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Reason Why Pakistan hates Israel

Birds of a feather flock together! At least Pakistan is not occupying your country and treating you as terrorists as the zionazis have been doing to the Palestinians for the last half a century.
When Israelis kill Palestinians it creates ripples in the islams thekedars worlds , but when palestinians do it , its ok coz they are underdogs , they are just defending themselves , above all they are muslims... muslims have killed more muslims than the IDF . pakistanis have killed and raped your men women and children.... your gairat is dead... stop moaning about a place thousands of kilometers away open your eyes and look around yourselves , just 4 decades back what was your haal... your people were called kaale-piile by the great pak army and their politicians.So stop rallying behind your back stabbing `brothers` .. I will flock with the mightier one , you got any problem? want some laxatives?

oye , one more thing Mr. bangladesh , pak army cannot occupy India.. you know that so stop using stupid hypothetical situations!!!
I am not sure if you are being sarcastic or not...

Israel was created out of the Mandatory Palestine. The Mandate's land was taken and given to Jews for their own homeland, a process that had begun many years earlier in the Sykes-Picot agreement of the first world war, and via the Zionism and Jewish Nationalism that had been gaining strength

Israel was created out of the exact demands and circumstances that Pakistan was created out of India.
So why does that make Israel any less legitimate...and why not Pakistan?

I removed parts of the post above as I wasn't going to address those, but I totally agree with your well written post. Israel and Pakistan had very similar reasons to exist, very similar in many ways (outside of Israel's become one of the most advanced countries and Pakistan is behind).

So you are right, why the birth of Pakistan considered legit and not Israel's? Second, this is a two nation thing like you highlighted and if both sides can make a peace accord with a two state solution, it'll help the world in lessening the extremism stance and it'll help the people on both sides as decades of fear, war, bomb blasts and violence would stop. Additionally, Muslim countries, like Pakistan and others, will have open relations with Israel, and trade, technology and military tech exchanges can take place, helping everyone.

There is no reason why Pakistan or Pakistani people need to hate Israel. In fact, Islamic history suggests (from the little that I know) that Jews and Muslims have lived side by side peacefully for centuries. So why the hate? Let everyone live in peace and lessen the intensity. I am sure there are millions of young men and women who would rather get better education, jobs and take care of their households, than get caught in the middle of violence. Pakistan also needs to start looking at her image as a bigger country and economy as it grows. Her image needs to look like an advanced country with tremendous opportunities, in a peaceful, stable environment. A peaceful, friendly, advanced Pakistan is in the world's best interest and hate for Israel or others shouldn't be a part of it.
I removed parts of the post above as I wasn't going to address those, but I totally agree with your well written post. Israel and Pakistan had very similar reasons to exist, very similar in many ways (outside of Israel's become one of the most advanced countries and Pakistan is behind).

So you are right, why the birth of Pakistan considered legit and not Israel's? Second, this is a two nation thing like you highlighted and if both sides can make a peace accord with a two state solution, it'll help the world in lessening the extremism stance and it'll help the people on both sides as decades of fear, war, bomb blasts and violence would stop. Additionally, Muslim countries, like Pakistan and others, will have open relations with Israel, and trade, technology and military tech exchanges can take place, helping everyone.

There is no reason why Pakistan or Pakistani people need to hate Israel. In fact, Islamic history suggests (from the little that I know) that Jews and Muslims have lived side by side peacefully for centuries. So why the hate? Let everyone live in peace and lessen the intensity. I am sure there are millions of young men and women who would rather get better education, jobs and take care of their households, than get caught in the middle of violence. Pakistan also needs to start looking at her image as a bigger country and economy as it grows. Her image needs to look like an advanced country with tremendous opportunities, in a peaceful, stable environment. A peaceful, friendly, advanced Pakistan is in the world's best interest and hate for Israel or others shouldn't be a part of it.

The reason Pakistanis hate Israel
is the same reason as why Indians hate Pakistanis and vice-versa.
It is also the same reason why the Americans might hate the Arabs or the Muslims, or the Chinese.

That reason is sheer ignorance or that they cannot get beyond their past.

I don't know which of the two is worse.
Israel was created out of the exact demands and circumstances that Pakistan was created out of India.
So why does that make Israel any less legitimate...and why not Pakistan?

