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Realistic worst care scenarios for Indian Muslims

Our Indian Muslim brothers will lose some of their own. But losses will more on Hindu side. Since Indian Muslims will have to launch fiyadeen attacks due to numerical disadvantage.

Dawood killed more Hindus in bomb blasts than Muslims killed in riots. Firecrackers going off in busy lanes and markets will cause more deaths than riots. Every Indian Muslim household has a Dawood in making. Interesting times ahead.

Abey Bhondu Ram, this was a trailer. It wasn't in our interest to create a pan India riot and make Muslims look bad.

Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad and other major economic cities of India have 25percent - 45% Muslim population. At right time our sleeper cells will be activated and we will completely destroy economy and stability of India.

Thanks to Hindus, we have our un uniformed armed of 25 cores stationed in India.

Delhi tauh trailer tha ab dekho aage aage houta hey kiya?

Yes Sir! Thank God we have ISI officers like you working for the nation.

I do believe Pakistan was at a disadvantage due to population vis vis India. Hence we needed nukes to defend our lands. But now we have our 25 crore Indian Muslims on our side. We can easily take over whole of India with their support.

They used to bad mouth Pakistan to please Hindus. But they loved us in their as we were their fellow Muslim brothers.

But now that is a thing of the past. They openly express their anti India and pro Pakistan views on social media.

Days of Hindus are numbered.

Indian Muslims will pick up arms against Hindus. And Islamic armies will invade India from outside. Enjoy your last supper.
Muslims around the globe
Cannot able control 18 million Jews
And it's lobbies

Let alone ethnicity of 1 billion Hindus.
What you can Do.
create another religious state like Israel
In India Subcontinent.
Zionist powers around globe
Will we happy that another enemy of Muslims has Risen from the east

Remember china is not Friend of community

Another religious theocratic state
Like Israel stronger than Israel
Both militarily and economically
Will in hands Of Zionist

As of in real world US is major thereat to the Islamic ummah.

Christians will be happy to have another community in there arsenal's to fight
There old enemy the Islamic ummah
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Indian Muslims have been Hinduized. Muslims celebrate Hindu festivals as well.
Have observed this with Pakistanis as well. For example, throwing flowers, wearing garlands, mehndi, etc.

Dude, even Irafan Pathan was receiving hate on twitter recently, the hate is multiplying thanks to media and state though BJP is looking in a damage control mode recently.
Can you please show his other tweets where he has been given love as well? But no, you will ignore those hundreds of tweets and will just show this one.
Oh nobody claimed it would be a televised genocide.

It's a 20 year plan involving subterfuge, silent disenfranchisement and buying off appropriate lackeys to convince Indian Muslims they themselves should self-flagellate to a point that they find themselves cursing Pakistan 5 times a day, cursing TJ 10 times a day, self-censoring any attempt to retain nomenclature/historical sites, burning their own books on India's Islamic history, and agreeing to dalit social status. Let's not start on the millions upon millions that Indian Muslims will pay in reparations to Hindu town councils every time they protest for their rights, dare to block a crossroads or force sanghees to rampage through Muslim neighbourhoods in self-defence.

Then when CAA/NRC restarts, Indian Muslims will be asked to frog march each other and report each other to the camps lest they be charged with sedition or harbouring fugitives or threatening national security.

Hindutva is making a hash of it presently because it can't shut up and control itself from exposing its hatred, like the hilariously dark Nazi wheelchair scientist in Dr Strangelove (the name eludes me) accidentally yelling "zieg heil" mid-sentence every few minutes. Hindutva grunts splurge on social media or traditional media every once in a while instead of quietly letting the wheels turn. If the rank and file can shut up for five minutes, you will observe an orchestrated slow decay of the Muslim community and a gradual exodus of those who can escape (who will be the elites of course, leaving behind an even more decayed remnant population) with periodic limited pogroms taking place.

There won't be a jallukutti orgy or a "partition massacre". I don't think even Modi can possibly be that stupid. All he needs to do is control the nutjobs and allow the slow erosion to continue. People won't even notice. The once proud Muslims of India who governed for a thousand years will be reduced to Shah rukhs doing pooja and a token medium pacer in the cricket team purely for quota filling. At that point even the quota elites will be reprimanded by "progressive moderate Hindus" who will ignore the historical disenfranchisement and suddenly demand an "even playing field" suspiciously like how this present unified civil code is being sold to the masses.

