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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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You are contradicting your earlier post and proving my point that no use of the case .

besides NO we are not surviving on US aid.

anyway that is another issue will discuss in separate thread. we can live without it

"You are contradicting your earlier post and proving my point that no use of the case."

There is a key difference between your post and mine. You bluntly said, no use--which undermines the spirit of our constitution.
I merely asked the question.
The two were not dacoits, media, Express News and ARY.
It was your police who called them probable robbers.

"The senior superintendant of police in Lahore identified the two men shot to death as Faisan Haider and Obaid Ur Rehman, both of whom were reportedly riding motorcycles when the consulate staffer opened fire. Local media quoted witnesses as saying that the men had been "chasing" the American's car when the shooting began, and police said they had recovered weapons carried by the dead men.

Police officer Umar Saeed the two men were suspected robbers and that the American shot at them in self-defense and managed to alert colleagues who were in a vehicle traveling behind him. The vehicle, reportedly a Land Cruiser, hit a passer-by as it rushed to the scene. The pedestrian later died at a Lahore hospital."

Punjab Govt has lashed out at the police for their remarks, calling them irresponsible.
Punjab Govt has lashed out at the police for their remarks, calling them irresponsible.

he will allowed to leave pakistan by govt, intelligence.
NO case.
So the other witnesses at the scene are lying as well? That and you happen to be 20 yards away and also at the hospital. Plus the police are in some elaborate cover-up lying about the two assailants criminal records? Is it common practice to issue gun licenses to people with criminal records?

One guy who was murdered is identified as Faizan. Police is searching for his criminal record. So far none found. The guy owned a shop. His brother was killed one month ago and because of that he kept a gun with him for his safety. He even went to the hearing of his brother's murder case yesterday. His family was just shown on TV. His mother has lost her senses because of the murder of her second son.I wish you could see that too.

Not trying to be judgmental but obviously truth is something else.

If you could watch Dunya news(Urdu channel) live streaming then you can witness it yourself.
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Failure of intelligence and beareucracy, offcourse govt.

how is it intel failure?

it's a failure of BASIC protocol --possibly with the prodding of the consulate itself

diplomats in Pakistan are not allowed to carry weapons; and given the fact that Pakistan is apparently the most dangerous place in the world, why are they having their diplomats driving around by themselves in cars (with no privacy glass, with FAKE registration & tags)

is this normal to you?

wipe the a$$ with diplomatic ID card, b/c in my book it means nothing in the face of such an incident.....

and by the way Pakistanis should also be unhappy because goons shouldnt be travelling on motorbikes with concealed weapons
Two things.

1. I think the Pakistani police has already verified that he acted in self defense.
2. Diplomatic immunity.

They'll probably just recall the guy, there's no way he's going to be tried in Pakistan.

No. The police is facing the heat right now from Punjab Govt for giving such a irresponsible statement. The guy has no diplomatic immunity. He came on visit visa and if i believe the news right now, he is not even a diplomat.

The guy is booked under section 302. He will be presented before the court tomorrow.
good....because nothing is more irritating than double standards.
you might as well save it. Anti American hysteria fanned by politicians, media, and extremists will always prevail. It doesn't matter what the facts are. the embassy official was guilty the minute he stepped on Pakistan soil. After all the U.S. is the source of all of Pakistan's problems. I'm sure he was there to oversee all blackwater operations. As well as act as Osama bin ladens handler. Oh, and moonlight as an agent of mossad......Am I missing any other possible labels thrown around this website by senior and elite members in times past towards Americans?

Hold your horses man! Court will decide his fate. If he is indeed innocent then he will be set free.

Pakistani Police Charge U.S. Consular Employee With Murder - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 2011

Initial reports are very strange though.
1. The guy was driving a private car and without any security.
2. He was carrying gun with him.
3. He didn't receive any bullets. I mean he killed single handedly two "dacoits" without getting a scratch.
4. "Robbers" received bullets in the back. (not confirmed)
5. He came on visit visa.
6. He could speak Urdu fluently. Don't know if it's normal for diplomats.
7. It is rumoured that the guy is not a diplomat.

Does it look like self defence to you?

