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Real-time update on coronavirus outbreak

Sri Lanka's only patient (Chinese tourist) is also cured but I think not officially discharged yet.
Well... when you remove Asymptomatic cases... ofc you see the light... doesn't mean it's the natural light...
But hey... Serious cases are skyrocketing and death rate the same... But whatever... the light is here...

What I cannot discern is that, that number is, first of all, could be fake, as discuss before the number look too neat and good if you plot it in a graph, and it never looks good in real outbreak, it jump up and down as case were deter and discover some days apart.

Set aside this, what worry people the most is that most of these "heavy Hitting" city was already in full quarantine since 23 January, with the last city Quarantined since 28th January, then you have lockdown and such, but yet, we see 2-3000 new case everyday come out of somewhere. I mean if they are indeed quarantine, that mean there are no interaction between people within those city. And since the incubation period of this virus is 10-14 days, so by the end of 14 days, anyone who are sick should be already identify and isolated and anyone that are sick would not have a chance to infect other. That is how quarantine works.....But today is 12 February, 20th days after Wuhan Quarantine, yet we see how many? 2200 new case today, where are all those infected people come from?
During his presidential election campaign, Trump has promised to prevent both Iran and North Korea from becoming nuclear states, should he become President.

Trump likens North Korea talks to 'beautiful game of chess'

05:01 January 16, 2020

U.S. President Donald Trump said Wednesday he views the on-again, off-again nuclear talks with North Korea as a "beautiful game of chess."

He continued: "It's all a very, very beautiful game of chess, or game of poker, or -- I can't use the word checkers because it's far greater than any checker game that I've ever seen, but it's a very beautiful mosaic."

Trump appeared to describe North Korea and China as players in the game in which the U.S. ultimately seeks to dismantle Pyongyang's nuclear weapons program.

As North Korea's biggest ally and trading partner, China is seen as having considerable influence over Pyongyang's decisions.


He first demonstrated to its domestic audience, during the entire year of 2019 that to deal with North Korea, diplomacy was inappropriate. First with the fruitless February Hanoi summit, then again with the October Stockholm talks. Both a total waste of time and credibility.

Therefore, the use of a new way of approach, that should finally bring North Korea to its knees. And finally impose the Libyan deal (dismantlement of all nuclear facilities and weapons first before any sanction relief).

It will be known as the Trump's three strikes strategy.

This new way of approach introduced by Trump on the start of January 2020, with the assassination of Iran's top general, Qassem Soleimani was intended to intimidate North Korea, showing that the U.S. would not hesitate to conduct decapitation operation as previously threathened repeatedly in past years.

Then the second move of Trump was to strike at the soft belly of the North Korean behemoth.

North Korea Depends Heavily on Chinese Tourists

December 16, 2019 13:28

North Korea has narrowly avoided economic collapse amid international sanctions thanks to tourists from China.

Statistics Korea on Friday said the North's economy shrank an estimated 4.1 percent in 2018, the biggest fall since 1997.

In 2018, North Korea's GDP stood at W35.9 trillion, a mere 1/53 of South Korea's W1,898.45 trillion (US$1=W1,174).

Due to the sanctions, North Korea's total trade amounted to just US$2.84 billion last year, about half of 2016's $5.55 billion or a mere 1/401 of South Korea's $1.14 trillion.

North Korea's exports plunged to a record-low $243 million, down a whopping 86.3 percent on-year.

But the nation managed to avoid the worst thanks to tourism from China. Back in July, North Korea's State General Bureau of Tourist Guidance told China's Xinhua News Agency that 200,000 foreigners visited North Korea last year, 90 percent of them Chinese.

And this year, the number of Chinese visitors to North Korea is estimated at over 1 million.


China's tourists are what prevented last year North Korea from an economic collapse.

Could this aim be achieved by Trump?

North Korea's Foreign Reserves Running out

January 29, 2020 11:18

North Korea's foreign exchange reserves are dwindling rapidly in the wake of international sanctions, which could lead to an economic crisis that will send prices and the foreign exchange rate soaring, the Bank of Korea here predicted.

In a report on Tuesday, the BOK said North Korea's U.S. dollar reserves were estimated between US$3.01 billion and $6.63 billion as of 2014.

But now they are shrinking. Moon Sung-min of the BOK said. "At the initial stage, foreign exchange reserves held to keep the value of a currency begin to shrink. Then there's a middle stage where part of foreign reserves held for trade and financial transactions take a dive, and at the final stage they run dry."

