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RAW network in Afghanistan behind Pak destabilisation

You can say it FATA or Afganistan, for me both are same.


Your opinion on this is not what counts. If you say Texas and Coahuila are 'the same' that doesn't make it so.

If you can't bother to get your facts straight then don't post here.
Precedence - says it all I guess
Intertwined and blurred demarcation between the 2 elements

'Precedence' does not equate with your statement of the PA being present in Afghanistan now.

The Soviets were also in Afghanistan, and the Afghans/Central Asians in parts of Modern India - so does 'precedence' mean they are still there?

Clutching at straws with your logic here.
Any answer to this from our pakistani friends.

I think USA is slowely but steadly inching on you.



You need to answer to your own ignorance pointed out above.

The US tried, and backed off after its botched SF raid. The most they can and will do are the airstrikes with tacit Pakistani approval. This airstrikes are however being discussed in their own thread, so raise the argument there.
The New Yorker...:smokin:
Alledged incident took place between PA officers and NATO, not Indian Army.

Of course, Hersh has also argued that the US is supporting a terrorist group, Jundullah, in carrying out terrorism in Iran, so why the complaint about Pakistan's involvement before the US invasion?

Hypocrisy eh.
all i want to say is battles r not always fought on battlefeilds pakisatn has for years "moarally" supported "kashmir freedom" struggle so where the harm if india does the same with bla or help afganistan recover from its wilderness india is heavily involved in buildin roads and highways in afganistan i dont see any harm in it after all india is opening all the embessies in afganistan an independent country and not a part of pakistan .WELL pakistan is well within its right to appeal if india opens embassy in baluchistan which by the way is a part of pakistan.
As much as the Indian members would like to continue the digression of the thread onto any unrelated subject, not happening.

Back to thread topic please.

Discussions about Swat/FATA can take place in the relevant thread
After so many pages of discussion, I find this quite ironic. while members have rubbished my posts that India is begging several countries to do "some action" and India is whining about this, Its funny to see, that Pakistan is again whining about the consulates in afghanistan, albeit in a whisper.. coz it does not have sound proofs yet...

and to all.. I havent resorted to personal attacks or stuff like "Shut the hell up". I would request you to post accordingly..
all i want to say is battles r not always fought on battlefeilds pakisatn has for years "moarally" supported "kashmir freedom" struggle so where the harm if india does the same with bla or help afganistan recover from its wilderness india is heavily involved in buildin roads and highways in afganistan i dont see any harm in it after all india is opening all the embessies in afganistan an independent country and not a part of pakistan .WELL pakistan is well within its right to appeal if india opens embassy in baluchistan which by the way is a part of pakistan.

There is a difference between supporting a freedom movement in Kashmir to get India to comply with the UNSC resolutions and the conditions of partition to allow a referendum to determine the final status of disputed territory, vs Indian sponsoring of violence and destabilization in East Pakistan and FATA/Baluchistan, which were/are undisputed parts of Pakistan.

So no, the comparisons you make are not correct.
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After so many pages of discussion, I find this quite ironic. while members have rubbished my posts that India is begging several countries to do "some action" and India is whining about this, Its funny to see, that Pakistan is again whining about the consulates in afghanistan, albeit in a whisper.. coz it does not have sound proofs yet...

and to all.. I havent resorted to personal attacks or stuff like "Shut the hell up". I would request you to post accordingly..

In India's case, it has actually gone 'whining' to the world about taking 'collective action, because her leadership does not have the cojones to take Pakistan on her own.

When was the last time Pakistan mounted a diplomatic offensive to get the world to act on behalf of her against Indian sponsored terrorism in Baluchistan and FATA?

The only nation we have approached with evidence on this issue is the US, since, for all intents and purposes, she alone controls Afghanistan

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