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RAW network in Afghanistan behind Pak destabilisation

So if they do start writing, will that become a proof for you, will India accept that it is involved in terrorism in Pakistan.

No. It wont. Just as certain countries stoutly refuse the harboring of terrorists even in the face of proofs by other countries
Oh, are we bothered about them??? hell no......... we can take care of our issues by ourselves and we would do that without begging israel, america, china, saudi, iran, russia and many others to whom you have been pleading in a kneeling position. :agree:
Please, stop taking the pain to leave "points to ponder for Pakistanis" or lecturing us on onesidedness of our relations with China simply because we dont consider hindustanis qualified to lecture us on what should be done. Also because we have been witness to the utter humiliation suffered by the "regional super power" called hindustan at the hands of a small but determined nation. From threats of teaching lessons, to threatening phone calls, to surgical strikes to diplomatic offensive to threats of covert wars to ugly retreat into no deadlines given, no phone calls made, to no threats given, to no escalation, to no war desired............ :lol:
May i say at the cost of repetition, UTTER HUMILIATION. Go figure it first before trying to lecture Pakistanis on their problems. :wave:

This from a person whose country depends on hand outs from China,KSA and the US of A.
This from a person whose country depends on hand outs from China,KSA and the US of A.

* A country supporting militancy in any part of the world, disputed or not, could only be a war monger.
* A country which supports hard core terrorists like LeT and JeM has to be a war monger.
* A country which has proven records of inciting war aggression and supporting troop(tribal?) movements into strategic peaks(remember Kargil) on the other side of a border has to be a war monger

***** A person from this country calling the other as a hypocrite could be a hypocrite..

This coming from a person whose country calls itself secular deomocracy but where pogroms against minorities are run by the state machinery, where minorities are the slum dweller and third class citizens of the state, where RSS, Shiv Sena and Sangh parivar run terrorists camps right under the nose of the officials to train hindus to kill minorities, where christians, muslims, dalits are burnt, raped and butchered with impunity by hindu fascists.
This coming from a country which has been agressor against its neighbors and has been a source of terror for all its neighboring countries...........

A person from this country still calling himself a resident of a "secular" and pluralistic democracy which is the state sponsor of terror against muslim population of Kashmir can only be a shameful obfuscated, imbecilic, megalomaniac of leviathan propotion. :crazy:
* A country supporting militancy in any part of the world, disputed or not, could only be a war monger.
* A country which supports hard core terrorists like LeT and JeM has to be a war monger.
* A country which has proven records of inciting war aggression and supporting troop(tribal?) movements into strategic peaks(remember Kargil) on the other side of a border has to be a war monger

***** A person from this country calling the other as a hypocrite could be a hypocrite..

A country supporting terrorism through afghanistan with so called consulates, a country who's direct result of sponsoring terrorism resulted in the loss of territory, a country who sponsors groups like BLA to promote terrorism into another country, a country where hindu fanatics like Bal thakray involved in countless terrorist activities against not only muslims of India but Pakistan are broadcasted on primetime spreading hate against muslims and Pakistan, a country who's army personal are responsible for the killings of innocent Pakistanis in Samjhuta express, a country who's foreing minister, leader of congress and prime minister says that all options are open, a country who's airforce violates the airspace of another country, a person belonging to that country calls us a hypocrite, well there isnt a word to express the state of mind he might be inn.:disagree:
No. It wont. Just as certain countries stoutly refuse the harboring of terrorists even in the face of proofs by other countries

Then shut the hell up and stop jabbering about why isnt it shown on foreign media.
This from a person whose country depends on hand outs from China,KSA and the US of A.

Enough of this nonsense from you. Listen if you have nothing to add stop trolling and derailing the thread.
On a side note go check facts, who's crying and whining out loud for not able to achieve a damn thing, Pakistan or India, take your pick, your media already has:lol:
Thats coz, you are just itching to wait for an opportunity to move the troops from the unpopular western border to the Eastern border, where a small conflagration will whip up a nationalistic wave, which will help you to hide the crumbling society eaten up by wahabism

Yes, certain Pakistanis were wrong in assuming that hindustan could ever be friendly to Pakistan but hopefully they learnt the required lesson after hindustan took of the mask. There has never been a doubt in the minds of Pakistanis about their number 1 enemy and rightfully they have kept their forces where it was required and some misperception in this regard which came up in last few years in the shape of facade of "peace" have been removed. Do you have a problem with it?????? These are "Pakistani" armed forces and can go where they are most appropriately utilized, no need for you to waste your energies on floating your innuendo.
More importantly than threat of Wahabism, you need to figure out how the once "neutral" armed forces of yours have been radicalized by the right wing fascists so much so that serving officers are now involved in terrorist activities..... using army issued RDX.... point to ponder, huh.....
If a country with lesser forex reserve and a relatively smaller armed forces can do some chest beating about war, I am sure, India can do much better. The only reason why the Americas and the world countries are being consulted and asked to pressure Pakistan is because, for GoI life is precious and War is waste. GoP has nothing to lose from a War. GoI has its precious li'l infrastructure which has been developed and high growth rate created over the past few years to lose..

If life is so precious for your GOI, then why it has become so in last couple of days, particularly after piece of mind given by Mullen......... if life is so precious for you then you would be better advised to start implementing that from minorities in india....... Was life not precious for those daft hindustani politicians before issuing war threats, before sounding bellicose or before giving time frames.... Spare us the BS.
Damn rigt, Pakistan has nothing to loose when it comes to our security, if you are so concerned about growth rates than you should not have thumped your chest in the first place.... go ask your fatuous politicians whether they like their economy and infrastructure or not ?????? if yes, then ask questions from them instead of wasting our time in telling us who has something to loose and who doesnt. :cheers:
No more personal attacks or the thread will be closed!
Save your breath Dabloo, sarcasm is lost on me.
Stay to the topic now!
why r you folks getting so worked up about indian presence in afganistan arent u doing the same in kashmir
why r you folks getting so worked up about indian presence in afganistan arent u doing the same in kashmir

No dear,

In afganistan Indian Terrorist Are fighting with Pakistan Army, while in Kashmir Freedom Struggle or you can call holy war against Kafirs are going on, both are different. Try to understand, if prople from other religion are killed, it is calld holy war, but if only muslims are killed, then it is called terrorism.


No dear,

In afganistan Indian Terrorist Are fighting with Pakistan Army, while in Kashmir Freedom Struggle or you can call holy war against Kafirs are going on, both are different. Try to understand, if prople from other religion are killed, it is calld holy war, but if only muslims are killed, then it is called terrorism.


Dabloo, we're not even in Afghanistan!
No dear,

In afganistan Indian Terrorist Are fighting with Pakistan Army, while in Kashmir Freedom Struggle or you can call holy war against Kafirs are going on, both are different. Try to understand, if prople from other religion are killed, it is calld holy war, but if only muslims are killed, then it is called terrorism.



Where do you get your facts from?? :what:
PA is not in Afghanistan! :rofl:

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