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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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The two boys on the motor bike were not robbbers, the gun they had was for their safety as they were returning from judicial courts. The American who shot them was a commando, which is confirmed by the media reports most probably of Blackwater.

A heart-rending incident, may Allah bless the victims and curse the Americans and our good for nothing politicians!
Irregardless of the situation. No diplomats should be allowed to carry illegl weapons. Americans are sneaking in weapons in their luggage under diplomatic immunity and this abuse can only be stopped by starting to check their luggage. Though it may be not the norm but diplomats smuggling undocumented weapons under the cover of US Government is not the norm either.
On thing to add during the prosecution we do have to look at that fact if the US Employee was in a bullet proof car or a normal car. That could have an impact on the verdict. If he was in a normal car and the guys pulled a gun on him, that is a totally different scenario.
Good God 21 pages of seething comments, my eyes are burning after reading all the comments. You guys really hate the Americans don't you. The threads about the blast in Lahore and Karachi few days ago got 4 pages each. Somehow an American consulate worker killing 3 people (unprovoked or not) makes your blood boil but suicide bombers killing innocent Pakistanis is not as bad as this?

One of you said how the two men riding the bike were carrying pistols for self defense. So a common Pakistani citizen can carry a gun for self defense but an American Consulate staff can't? Would you guys react in the same way if a Pakistani consulate worker had done the same in America? Would the Americans react in the same way? I doubt it, wait for the investigations to conclude at least, but you don't even trust your own government or police.

I understand the situation in Pakistan is a bit edgy these days, but don't let paranoia take over logic and reasoning. Sorry if this comment offends you guys, cut me some slack and let me know , I will delete it.
where did you read they were shot in the back?

From this post:

8 Bullet wounds to the rear of the 1st Rider

4 Bullet wounds to t
he rear of the pillion + 1 to the head.

( How is shooting someone in the back "self defence"...They were escaping).

good point about the slugs....if they were fired from inside the car, they would be on the seat or on the floorboard somewhere

Exactly. Let's let the physical evidence decide who is telling the truth.

His goons arrived in a Land Cruiser probably bullet proof crushing a guy to death on a bike while jumping the red light.

The guys on the land cruiser escaped while the Shooter was stooped by people on a food street that was not a through fare.

This doesn't make sense. If he called the SUV and they rushed to help him (killing a boy along the way), why did they escape leaving him behind to the mob?

This is more consistent with the alleged eye-witness account by this poster:

:hitwall:To all the bloody yanks over here, I was there ok I'm an eye witness. I was buying lunch in a bakery (Niralla Jail road) in front of which your trigger happy assole gunned down 2 innocent boys after another bunch of your baastard countrymen ran over a guy on a bike and these two boys tried to stop that Prado along with other people and traffic wardens when that guy in the white civic opened fire on them.

Again, I am not saying who is telling the truth. Only corroborating statements with physical evidence.
Of course from the outset an official investigation has not been completed and all results publicized...but people who seem to relish being in the negative limelight of terrorism need to face a few "hard facts"

One day earlier there was an al Qaida terrorist suicide bombing in Lahore
where Pakistani innocents were killed by a suicide bomber.
Where are the regrets, lamentations and damn the murderers remarks from these quick shot out of country know it alls for the day earlier terrorist Muslims suicide bombing other innocent Pakistani peaceful Muslims?

Posting # 62 in this now very long Thread says that 2 pistols were recovered from the two motor cyclists...quoting Lahore Police Chief Aslam Tarin.
That is not some crackpot statement from overseas outside Pakistan folks but from the same Police Chief who had to deal with al Qaida bombing there in Lahore just the day before this shooting episode.

Posting # 76 tells the person who takes time to read it that the motor cyclists pistol was a Marakov 32, which is a typical weapon used by al Qaida.

4. Postings 241 and 242 in this long Thread have the photo, same photo in two separate postings, of bullet holes fired into the American's vehicle.
The bullet holes prove shots were fire into the American vehicle, as the windshield is indented. Windshield is pushed in, not pushed out, by shots fired by the cyclist terrorists, al Qaida thugs.

The alleged second car alleged to have been in caravan with the first American's vehicle ramed a third motor cyclist...
details of third cyclists violence against the first or second US car/vehicles is now being investigated.