Good question. Israel was created out of the need for Europe to hide their own Semitism and get rid of their own rising Jewish majority without going through the excesses of Hitler. While there are many similar circumstances, the greatest difference is that whilst the population that was divided and moved around to create India and Pakistan still was indigenous to the land.. the one in Israel was mostly not.
Whereas in this case of both India and Pakistan it was essentially an existing home divided of people who were already living in the land.. here people were brought in to displace the local population over some purported idea of ownership due to religious right. Whereas the idea of Pakistan still revolved around the need for economic independence, the idea of Zionism revolves around the need to reclaim the land of Israel.. more so then that Pakistan had much less religious idealism in its crux as compared to Israel which had its very existence brought up on the basis of events that happened in 2000BC.
Good question. Israel was created out of the need for Europe to hide their own Semitism and get rid of their own rising Jewish majority without going through the excesses of Hitler. While there are many similar circumstances, the greatest difference is that whilst the population that was divided and moved around to create India and Pakistan still was indigenous to the land.. the one in Israel was mostly not.
Whereas in this case of both India and Pakistan it was essentially an existing home divided of people who were already living in the land.. here people were brought in to displace the local population over some purported idea of ownership due to religious right. Whereas the idea of Pakistan still revolved around the need for economic independence, the idea of Zionism revolves around the need to reclaim the land of Israel.. more so then that Pakistan had much less religious idealism in its crux as compared to Israel which had its very existence brought up on the basis of events that happened in 2000BC.
Just because Pakistan used a far more recent starting point for its historic justification - that of Muslim regionalism and bin Qasim landing in Sindh compared to Jews using 2000BC as their starting point, does not mean that Pakistan had "less religious idealism in its crux".

Pakistan had equal if religious idealism in its crux. It was nothing but religious idealism.

And Pakistan merely had a higher percentage of people Muslims living in that land already compared to Jews living in Israel. If percentage is supposedly the main issue for you, maybe you should decide what percentage constitutes 'right' and 'wrong' in your perverted view.

Because ultimately millions of Hindus and Sikhs were made to leave what is today Pakistan to make way for Muslims. Just like millions of Muslims were made to leave Israel for Jews! Yet Pakistanis hate Israeli's for their removal of Muslims and yet are most comfortable with the Hindus and Sikhs being made to leave Pakistan by Muslims

The hypocrisy is mind boggling.

There is absolutely zero difference on the basics/substance of Israel and Pakistan beyond superfluous differences which are being and are generally used by Pakistani's to try and show some great difference. And one that no one but other Pakistanis buy.
Good question. Israel was created out of the need for Europe to hide their own Semitism and get rid of their own rising Jewish majority without going through the excesses of Hitler. While there are many similar circumstances, the greatest difference is that whilst the population that was divided and moved around to create India and Pakistan still was indigenous to the land.. the one in Israel was mostly not.
Whereas in this case of both India and Pakistan it was essentially an existing home divided of people who were already living in the land.. here people were brought in to displace the local population over some purported idea of ownership due to religious right. Whereas the idea of Pakistan still revolved around the need for economic independence, the idea of Zionism revolves around the need to reclaim the land of Israel.. more so then that Pakistan had much less religious idealism in its crux as compared to Israel which had its very existence brought up on the basis of events that happened in 2000BC.

There was no need to give Muslims a separate land, when they had been living on the same land for hundreds of years. Yes, Israel became the bastion for all Jews, but then a lot of Jews had been dwelling there for centuries. The land of the David has been the focal point for the Christians, Muslims and the Jews. The Christians had their Europe/Africa, Muslims had plenty of places, but not the Jews. They demanded a separate land from their colonialists in London and they got it.

About getting rid of European Semitism, plenty of Jews lived for long in Europe and did not migrate to Israel anyway. Many actually chose to go across the Atlantic to USA, than go to Israel.

But then again, There was no need for a separate land of Pakistan, what did you achieve? Was whatever you envisioned actually achievable?

