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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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Why, do you think our investigation team is incompetent.........It will only give the FBI inside information to the prosecution case. Disastrous move...

Anyways, even if he does have doplomatic immunity, there is a clause that this immunity does not matter when the individual is involved in a grave incident.......two murders is grave enough...........

Champions of democracy need to loosen their belt and wait for a court decision.............
LAHORE: Pakistani police on Friday rejected the self-defence claim made by a US official who shot dead two men last month, saying it was a clear case of murder.

“The police investigation and forensic report show it was not self-defence,” Lahore city police chief Aslam Tareen told a news conference.

“His plea has been rejected by police investigators,” he said. “He gave no chance to them to survive. That is why we consider it was not self-defence. We have proof it was not self-defence. It was clear murder.”

The police commander in Lahore, where US official Raymond Davis was arrested on January 27 after the shooting incident that has sparked angry protests in Pakistan, confirmed that he has an American diplomatic passport.

A Pakistani court on Friday extended the American’s remand by another 14 days and Tareen said one or two more reports were pending, before inquiries would be wrapped up and a report presented to court.

“It was cold-blooded murder. Eye witnesses have told police that he directly shot at them and he kept shooting even when one was running away. It was an intentional murder,” Tareen reiterated.

He said no finger prints had been found on the triggers of the pistols found on the bodies of the two men and that tests showed the bullets remained in the magazine of their gun, and not the chamber.

“It has been proved that Raymond Davis committed murder,” he said.

A police official previously told AFP that two pistols, magazine belts and four mobile phones, at least two of which they believe could have been stolen, were found on the bodies of the two dead Pakistanis.

The officer described one of them as a street robber “wanted” in connection with three or four incidents and the other as his accomplice.

Tareen said Friday that police had written “five times” to the US consulate in Lahore, requesting access to a consulate vehicle that ran over and killed a third Pakistani man in an attempt to reach Davis.
Between the relation of US and Pakistan I remember the appropriate adage:

A fish and bird may fall in love but the two cannot build a home together
Thats not possible. No one will ever reveal their true intentions.

Actually, ISI was doing the right job of following Davis.

Things went wrong bcoz of actions of Davis.
Could you please explain how did you concluded that the deceased were working for ISI?
Pictures of army bunkers in the east?

The US is totally in collusion with an Indian invasion?
In my view, Raymond Davis incident can be a real turning point in US relations with Pakistan / India. There are voices in US strategic community for dumping Pakistan (treating it as a total terrorist state), dismantling Pakistan Army and occupying it with India's help. But there are also strong voices supporting US decades long alliance with Pakistan.

Just as ominously, the US is really angry with Pakistan for siding with China.

However, I don't think the day has come yet for US to overtly change sides. Obama was given this option many times during his term so far. The main reason is that turning against Pakistan suddenly would totally destabilize South Asia and lead to a messy war with India and China involved. The US doesn't want to deal with that at the same time as Afghanistan.

The next president after Obama, however, could have a different opinion. Pakistan should be prepared just in case.

Items recovered by police and security agencies from Davis' vehicle. Quantity of items mentioned in brackets alongside item names:

1. 9 mm pistol (1)
2. 9 mm pistol magazine (5)
3. Ammunition, 9 mm pistol (75)
4. Tracker alongwith charger (1) [Remarks: GPS map 60 CSX]
5. Purse (1)
6. Wireless set (1)
7. Wireless set battery (1)
8. Cutter (2)
9. Mobile alongwith 1x battery (2) [Remarks: Nokia 6300, 1100]
10. Head torch (1)
11. Digital camera (1)
12. Small telescope (1)
13. Small torch (1)
14. Bandage (5)
15. Quik cloth (1)
16. Hyfin chest seal (1) [Remarks: Mask]
17. Integrity Medical (1)
18. Health care Stike (1)
19. Simple light torch (1)
20. Priority 1 Immediate (1)
21. Cyalum (3)
22. Rescue products (2)
23. Needle decompression (1)
24. Rusch Sterile (1)
25. Notice card (1)
26. Duracell (8)
27. Key Honda Civic (1) [Remarks: LED 10-680]
28. Diary (1)
29. Packet Tobacco (1)
30. Handbag (1)
31. Keychain with key (1) [Remarks: Alongwith 2x V-Card-Contact Card]
32. Contact cards (18)
33. Memory card (1)
34. Pakistani currency (Total: Rs. 5,605/-) [Remarks: Rs. 1000*5, 100*4, 50*3, 20*2, 10*1, 5*1]
35. American Dollars (Total: $ 126) [Remarks: $ 100*1, 20*1, 5*1, 1*1]
36. ATM Bank Cards (5)
37. Copy of PIA ticket (1)
38. Receipt money exchange (1)
39. Receipt Al-Falah bank (1)
40. Chit Embassy (1)
41. Black Cheque (2) [Remarks: USAA Federal Saving Bank]
42. Passport (1)
In my view, Raymond Davis incident can be a real turning point in US relations with Pakistan / India. There are voices in US strategic community for dumping Pakistan (treating it as a total terrorist state), dismantling Pakistan Army and occupying it with India's help. But there are also strong voices supporting US decades long alliance with Pakistan.

