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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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and also hang this davis till death becoz he is american israeli spy in pakistan and send his dead body to USA other wise this govt has no right to be in govt and also message to armed forces you are here becoz of pakistani people not becoz of savig americans and dont get in american pressure of aid im sure USA will use armed forces generals of pakistan in this case to
Thats not possible. No one will ever reveal their true intentions.

Actually, ISI was doing the right job of following Davis.

Things went wrong bcoz of actions of Davis.

Perhaps - but look at Davis's job description for example. What does it mean, which one is it, out of the several provided by the US embassy and Davis himself? There needs to be a clear declaration of his role and job - if he is a technical adviser, then for what? Is such a position necessary given the functions of the US embassy? How many 'advisers' does the embassy need? All this needs to be looked at again and the extra US embassy and consulate staff cut by Pakistan through a revoking (or refusal to renew) of the visas of staff whose function is not clear and necessary.
It is very important to IGNORE......stupid threats from USA. It send very strong messages in proper gestures. Amazing!

I am certain our people will be watchful on next foreigners!
At this point, you are hoping that after closing of consulates and expulsion of ambassadors, matters will not escalate further.. but what if they do?..who will be the biggest looser?
They won't, not over one low ranking man whose diplomatic status and actions have come in for a speculative treatment even amongst some in the US media.

The thing is that the FO needs to come to a decision, communicate it to the US embassy to invite their response, and in case of a disagreement present it in front of the court and allow the Americans to argue their own position on both immunity, and if necessary, in defence of Davis in a trial.

It would be hard to whip up hysteria against Pakistan when Pakistan follows a transparent process and allows the US the right to challenge it in Pakistan's courts.
Agnostic Muslim: The real pressure on Pakistan will not be diplomatic, but economic, in a sustained and damaging manner, with other agencies being the face, not the USA. That will be the real test of Pakistani resolve.
Agnostic Muslim: The real pressure on Pakistan will not be diplomatic, but economic, in a sustained and damaging manner, with other agencies being the face, not the USA. That will be the real test of Pakistani resolve.

Do you expect Pakistan should keep quiet for the rest of life? Free murderers?

FYI, USA just want to kick out Haqqani, closed consulate offices, nothing else.
If this news is true then..
I think you are just concentrating on the personality of person in context and not on what this gesture actually means

ie. Kicking out of Pakistani ambassador and closing consulates means, US will be breaking diplomatic relations with Pakistan..leaving aside the effect this move will have on Pakistan's economy, defence, trade and balance of power in the region .
This will also mean henceforth Pakistanis immigrants settled in US will shipped back as their visas will not be renewed .
Naturalized US citizens of Pakistani origin will not be able to visit their home country from US, probably will have to go to a third country to get a Pakistani visa.
This move inevitably spell doom for one million (aprox) Pakistani dispora settled/working in US.

We would like to take the opportunity to inform all the readers that this story is not true: As the U.S. Embassy Islamabad confirmed in the statement below, the US government “can state categorically that the description of the conversation in this report is simply inaccurate.”

Correction for the Record: ABC News Story (02/11/2011) - U.S. Embassy Islamabad, Pakistan

CDR Speaks,

DET, United States Central Command

U.S. Central Command
We would like to take the opportunity to inform all the readers that this story is not true: As the U.S. Embassy Islamabad confirmed in the statement below, the US government “can state categorically that the description of the conversation in this report is simply inaccurate.”

Correction for the Record: ABC News Story (02/11/2011) - U.S. Embassy Islamabad, Pakistan

CDR Speaks,

DET, United States Central Command

U.S. Central Command

U.S. Central Command | CENTCOM climbs aboard social media train
We would like to take the opportunity to inform all the readers that this story is not true: As the U.S. Embassy Islamabad confirmed in the statement below, the US government “can state categorically that the description of the conversation in this report is simply inaccurate.”

Correction for the Record: ABC News Story (02/11/2011) - U.S. Embassy Islamabad, Pakistan

CDR Speaks,

DET, United States Central Command

U.S. Central Command


i would like to inform you too that we know well how much usa can go down for its interests . you forces kill us daily by drones and missile strikes inside a sovereign country .show us the agreement between nation of pakistan and USA abut these attacks. your guys daily insult carry guns violate all the rules in Pakistan tell us which convention allow it?. your gov leave free the guys who kill innocents in front of camera in Iraq Afghanistan . you gov leave they guy which rape kill and innocent teen girl. your gov in 21 century have jails in Cuba which show us the stone age time mind of USA .are we forget the real face of USA in abu ghareeb and bagram jails? your gov force Pakistan to handover afghan ENVOY to usa in 2001 but same time ask for release this killer. you big mouth heliry bash on Pakistan for leave this killer of 2 pakistanis and indirectly her wife but same time she was bashing not to forgive traffic violations of diplomats in new York.