The North Korean economy still seems to be at the initial stage, but according to various studies, North Korea's foreign reserves have shrunk by $2 billion a year since sanctions were imposed in 2017, so there is the possibility that all of them will run out around the end of this year.

"If the exchange rate and prices soar in North Korea, then it's a sign of dollar reserves running dry," Moon said. "In this case, North Korea could face a situation similar to a financial crisis."


As a case study purpose, if Trump did really unleashed it's biowarfare on China, then today's North Korea total isolation from its last economic lifeline is very likely to end tragically for Pyongyang, should the outbreak last for more than a year!

North Korea Halts Trade with China Amid Coronavirus Fears

January 30, 2020 10:28

North Korea has suspended trade with China and its consulates there stopped issuing visas Tuesday amid the rapid spread of coronavirus.

Trade with China is virtually the nation's sole economic lifeline, which suggests how desperate it is to prevent the outbreak from spreading through North Korea, which lacks medical facilities and supplies to deal with any epidemic.

All cargo traffic from the Chinese border town of Dandong to Sinuiju has been blocked since Tuesday. Radio Free Asia quoted a source in North Pyongan Province as saying the customs checkpoints have not officially closed but are letting no cargo trucks through.

A source in the Chinese city of Shenyang told RFA that the North Korean Consulate there put up a notice on Monday that it would not issue visas.

Earlier, the nation banned all Chinese tourists and made it mandatory for all foreigners arriving via China to be kept in quarantine for a month and undergo health checks.

North Korea has a poor epidemic control system that could collapse if its quarantine seals are broken, a former Unification Ministry official here said.

The North Korean state media are stressing the need every day to block the spread of the new virus under any circumstances.


In this case, Trump could proceed with he's third strike, or the finishing move: dictating an unconditional surrender 'a la Vietnamese Doi Moi' to Pyongyang.

But this of course is too early to be confirmed. Time only will tell.


You don't get it.

It means yellow alert, orange and red is for the most severe. See the latest alert. But is is true that there is always some component of Charlie Hebdo in French media.


http://archive.ph/5LXEO/fab68f1f27e7882e3fa90504eada05d6e7bf6173.jpg ; https://archive.ph/5LXEO/3c0c22bf07d9ccd6a56fe97e1fb85460a2b926e8/scr.png ; https://i.imgur.com/6dh6yke.jpg
1. Orange alert in Savoie.



Unjustly blaming the bad habit of southerners for eating bats etc, while praising alleged self-proclamed superior good, civilized practice of eating industrial farm product is now exposed!

Indeed, the novel coronavirus has only a low 2 per cent mortality rate in the outbreak so far, while the industrial western farm-induced epidemic outbreak of bird flu is the most deadly to humans, with record mortality rate of more than 50 per cent in cases.

And this was known as industrial farm inject so much vaccines , on the poor animals, only to prevent any outbreak that results from the high concentration of animals, that their immune systems are totally destroyed!

Worse, this lower immunity is transmitted to humans that consume industrial meat!

Therefore during the 2002 SARS outbreak, the people with the best immune system were those that consumed the least industrial meat! The more they consume bush meat, the more the natural resistance of the immune system.

Probable cases of SARS by country and region, 1 November 2002 – 31 July 2003

1. Canada: Cases: 251; Deaths: 44; Fatality: 18 %

2. Hong Kong: Cases: 1,755; Deaths: 299; Fatality: 17 %

3. Singapore: Cases: 238; Deaths: 33; Fatality: 14 %

4. Philippines: Cases: 14; Deaths: 2; Fatality: 14 %

5. Taiwan: Cases: 346; Deaths: 37; Fatality: 11 %

6. Vietnam: Cases: 63; Deaths: 5; Fatality: 8 %

7. China: Cases: 5,328; Deaths: 349 ; Fatality: 6.6 %




New: Today first reported death case outside China!

The Wuhan coronavirus has become a severe international epidemic.
As of today at noon Beijing time, 2nd February 2020, a total of 14'557 people in 25 countries have been diagnosed.

Within China: 14'402 confirmed cases, 304 deaths
Outside China: 155 cases were diagnosed in 24 countries, 1 death

As of 2nd February 2020, at 12 pm Beijing Time:

20 in Japan
19 in Thailand
18 in Singapore
15 in South Korea
12 in Australia
10 cases in Taiwan
8 in Malaysia
8 in the United States
8 in Germany
7 in Vietnam
6 in France
5 in the United Arab Emirates
4 in Canada
2 in the Philippines, 1 death First death reported
2 in the UK
2 in Italy
2 in Russia
1 in Finland
1 in Sweden
1 in India
1 in Nepal
1 in Cambodia
1 in Sri Lanka
1 case in Spain



Okay, but Covirus is not the last epidemic in CN. Another kind of deadly virus may attack CN again next year, then CN cities will be lockdown again, the economy will be in chaos, million Cnese lose jobs again and may collapse like Soviet .

