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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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The GOP should invite the FBI to join the investigation in observer status.

No need to invite FBI & no need to create more complications in case, our investigation agencies qualified enough. We can't trust outsiders considering the importance of case, what you will do if FBI over preplanned agenda announced that Davis fired in self defense? Then you will put yourself in no way out situation.

Apne paon per kulhari mat maro

Investigation authorities have decided that he did crime so enough.
Raymond Davis 'in telephone contact with Islamic terror group.

Detained US official 'in telephone contact with Islamic terror group' - Telegraph

A US official, detained in Pakistan after shooting dead two men, had made contact with Taliban-linked extremists in the country's lawless, tribal region, according to details of phone records leaked by the police.

Sources close to the investigation said Raymond Davis, 36, had made a series of telephone calls to South Waziristan, a tribal area along the border with Afghanistan synonymous with militant activity.

The mystery surrounding Davis has deepened since he was arrested in Lahore two weeks ago. He has told police officers he shot dead two men in self defence.

The US insists he is a diplomat based at the embassy in Islamabad and should be granted immunity.

However, security sources have leaked a series of details suggesting that he may have had a clandestine role.

"His phone records clearly show he was in contact with Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, for what reason we can only speculate," said a police officer, referring to a terrorist group with close links to the Pakistani Taliban.

Hamid Gul, a former head of Pakistan's spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence directorate, said the phone calls suggested he was a secret agent.

"This is a classic intelligence technique – to get inside the head of the enemy," he said.

Davis, who is due to appear in court on Friday, is a former special forces soldier who left the US army in 2003 after 10 years of service, according to Pentagon records.

Mobile phone footage obtained by the Dunya TV channel shows him pleading for the return of his passport shortly after his arrest.

"I need to tell the embassy where I am at," he said, during a confused interrogation as police officers interrupt and laugh in the background.

He went on to tell them that he was working at the US consulate in Lahore "I just work as a consultant there, with the [Regional Affairs Office]," he said.

His arrest is deeply embarrassing to the governments of both Pakistan and the US, which has suspended some high-level talks in order to increase pressure on Islamabad.
Haqqani would be saying.. yeh amrika or pakistan mere kursie keep peeche kyon hein.. chod de raymond shaimond ko..!!! hehehe.

I think i saw pictuer with the guy who dieded with the gun. So there should be some truth in what the americans where saying. But yes all should be revealed through proper investigation. I would say pakistan never should let go of this guy without a trial. They shouldnt feel they can arm twist anybody. or come to any country do whatever they want and leave freely.

India did that shameless act few times one with the accused of bhopal gas tragedy and other with purilia arms drop case...
If this news is true then..
I think you are just concentrating on the personality of person in context and not on what this gesture actually means

ie. Kicking out of Pakistani ambassador and closing consulates means, US will be breaking diplomatic relations with Pakistan..leaving aside the effect this move will have on Pakistan's economy, defence, trade and balance of power in the region .
This will also mean henceforth Pakistanis immigrants settled in US will shipped back as their visas will not be renewed .
Naturalized US citizens of Pakistani origin will not be able to visit their home country from US, probably will have to go to a third country to get a Pakistani visa.
This move inevitably spell doom for one million (aprox) Pakistani dispora settled/working in US.

The move, even if true, will only mean the expulsion of a diplomat or two by the US, and subsequently by Pakistan. Given the fact that both countries have significant interests with the other at the current moment, a complete breakup of diplomatic relations is simply not feasible and extremely unlikely.

These are just conveniently leaked threats to pressure Pakistan - more bombast than substance. So long as Pakistan seeks to follow a legal and fair course in the detention (and if necessary trial) of Raymond Davis, and allows the US to monitor proceedings and assist in his defence, nothing of the sort will happen. A few talks might get canceled here and there, and maybe the Presidential visits, but that is it.
The problem is that Americans are creating such a big fuss over this because it will set a dangerous precedent agains them and their spies and agents wont be able to roam freely as before!!!

As I have said before, this case justifies Pakistan's reluctance to issue visas to the hordes of officials the US was demanding (under the guise of monitoring aid disbursement), but was eventually forced to accept.

One reason the US is focusing on a very large number of small projects across the country (instead of funding large projects such as major dams, power plants, steel plants, motorways etc.) is that it provides them the excuse to have their 'staff' travel all across the country to 'monitor' these projects - i.e much easier intelligence gathering.
look at these pathetic indians

Please refrain from such language. You can make your point without resorting to abuse and derogatory comments. It only lessens the worth of your argument and your credibility as a poster when you make comments such as the one quoted.
we need to kick out every amercan from pak land sir thats the only way to save pakistan. look iran

That is over the top.

What we need to do is ensure that every US embassy/consulate employee and American visitor is properly vetted and his/her job description/reason for visiting is clear and unambiguous.
That is over the top.

What we need to do is ensure that every US embassy/consulate employee and American visitor is properly vetted and his/her job description/reason for visiting is clear and unambiguous.

Thats not possible. No one will ever reveal their true intentions.

Actually, ISI was doing the right job of following Davis.

Things went wrong bcoz of actions of Davis.

Look at the way he's being treated, atleast show some respect damn it but what else could be expected from these Sarkaaari goons.
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Thats not possible. No one will ever reveal their true intentions.

Actually, ISI was doing the right job of following Davis.

Things went wrong bcoz of actions of Davis.

The myth about ISI in this case has been debunked over and over again. Don't play cheap shots bud.
US-Pakistan tussle is surely making india very happy............ Just hope this issue ends without any damage to US-PAK relations.
The myth about ISI in this case has been debunked over and over again. Don't play cheap shots bud.

Whats there to get angry in?

ISI is an intelligence agency and was just doing its job.

RAW and CIA do the same on foreign diplomats.
The move, even if true, will only mean the expulsion of a diplomat or two by the US, and subsequently by Pakistan. Given the fact that both countries have significant interests with the other at the current moment, a complete breakup of diplomatic relations is simply not feasible and extremely unlikely.

These are just conveniently leaked threats to pressure Pakistan - more bombast than substance. So long as Pakistan seeks to follow a legal and fair course in the detention (and if necessary trial) of Raymond Davis, and allows the US to monitor proceedings and assist in his defence, nothing of the sort will happen. A few talks might get canceled here and there, and maybe the Presidential visits, but that is it.

I too believe at this point US playing Poker and is betting as high it can ..but can Pakistan afford to call US bluff and be proven wrong?? ..after all expulsion of Diplomatic staff and closing consulates is a penultimate step to completely breaking off the diplomatic relations.

At this point, you are hoping that after closing of consulates and expulsion of ambassadors, matters will not escalate further.. but what if they do?..who will be the biggest looser?
he admits he's a consultant to the Consulate !!!

Then that means the US Embassy was lying that he works for them (in the embassy) and that also means no diplomatic immunity !!!
Agreed with imran bhai kick out all americans out of pakistan forever stop buying anything from USA and close all relations and embasies of USA in pakistan dont ask USA for aid becoz this aid in short term time idea iss good but in longer term we will be americans dog every single pak if we close all relations with india in short time we might have lot of probleums but in longer term it will make pakistani nation and economy grows 100 times in year what it is today
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