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Real-time update on coronavirus outbreak

You are lying!!!! The test was not free!!!

There is already a post a week ago showing the CDC is not currently billing people for tests.
This law just makes it official that they can't ever bill people. As in a year from now they suddenly can't decide to late bill everybody for some tests they do now.


Keeping Americans Safe from Coronavirus (COVID 19)

Every American deserves affordable access to high-quality health care. That is why health insurance providers are doing our part to help keep people safe from the coronavirus strain COVID-19. AHIP and health insurance providers are working directly with the CDC and health experts across the nation to share information, mitigate health risks to Americans, and keep Americans informed. Here are some specific steps that health insurance providers are taking to keep Americans safe:

  • Carefully monitoring the situation, and following their emergency preparedness plans, which are always in place to address situations that include global pandemics. Those plans include determinations about whether policy changes are needed to ensure that people get essential care. That may include easing network requirements, prescription drug coverage, referral requirements, and/or cost sharing.
  • Educating people on steps they can take to prepare and stay healthy.
  • Directing people to the CDC for information.
  • Tracking symptoms and patterns that may become apparent through the data from through
    electronic medical records, phone calls to nurse call centers, and clinic visits.
  • Informing clinicians to ensure that they know what the symptoms of COVID 19 look like and how to address a potential coronavirus situation.
  • Collaborating with federal agencies and local public health officials to help contain any outbreak.
  • Supporting infection control efforts, including those already in place for hospitals, health care facilities and other sites of care.
What to Know About Treatment and Coverage
  • At this time, the CDC is the only facility equipped to test for COVID 19, or to designate other laboratories to do so. The CDC is not billing for testing for COVID 19, so patients will not incur costs when tested by the CDC.
  • There is no specific antiviral treatment. People should receive care from their doctor to help
    relieve symptoms.
  • Health insurance providers cover any reasonable, medically necessary health care costs related to infectious diseases and medical conditions, including COVID 19. Please review the terms of your specific plan for coverage details.
Federal agencies like the CDC generally determine the length and severity of an epidemic, as well as how to respond. At this time, the CDC has indicated that Americans’ risk from coronavirus is low. However, there are important steps Americans can take to keep themselves and their families safe:

  • Comply with travel advisories issued by the CDC.
  • Wash your hands regularly, cover your mouth when you cough, and follow other procedures that help to keep you safe from viruses like the flu.
  • Stay home if you are sick, and see your doctor if you need relief from your symptoms.
  • If you have concerns about coronavirus – particularly if you have traveled internationally or come into contact with someone who has – contact your doctor.
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There is already a post a week ago showing the CDC is not currently billing people for tests.
This law just makes it official that they can't ever bill people. As in a year from now they suddenly can't decide to late bill everybody for some tests they do now.


Keeping Americans Safe from Coronavirus (COVID 19)

Every American deserves affordable access to high-quality health care. That is why health insurance providers are doing our part to help keep people safe from the coronavirus strain COVID-19. AHIP and health insurance providers are working directly with the CDC and health experts across the nation to share information, mitigate health risks to Americans, and keep Americans informed. Here are some specific steps that health insurance providers are taking to keep Americans safe:

  • Carefully monitoring the situation, and following their emergency preparedness plans, which are always in place to address situations that include global pandemics. Those plans include determinations about whether policy changes are needed to ensure that people get essential care. That may include easing network requirements, prescription drug coverage, referral requirements, and/or cost sharing.
  • Educating people on steps they can take to prepare and stay healthy.
  • Directing people to the CDC for information.
  • Tracking symptoms and patterns that may become apparent through the data from through
    electronic medical records, phone calls to nurse call centers, and clinic visits.
  • Informing clinicians to ensure that they know what the symptoms of COVID 19 look like and how to address a potential coronavirus situation.
  • Collaborating with federal agencies and local public health officials to help contain any outbreak.
  • Supporting infection control efforts, including those already in place for hospitals, health care facilities and other sites of care.
What to Know About Treatment and Coverage
  • At this time, the CDC is the only facility equipped to test for COVID 19, or to designate other laboratories to do so. The CDC is not billing for testing for COVID 19, so patients will not incur costs when tested by the CDC.
  • There is no specific antiviral treatment. People should receive care from their doctor to help
    relieve symptoms.
  • Health insurance providers cover any reasonable, medically necessary health care costs related to infectious diseases and medical conditions, including COVID 19. Please review the terms of your specific plan for coverage details.
Federal agencies like the CDC generally determine the length and severity of an epidemic, as well as how to respond. At this time, the CDC has indicated that Americans’ risk from coronavirus is low. However, there are important steps Americans can take to keep themselves and their families safe:

  • Comply with travel advisories issued by the CDC.
  • Wash your hands regularly, cover your mouth when you cough, and follow other procedures that help to keep you safe from viruses like the flu.
  • Stay home if you are sick, and see your doctor if you need relief from your symptoms.
  • If you have concerns about coronavirus – particularly if you have traveled internationally or come into contact with someone who has – contact your doctor.
Ahh....the nickel warrior is working hard.
Heidi can't seem to get a test tho. Lol
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Some rich lady who can't find some celebrity doctor who will drive to her mansion.

Meanwhile some poor farmer in China

The GREAT and PROUD China! Mr. Nickel warrior.