Nothing change, even after 17 years, u guys still dont even know what has cause Sars till now, so of course u will not know what kind of deadly virus will attack CN next year :cool:

More smoking gun

In June 2019, following a surge in bookings following the March DPRK-USA summit in Hanoi, a Vietnamese travel agency has entered into a deal with the Korea International Travel Company (KITC) to charter flights direct from Vietnam to Pyongyang.

And...by August 2019 , Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province killed around 10,500 chickens infected with the H5N6 bird flu virus to try and prevent further outbreaks.

Today, 11th February 2020, Vietnam culls 30,000 poultry to stem a bird flu outbreak!

Tourists to enjoy non-stop flights to North Korea from June

March 29, 2019

A Vietnamese travel agency and a North Korean counterpart will jointly organize tours from Vietnam to North Korea via charter flights.

Hanoitourist and the Korea International Travel Company (KITC) Thursday signed a memorandum of understanding at the North Korean booth at the Vietnam International Tourism Mart (VITM) held March 27-30 in Hanoi.

Le Hong Thai, deputy director of Hanoitourist, said both parties are working on promoting tours to North Korea via charter flights.

Tourists will soon be able to fly from directly to Pyongyang in about 4 hours, instead of taking a 3-hour flight to Beijing and then an hour flight from Beijing to Pyongyang.

"The transfers were inconvenient for our customers. If the charter route proves convenient, the number of passengers will increase.

"We expect we will fly the first charter flight in June. The price of the tour will remain the same - less than VND30 million ($1,300) for a 5-day trip but the flying hours will be shortened," Thai said.

The North Korean tour is one of Hanoitourist’s three new products introduced at the VITM this year.

It is also one of the most heavily discounted tours and popular with fair goers at the booth of another Vietnamese travel firm HanoiRedtours. Currently, the company's 5-day trip to North Korea costs VND26.9 million ($1,160), a 40 percent discount, with Air China being the carrier and tourists having to transit in China.

Nguyen Cong Hoan, director of HanoiRedtours, said that the price is the result of negotiations between three parties, including KITC, to bring more opportunities for tourists to explore what is said to be one of the most mysterious countries in the world.

According to North Korean government regulations, all tourists are required to purchase tours and cannot travel on their own.

Vietnam's tour bookings to North Korea show noticeable surges following the second Trump-Kim summit in Hanoi in late February, according to many travel agencies including HanoiRedtours and Saigontourist.


Vietnam culls 30,000 poultry to stem bird flu outbreak

February 11, 2020

About 30,000 poultry have been slaughtered across Hanoi and north-central Thanh Hoa Province following bird flu infection.

Over 23,000 ducks and chickens in Thanh Hoa and about 6,800 ducks in Hanoi had been infected with the influenza A virus subtype H5N6 (A/H5N6), said Nguyen Ngoc Son, head of Hanoi’s Veterinary Department on Monday.

The outbreak was discovered about a week ago among a flock of ducks raised by Nguyen Ngoc Son in Hanoi’s Chuong My District, from where it spread to the flocks of three other families in the area.

Chuong My authorities have since destroyed the ducks, halted the transportation of poultry in and out of the area, and disinfected and vaccinated all poultry in the district, said Son. Those who noticed symptoms such as swelling or lack of appetite among the poultry they raise must report to authorities promptly, he added.

In Thanh Hoa, the infected poultry belonged to 10 families in Nong Cong and Quang Xuong Districts.

This is not Vietnam’s first outbreak of this particular bird flu strain. Last August, Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province killed around 10,500 chickens infected with the H5N6 bird flu virus to try and prevent further outbreaks.

The H5N6 virus is capable of poultry-to-human transmission and is potentially fatal. It spreads through contact with faeces or other bodily fluids from infected poultry.

Earlier this month, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development called on localities nationwide to step up preventive measures against bird flu outbreaks in response to recent reports by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) stating outbreaks were discovered in 11 countries and territories this year.

Vietnam has also seen avian flu outbreaks in Quang Ninh Province near Hanoi and Nghe An Province which neighbors Thanh Hoa this year, the ministry noted.

