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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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Things a la Taseer are not going to happen because they have added a 3 layer security precisely for that.
And as for the PA, I think they have to be on board, if zardari and saudis are too, in order to make it more palatable to Pakistan awam.

Lets see what kind of quid pro quo is there if any!

Re: Pakistani Awam.... Do indulge me of your analysis of this "awam" you speak of so confidently. ?
Re: Pakistani Awam.... Do indulge me of your analysis of this "awam" you speak of so confidently. ?

This issue has become a contagious one in Pakistan, folks from all walks of life, religious, liberals, rich poor are infected by RD´s killing of 2 people. The Pakistani society as a whole is baying for RD´s blood high on immotions.

Rallies have more or less endorsed this.
Was Raymond Davis Spying on Pakistan’s Babur Missile?

By: Jim White
Thursday February 10, 2011 6:16 am

As the diplomatic tussle between the United States and Pakistan over US demands for the release of Raymond Davis continues, it is interesting to note that their are varying reports of what Davis had in his possession (photos here) at the time he was arrested after shooting dead two Pakistanis on the streets of Lahore on January 27. Varying reports mention a GPS tracker, a GPS navigation system or a phone tracker, along with a telescope and digital cameras said to have photos of “sensitive” locations. In a very interesting development, we learn from multiple sources that on Thursday Pakistan successfully test-fired its Hatf VII cruise missile, which it also calls “Babur”.

When the Express Tribune first reported that Davis’ victims were from the intelligence community (which ISI has since denied and threatened the paper with legal action), the Washington Post followed up by mentioning that Davis was trailed and confronted because he had “crossed a red line“. Was gathering information on the impending test firing of the Babur missile that red line?

Pakistan has a history of developing missiles intended to be used with their nuclear weapons. This report (caution, it is old and dates from 1999 and quotes material from the Rumsfeld Commision) is interesting for where it states that M-11 missiles from China were seen:

The Rumsfeld Commission confirmed that complete M-11 missiles were sent to Pakistan from China. Pakistan has reportedly received more than 30 M-11s, which have been observed in boxes at Pakistan’s Sargodha Air Force Base west of Lahore. Intelligence officials believe Chinese M11s have probably been in Pakistan since November 1992, when China was “reconsidering” its stance on missile exports after the sale of U.S. F-16 aircraft to Taiwan. Since then, Pakistan has been constructing maintenance facilities, launchers and storage sheds for the missiles, all with Chinese help. China and Pakistan deny these reports.

Pakistan calls the M-11 the Hatf-III. The missile has a range of more than 300 km and a payload of 500 kg. It is a two-stage, solid-propelled missile capable of carrying nuclear warheads. The missile was reportedly test-fired in July 1997.

Of importance is the fact that the missiles were said to be at an air base west of Lahore. Now for the description of the sensitive photos Davis took:

“During the course of investigation, police retrieved photographs of some sensitive areas and defence installations from Davis’ camera,” a source told The Express Tribune requesting anonymity. “Photos of the strategic Balahisar Fort, the headquarters of the paramilitary Frontier Corps in Peshawar and of Pakistan Army’s bunkers on the Eastern border with India were found in the camera,” the source added.

So, just a few weeks after Davis may have provoked Pakistan intelligence into a confrontation with him, perhaps over sensitive photos he may have been observed taking in the Lahore area, Pakistan test-fires a missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead:

Pakistan Thursday successfully tested a nuclear-capable cruise missile with a range of up to 600 km, a military official said.

The Hatf-VII missile, also called Babur after the 16th-century Muslim ruler who founded the Mughal Empire, was fired from an undisclosed location, said Major General Athar Abbas, a military spokesman.

This story goes on to mention that the nuclear-capable Hatf V, with a range of 1300 km was tested in December. And the story points out that most of Pakistan’s missiles “are deployed toward India”, which means that the Lahore area, on the Indian border, is a likely site.

It will be very interesting to see if the US comments on the test-firing.

Was Raymond Davis Spying on Pakistan's Babur Missile? | MyFDL
Please lets discuss facts and avoid flamers... That goes for the Pakistani's too.

well this is what these Indian guys are doing in the posts above.. they have tottaly dragged the discussion off topic and talking hypothatically now
what does an Army General have to do with a shooting by an American of 2 Pakistani civilian? I really wonder why they cant keep their venom under control they really have to express their hate towards our army on regular bases
This issue has become a contagious one in Pakistan, folks from all walks of life, religious, liberals, rich poor are infected by RD´s killing of 2 people. The Pakistani society as a whole is baying for RD´s blood high on immotions.

Rallies have more or less endorsed this.

Just like the nutjobs from entire world including India were calling for blood of Afia for no fault of her.???

we Pakistanis only want justice and due punishment for the barbaric crime he committed.

the day likes of him killed few bharatis we will ask for your opinion till then you can play your enemy role here
well this is what these Indian guys are doing in the posts above.. they have tottaly dragged the discussion off topic and talking hypothatically now
what does an Army General have to do with a shooting by an American of 2 Pakistani civilian? I really wonder why they cant keep their venom under control they really have to express their hate towards our army on regular bases

Exactly Irfan bahi. Never mind, it makes for good entertainment. I really like how well they feel they can analyse our "awam" and their "desires", just goes to show how shallow their analysis on the people really is. The people and this "awam" is an enigma, anyone who can come out and say the awam want's x or the awam expects "y", is just shooting in the dark.

I have been born here, brought up here, bred here... Gone abroad for some fresh perspective and even now our awam is a mystery to me, so i find it very amusing when people feel they have judged our "awam" and it's wants or needs.
A hen's curses have never killed the eagle....:P

Welcome anyway partner...

Hahaha... Please don't flatter yourself, that self inflated ego might burst and the fall will be indeed a painful one. Now swallow that pride and move on...
the day likes of him killed few bharatis we will ask for your opinion till then you can play your enemy role here

Bharatis left alone US killer (Bhopal tragdy-Union Carbid-Anderson) happily, measuring the current (then) situation.

Hence I am pragmatic here and elsewhere, nobody`s enemy.


“He who lives by fighting with an enemy has an interest in the preservation of the enemy's life.”
Okay time to bring this back to "you know" Raymond Davis.

Jana, i would love your assessment on the developments so far. BTW i loved your ED Letter in January's Magazine... :)
Okay time to bring this back to "you know" Raymond Davis.

Jana, i would love your assessment on the developments so far. BTW i loved your ED Letter in January's Magazine... :)

:) assessment indeed wont be liked by CIA but the problem is should i also post the inside gonna be situation as per the elders of two LLL eyes
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