Yesterday Pakistanis were murdered in both Lahore and Karachi, next day, today by my clock, Lahore al Qaida terrorists...using terrorist known Marakov 32 pistols of preference to al Qaida terrorists...try to kill American(s).

It is ludicrous to say the first two cyclists were "carrying pistols as officers of the courts for security." That is preposterous.

The American was carrying a gun for self defense, personal security, this is a correct statement. The other statement is just mad info made up to stir up falsehoods and create momentary animosity among Pakistanis.

Educated out of country folks not only need to cool it. They need to be quiet and let those inside Pakistan do a proper investigation and then the proper in country Pakistani officials and police will report to the entire world all of the facts...which facts are not created by all the blather on this site thus far by quick shot "hang 'em high" trouble makers.
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Of course from the outset an official investigation has not been completed and all results publicized...but people who seem to relish being in the negative limelight of terrorism need to face a few hard facts"

1. One day earlier there was an al Qaida terrorist suicide bombing in Lahore where innocents were killed by a suicide bomber.

2. Posting # 62 in this now very long Thread says that 2 pistols were recovered from the two motor cyclists...quoting Lahore Police Chief Aslam Tarin. That is no some crackpot statement from overseas outside Pakistan but from the same Police Chief who had to deal with al Qaida bombing there in Lahore just the day before this shooting episode.

3. Posting # 76 tells the person who takes time to read it that the motor cyclists pistol was a Marakov 32, which is a typical weapon used by al Qaida.

4. Postings 241 and 242 in this long Thread have the photo, same photo in two separate postings, of bullet holes fired into the American's vehicle.

The bullet holes prove shots were fire into the American vehicle, as the windshield is indented.

The alleged second car alleged to have been in caravan with the first American's vehicle ramed a third motor cyclist whose details of his violence against the first or second US car/vehicles is now being investigated.

Yesterday Pakistanis were murdered in both Lahore and Karachi, next day, today by my clock, Lahore al Qaida terrorists...using terrorist known pistols of preference...try to kill American(s).

It is ludicrous to say the first two cyclists were "carrying pistols as officers of the courts for security." That is preposterous.

The American was carrying a gun for self defense, personal security, this is a correct statement. The other statement is just mad info made up to stir up falsehoods and create momentary animosity among Pakistanis.

Educated out of country folks not only need to cool it. They need to be quiet and let those inside Pakistan do a proper investigation and then they will report to the entire world all of the facts...which facts are not created by all the blather on this site thus far from quick shot "hang 'em high" trouble makers.
Do read #305.

#305 is an opinion, not a fact.

When I lived and worked in then West Pakistan, 1963-65 folks all over the nation were armed, more visibly in the North than down South in Karachi, but anyone preferring personal security and safety had all the weapons they wanted or needed...as remains the case today.

Ms. Bhutto was shot at..and missed, killed instead by a bomb causing her to hit her head, breaking open her skull, a mortal, instant death wounding.

See transcript from Rawalpindi I received at that time giving Ms. Bhutto's autopsy report.

And where are the cries over the many Pakistanis murdered by al Qaida suicide bombers a day earlier in Lahore and Karachi?
Good God 21 pages of seething comments, my eyes are burning after reading all the comments. You guys really hate the Americans don't you.

Eyes are burning use Visine. We do not hate the Americans, but illegal weapons need to be traced especially if diplomats have them.

There may be millions of criminals in the US, but it does not give the right to any diplomat in the US to go on a shooting spree. We can piss and mone all night long, but we do not know all the facts, if the US vehicle was cornered or had no chance of escaping.

On the other hand in Islam people of foreign lands should be our guests and if the robberers were trying to rob a foreign diplomat that is a sin and crime. Crime against any innocent tourist needs to be dealt with severly.

If after the investigation it is proven that it was self defence then we can forgive the American. But guys just chill and do not let trollers derail the thread.
This American should hanged on terrorism charges if their claims are false. Zardari has sold the soul of the country! So much for democracy!
This American should hanged on terrorism charges. Zardari has sold the soul of the country! So much for democracy!

I understand the emotion my dear member, but as a nation we need to think. Zardari screw him.

If someone was to say to forgive the diplomat in return for all the lives saved by the US Servicemen during the floods and earthquake, what would you say?
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