The reality is, you ripped apart the millions who migrated on both sides of the partition, which was nothing less than what happened when the Palestinian land was partitioned. The left overs are in both places, there are Muslims in the Indian politics, there are Arab Muslims in Israeli one.
Lol man , tell me one thing in which pakistan is ahead of Israel...except for fidayeen attacks , killing girls going to school , terrorist camps openly operating , tell me how is pakistan better than Israel , is it in agricultural technology , sophisticated military technology to name just a couple.
and regarding INDIA , not even with God on your side you can win over us in military might (tell me any muslim country that won a modern war only with some god on their side ), but you cab kill us with Love :p
post reported anyway.
Dont compare pak situation with israel

These attackers who attack innocent people in pak are most of foreighners mercanaried hired by india and israel

Our army also rebuilding

Where u israelis are occupying palestine forcefully and when u destroy homes of palestanians u never rebuild

U are the most stupid person i came accris u cant hide your mascares with pak situation which is one way or other caused by u

U cznt see nuke pak thats why your F 16 were in india when pak tested nukes but u never had balls to send those f 16 to pak

If you had sent thise F 16 i bet you neither those F 16 nor pilots ever be back again
There was no need to give Muslims a separate land, when they had been living on the same land for hundreds of years. Yes, Israel became the bastion for all Jews, but then a lot of Jews had been dwelling there for centuries. The land of the David has been the focal point for the Christians, Muslims and the Jews. The Christians had their Europe/Africa, Muslims had plenty of places, but not the Jews. They demanded a separate land from their colonialists in London and they got it.

About getting rid of European Semitism, plenty of Jews lived for long in Europe and did not migrate to Israel anyway. Many actually chose to go across the Atlantic to USA, than go to Israel.

But then again, There was no need for a separate land of Pakistan, what did you achieve? Was whatever you envisioned actually achievable?

The reality is, you ripped apart the millions who migrated on both sides of the partition, which was nothing less than what happened when the Palestinian land was partitioned. The left overs are in both places, there are Muslims in the Indian politics, there are Arab Muslims in Israeli one.

pre partition, hindus and muslims were segregated. Upper caste hindus called the shots. Its still same now. At least one side (muslims) felt the need to have a separate land so that they can have better say in their affairs.
Even lower caste hindus were apprehensive as to what will happen if british leave India, will we inherit an upper caste apartheid state which is essentially worse for muslims and lower castes?
Lower caste hindus(led by Ambedkar, who helped frame Indian constitution) were somewhat molified by congress party, but not enough compromise/deal was done with muslims led by Muslim leage.
british just did what they thoght was moral and just. Yes there was realpolitics too(they wanted to maintain foothold on subcontinent).
They were callous in implementation, but then they never bothered about loss of life in India, they were more bothered about how they can leave with their reputation intact.
Dont compare pak situation with israel

These attackers who attack innocent people in pak are most of foreighners mercanaried hired by india and israel


U are the most stupid person i came accris
u cant hide your mascares with pak situation which is one way or other caused by u


Dont compare pak situation with israel

These attackers who attack innocent people in pak are most of foreighners mercanaried hired by india and israel

Our army also rebuilding

Where u israelis are occupying palestine forcefully and when u destroy homes of palestanians u never rebuild

U are the most stupid person i came accris u cant hide your mascares with pak situation which is one way or other caused by u

U cznt see nuke pak thats why your F 16 were in india when pak tested nukes but u never had balls to send those f 16 to pak

If you had sent thise F 16 i bet you neither those F 16 nor pilots ever be back again

I like your spirit brother but I think some indians are laughing at your English. It's not a big deal, carry on.
So much intentions by an Israeli about Pakistan. They want to denuclearize us but some of Pakistanis still think
Pakistan should recognize israel even on this forum.
for youtube victims;
Zalmos Free web proxy!
for regulars:
Why Israel should Support India - A Jews Perspective - YouTube
I feel very sad how can someone recognize a country who is the butcher on Thousands of innocent Palestini children, women, veterans etc(to all who say israel wants ties with Pakistan).:hitwall::(
Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaIsraelPakistan_relations
so you think pakistanies hate israel

1. israelies killed and opressed so many palestinians ?

do you know about BLAC September ?
Black September in Jordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Black September: Palestinian Movement and Jordanian War

2. cause jews support india

whats wrong in it given the fact it was onli in india that jews were never attacked or prosecuted for their relegous beleves till british came to india

lolzz what do you call it hypocracy or obsession :azn:
I like your spirit brother but I think some indians are laughing at your English. It's not a big deal, carry on.
Let them i dont care about them if even i do not make mistakes in writting they still will it is in their blood which politations of india forcefully injucted on tgem where ever whatever good or bad right or wrong if they see pakistan name they become anti let them
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