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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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Lahore shooting: Three more Americans barred from fleeing Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: The government has barred three more Americans from travelling outside Pakistan on allegations that they were in the vehicle that crushed a man to death in Lahore immediately after Raymond Davis, a detained US citizen, was involved in a shootout that killed two other men.
The Punjab government has asked the federal government’s assistance in securing the custody of the three American men who are accused of trampling a motorcyclist to death while they drove to try and rescue Raymond Davis, who is accused of killing two men in Lahore.
“The interior ministry has placed the name of the three Americans, including the driver of the US consulate in Lahore, on the exit control list,” said one federal interior ministry official, speaking on the condition of anonymity. Putting a name on the exit control list (ECL) legally empowers the government to prevent that person from leaving the country. Raymond Davis is currently in the custody of the Punjab police in Lahore and awaiting trial for murder.
“We have sought access to get custody of these accused because they are wanted by the Punjab police in connection to the Raymond Davis case,” said Special Assistant to Chief Minister Punjab Senator Pervez Rashid. He added that the preliminary investigation report has been sent to the federal government.
The federal interior ministry, through the Foreign Office, has also written to the US consulate asking for the three accused Americans to be handed over to the Punjab police, said the interior ministry official. He declined to name the three individuals, however, saying that it might compromise the investigation.
Meanwhile, the US embassy in Pakistan said that they were not aware of these developments.
“We have not received any such information on the issue as yet,” said Courtney Beale, acting spokesperson of the US embassy in Islamabad.
Both the United States and Pakistan governments are handling the situation with some caution, given the popular reaction against Raymond Davis. While the US government claims that Davis has diplomatic immunity, the court in Lahore has yet to adjudicate on the matter.
Published in The Express Tribune, February 7th, 2011.
This is repetitious of postings on all these points over the past several days. There you will find my answers, as well as those of others, to these points.

But, to be a "nice guy" I will say that your focus is wrong. The single overriding issue is Diplomatic Immunity. The second issue is Mr. Davis was "stuck up" by two known crooks who deserved and deserve no idealizing.

GPS is used worldwide to get around any city in any country.

Having a cell phone is routine and normal, except in the case of the two crooks whose 3rd and 4th cell phones were those of the two Paksitani gentlemenwhich were stolen from them that same afternoon, just before the stick up attempt on Mr. Davis. Read your own Pakistani media for these and many other points to be answered by them.

A traffic accidential death has nothing to do with Mr. Davis having diplomatic immunity.

One of the gravest travesties of all this made up clap trap was the subject line for days on end on PDF wrongly describing him as the one who killed three Pakistanis. He shot two in self defense, both armed and came at him first. Period. End of courteousy answer.

It is time for dinner here. Good day.
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Leadership under pressure on Davis

ISLAMABAD: The political leadership, by some accounts, is inclined to end the diplomatic stalemate on the issue of Raymond Davis, accused of killing two people in Lahore last month, but it has come under intense pressure from other state institutions, which are not ready to offer immunity for the accused.

The situation has been complicated by the suicide of Shumaila Kanwal, the widow of Faheem Ahmed, one of the men murdered by Davis. [ where is the sympathy for this poor woman , these turds make a lot of hue and cry about the state of women in Pakistan and here they made a Pakistani woman a widow and then became hell bent on denying her justice to the point that she comitted sucide .. what a bunch of blood thirsty criminals these people truly are! ] This will not, according to analysts, make it easy for the Gilani administration to take a decision on the matter.

It’s caught in a catch 20: granting immunity would inflame public sentiments, while denying it would hurt ties with the US that has already limited its contacts with the Pakistan government pending resolution of the issue.

Washington is ratcheting up pressure by the day. A number of scheduled visits to Pakistan by American officials and Congressmen have been put off. One recent cancellation was that of US Deputy Secretary for Treasury Neal Wolin. “Unavoidable circumstances” have led to the postponement of the visit, but diplomatic sources insist it is linked to the row over Davis’ immunity.

Oddly enough, senior Foreign Office officials, in their private discussions, hint that they have largely decided to go by the book and not to succumb to any pressure – either from the US or the political leadership. [ Zindabad Foreign Office! , this is how our National institutions will become strong , in the face of challenges they must make the institution more strong , our Judiciary must also stand up to this challenge ]

“We’ll merely state the facts before the courts and will not fudge or fabricate anything,” a senior FO official, who is regularly briefed on the issue, told Dawn on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity involved.