USA believe in one law ------------- the law of power
That is over the top.

What we need to do is ensure that every US embassy/consulate employee and American visitor is properly vetted and his/her job description/reason for visiting is clear and unambiguous.

Add to that it should be made very clear that any actions by the visiotrs which endangers the safety secuirty of the citizens will seriously looked into and the people will be accountable for that.
Raymond Davis 'in telephone contact with Islamic terror group.

Detained US official 'in telephone contact with Islamic terror group' - Telegraph

A US official, detained in Pakistan after shooting dead two men, had made contact with Taliban-linked extremists in the country's lawless, tribal region, according to details of phone records leaked by the police.

Sources close to the investigation said Raymond Davis, 36, had made a series of telephone calls to South Waziristan, a tribal area along the border with Afghanistan synonymous with militant activity.

The mystery surrounding Davis has deepened since he was arrested in Lahore two weeks ago. He has told police officers he shot dead two men in self defence.

The US insists he is a diplomat based at the embassy in Islamabad and should be granted immunity.

However, security sources have leaked a series of details suggesting that he may have had a clandestine role.

"His phone records clearly show he was in contact with Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, for what reason we can only speculate," said a police officer, referring to a terrorist group with close links to the Pakistani Taliban.

Hamid Gul, a former head of Pakistan's spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence directorate, said the phone calls suggested he was a secret agent.

"This is a classic intelligence technique – to get inside the head of the enemy," he said.

Davis, who is due to appear in court on Friday, is a former special forces soldier who left the US army in 2003 after 10 years of service, according to Pentagon records.

Mobile phone footage obtained by the Dunya TV channel shows him pleading for the return of his passport shortly after his arrest.

"I need to tell the embassy where I am at," he said, during a confused interrogation as police officers interrupt and laugh in the background.

He went on to tell them that he was working at the US consulate in Lahore "I just work as a consultant there, with the [Regional Affairs Office]," he said.

His arrest is deeply embarrassing to the governments of both Pakistan and the US, which has suspended some high-level talks in order to increase pressure on Islamabad.

There need to find the link between terror acts in Lahore & Davis presence.. You all remember that after Peshawar serial Blasts last year many US official arrested by police & intelligence authorities for their negative activities but released on phone call from Ministry of interior and one of official from Peshawar consulate was deported as persona non grata. After that serial blasts started in Punjab and then in Karachi. Where i know we have consulates in Peshawar, Lahore & Karachi. Why they called back CIA resident from Islamabad in December and resident from Lahore?

Or still he is innocent called by some good members!!!!!

Again question over intelligence measures to ensure national security.
or may be they have policy "First see what happened and then active" which would be "Be active before they do something bad"
"The pressure is huge from the U.S. end," says a Pakistani official, speaking on condition of anonymity. "But the pressure in Pakistan, from the army and the public, is huge also."

Zardari's government, heavily dependent on U.S. aid, is keen to see Davis released. "We need them more than they need us," says the Pakistani official.

"There's no choke on aid yet," says a senior Pakistani official. But if the standoff continues, and especially if Davis is convicted, it could be reduced to a trickle. And that could have a potentially catastrophic impact on an economy threatened by hyperinflation and the devaluation of its currency in the coming months.

Read more: Why the Fate of a U.S. Diplomat Could Bring Down Pakistan's Government - TIME

The ending paragraph of the article is particularly interesting:

As domestically rewarding as it may be, brinkmanship over Davis imperils the long-term fortunes of Pakistan's government. "There's no choke on aid yet," says a senior Pakistani official. But if the standoff continues, and especially if Davis is convicted, it could be reduced to a trickle. And that could have a potentially catastrophic impact on an economy threatened by hyperinflation and the devaluation of its currency in the coming months. But a brittle government under strong pressure from its electorate and military may struggle to survive if it frees Raymond Davis.

And that is exactly what I have been saying all along.
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