Just as ominously, the US is really angry with Pakistan for siding with China.

However, I don't think the day has come yet for US to overtly change sides. Obama was given this option many times during his term so far. The main reason is that turning against Pakistan suddenly would totally destabilize South Asia and lead to a messy war with India and China involved. The US doesn't want to deal with that at the same time as Afghanistan.

The next president after Obama, however, could have a different opinion. Pakistan should be prepared just in case.
In my view, Raymond Davis incident can be a real turning point in US relations with Pakistan / India. There are voices in US strategic community for dumping Pakistan (treating it as a total terrorist state), dismantling Pakistan Army and occupying it with India's help. But there are also strong voices supporting US decades long alliance with Pakistan.

Just as ominously, the US is really angry with Pakistan for siding with China.

However, I don't think the day has come yet for US to overtly change sides. Obama was given this option many times during his term so far. The main reason is that turning against Pakistan suddenly would totally destabilize South Asia and lead to a messy war with India and China involved. The US doesn't want to deal with that at the same time as Afghanistan.

The next president after Obama, however, could have a different opinion. Pakistan should be prepared just in case.

obama is not stupid to waste bullets and let its solider die in another war which they can't finish when they have a puppet government already running in the country who can hand over the country when they want
In my view, Raymond Davis incident can be a real turning point in US relations with Pakistan / India. There are voices in US strategic community for dumping Pakistan (treating it as a total terrorist state), dismantling Pakistan Army and occupying it with India's help. But there are also strong voices supporting US decades long alliance with Pakistan.

Just as ominously, the US is really angry with Pakistan for siding with China.

However, I don't think the day has come yet for US to overtly change sides. Obama was given this option many times during his term so far. The main reason is that turning against Pakistan suddenly would totally destabilize South Asia and lead to a messy war with India and China involved. The US doesn't want to deal with that at the same time as Afghanistan.

The next president after Obama, however, could have a different opinion. Pakistan should be prepared just in case.

And how in the world do you think that this will lead to and India China war?

Further, what makes you think that even the Pakistan Army will will for the prosecution of Davis? Where will the General's children then go to have fun and frolic? All of us are surely in our own rights "arm chair strategists", but at least let the chair be a legged one my friend!!
LAHORE: Pakistani police on Friday rejected the self-defence claim made by a US official who shot dead two men last month, saying it was a clear case of murder.

“The police investigation and forensic report show it was not self-defence,” Lahore city police chief Aslam Tareen told a news conference.

“His plea has been rejected by police investigators,” he said. “He gave no chance to them to survive. That is why we consider it was not self-defence. We have proof it was not self-defence. It was clear murder.”

The police commander in Lahore, where US official Raymond Davis was arrested on January 27 after the shooting incident that has sparked angry protests in Pakistan, confirmed that he has an American diplomatic passport.

A Pakistani court on Friday extended the American’s remand by another 14 days and Tareen said one or two more reports were pending, before inquiries would be wrapped up and a report presented to court.

“It was cold-blooded murder. Eye witnesses have told police that he directly shot at them and he kept shooting even when one was running away. It was an intentional murder,” Tareen reiterated.

He said no finger prints had been found on the triggers of the pistols found on the bodies of the two men and that tests showed the bullets remained in the magazine of their gun, and not the chamber.

“It has been proved that Raymond Davis committed murder,” he said.

A police official previously told AFP that two pistols, magazine belts and four mobile phones, at least two of which they believe could have been stolen, were found on the bodies of the two dead Pakistanis.

The officer described one of them as a street robber “wanted” in connection with three or four incidents and the other as his accomplice.

Tareen said Friday that police had written “five times” to the US consulate in Lahore, requesting access to a consulate vehicle that ran over and killed a third Pakistani man in an attempt to reach Davis.

Most part of this story could be misinformation and propaganda just to suit the convenience of the objectives of the Pakistan Army. There is no reason to trust Pakistani sources on such a sensitive issue specially after the Pakistani version of the Wikileaks. Akin to the story of the Gadariya and the Bhediyaas.
Most part of this story could be misinformation and propaganda just to suit the convenience of the objectives of the Pakistan Army. There is no reason to trust Pakistani sources on such a sensitive issue specially after the Pakistani version of the Wikileaks. Akin to the story of the Gadariya and the Bhediyaas.
AFAIK, the police chief officially presented their findings today reflecting the above position
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