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Realistic worst care scenarios for Indian Muslims

The same as an ideal Indian, someone who pays their taxes and are not forced to assimilate.
Sure, but there are consequences to 'not assimilating'

in that those do not assimilate might be looked upon suspiciously, and that others might be curious about what it is in your 'way of life' that prohibits 'assimilation' ?

from the 'salafist' (using that term loosely, just think of it as super hardcore sunni) point of view, the rest of us are all to burn in hell forever and are not to be befriended..

stay that way then, the rest of us kafirs will forge our own way forward, you're not included, because you don't want in anyway !
Not an avowed atheist, stuck in a very multi cultural thing here.. just don't care

Fair enough.

But let me tell you why most educated Hindus churn that line - dont care.

because they know their religion is not something they can defend logically. They find this declaration (dont care) as an easy escape.

The more sensible and open minded ones recite the Shahada.
because they know their religion is not something they can defend logically. They find this declaration (dont care) as an easy escape.
because it isn't a "religion" in the Abrahamist sense to begin with

atheism and agnosticism is halal !

try wrap your head around that for a bit.
Can you please break up your post into points so that I can take them on one by one?

Read arthashastra for administration.

Architecture - gandhara,mathura,nagara and dravida (chola, chalukya, pallava, hoysala ) architecture complete with manuals.temples of halebidu,ajanta ellora,meenakshi,brihadeshwara in thanjavur,khajuraho and martand sun temples,tower of victory,stupas of ashoka,rustfree iron pillars of gupta era,hampi,nalanda and other universities,somnath,jain temples,stepwells of gujarat etc.Recently popularized halebidu hoysala temples are infact unmatched by any architecture in anywhere in india.
For forts go to rajasthan and maharashtra.Kumbhalgarh has the largest walls after the great wall of china.

Indians still wear saree,and dhoti.Trousers(pajamas and salwar) were introduced by sakas not turks.Mughlai cuisine is only 1 variety,it by no means replaced any regional diets.Indian dance and classical music are unique and beautiful.We have our own languages as well,no need to borrow arab or persian language and script like slaves.

Bigger question is what were the safavid,mughal and ottoman empires doing between 1500-1700 when they were at their peak?Why didn't a single scientific invention come out of these empires when they had all the resources in the world?How did they get technologically outcompeted by small european states that subsequently allowed the west to dominate the world?Were they busy just drinking,praying,fighting,eating and having sex?Then they would have to be counted as failures.

India doesnt need any civilizational lesson,its been a civilization from the times the arabs were eating lizards in the desert.Of the original four - egypt,mesopotamia,india and china only the last 2 are left with anything of their original culture.Even though corrupted and damaged .
are not to be befriended..
You got it wrong, I meant one should feel comfortable speaking their languages and practicing their culture/beliefs. One should not be forced to learn Sanskrit if they want to learn Urdu. For friends, I had many Hindu friends in school; we visited each other's home and ate together, no problem in that.
stay that way then, the rest of us kafirs will forge our own way forward, you're not included, because you don't want in anyway !
Included in what? Hindu Rashtra? I want to be included in a secular India where I can practice/eat/speak whatever I want. It should not be tilted in one side, religion is a personal choice and should remain so.

It's like I want to be included in business meeting or even birthday celebrations with Hindus but don't force me to join you in Ganesh Arti and I won't force you for Namaz.
You got it wrong, I meant one should feel comfortable speaking their languages and practicing their culture/beliefs. One should not be forced to learn Sanskrit if they want to learn Urdu. For friends, I had many Hindu friends in school; we visited each other's home and ate together, no problem in that.
I could pull out quotes from very credible .com sources about not befriending the others..

and who is forcing anyone to learn Sanskrit ?

Included in what? Hindu Rashtra? I want to be included in a secular India where I can practice/eat/speak whatever I want. It should not be tilted in one side, religion is a personal choice and should remain so.
Included in society at large.

You can already speak whatever you want, within the confines of the law of course.
Hyderabadi Muslims are very popuplar. I watch videos of Secular Miya Bhai, Muhammad Ishaq Khan and Ilyas Sharafuddin-Slave of ALLAH. All three are Hyderabadis

They are SO different. Their manners are exquisite, and from the heart. My friend, a business associate, invited me to his children's celebrations of their birthday (he had clubbed together two of them, being close together). I had to tell him what I had kept to myself, that I was about to undergo a procedure. Imagine my astonishment when he turned up at the hospital with enormous slices of cake! Our social classes differ, but he has a perfect confidence in his station in life, and in his own worth, and deservedly so.

I travel a lot by bus. Our area has a large Muslim component. It is ALWAYS the Muslim mamas sternly telling their daughters to give up their seats to me, and I have had pitched battles with them, telling them not to be silly, and that I was not a crippled old man yet.