Bird flu has killed at least 65 people in Vietnam since it first occurred in 2003, then one of the highest fatality rates in the world. No human deaths have been reported in the last two years, but occasional outbreaks have led to thousands of birds being killed.


Conclusion, no Vietnamese tourists can come to North Korea to replace the missing Chinese tourists due to the coronavirus outbreak.

The catastrophic loss in revenue might soon get from bad to worse for North Korea.

@Viva_Viet, what is going on in Vietnam? Seems that China is no the only one to be targeted.

At this rate, it is no difficult to predict that the next country where an outbreak could start, might be the next trade partner and supporter of North Korea, by order of importance.

Let us all see if Moscow becomes the next center of an epidemic, by this summer...


Tibet discharges only coronavirus patient

View attachment 605124

The cured patient (L) receives a bouquet from medical staff at the Third People's Hospital of Tibet, in Lhasa, capital of southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, Feb. 12, 2020. The only patient infected with the novel coronavirus in southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region was discharged from hospital after an 18-day treatment Wednesday afternoon. (Xinhua/Chogo)

wait what ? china have cure of the virus ? how ? and whats the cure ? do WHO knows about cure ? no one is sharing that whats the treatment is giving for cure.. can someone explain plz..
Turkey to export coronavirus diagnostic kit, health minister says

IHA Photo
Adiagnostic kit developed by Turkey to identify coronavirus cases will be sold abroad, Turkey's health minister said on Wednesday.

"It is also planned as a commercial kit and will be sold abroad," Fahrettin Koca told reporters in parliament, underlining that the team who developed the kit had focused on cutting down the time needed for diagnosis.

"The goal was to reduce the time to between 60-75 minutes. It would probably be 75 minutes," he said.

He stressed that the diagnosis time for the previous kit had been between 90 minutes to 120 and the diagnosis kits for coronavirus in Germany, France and the U.K. do not give results before three hours.

No cases in Turkey

"No coronavirus patient has been confirmed in the country (Turkey) so far and the risk is lower now," he said, adding that all possible precautions had been taken to prevent the disease from entering the country.

He cited Turkey's use of thermal cameras at its airports and its quarantine system it instituted before the World Health Organization's (WHO) proposal, as well as its prevention of the entry of live animals and similar products from abroad.

The death toll in China from the coronavirus outbreak has risen to 1,114, according to the country's National Health Commission.

Authorities said 44,653 confirmed cases have been reported, while in the last 24 hours, 97 people have died and more than 2,000 new cases have been detected.

The virus has spread to more than 20 other countries including the U.S., U.K., Singapore, France, Russia, Spain, and India.

Many countries, including Turkey, have evacuated their citizens from the city of Wuhan – the epicenter of the virus – and other affected areas of China, placing them in quarantine medical monitoring.

The WHO has declared the outbreak an international health emergency.

wait what ? china have cure of the virus ? how ? and whats the cure ? do WHO knows about cure ? no one is sharing that whats the treatment is giving for cure.. can someone explain plz..

It's not cure, basically, it is the virus that has run its course.

Basically, if a virus enter a human body long time enough, your body will be able to adapt and make antibody to fight it. That's goes for every virus, however, depends on the strength and what it affect, your body may not last that long to produce enough antibodies to fight the virus off, and if that is the case, you die. But if you can treat your symptom while your body adjust, you are then "cured" because of the antibody in your body.
Well that doctor only died on Friday and he was one of the first to contract it. Tens of thousands have contracted it since then so unfortunately the numbers are going to start getting bad.
Waiting for the NAtional update... but they are late again...
Let's see if they are using the newly "Way of reporting" or sticking to only "Lab tested cases".
But things aren't going well... More District/Town are getting lockdown right now...

Let's hope they finally throw once and for all the true numbers...
More smoking gun

In June 2019, following a surge in bookings following the March DPRK-USA summit in Hanoi, a Vietnamese travel agency has entered into a deal with the Korea International Travel Company (KITC) to charter flights direct from Vietnam to Pyongyang.

And...by August 2019 , Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province killed around 10,500 chickens infected with the H5N6 bird flu virus to try and prevent further outbreaks.

Today, 11th February 2020, Vietnam culls 30,000 poultry to stem a bird flu outbreak!

Tourists to enjoy non-stop flights to North Korea from June

March 29, 2019

A Vietnamese travel agency and a North Korean counterpart will jointly organize tours from Vietnam to North Korea via charter flights.

