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Real-time update on coronavirus outbreak

Then the "Confirmed list" Hold NO USE anymore... If Positive to nCov doesn't make you "Confirmed" then all of it is a waste of time...
Anyway... If you can't see that is a PR move to decrease the numbers and therefore decrease public tension/fear...
so be it...
And I let you meditate on the sharp daily increase (+400/500 cases) of Confirmed cases that went overnight to (-800/1k)...

I really appreciate your effort in managing this and updating it as well. :)
There are a large number of the virus cases going undetected, that's for sure, cause most of this virus cases are mild and self limiting, many infected didn't go to the hospital and recovered at home after a week or so, and even for those showing symptoms are not all tested by now. we never deny this fact, but asympomatic cases are very small, would you go for a test while you are perfectly healthy? Hubei is being overwhelmed right now and dosen't have enough resources to test healthy population.
There are more cases than officially reported, that's a consensue both in China and abroad. But China tries to count out a few of asympomatic cases to make the number look better is simply not true.

We are not talking about Healthy ppl going to check for nCov...
Asymptomatic means ppl who ARE POSITIVE to nCov (no symptome yet)... And who are Positive? ppl Who ALREADY checked at the Hospital... since if they don't have medical proof of their contamination, they wouldn't be in any subdivision in the first place...
This isn't an issue to accept healthy ppl to check or not at the Hospital... it's ABOUT publishing the results of ALREADY positive cases... Not suspected... not healthy one... POSITIVE CASES... with NO Symptoms YET...
Asymptomatic cases ARE either at home in self containment or at Quarantine Facilities... Therefore they are Treated AS "WAITING for Symptomes for Hospitalisation/Home Self medication)
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We are not talking about Healthy ppl going to check for nCov...
Asymptomatic means ppl who ARE POSITIVE to nCov... And who are Positive? ppl Who ALREADY checked at the Hospital... since if they don't have medical proof of their contamination, they wouldn't be in any subdivision in the first place...
This isn't an issue to accept healthy ppl to check or not at the Hospital... it's ABOUT publishing the results of ALREADY positive cases... Not suspected... not healthy one... POSITIVE CASES... with NO Symptoms YET...
Asymptomatic cases ARE either at home in self containment or at Quarantine Facilities... Therefore they are Treated AS "WAITING for Symptomes for Hospitalisation/Home Self medication)
How do you think they can be found positive? frome testing, why people get tested? mostly because they are sick, a very few cases of asympomatic cases don't make any changes in overall confirmed number, but it's worth to have a subdivision group which those few isolated cases can be better monitored and studied. there can be a chance that someone may be test positive but never show symptoms in their whole life.
How do you think they can be found positive? frome testing, why people get tested? mostly because they are sick, a very few cases of asympomatic cases don't make any changes in overall confirmed number, but it's worth to have a subdivision group which those few isolated cases can be better monitored and studied. there can be a chance that someone may be test positive but never show symptoms in their whole life.
The issue right now is "Case Discrimination"... This isn't about testing someone or not... This isn't what the Gov said... They DID NOT limit the testing of ppl... it's only about ALREADY positive cases...

ANY Chinese CAN get tested for nCov at a facility, whatever being totally healthy or not... They will not be Blocked... so that is not the topic here.

You can have subdivisions... China ALREADY have it... China already is making the distinction... the Health services is ALREADY making the distinction... What we see/read right now is China "TAKING OUT" a part of results TO THE PUBLIC...
In the End I do not care if they want to call it Confirmed cases or not... We just want the Number, Call it Asymptomatic cases... But They should Publish it... Even if it's few hundreds per day or a dozens, it doesn't matter...

The Whole issue is China "Keeping" a data to herself... That's the problem...

This is difficult time. No fake news, no rumours, no pseudo experts, and no so called "politically correct analysis".

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This can be a turning point, the coming days are the most important to find it's future trend.
That's your own opinion, WHO and other international medical agencies think otherwise.

You just saw that China is holding the Asymptomatic cases data number right in front of your eyes...and you are saying "But X said no"...
Can you at least stop diverting the subject when you are cornered?

Can't you just say... "Yes China is indeed holding such data, and maybe they will release it later on" or own the fact that China did do it , but you don't care...
I mean guys... It's not like you don't know that the gov kept that mess for a month...till they couldn't handle it... I mean... you know that ppl can check your Social media right? and read what you guys write/think about this mess?
Rolf Hilgenfeld, a German coronavirus research expert and professor at Lubeck University, brought two inhibitors developed for Sars-CoV to China to test their effects on the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV).

In an interview with CMG, he said that the experiments on 2019-nCov will be carried out on mice, and toxicological experiments will be carried out to eliminate other side effects that may be caused by the drugs. Finally, mass production will be possible only through clinical trials.

The coronavirus is self-limiting. After a period of time, when enough people produce antibodies, the continuous spread of the virus can be restricted, thus ending the spread of the epidemic, he said.

You just saw that China is holding the Asymptomatic cases data number right in front of your eyes...and you are saying "But X said no"...
Can you at least stop diverting the subject when you are cornered?

Can't you just say... "Yes China is indeed holding such data, and maybe they will release it later on" or own the fact that China did do it , but you don't care...
I mean guys... It's not like you don't know that the gov kept that mess for a month...till they couldn't handle it... I mean... you know that ppl can check your Social media right? and read what you guys write/think about this mess?
I just say the common sense that this number is very small which won't make any impact on overal confirmed cases, as for if China hold this number only to herself, you can ask WHO for confrimation if the number is shared or not, I also admit that vast number of virus carriers are not being tested so the true cases can be much larger. China just did what she has to do, the result will be in the future to see. Do you think your government can do better than China when facing the same situation?
Rolf Hilgenfeld, a German coronavirus research expert and professor at Lubeck University, brought two inhibitors developed for Sars-CoV to China to test their effects on the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV).

