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RC400 and MBDA MICA approved for JF-17

hungery? starving!!!! :D but still we need a AESA wut good with the chinese AESA? what generation is it? 1 2 3???

you seem to be growing impatient my brother.......I would argue that PAF should not go for AESA on thunder....as for why........look We will have Thunder as more of a CAS and interceptor....so presumably they will stay in Pakistani Air Space....With AESA (Erieye) on their back....I dont think they need it individually.....Let their price tag stay around 10-20 mio......AESA will increase performance, no doubt...but it will also increase a considerable weight figure....so Thunder would now need a more powerful engine to stay agile....increasing the cost further...so better have a good matured MSA rather than 1st Gen AESA
You do realize that planes fight with missiles and not radars, right? Its not like you will be firing your radar from 350km at your enemy

As long as you have a decent-range, accurate and efficient radar with accompanying good missiles, you can enter the battle with a fair chance. In fact, counter measures and being jam resistant is more important than longer range, beyond a certain distance.

Long range radar has an advantage of giving you situational awareness, for example you can see an incoming aircraft from far away. Such things can be countered by using AWACS that will provide similar information to all data-linked aircrafts. Other than that, most missiles have a range of 100km or less and even they are fired at 20-30kms to maximize accuracy and hit ratio. There might be other factors too but lets keep it simple here.

What does the JF-17 use to counter the R-77's range of 175km?
What does the JF-17 use to counter the R-77's range of 175km?

Plz provide the chances or success probability rate of R-77 ??

Also remembered (i may be wrong, correction would be welcomed) that to achieve 175Km range, there are certain parameters which are to be satisfied to achieve such a range. Like, height from which it is launched and if the attacked aircraft makes turns or detecting the launch turns back, the incoming missile may not achieve its aim.

So for a 175Km kill range, the attacker has to achieve certain parameters & the missile has to also, while the attacked one has also to keep coming in a straight line.

Am i wrong or to some extent make logic ???
What does the JF-17 use to counter the R-77's range of 175km?

the most accurate and effective air-air missile at BVR range is AIM-120C(120KM)
success rate is nearly 93-99%
no missile in the world today can give such high success rate at such long range
What does the JF-17 use to counter the R-77's range of 175km?

Your answer is the post you have quoted, so please read carefully.

If I were a JF-17 (or any other aircraft) pilot, I wouldn't even worry if an R-77 was launched from 175km. Infact, I would make sure I stay where I am so it won't even hit me by mistake :lol: while I'm wandering around.

On a serious note though, as I said BVR missiles are not as accurate as their advertised range wants you to believe. To achieve accuracy, you have to fire them from closer distances. JF-17 carries the SD-10 missile while would mean any aircraft coming close enough to fire will also be susceptible to counter-fire. Its like you fire at me and I'll fire at you too, so you have to take your chances before getting close enough.

Previously that was not the case as PAF did not have any BVR. So you can come close, say within 25-40km range, fire the missile and run away without fearing a counter strike. Now you cannot do that as you (as in the attacking aircraft) will come under fire as well.

And as Taimi said above, what exactly is the accuracy of the R-77? how many enemy aircrafts has it shot till date--from any distance-- let alone 175km?
one will also have to consider the reaction time as well......the far the aircraft from missile, the more time pilot has to react...Ideally the missile should prevent itself from detection coming close to the aircraft in order to give it the least time to react...just like raptor firing and AWACS guiding an intitally passive AMRAAM missile inorder to get it closer being undetected.....When it turns active near you.......Kabooooooom (cuz your'r not left with reponse time.)
what is detection range on Indian aircraft against RCS of small aircrafts such as jf-17
because if u can't lock on u can't fire even the range of missile is 200Km

Ok so you fire r-77 its coming straight for me i am a sitting duck i have no visual sight of it further more there is no "Missile Warning" on JF-17 if you've ever heard of maybe perhaps its only on MKI at this time in the world..puff r-77 does its magic!

Advise: Go through all aviation threads very valuable info posted there..
Terms to remember
Missile Warning receivers..
Radar Warning receivers..

Some of us are missing something----the range of a missile is its maximum flying distance that it will fly through once launched---the limitation is the fuel---the 100 km range missile cannot be launched from 175 km---then it should be called a 175 km range missile ( plz correct ).

Now what kind of trajectory does the R 77 or the aim 120 take once in flight----does anyone know----are they like the phoenix---go up and then come down---or do they fly the straight path.

Canahao=Canon :D
if PAF is going for RC400 then it must get METEOR too,other wise i think,RC400 is useless for Thunder.on the other hand KLJ-7 is better with SD10 with succesive range of 70km to MICA.
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