I buy my vegetables from a young woman, a pavement vendor, opposite our apartment block. Her little fellow of ten or eleven years of age turned out to be good at math (at arithmetic, at this age), and I always have a duel with him, asking him tough ones (for his age); he gets a tenner if he gets them all, in spite of his mother's embarrassment. When she found I was genuinely interested, she very shyly told me that her little daughter wanted to be an air-hostess! The next day, the child (she is in her teens) turned up to ask for my good wishes! I felt so proud of this little family and so engaged in their aspirations and hopes.

This is the humble people; as for the aristocrats, you have to meet their match. The most elegant people I have had the fortune to meet, utterly confident in their culture and their social standing.

I am so glad you have met some of them.
I could pull out quotes from very credible .com sources about not befriending the others..
I speak for myself.
and who is forcing anyone to learn Sanskrit ?
https://thewire.in/government/sanskrit-language-promotion and RSS idealising Kalam for learning Sanskrit.
Included in society at large.

You can already speak whatever you want, within the confines of the law of course.
It's like I want to be included in business meeting or even birthday celebrations with Hindus but don't force me to join you in Ganesh Arti and I won't force you for Namaz.
I can't eat Beef, government wants Urdu to die and Sanskrit to flourish etc.
Read arthashastra for administration.

Architecture - gandhara,mathura,nagara and dravida (chola, chalukya, pallava, hoysala ) architecture complete with manuals.temples of halebidu,ajanta ellora,meenakshi,brihadeshwara in thanjavur,khajuraho and martand sun temples,tower of victory,stupas of ashoka,rustfree iron pillars of gupta era,hampi,nalanda and other universities,somnath,jain temples,stepwells of gujarat etc.Recently popularized halebidu hoysala temples are infact unmatched by any architecture in anywhere in india.
For forts go to rajasthan and maharashtra.Kumbhalgarh has the largest walls after the great wall of china.

Indians still wear saree,and dhoti.Trousers(pajamas and salwar) were introduced by sakas not turks.Mughlai cuisine is only 1 variety,it by no means replaced any regional diets.Indian dance and classical music are unique and beautiful.We have our own languages as well,no need to borrow arab or persian language and script like slaves.

Bigger question is what were the safavid,mughal and ottoman empires doing between 1500-1700 when they were at their peak?Why didn't a single scientific invention come out of these empires when they had all the resources in the world?How did they get technologically outcompeted by small european states that subsequently allowed the west to dominate the world?Were they busy just drinking,praying,fighting,eating and having sex?Then they would have to be counted as failures.

India doesnt need any civilizational lesson,its been a civilization from the times the arabs were eating lizards in the desert.Of the original four - egypt,mesopotamia,india and china only the last 2 are left with anything of their original culture.Even though corrupted and damaged .
Architecture - If your architecture was SO GOOD, why does so little remain today?
Why does India have to rely on Islamic architecture to portray India as exotic to this day?
You can't compare ruins that did not stand the test of time to splendid Tombs and Red Forts and Jama Masjids.

Indians still wear saree and all - true. Most of this is gone. Because you know that they are not practical. Salwar kameez is more popular.

Mughlai cuisine is everywhere. Even where it is not explicitly called Mughlai.

Your languages and scripts are restricted to a tiny little landmass. Nobody outside India and Nepal will know what you speak and write. Arabic and Persian are global languages now. There is no comparison.

Muslim Empires were successful because they used explosives and rockets. Don't know how lack of invention is a point even.

Hindu civilisation does not exist. It is just a tribal society that picked up things from all over the world thanks to invaders. No more no less.
I guess nearly all of them were illiterate, how can you fault them? Same for Indian Muslims, even the elections were decided by the elites of the area - caste based vote, Zamindari system. The local population was the same as slaves of elites (both Hindu and Muslims). Of course, there are others who explicitly chose Pakistan like Karachi Hindus and Rana of Amerkot but they're still much better than the rural Hindus who never had any real choice and are facing the real brunt.

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See? Hindus alone are enough to mass murder!
They are cowards. Even they outnumber Muslims they need support of police and in some cases army to murder you guys.

This is why Muslims need to move into Muslim majority districts. If there Muslims en masse migrate to Assam, West Bengal and Kerala, these states will turn Muslim majority

Remember that Punjab was 52% Muslim and yet, was divided in half with Hindus and Muslims am were thrown out from the eastern part. So, your 20 crore Muslims will be no match against 120 crore Hindus with advanced technology. The attacks will not be from some foot soldiers but using equipments like tank, helicopters and heavy firing. 20 crore can be expelled in less than 1 month. You should not sit in Pakistan and talk trash about Indian Muslims. If you were in India, your pants would be wet even thinking about doing any misbehavior
These were different times. Don't forget that in Pakistani Punjab not even 1 percent Hindus or Sikhs left. But in Indian Punjab Muslim population has reached 10 percent.

