.

Why would he need non-Turkic people to make his personal Elite army? Are Turks not good fighters enough? Nah bro, only reasonable explanation is that he need them to protect himself from his own Turkic people.
Ottomans were Turks but they treated Christians as second class citizens compared to Muslim. Christians had to pay higher tax and they couldn't ride horses, etc.

Wtf kind of stupid policy is this? Either convert them or leave them alone. This only cost our head. When Christans landed on Anatolia their goal was to take revenge for this and destroy Turkish Muslim power on Christian land and strategic place in the world. They would have massacred us to the point we wouldn't be threat to Europe and the remaining made Greek or Armenian. There would be also a lot who would be deported to Siberia or deserts with no food.

Abi that is Seriat, you said stupid dikkat et biraz.
Bodyguards of the Ottoman family and palace were Janissaries not Sipahis.

In the classical period Ottoman battle formation, Kapikulu Sipahis were positioned back of the army as rearguards. They acted as reserve cavalry and bodyguards of Ottoman sultan and vezirs. Their job included to join and reinforce Ottoman army's flanks which otherwise consisted entirely provincial timariot sipahis.
This is the same lie modern day Turkish politicians are telling the public about their excessive use of government resources. Sure they have to renew their Mercedes S-class vehicles every year or else the other world leaders look down on them :kiss3:

Lets not even mention the fact Tayyip Erdogan's own daughter right now working as an "advisory to Prime Minister Erdogan" and travelling along with his father to everywhere while it is said to be taking 50.000 TL/a month paycheck.
mate, just answer the question it is fact that his dearest, closest troops were non-Turkic jannisaries.

Why would he need non-Turkic people to make his personal Elite army? Are Turks not good fighters enough? Nah bro, only reasonable explanation is that he need them to protect himself from his own Turkic people.

Dude for the last time.

The other elite corps were the sipahi. In battlefield they were his bodyguards. The sultan who abolished the janissary slaughtered them with the help of the sipahis.

I mean for god sake at least try to type sipahi in google and look up for some information.
Well the one is moderatelyg muslim majority the others are christian.

Yes today Albanians are muslim they love us-we love them while rest of these orthodox christians folks hates us and would massacre us if ever get the chance so c'mon anyone here can explain whats the difference between Albanians compared to Greeks , Armenians , Syriacs ,Serbians and Bulgarians?
Man i was refering to the sipahis. They were also bosyguards for the ottoman house and vezirs etc.

Sipahis or akincilar what does it matter?

Your question: if i right now consider my self the king- and i got a capable expert cavalry force called Sipahis made out of Turks. Ofcourse i will use this asset to win my wars with.
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