Another official disclosed that FO mandarins were aware that political leadership was not particularly happy with the position taken by the diplomatic service, but emphasised that it was vital for institutional integrity.

Although this appears unusual for an office that is headed by a cabinet member who is part of the government, observers are of the opinion that the FO is taking such an inflexible stand because the establishment holds the same view.

And this awareness is allowing the FO to take a stand that appears to be in defiance of the political leadership, isolating the latter.
It is against this backdrop of institutional disunity that a government team of experts taken from FO’s legal division and federal law and justice division has been asked to submit the legal position on Davis’ status by February 17, which would define the direction of the case.

And hence, while political expediencies could ultimately compel the team to agree to immunity for Davis, at the moment the FO is putting on a brave face. A senior official, who has been following the proceedings of the committee, disclosed that at best ‘limited immunity’ would be given to the accused – which of course would not cover grave crimes.FO’s protocol manual 2010 edition accords ‘non-diplomatic status’ to the ‘administrative and technical staff’ of foreign missions. This designation as ‘non-diplomatic staff’, according to FO officials, qualifies personnel working in this cadre only for limited immunity in respect of acts performed during the course of duties.
Deciding whether or not Davis’ action of fatally shooting two men occurred during the course of his duties could be quite tricky.
Besides, the latest information revealed by the media, which showed Davis could have remained affiliated to the Peshawar Consulate could make the matter more complex as far as which Vienna Convention would be applicable in his case.
In a related development, Islamabad Police have started searching the vehicles of diplomats for weapons. [ Good ]Sources believe the search could have been targeted at the Americans, which could cause more embarrassment to the government.
Meanwhile, US Ambassador Cameron Munter called on President Zardari on Monday afternoon to reiterate his government’s demand for grant of full immunity to Davis.

A source at presidency said that Mr Munter, who had returned in the morning from Washington, carried an important message asking Pakistan to “abide by its international commitments under Vienna Convention”.
Presidency was very careful in its press statement on the meeting. It did not give any reference to the discussion on the issue and sufficed by just saying that “bilateral relations were discussed during the meeting.”

Leadership under pressure on Davis DAWN.COM | Latest news, Breaking news, Pakistan News, World news, business, sport and multimedia
Like morons these Americans are harping that their murder is protected by this and that that law. Point is that laws can be misused and misuse of law raises questions about where and how it should be applied.

Just like in our country the blasphemy laws are misused, these Americans are misusing 9/11, Vienna convention and diplomatic immunity to infiltrate our country out of nothing but a blood lust for killing more and more Muslims.

This RAT, this Raymond the RAT Davis was carrying a Glock 17, knives , wire cutters, magazine clips loaded with hollow point bullets , a GPS , even a small telescope ... what for one may ask ?

What kind of diplomat is this? And a valid question would be what is his background ? I mean if he is a diplomat what's his career history? if we don’t establish his identity , his background then this lays the ground for any blood thirsty bible thumping trailer trash to come to our country , kill people and claim diplomatic immunity.

NOT acceptable! this guy must be brought to justice , there is no other way
Polics is still looking for the vehicle that killed a third person and injured 17 other people. Running from the site of the accident after a hit and run can have a minimum of man slaughter charges.

Now I like to see on PDF what is the excuse on that? Also fake licence plates, multiple sim cards, withdrawl of Rs. 500,000.00 from the bank and pictures of madrasaas and religious shrines is also a mystery. Now why is it that he did not obtain permission as mandated by his status? Too many hollywood movies and Steven Sighal killing the entire Russian Navy.

US wants Pakistan to abid by international committmnt why US pushes in Blackwater agents in Pakistan under diplomatic cover? Who is violating the international commitment? Enough of US double standards.

If the families of the victims want to accept "khoon baha", the prices of shedding blood there may a way out for Davis, but if Zardari lets him go, he might get assainated by his own staff because lot of people are outraged at US diplomats and thier illegal activites in Pakistan for the last 3 years.
You prayers are noble indeed, but you are heading for a disappointment I am afraid.