Hanoitourist and the Korea International Travel Company (KITC) Thursday signed a memorandum of understanding at the North Korean booth at the Vietnam International Tourism Mart (VITM) held March 27-30 in Hanoi.

Le Hong Thai, deputy director of Hanoitourist, said both parties are working on promoting tours to North Korea via charter flights.

Tourists will soon be able to fly from directly to Pyongyang in about 4 hours, instead of taking a 3-hour flight to Beijing and then an hour flight from Beijing to Pyongyang.

"The transfers were inconvenient for our customers. If the charter route proves convenient, the number of passengers will increase.

"We expect we will fly the first charter flight in June. The price of the tour will remain the same - less than VND30 million ($1,300) for a 5-day trip but the flying hours will be shortened," Thai said.

The North Korean tour is one of Hanoitourist’s three new products introduced at the VITM this year.

It is also one of the most heavily discounted tours and popular with fair goers at the booth of another Vietnamese travel firm HanoiRedtours. Currently, the company's 5-day trip to North Korea costs VND26.9 million ($1,160), a 40 percent discount, with Air China being the carrier and tourists having to transit in China.

Nguyen Cong Hoan, director of HanoiRedtours, said that the price is the result of negotiations between three parties, including KITC, to bring more opportunities for tourists to explore what is said to be one of the most mysterious countries in the world.

According to North Korean government regulations, all tourists are required to purchase tours and cannot travel on their own.

Vietnam's tour bookings to North Korea show noticeable surges following the second Trump-Kim summit in Hanoi in late February, according to many travel agencies including HanoiRedtours and Saigontourist.


Vietnam culls 30,000 poultry to stem bird flu outbreak

February 11, 2020

About 30,000 poultry have been slaughtered across Hanoi and north-central Thanh Hoa Province following bird flu infection.

Over 23,000 ducks and chickens in Thanh Hoa and about 6,800 ducks in Hanoi had been infected with the influenza A virus subtype H5N6 (A/H5N6), said Nguyen Ngoc Son, head of Hanoi’s Veterinary Department on Monday.

The outbreak was discovered about a week ago among a flock of ducks raised by Nguyen Ngoc Son in Hanoi’s Chuong My District, from where it spread to the flocks of three other families in the area.

Chuong My authorities have since destroyed the ducks, halted the transportation of poultry in and out of the area, and disinfected and vaccinated all poultry in the district, said Son. Those who noticed symptoms such as swelling or lack of appetite among the poultry they raise must report to authorities promptly, he added.

In Thanh Hoa, the infected poultry belonged to 10 families in Nong Cong and Quang Xuong Districts.

This is not Vietnam’s first outbreak of this particular bird flu strain. Last August, Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province killed around 10,500 chickens infected with the H5N6 bird flu virus to try and prevent further outbreaks.

The H5N6 virus is capable of poultry-to-human transmission and is potentially fatal. It spreads through contact with faeces or other bodily fluids from infected poultry.

Earlier this month, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development called on localities nationwide to step up preventive measures against bird flu outbreaks in response to recent reports by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) stating outbreaks were discovered in 11 countries and territories this year.

Vietnam has also seen avian flu outbreaks in Quang Ninh Province near Hanoi and Nghe An Province which neighbors Thanh Hoa this year, the ministry noted.

Bird flu has killed at least 65 people in Vietnam since it first occurred in 2003, then one of the highest fatality rates in the world. No human deaths have been reported in the last two years, but occasional outbreaks have led to thousands of birds being killed.


Conclusion, no Vietnamese tourists can come to North Korea to replace the missing Chinese tourists due to the coronavirus outbreak.

The catastrophic loss in revenue might soon get from bad to worse for North Korea.

@Viva_Viet, what is going on in Vietnam? Seems that China is no the only one to be targeted.

At this rate, it is no difficult to predict that the next country where an outbreak could start, might be the next trade partner and supporter of North Korea, by order of importance.

Let us all see if Moscow becomes the next center of an epidemic, by this summer...

Yeah.this time the epidemic happened in CN, but we dont know who will be the next target.

We are infectious while we still feel well, we dont know when the virus make us sick.Everything is just suddently happen....
Waiting for the NAtional update... but they are late again...
Let's see if they are using the newly "Way of reporting" or sticking to only "Lab tested cases".
But things aren't going well... More District/Town are getting lockdown right now...

Let's hope they finally throw once and for all the true numbers...

National Update is out

New Case jumped ~14,000
New Death jumed ~200

Now it's 59493 confirm infected. 1357 dead.
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