We left our Muslim brothers in India for the same fact. To help us restore Islamic rule.

You will wet your langot when you a see Muslim man on the street. Even Modi has realized that he can't expel or exterminate 25 crore Muslims. He backtracked on Hindutva like a little coward
Why only IOK, per UN resolution (which now has no value)..it's whole of Kashmir (IOK/Azad Kashmir Gilgit and Baltistan)...with various conditions (only those can vote who are actual residents, removal of all forces by Pakistan from whole of Kashmir before plebiscite etc....

In short mate.....neither India nor Pakistan can agree to pre-conditions so to expect matter be resolved through UN resolution is futile.
Yes for whole Kashmir but GB was NEVER be part of Kashmir so its plebiscite is out of questions and why you want only Pakistan to remove its forces from aszad Kashmir India should do the same according to UN RESOLUTIONS retreat forces from both Azad Kashmir and INDIAN OCCUPIED KASHMIR BY INDIA AND PAKISTAN
Architecture - If your architecture was SO GOOD, why does so little remain today?
Why does India have to rely on Islamic architecture to portray India as exotic to this day?
You can't compare ruins that did not stand the test of time to splendid Tombs and Red Forts and Jama Masjids.

Indians still wear saree and all - true. Most of this is gone. Because you know that they are not practical. Salwar kameez is more popular.

Mughlai cuisine is everywhere. Even where it is not explicitly called Mughlai.

Your languages and scripts are restricted to a tiny little landmass. Nobody outside India and Nepal will know what you speak and write. Arabic and Persian are global languages now. There is no comparison.

Muslim Empires were successful because they used explosives and rockets. Don't know how lack of invention is a point even.

Hindu civilisation does not exist. It is just a tribal society that picked up things from all over the world thanks to invaders. No more no less.

In north india it doesnt remain because of the islamic invasions.Go to south india and you will find the greatest temples in existence.The red forts can be easily matched by the forts of rajasthan.Beautiful temples in the classical nagara style have been rebuilt at somnath and at ashkardham.Ashokas stupas still stand.The iron pillar still stands rust free as a testament to indian metallurgy.As for exotic portrayal,not anymore..the hoysala temples at halebidu,the meenakshi amman and ajanta ellora.Go watch the videos on youtube.Halebidu is a wonder,never ever seen such intricate stonework on granite anywhere in the world.And it wasnt even known until recently.The internet has changed the world.

Most indian women still wear and will continue to wear saree with several regional styles.Unless they are wearing casual westerns.Salwars are largely limited to north western india and some cities.And salwars were introduced by sakas,not turks.Saree is the epitome of indian female dress and an indian woman always looks most beautiful in it.They know it.

Our language is 'ours'.We will not speak foreign tongue and adopt foreign script and be mental slaves of middle eastern civilization.You are welcome to do it.Sanskrit we consider the noblest and most precise language of all.Tamil is as old.Nothing against arabic or farsi ,they are beautiful too.But they are not us.If you want to be second rate arab-persian knockoff imitations without anything of your own you are welcome to it.
As for landmass.We don't care,we never have.We don't have a global mission to spread across the world.India has always been an insular civilization.Nobody cares.

Gunpowder was invented in china and was transmitted to middle east from there by the mongols,it wasnt invented in the muslim middle east.There is not a single significant invention between 1500-1700 when the 3 islamic empires were at their peak.
Indian civilization had universities.The best in the world that attracted students from as far as egypt and china.We all know what happened to those universities and were replaced by useless madrasas under royal patronage.Islamic india was a dismal scientific failure along with its middle eastern cousins that allowed tiny western nations to totally outcompete and eventually dominate them.

It is actually the arabs and the turks that are tribal societies.Only thing they kept was their language.Its is the persians and graeco-romans that civilized these nomads.We taught the arabs how to count.So called 'arabic' numerals makes an indian chuckle with amusment.Persia is the one great civilization worthy of respect.India has its own language,script,coinage,sacred geography,epics,stories,architecture,art,schools of philosophy, dance, food,music,mathematics,dress,customs.We will not be arabized,we wont prostrate 5 times a day towards the arabian desert or feel our life in incomplete without trip to arabian desert.Look at egypt and mesoptamia,just generic arab nations now who have lost all their ancient greatness and identity.Their ancestors would spit on them if they could see them now.We will never go down that road.India has its own identity and own unique path.Like us or hate us we will stay on it.We dont intend to become a people without identity and culture of their own.
No idea about Kalam but this is a good thing, Sanskrit is central to everything Bharat.

You can, easily.. at least buff meat.

Sanskrit will never "flourish" but it must be encouraged as a topic to study, what makes you say they want Urdu to die ?
Forget all of this, the most problematic policy I think is NRC.
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