My disappointments reflects cuz the evil pplz(US govt. and everyone who stands with them) of the world are not coming to the right path they deserve to be thrown to hell...if the world denies justice to the weak then it should get ready for the creator of this world to force his justice upon this powerfulz:woot:.Alhamdolillah his justice is the best...:)
I am sure that his justice will not be good for the ones who think they own this world and everyting...:coffee:
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ISLAMABAD: The United States has put on hold several bilateral engagements with Pakistan in the latest move to pressure Islamabad to release its citizen Raymond Davis, who is facing charges for killing two Pakistanis in Lahore last month.
The incident has strained relations between the two countries, as the US postponed bilateral visits, including a scheduled trip by its Deputy Secretary of Treasury Neal Wolin to Pakistan. “The visit of the US deputy secretary of treasury has been postponed due to unavoidable circumstances,” said a Foreign Office official quoting diplomatic correspondence from Washington.
The official, requesting not to be identified, said the visit was delayed due to the ‘standoff’ between the two countries on the Davis issue.
“US officials are not ready to discuss anything other than the American national’s release at this stage,” he added.
When approached, the US embassy spokesperson promised to get back on the development but she never did.
Sources in the Foreign Office say several other visits by US congressional delegations are also in jeopardy due to the standoff between the two countries over the Lahore shooting.
The sources say that the Obama administration has even indicated that it may delay the forthcoming trilateral meeting among Pakistan, the US and Afghanistan in Washington later this month to discuss the Afghan endgame and the way forward.
There are reports that Pakistan’s Ambassador in Washington Hussain Haqqani has been called to the US State Department twice last week to convey to him the possible consequences of non-obligation of international laws by Islamabad on the Davis controversy.
The sources say that the US has limited its contacts with the Pakistani mission in Washington.
On the other hand, the government is still tight-lipped on the issue. “I am sorry, I don’t have anything to share with you on the Lahore shooting incident,” said presidential spokesperson Farhatullah Babar. He, nevertheless, tried to downplay the matter, saying the issue will be resolved.
Meanwhile, US Ambassador Cameron Munter called on President Asif Ali Zardari in Islamabad on Monday evening to convey a message from Secretary Clinton to immediately release Davis.
The message says Pakistan should respect the international laws and keep in mind that Davis has diplomatic immunity as he is a member of the administrative and technical staff of the mission, according to sources.
“Though we regret the loss of lives in the tragic incident, we believe our citizen cannot be tried in Pakistan for any criminal offence,” the message adds. “The US has no intention of waiving off the immunity that gives cover to Davis.”
Ambassador Munter is said to have refused to give an assurance to President Zardari on trying Davis in a US court.
The president told the ambassador about the public pressure on the issue, citing street protests and the suicide of Shumaila, widow of Faheem, one of the two men killed in the Lahore shooting.
The president denied any pressure from the military or involvement of the intelligence agencies in the case. But he said Davis’ movements and his activities and the material recovered from him provide enough room to investigate the case and question him.
A press release from the presidential spokesperson says that “Pakistan-US bilateral relations were discussed in the meeting.”
Ambassador Munter also had meetings at the Foreign Office where he expressed his country’s concern over the prosecution of Davis in Pakistani court. The Foreign Office spokesperson refused to comment on the case and especially on the possible action to be taken on the status to Davis.
Published in The Express Tribune, February 8th, 2011.
It is very sad and full of disappointment that the poor widow comitted suicide .Alas her soul may rest in peace...She lost hope from the peoplez of this world...:cry:
Her suicide clearly prooves that the US justice is for themselves and not for third world poor peoplez. Showz that the US govt. is just bunch of thugz and criminalz. They hve no human values. That Raymond Davis is a poor man too cuz he was acting as a foot soldier to implement the cruelty of US thug govt on the poor pplz of the third world country. I believe that a case should be registered against that insane US govt. They hve no right to sit in UN security council. They are blood thirsty butcherz only.They should be treated as criminalz/killerz and thugz.:woot::cheesy:
and Insha-Allah they will soon meet their worst fate ever they can dream of.:police:
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The US Treasury Secretary is not coming, OH what a loss, he must to coming to discuss the market access for Pakistani Textiles that were promised in 2002. Or may be coming to tell us that US blocked funds for the Diamer Bhasha Dam 2 months ago, even before the Davis incident.

Or it may be that US wants Pakistan to do more on WOT and spend more than it receives in aid. Or hee may be coming to decrease the reimbursement time of WOT Expenses incurred by Pakistan from 11 months to 10 months and 29 days. Geez what a loss.........
New twist in Davis saga, victims were ISI agents

While Washington and much of the world continues to be transfixed by the drama over democracy in Egypt, an ugly sideshow involving spooks and spying in Pakistan is consuming the Obama administration, redrawing the security contours with regards to what was once regarded as a stalwart ally.

The Raymond Davis affair, as the episode has come to be known, has become not just curiouser, but also messier. The alleged private security contractor, who was on the rolls of the US diplomatic mission in Pakistan when he shot dead two Pakistanis in what he said was in self-defense after they attempted to rob him, is still incarcerated despite US demands that he be freed because he enjoys diplomatic immunity.

