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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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WASHINGTON: President Obama's national security advisor summoned Pakistan's ambassador to the White House Monday evening to deliver a threat from the president: Release Raymond Davis, an American being held in Lahore for killing two Pakistanis, or face the consequences, US media quoted Pakistani officials as saying.

According to the reported published in ABC News, National Security Advisor Tom Donilon told Ambassador Husain Haqqani that the U.S. will kick him out of the U.S., close U.S. consulates in Pakistan, and cancel an upcoming visit by Pakistani President to Washington, if Davis is not released from custody by Friday.

According to the ABC News, the outlines of the threat were confirmed by a senior U.S. official, who was not authorized to speak on the record. A White House spokesperson, Tommy Vietor, declined comment.

Meanwhile, Ambassador Haqqani, in a message on social networking website denied that any US official has conveyed any personal threats to him or spoken of extreme measures.
no sir believe me i will be happy we got back our talented Pakistani which serve to USA.

I'm sure some of our Pakistani friends on this forum who are sitting in the US would like to say something about that ;).

Anyways, this story has really taken away the focus from the actual fighting going on. How much will this incident affect the fighting in Afghanistan?
ohhhhhhh i forget to tell you guys .you should thank god we got all 18 f-16 other wise first step of US will stop f-16 transfer hehehehe
No threats given to Haqqani: US embassy

DAWN.COM(1 hour ago)

ISLAMABAD: The US embassy in Pakistan, in response to the US media’s take on the Raymond Davis case, said that the media reports were fabricated and that the US and Pakistan maintain a relationship of trust which could not be threatened.

On Friday, the embassy confirmed that Pakistani Ambassador to the US, Husain Haqqani did meet National Security Advisor Tom Donilon to discuss the release of Davis, however, no threats were given to the envoy.

Speaking exclusively to DawnNews, Acting US spokesperson Courtney Beale confirmed that the Pakistani envoy was not being removed from Washington and neither were the strategic dialogue or trilateral talks going to be affected by this case.

“The ABC report is not true. The description of the conversations in the report are simply inaccurate,” Beale said.

Beale also said that there was no change of plan in President Asif Ali Zardari’s trip to the US, and nor was President Obama planning to cancel his trip to Pakistan. The spokesperson said that the US embassy and consulates will continue work as per usual in Pakistan.

Beale said that Davis had acted out in self-defense and because he has diplomatic immunity, Pakistan’s attitude towards the case was not valid. The spokesperson said that the Davis case can be resolved by mutual cooperation between Pakistan and the US.

“The US and Pakistan remain partners and we look forward to resolving the Raymond Davis case in accordance with international and Pakistani law and in the spirit of our countries’ friendship.”
ISLAMABAD: The US has threatened Pakistan that its envoy will be "kicked out" if it fails to release the American official arrested for gunning down two men in Lahore by Friday, according to a media report.

National security advisor Tom Donilon told Pakistani envoy Hussain Haqqani that the Obama administration will "kick him out of the US", close consulates in Pakistan and cancel President Asif Ali Zardari's upcoming visit to Washington if US official Raymond Davis is not released by Friday, ABC News channel quoted two unnamed Pakistani officials as saying.

Donilon reportedly conveyed the warning to Haqqani on Monday evening.

The "outlines of the threat" were also confirmed to ABC News by a senior US official who was not authorized to speak on the record.

White House spokesperson Tommy Vietor declined comment.

Haqqani denied the development via Twitter, saying in a message that no "US official, incl the NSA, has conveyed any personal threats 2 me or spoken of extreme measures".

Davis, 36, was on Friday sent to jail for 14 days by a court in Lahore even as city police chief Aslam Tareen said he had been charged with murder as there was no proof to back his claim that he had acted in self-defence when he shot and killed the two men on January 27.

Davis has claimed that he opened fire after the two armed men followed his car and tried to rob him.

Video emerged this week of Davis showing his state department credentials to Pakistani police officers during an interrogation and saying, "I'm a consultant".

Davis is in Pakistan on a diplomatic passport and the US has demanded his immediate release on the grounds that he enjoys diplomatic immunity.

The stand-off between Washington and Islamabad has taken the tense relationship between the two countries to a new low.
:what: ................................................................
Davis rigmarole

Feb 11 2011

THE Raymond Davis affair has reached dimensions that could put further pressure on the already frayed US-Pakistan relations. The State Department may deny reports that Washington has threatened to cut off all contact with Islamabad, but the intense diplomatic pressure on Pakistan has become public. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has told Gen Kayani she wants Mr Davis freed, and a number of American lawmakers have flaunted their country`s superpower status by making clear all aid to Pakistan, especially the military part of it, would be cut off. There are reports that President Asif Ali Zardari`s March visit to the US may be called off, and that would invariably mean the cancellation of President Barack Obama`s scheduled visit to this country.