Yes, that's how it will unfold. I know it sounds like the blabbering of some madman. But if I was a hard-core intelligent sanghi, that's exactly how I'd do it. Why would I make it obvious with big massacres? I'd get Muslims to do it to themselves as much as possible, then whatever's left can be made to look accidental or sporadic or a natural phenomenon or an expected and fair retaliation by Hindus against terrorism or Covid spreading or train burning or spitting in public. These will be declared as normal evolution and "growing pains " of the magical world's biggest democracy with charming sporadic communal friction that is so adorable and inevitable between such massive democracy-loving communities who are best buddies really because India is a democracy.

Before you know it, Indian muslims will live quietly in their own Gaza strip, and Modi will declare India a sacred Hindu rashtra which never had any Muslims in it who brought anything other than pillaging and destruction. Trump will declare sheepishly that there is no point denying "ground reality".

They're not israel of course, hence this plan could still go tits up. I'd say it's 50:50... hindutva shooting itself in the gonads vs. their wildest dreams coming true, slowly but surely.
That made for an interesting read, you certainly have a penchant for writing.

Not a new line of thought though, I've had this discussion with a few Indians irl too and they've come up with very similar assessments about the situation.

It's a flawed assessment in my opinion.

One must see through the media noise and all the partisan chatter everywhere.

Modi, fundamentally, at his core, is not a bad dude. More importantly, perhaps, there is just no appetite within the broader Indian populace, which includes people who support him as PM, to see any sort of large scale disenfranchisement or dispossession of Indian muslims, much less a violent subjugation or worse.

In India, societal problems abound, Hindu-Muslim issues in particular, no point denying that, but that's about all they are, societal problems of a still economically backward country.

There is no 20 year master plan for any anti Muslim anything.
Due to nuclear weapons capability, the next War on India will have to be a Trojan horse Invasion, rather than a conventional military invasion. Indian Muslims will pave way for a formal invasion.
Oh you and your religious conquest fantasies. Give up the dreams of Crusades. The world will gradually move away from religion and it will be a much better place. What India needs is a strong uniform civil code and staunch separation of religion and state as in USA. We will get there someday and you will be wishing for this supposed invasion even then.

More power to religious reforms and secularism. Condemnation to religious extremists of all shades and hues.
Very well stated. Need to make this post a sticky.

To add to what you have stated, while the NRC exercise will not send all Muslims to detention camps, they will be made stateless. Lack of documents will ensure that they cannot enroll in schools anymore, buy/sell property, get driver's licenses and so on. A new class of Chandalas will emerge, living at the mercy of those Hindus who choose to grant them petty employment.

Those Muslims lacking documents will be forced into ghettos, where in/out privileges will be strictly controlled. It is already happening in areas of Kashmir (for other reasons of course)

And if you think that any Hindus will have any objection to this. They won't, because the narrative that will be spun is that only illegal migrants or Bangladeshis in India do not have documents. This sentiment is already being shared among my friends, when this discussion comes up with them. Their conscience will be clear that no "Indian Muslim" is being wronged.

If the thaali banging exercise is a harbinger, no one will object to the commands of the Pied Piper.
The thaali/taali thing was just a morale boosting exercise. You can't fault either Modi or the many who partook in the taali/taali thing for it.

Come on !
Replying to any Pakistani Muslim who has hatred for India and Hinduism is just pointless. They always reply with some cheap things. Almost all the replies are of their dream of conquering India, cow piss drinkers, idol worshippers, etc. It's just the same thing again and again. It gets boring after a while.

@Chhatrapati @Nilgiri @Joe Shearer @Jackdaws @aryadravida @dharmi @Suriya @Secularindian @jamahir @Raj-Hindustani @GHALIB
There's some good people on here too. Ignore the blinded by hatred crew and engage with those willing to have a dialogue.

We need dialogue between regular folks on both sides, think of it as track 3 (or 4, or 5) diplomacy.
Replying to any Pakistani Muslim who has hatred for India and Hinduism is just pointless. They always reply with some cheap things. Almost all the replies are of their dream of conquering India, cow piss drinkers, idol worshippers, etc. It's just the same thing again and again. It gets boring after a while.

@Chhatrapati @Nilgiri @Joe Shearer @Jackdaws @aryadravida @dharmi @Suriya @Secularindian @jamahir @Raj-Hindustani @GHALIB

there are many good posters , in the same way many here use very cheap language , this is because of setback pakistan got in 1971 .they are dreaming revenge all time .
Replying to any Pakistani Muslim who has hatred for India and Hinduism is just pointless. They always reply with some cheap things. Almost all the replies are of their dream of conquering India, cow piss drinkers, idol worshippers, etc. It's just the same thing again and again. It gets boring after a while.