But it turns out that even as Islamabad is publicly resisting American pressure, a section of the Pakistani establishment has revealed that the two men who were shot were in fact agents of the ISI.

Meanwhile, Shumaila Kanwal, the wife of one of alleged robbers/spies died under mysterious circumstances in a Pakistani hospital after consuming poison, but not before she met journalists and issued a revenge call, demanding "blood for blood."

Pakistani officials told the Express Tribune in Lahore that the Pakistani government's "tough stance" on the whole issue was also a "reaction to the attempts by certain elements in Washington to implicate...the ISI in the November 2008 Mumbai attacks," including the decision by a US court to summon top ISI officials in connections with the attacks.

The incredible drama has greatly soured ties between US and Pakistan, with the growing feeling in Washington that its once-famed ally is now turning rogue. There is now a demand in some quarters in Washington to turn off the aid spigot vital for Pakistan's survival, even as there is pressure on the government in Islamabad to hold to account the US whose lifeline to its troops in Afghanistan runs through Pakistan.

New twist in Davis saga, victims were ISI agents - The Times of India
Bunch of Indian shiitty journalism. Does not make any sense.
Victims’ identity: Intelligence officials refute claim

Intelligence officials have contradicted a report published in The Express Tribune, which alleged that the two motorcyclists killed by Raymond Davis in Lahore were intelligence operatives.
The report had claimed that the death of the intelligence personnel was the reason behind the government’s reluctance to free Davis and that it was in retaliation to the summoning of a top ISI official by a US court.
The official regretted that such “speculative reporting”, appearing on the front page of a major newspaper on such a sensitive matter, which was sub judice and “detrimental to the security interests of Pakistan”, was published without any confirmation from the concerned quarters.
The official vehemently denied that there was any linkage whatsoever between the US court’s summon and the Lahore incident.
The intelligence agency reserves the right to initiate legal action against The Express Tribune, said the official.
Published in The Express Tribune, February 8th, 2011.

Raymond Davis case: Men killed in Lahore were intelligence operatives, says official – The Express Tribune

This was reported before..
Raymond Davis case: Men killed in Lahore were intelligence operatives, says official – The Express Tribune
Victims’ identity: Intelligence officials refute claim

Intelligence officials have contradicted a report published in The Express Tribune, which alleged that the two motorcyclists killed by Raymond Davis in Lahore were intelligence operatives.
The report had claimed that the death of the intelligence personnel was the reason behind the government’s reluctance to free Davis and that it was in retaliation to the summoning of a top ISI official by a US court.
The official regretted that such “speculative reporting”, appearing on the front page of a major newspaper on such a sensitive matter, which was sub judice and “detrimental to the security interests of Pakistan”, was published without any confirmation from the concerned quarters.
The official vehemently denied that there was any linkage whatsoever between the US court’s summon and the Lahore incident.
The intelligence agency reserves the right to initiate legal action against The Express Tribune, said the official.
Published in The Express Tribune, February 8th, 2011.

Raymond Davis case: Men killed in Lahore were intelligence operatives, says official – The Express Tribune

This was reported before..
Raymond Davis case: Men killed in Lahore were intelligence operatives, says official – The Express Tribune
Victims’ identity: Intelligence officials refute claim

Intelligence officials have contradicted a report published in The Express Tribune, which alleged that the two motorcyclists killed by Raymond Davis in Lahore were intelligence operatives.
The report had claimed that the death of the intelligence personnel was the reason behind the government’s reluctance to free Davis and that it was in retaliation to the summoning of a top ISI official by a US court.
The official regretted that such “speculative reporting”, appearing on the front page of a major newspaper on such a sensitive matter, which was sub judice and “detrimental to the security interests of Pakistan”, was published without any confirmation from the concerned quarters.
The official vehemently denied that there was any linkage whatsoever between the US court’s summon and the Lahore incident.
The intelligence agency reserves the right to initiate legal action against The Express Tribune, said the official.
Published in The Express Tribune, February 8th, 2011.

Raymond Davis case: Men killed in Lahore were intelligence operatives, says official – The Express Tribune

This was reported before..
Raymond Davis case: Men killed in Lahore were intelligence operatives, says official – The Express Tribune

Stupid article. Believe me if these 2 men were ISI Agents, they would not have a total of one gun. Plus ISI guys are good marks men and they would not let Davis fire 11 shots with nothing in return. Does not make any sense.
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