From the day Mr Davis shot dead two Pakistanis in Lahore, it is his status that has been controversial. Regrettably, neither of the two governments has been consistent in its stand on the mystery that seems to surround Mr Davis`s calling. The Vienna Convention goes in favour of the man`s release if it is confirmed beyond a shadow of doubt that he is a diplomat. However, his multiple `business cards` with varying identifications and the fact that he was carrying a gun which he had no hesitation in using against two Pakistanis, who were themselves — according to the Lahore police — armed, confound matters. It makes it difficult for the host country to decide which side of the Vienna protocol Mr Davis is on. From the point of view of Pakistan`s domestic scene, the issue is packed with dynamite, and a government as indecisive and infirm as the present one may find it difficult to ignore a possible backlash by the religious right.

Pakistan-American relations are far too important for the region and the war on terror to become hostage to an act of indiscretion on the part of an individual. While an aid-giver`s hauteur and a recipient`s predicament are obvious, Washington should realise it is quiet diplomacy that will resolve the issue rather than aid cut-off threats, which will be counter-productive and only add to anti-American sentiments in Pakistan.
now look guys whats importance of a citizen to other govs and look USA daily kill our 10 citizens with missile attacks. we are same like Palestine
Enjoy :)

Obama Advisor Delivered Presidential Threat To Pakistan Over Detained American, Say Officials

Pakistani officials said President Obama's national security advisor summoned Pakistan's ambassador to the White House Monday evening to deliver a threat from the president: Release Raymond Davis, an American being held in Lahore for killing two Pakistanis, or face the consequences.

National Security Advisor Tom Donilon told Ambassador Husain Haqqani, according to two Pakistani officials involved in negotiations about Davis, that the U.S. will kick Haqqani out of the U.S., close U.S. consulates in Pakistan, and cancel an upcoming visit by Pakistan's president to Washington, if Davis, a U.S. embassy employee, is not released from custody by Friday.

The outlines of the threat were confirmed to ABC News by a senior U.S. official, who was not authorized to speak on the record. A White House spokesperson, Tommy Vietor, declined comment.

Ambassador Haqqani denied, via Twitter, that any "US official, incl the NSA, has conveyed any personal threats 2 me or spoken of extreme measures."

Davis, 36, is expected in court early Friday morning in Lahore to face charges of shooting two men on motorcycle on Jan. 25. Davis says he killed the men because they had been following his car and were trying to rob him. Video emerged Thursday of Davis showing his State Department credentials to Pakistani police officers and saying, "I'm a consultant."

Davis is in Pakistan on a diplomatic passport, and the U.S. has demanded his immediate release on the grounds of diplomatic immunity. The stand-off between Washington and Islamabad has brought the already tense relationship between two uneasy allies to a new low.

Obama Advisor Delivered Presidential Threat To Pakistan Over Detained American - ABC News
Yes, yes - please kick Haqqani out.

This is the same man who essentially blackmailed the GoP into letting him continue as ambassador when there was talk of having him removed by allegedly threatening to 'reveal state secrets' of that happened.

If anything, the US has the most to lose by 'kicking Haqqani out', since he is 'America's man' in any case.
ohhhhhhh i forget to tell you guys .you should thank god we got all 18 f-16 other wise first step of US will stop f-16 transfer hehehehe

They still got you, if they want to - on spare parts!
Yes, yes - please kick Haqqani out.

This is the same man who essentially blackmailed the GoP into letting him continue as ambassador when there was talk of having him removed by allegedly threatening to 'reveal state secrets' of that happened.

If anything, the US has the most to lose by 'kicking Haqqani out', since he is 'America's man' in any case.

If this news is true then..
I think you are just concentrating on the personality of person in context and not on what this gesture actually means

ie. Kicking out of Pakistani ambassador and closing consulates means, US will be breaking diplomatic relations with Pakistan..leaving aside the effect this move will have on Pakistan's economy, defence, trade and balance of power in the region .
This will also mean henceforth Pakistanis immigrants settled in US will shipped back as their visas will not be renewed .
Naturalized US citizens of Pakistani origin will not be able to visit their home country from US, probably will have to go to a third country to get a Pakistani visa.
This move inevitably spell doom for one million (aprox) Pakistani dispora settled/working in US.
we need to kick out every amercan from pak land sir thats the only way to save pakistan. look iran

To act like as Iranian is not a GOOD idea, we have our own regional policy, not forget it.
ohhhhhhh i forget to tell you guys .you should thank god we got all 18 f-16 other wise first step of US will stop f-16 transfer hehehehe

As US state department we will receive last F-16 after 5 years.
The problem is that Americans are creating such a big fuss over this because it will set a dangerous precedent agains them and their spies and agents wont be able to roam freely as before!!!
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