@Chhatrapati @Nilgiri @Joe Shearer @Jackdaws @aryadravida @dharmi @Suriya @Secularindian @jamahir @Raj-Hindustani @GHALIB

I will still reach out to all of them, in the hope that reason and mental balance will return to some. Just as I will reach out to @aryadravida @[S]dharmi[/S] @Archie @Suriya who are just as mental as the most extreme types that we meet among the Pakistani members. My success will probably be the same.
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There's some good people on here too. Ignore the blinded by hatred crew and engage with those willing to have a dialogue.

We need dialogue between regular folks on both sides, think of it as track 3 diplomacy.
What I've noticed is that majority of them are religious bigots who want the whole world to subscribe to their ideology. I shudder to think what would have happened if I would be having similar mindset. I would just be a person full of hatred for others and would constantly be despising other peoples' beliefs.
Muslims around the globe
Cannot able control 18 million Jews

Let alone ethnicity 1 billion Hindus.
What you can create is create another religious state like Israel
In India Subcontinent.
Zionist powers around globe
Will we happy that another enemy of Muslims has Risen from the east

Remember china is not Friend community

Another religious theocratic state
Like Israel stronger than Israel
Both militarily and economically
You schizo delusional banyas comparing yourselves to China and Israel. You aren't as smart or as brave as them.

Let me state some facts. 24% Muslims took 33% of Akhand Hindu Rashtar without a war. Not even a civil war.:yahoo:

You already know about extinction of Hinduism from Pakistan and Bangladesh. No need to educate you on that.

And did I forget to mention that 3.5 crore Muslims in India have now turned into atleast 25 crore.

China is a superpower with very few Muslims. Israel is supported by the west and benefits from lack of unity among Arabs.

Let's come back to India. A third world country which cannot even take on a nation 7 times smaller surrounded by two hostile Muslim nations (one of them is nuclear armed and has the most battle hardened army).

Not to mention 25 crore Muslims who will pick up arms soon.

You Hindus dug your own grave by alienating 25 crore Muslims.

Even Modi has realized his plan to expel or exterminate 25 crore Muslims was ill conceived. But now it's too late. The spark has been lit and the flame will engulf whole India. So enjoy your lalaland while it lasts:lol::lol:
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When it comes to their idol worshiping oppressors they will give up their cultural and sectarian differences and unite and dispose off the idolaters.

Have you forgotten how 24% percent Muslims took away 33% percent of land for themselves in 1947?

There are 25 crore potential Mujhaideen in India. If pagan idiots think that you can oppress such large number of Muslims. Then mini Pakistans in all over India would explode. Rest of us Muslims will help our brothers. No doubt about it

Yes, that was brilliant. Especially taking over the thickly populated Balochistan and the NWFP, overcrowded with cities. Did I forget the teeming masses of East Bengal, where the Muslim League was born? Wonderful achievements, and you should remain proud of these achievements, and remind the world of them whenever called on to justify why you are there, and not in, say, Singapore.

if you dont mind are you Rangar. or mullle jat ?

Neither. He is a Singaporean Haryanvi.
India has become a communal disaster

SM is just bubbling with poison and hatred amongst Indians

Nothing at the moment, not even the death of a actor is free of communal toxicity

If you look at the last 1.5 years of India it has been one lurch after the other
Are you Rangar ?


It has two 'I's and an 'O' and...oh,never mind. You can guess from his posts.

Heard of Mewat - a mini Pakistan right in the heart of Haryana. Even jats of Haryana are afraid to enter it.

Will someone tell this fount of historical knowledge that the Tablighi Jamaat started to wean Meos away from their un-Islamic practices?

I know people who migrated from Jhang Pakistan got settled in Kalanaur and its adjoining areas.But for rangars there was no compulsion.Majority of them were in armed forces.So they got settled where they wanted to.Next generation like me settled oversees in large numbers.There are fucking thirty Pakistani kalanaurean rangar families living here in Mississauga alone.They are in large numbers in USA,UK France,Germany,Australia and even in middle east.

If you are jat then I can understand your pain:omghaha:

A warm welcome to the representative of fucking thirty Pakistani kalanaurean rangar families. You have a way with words.

Sorry to pile on, but the one saving grace is that every grand scheme that has been unleashed by this sasta Hitler has no panned out how they planned. From demonitization, to GST, to Article 370 to CAA.

Let's hope you are wrong.

Don't give it away! What's wrong with you?

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