Luckily you are in Singapore...where you can hide.
I am in Shanghai and you have no idea what China is doing. The lady is crying to leave, but its better than her dying. Trust me, most likely in a month, you would be crying too hero. Lol

Imagine those minimum wage black gangstas pillaging and raping pretty soon. Rednecks with guns would shoot Asians like you too. God Bless America!
I am in Shanghai and you have no idea what China is doing. The lady is crying to leave, but its better than her dying. Trust me, most likely in a month, you would be crying too hero. Lol

Well her daughter dying seems very very likely as she pleads with men with cold hearts. What's a poor woman's daughter life worth in China...NOTHING.
Well her daughter dying seems very very likely as she pleads with men with cold hearts. What's a poor woman's daughter life worth in China...NOTHING.
Too bad, that's the cost of controlling a disease, and child mortality is zero so far for this in China. Trump is now openly denying treatment and testing, how many dead pneumonia cases out there in the states (classified as flu) ? How many dead due to your government's incompetence? How many unseen crying ppl in the US? you are gonna cry pretty soon. Lol
Yes, coronavirus is airborne and a new study proves it
Friday, March 13, 2020 by: Ethan Huff


(Natural News) Just wash your hands and cough into your sleeve, they say. But is this really enough to prevent transmission of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19)? Absolutely not, at least if the findings of a new study on the novel pathogen’s survivability in air and on surfaces are any indication.

Researchers from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the University of California, Los Angeles, and Princeton University collaborated to determine how long the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) can last both in air and on surfaces, and the results may shock you.

As it turns out, the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) can persist in the air for up to three hours, and for up to three days on surfaces. This means that if you’re in the same room with an infected person, it’s probably best to leave. And if they’ve touched anything you’re about to touch, don’t.

Using a nebulizer to put traces of the novel virus in the air, the team simulated what happens when an infected person coughs or otherwise sends the pathogen flying. In the open air, it remained infectable for up to three hours, and on surfaces for up to three days depending on the type of surface.

On copper, which is inherently antimicrobial, the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) persisted for up to four hours. On cardboard, it survived for up to a day. And on plastic and stainless steel, the novel virus lasted for two or three days depending on temperature and moisture.

“We’re not by any way saying there is aerosolized transmission of the virus,” stated study lead author Neeltje van Doremalen from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), adding the caveat that such transmission is “theoretically possible.”

Listen below as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, explains how the release of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) fulfills many of the key agendas that the globalists are imposing against humanity:

SARS had similar survivability, but didn’t spread as widely as COVID-19 – what’s different about this one?
An important thing to note is that, compared to similar tests that this group conducted on the 2003 SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) coronavirus, both viruses behaved similarly in air and on surfaces. The difference is that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is spreading much more widely and much more seriously, which begs the question why?

The biggest difference that we know of is that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is transmissible for a very long time while not showing symptoms. As the researchers explain it, those infected with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “shed and transmit the virus while pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic.”

Other factors that the team say are “likely to play a role include the infectious dose required to establish an infection, the stability of virus in mucus, and environmental factors such as temperature and relative humidity.”

Though the study admittedly has yet to be peer-reviewed, its findings already correlate with others that have also demonstrated solid evidence that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is fully capable of this type of “community spread.”

“What we need to be doing is washing our hands, being aware that people who are infected may be contaminating surfaces,” says Julie Fischer, a professor of microbiology at Georgetown University who described this latest study as a “solid piece of work” that answers many of the public’s questions about how to engage in proper preventative hygiene.

Van Doremalen also suggests keeping surfaces clean with disinfectant solutions like diluted bleach that are known to ward off viruses.

“We have called every day for countries to take urgent and aggressive action,” stated World Health Organization (WHO) head Tedros Adhanaom Ghebreyesus as part of his agency’s recent declaration of a global pandemic. “We have rung the alarm bell loud and clear.”
For more related news about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), be sure to check out Pandemic.news.

Sources for this article include:
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The kid had Leukemia not Wuhan Coronavirus you moron.
Did I say he did not genius? I am saying so far there is low risk for kids dying from corona virus. And this kid is collateral damage, just like how UK is sacrificing their grandparents now but instead of doing something, or containing it, they are doing a 'herd immunity' aka do no shit and let ppl die, I don't see you one dimers shouting human rights? . US is no different by denying testing to ppl. Its just measures taken by incompetent governments. Any gangstas visit you yet? Lol
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Did I say he did not genius? I am saying so far there is low risk for kids dying from corona virus. And this kid is collateral damage,

She's going to die from her untreated Leukemia genius. Her mother is not concerned at all about her catching Coronavirus. You are completely misunderstanding the situation.
She's going to die from her untreated Leukemia genius. Her mother is not concerned at all about her catching Coronavirus. You are completely misunderstanding the situation.
I just told you, its collateral damage, there will be more of these cases in US soon, Italy is already choosing who gets to live. Gd luck... Ignorance is bliss.
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Wuhan will lift its travel restrictions at midnight

Chinese tourist spots were PACKED over the weekend as the country lifted travel restrictions.

So for those (naysayer trolls) that are saying China is FAKING its death toll and HIDING the true number of cases, provide evidence.

Provide evidence that ICUs are at capacity with patient beds lining the hallways in Chinese hospitals.

Provide evidence that Chinese cities are now ghost towns, with people too scared to go out.

With more than four times the US population, roughly a 2-month head start, and cities with much higher POPULATION DENSITY than the West, China should be a disaster by now. :)
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