Obviously you have no idea that what we Pakistanis are going through since this war started. We have become mental patients because of this never ending war. Losing civilians every week will make any nation suspicious and emotional. So bear us for now. Not asking for sympathy just a little understanding.

You talk about Anti American sentiment. You tell me that what is American media or politicians doing? Don't they spew hatred against us day in and day out? Don't they consider every Pakistani a potential terrorist? They portray our country always in a negative way. What do you think that we should get the impression?
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how is it intel failure?

it's a failure of BASIC protocol --possibly with the prodding of the consulate itself

diplomats in Pakistan are not allowed to carry weapons; and given the fact that Pakistan is apparently the most dangerous place in the world, why are they having their diplomats driving around by themselves in cars (with no privacy glass, with FAKE registration & tags)

is this normal to you?

wipe the a$$ with diplomatic ID card, b/c in my book it means nothing in the face of such an incident.....

and by the way Pakistanis should also be unhappy because goons shouldnt be travelling on motorbikes with concealed weapons

The guy that killed named faizan was not a goon, he had a weapon which he carried due to the reason that his brother was killed a month ago and he faced death threats, he had a licensed weapon, wgich allowed under the constitution.

Now, intelligence should watched these beareacrats, where they goes, they met with whom and what they said to whom.
as per your statement of car not having diplomatic number plate is because these guys have been told by the agencies not to travel in a diplomatic car b/c it will react as a catalyst for terrorist to blow them up.
Now they dont have an immunity only when there is a serious case of murder under diplomatic constitution of pakistan and world wide. now the diplomat killed 3 people by firing bullets.
Those pakistanis were not dacoits.
These diplomats were under the investigation of intelligence personnel. i Hope they(intelligence) will not allowed him to go to america without any judicial inquiry.
AND should be persecuted by the law of the LAnd.
The guy that killed named faizan was not a goon, he had a weapon which he carried due to the reason that his brother was killed a month ago and he faced death threats, he had a licensed weapon, wgich allowed under the constitution.

that is correct, i was not aware of this fact and i thank you for the clarification

was the driver of the motorbike also having a weapon?

and why were the weapons being revealed in traffic?

--again, i dont have the info and it's hard to sift through fact vs. fiction

Now, intelligence should watched these beareacrats, where they goes, they met with whom and what they said to whom.
as per your statement of car not having diplomatic number plate is because these guys have been told by the agencies not to travel in a diplomatic car b/c it will react as a catalyst for terrorist to blow them up.

i have no problem with civilian cars with civilian tags being used for diplomats --especially from western countries

however, fake registration tags and plates to me is not acceptable at all

Now they dont have an immunity only when there is a serious case of murder under diplomatic constitution of pakistan and world wide. now the diplomat killed 3 people by firing bullets.

2....one was mowed down by that rashly driven Land Cruiser

and they should be held accountable for it.....they should be remanded to court

Those pakistanis were not dacoits.
These diplomats were under the investigation of intelligence personnel. i Hope they(intelligence) will not allowed him to go to america without any judicial inquiry.

im now hearing that he wasnt even diplomatic official?

media tends to confuse more than elaborate

AND should be persecuted by the law of the LAnd.

if he is found of wrong-doing, which I personally feel he has done, then he must be punished as per the dictates of the law of the land

in other words, i agree with most of what u have said
that is correct, i was not aware of this fact and i thank you for the clarification:smitten:

was the driver of the motorbike also having a weapon?
and why were the weapons being revealed in traffic?
police revealed it to show that he is a terrorist.--again, i dont have the info and it's hard to sift through fact vs. fiction

i have no problem with civilian cars with civilian tags being used for diplomats --especially from western countries

however, fake registration tags and plates to me is not acceptable at all

2....one was mowed down by that rashly driven Land Cruiser

and they should be held accountable for it.....they should be remanded to court

im now hearing that he wasnt even diplomatic official?

media tends to confuse more than elaborate

if he is found of wrong-doing, which I personally feel he has done, then he must be punished as per the dictates of the law of the land

in other words, i agree with most of what u have said

Looks like our blood is pretty cheap anybdy can spill it and get away easily.

Thank u GoP and USA.
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