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RC400 and MBDA MICA approved for JF-17

No man. The fire control radar will definitely increase potency of JF-17, but wont make its avionics as good as rafale. avionics include many other factors like jammers, EW suite etc.

Actually PAF will be looking for aditional western avonics like the ECM suite, jammers etc which would bring it on par with latest 4.5thgeneration jets.

I hope so too. If we choose Rafale for MRCA, maybe we can make the french cancel this deal.

Otherwise lets hope that USA will force French to cancel in fear of tech getting in chinese hands (but the chances are low, French usually dont listen to USA when it comes to arms deals).

If the deal goes thru, it'll be a definite headache for india, and maybe we might decide to buy the RC 400 or something better for LCA

Anyway lets wait and see. meanwhile kudos to pak officials for landing the deal.

If you choose Rafale then perhaps there is a chance for the deal to get canceled. Other then that nothing will happen. US cant stop france, the reason is that US itself is giving Pakistan the lastest F-16s and besides pakistan has signed MOU with france about the technology transfer. Also EU embargo doesnt get violated as the jet from 2008 will be made in pakistan and will be known as JF while the chinses version is called FC-1 which will be made in china, though both planes are the same, but legally france is not violating any terms and conditions since technology is being transfered to pakistan for the jets which will be made in pakistan and chinese has nothing to do with it.
Actually PAF will be looking for aditional western avonics like the ECM suite, jammers etc which would bring it on par with latest 4.5thgeneration jets.
Wont that increase the cost of JF-17 to same level as a high-end 4.5th gen plane, making it too expensive to induct in large numbers. remember, PAF wants JF-17 to fill the ranks, not as a dedicated air-superiority fighter.

Also, there's the question of how much latest avionics you can buy. You can buy maybe a certain single item, like the RC-400, but u cant buy the entire avionics package for the rafale. If that was the case, then most countries would buy just the avionics package and incorporate it into a decent airframe, and dassault wont sell any Rafales.
Wont that increase the cost of JF-17 to same level as a high-end 4.5th gen plane, making it too expensive to induct in large numbers. remember, PAF wants JF-17 to fill the ranks, not as a dedicated air-superiority fighter.

Also, there's the question of how much latest avionics you can buy. You can buy maybe a certain single item, like the RC-400, but u cant buy the entire avionics package for the rafale. If that was the case, then most countries would buy just the avionics package and incorporate it into a decent airframe, and dassault wont sell any Rafales.

Chill out, it is just an offer from France for RFP. It is still long way off, by that time you never knew Chinese will hawk AESA T/R modules by kilos maybe. :cheesy:

Considering the French arms sale getting hit, they may even bring on table compact RBE2 ASEA.
A question here? Will the same set of pilots be trained for both versions of JF-17 ( chinese & Western ) or there will be different pilots for different JFs? Also incoperating two different set of systems into the plane, wouldnt that increase the logistic and maintaince cost of the plane? And finaly what about PAF's plane about equipping the plane with an AESA radar? How far are we from there.

Usually aircraft from batches go to different sqns. These pilots are put through OCUs so they become familiar with the type. So typically if Pakistan had 3 sqns of JF-17 equipped with KLJ-9 radar and other avionics and the rest with RC400 and other stuff, then you would have similar OCU sqns for the conversion on the type. As far as avionics and radars etc. are concerned, these would be learned once you get to the sqn flying the type.

AESA is always an option if something becomes available which is affordable.
The RC-400 brochure says the radar is used on planes like Mirage F-1, Mig 29, F-16, F-5 and LCA etc.

The radar claims to have 'very long range'. What exactly is the range for a-a engagements?
why not the RBE2 ??? but RC400 is great too.

anyways another headache for india

basically what it means is that the JF-17 will be as good as the rafale in terms of avionics...:hitwall::hitwall:

& most indian planes like the MiG-27 flogger-D does not even have a radar..:hitwall::hitwall:

man.... 250 Jf-17s with RC-400s... that's a lot to reckon with

i hope indian officials wake up sooner rather than later..:undecided:

So much insecurity? Why are you scared when there is Super duper Su-30 and MRCA in line? Plus PAK-Fa in the future?

...and the good news keeps on coming. this will certainly make the JF-17 more than a adequate fighter of its class.
I am not that happy for some reason.

We should have go for Selax radar. It offer 500 w output as compared to the 400 W by the RC-400 and RDY-3 Both. Selax is also developing radars for EF-2000 Typhoons along with Galelio-Avionica of Itlay. We are working with them for years now. (Girfo-7, Girfo-7PG,Girfo-M3) etc.
I am not that happy for some reason.

We should have go for Selax radar. It offer 500 w output as compared to the 400 W by the RC-400 and RDY-3 Both. Selax is also developing radars for EF-2000 Typhoons along with Galelio-Avionica of Itlay. We are working with them for years now. (Girfo-7, Girfo-7PG,Girfo-M3) etc.

There is only so much that you can fit in the nose cone of the JF-17. RC-400 is a very good option for an aircraft that Pakistan is planning on inducting in large numbers. In my own opinion, the RC-400 would be acquired in limited numbers (like 50 or so) and PAF will wait to see what develops on the AESA front in the meantime. In the long run, the JF-17s will get an AESA solution.
Is JF-17 currently using Chinese datalinks? Are they planning to replace it with western source as well?
I assume it would be French as well,given the missiles and radar are going to the French.

It would be interesting to know if PAF will integrate Aim-120 on to the French Avonics. May be PAF does not intent to do that. So AIM-120 is gonna be on F-16's only.

Is there any Sweden radar solution? PAF could have integrated AIM-120 on JF-17 if they had gone for Swedish solution.
So AIM-120 is gonna be on F-16's only.

Is there any Sweden radar solution? PAF could have integrated AIM-120 on JF-17 if they had gone for Swedish solution.

What makes you think that AIM-120 BVR will not be integrated?

MICA is a short range missile.. AIM-120C5 is a longer range missile. Dont assume things on the basis of the missile category, which too are wrong on your part. ;)
What makes you think that AIM-120 BVR will not be integrated?

MICA is a short range missile.. AIM-120C5 is a longer range missile. Dont assume things on the basis of the missile category, which too are wrong on your part. ;)

It would be hard for me to believe that Americans would allows AIM-120 to be integrated on a French radar.
There are hardly any countries out there who has done that.
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