In an interview with CMG, he said that the experiments on 2019-nCov will be carried out on mice, and toxicological experiments will be carried out to eliminate other side effects that may be caused by the drugs. Finally, mass production will be possible only through clinical trials.

The coronavirus is self-limiting. After a period of time, when enough people produce antibodies, the continuous spread of the virus can be restricted, thus ending the spread of the epidemic, he said.

I just say the common sense that this number is very small which won't make any impact on overal confirmed cases, as for if China hold this number only to herself, you can ask WHO for confrimation if the number is shared or not, I also admit that vast number of virus carriers are not being tested so the true cases can be much larger. China just did what she has to do, the result will be in the future to see. Do you think your government can do better than China when facing the same situation?

Whatever one way or another we will get the final numbers... like SARS back in the days...
As for whatever my gov can or cannot... We wouldn't "perfectly" know ... till we get to that point...
But if we check the numbers like taking Beds per 1k... France is at 6/1k while China is at 4.5/1k.
France Health care syst is ahead of China.
Hygen norms/controls are way higher than China.
The pop is way smaller, Less Dense urbanization... Therefore less mvt/spread.
The numbers/extent of the mess wouldn't have been hidden for a month...
and so on...

So, Yes, France would have done a good enough job.
Whatever one way or another we will get the final numbers... like SARS back in the days...
As for whatever my gov can or cannot... We wouldn't "perfectly" know ... till we get to that point...
But if we check the numbers like taking Beds per 1k... France is at 6/1k while China is at 4.5/1k.
France Health care syst is ahead of China.
Hygen norms/controls are way higher than China.
The pop is way smaller, Less Dense urbanization... Therefore less mvt/spread.
The numbers/extent of the mess wouldn't have been hidden for a month...
and so on...

So, Yes, France would have done a good enough job.
It can be true, some will do better than China and some will do worse, China just did what she has to do with her share of resources, WHO knows that and made duly comment already. It's always easy to point fingers at other without put oneself in the same shoes.
It can be true, some will do better than China and some will do worse, China just did what she has to do with her share of resources, WHO knows that and made duly comment already. It's always easy to point fingers at other without put oneself in the same shoes.
Correct... But pointing out mistakes is also an healthy way of improving...
China DID make Mistakes that no STATE should ever do... like Delaying the extent of the mess... Refusing Help... etc... That's the behavior of Countries of another age... not from one who is the second richest country on earth...
You know that...and most of Chinese know that and many are finally talking about it... let's hope that after this mess, The Gov will be held accountable to never do that ever again...

The Head of State MUST be held accountable... that's what Leaders do... Take responsibilities from the group even if he is not directly linked to it... and not putting it on some last level scapegoat... and call it a day...
Correct... But pointing out mistakes is also an healthy way of improving...
China DID make Mistakes that no STATE should ever do... like Delaying the extent of the mess... Refusing Help... etc... That's the behavior of Countries of another age... not from one who is the second richest country on earth...
You know that...and most of Chinese know that and many are finally talking about it... let's hope that after this mess, The Gov will be held accountable to never do that ever again...

The Head of State MUST be held accountable... that's what Leaders do... Take responsibilities from the group even if he is not directly linked to it... and not putting it on some last level scapegoat... and call it a day...
China has 1.4 billion people and new unknown disease and symptoms pop up every single day, if China close down a city for every new unknown disease China will be forever on lockdown, new virus need time for people to study and confirm, every responsible government will take a careful approach on them, again it's easier for people to point fingers, they are most likely won't do better if they are in the same situation.
China has 1.4 billion people and new unknown disease and symptoms pop up every single day, if China close down a city for every new unknown disease China will be forever on lockdown, new virus need time for people to study and confirm, every responsible government will take a careful approach on them, again it's easier for people to point fingers, they are most likely won't do better if they are in the same situation.
This isn't China first "Virus mess"... She did the same in the previous ones...
So yes... Pointing fingers need to be done as long as X or Y country keep doing the same thing over and over...
Officials who hide the truth to keep their seat clean... Shutting the voices of Doctors who warned it... Minimizing the mess in hope to control the PR... and so on...

Do not make your Gov action as "It happens no big deal"... No Your Gov MADE MISTAKES. Period.
Why I even bother speaking about it... Your netizens are doing a better job than me in pointing fingers at the gov... When I read them... My words are way nicer...

This isn't China first "Virus mess"... She did the same in the previous ones...
So yes... Pointing fingers need to be done as long as X or Y country keep doing the same thing over and over...
Officials who hide the truth to keep their seat clean... Shutting the voices of Doctors who warned it... Minimizing the mess in hope to control the PR... and so on...

Do not make your Gov action as "It happens no big deal"... No Your Gov MADE MISTAKES. Period.
Why I even bother speaking about it... Your netizens are doing a better job than me in pointing fingers at the gov... When I read them... My words are way nicer...

We don't expect any government can be perfect in dealing sutiations like this without making any mistakes, US also has trouble controlling it ravaging flu in US now and many said the government made mistakes just like Chinese netizens criticizing the Chinese government did. I never said everything is perfect, I just pointed out it's easier for you to point fingers at others without putting yourself in the same shoes.
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