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RAW network in Afghanistan behind Pak destabilisation


Jul 30, 2007
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United Arab Emirates
RAW network in Afghanistan behind Pak destabilisation

Akhtar Jamal

Islamabad—According to informed sources Indian intelligence officials working in the disguise of diplomats in Embassy and Consulates in Afghanistan have set up a vast network to destabilize FATA, Northern Areas and Balochistan engaging dozens of Afghan-Indians, drug dealers and Afghan warlords.

According to sources several agents hired by the RAW but captured recently in FATA, Waziristan and Southern Eastern areas have provided extensive details claiming that the Indians had managed to penetrate deeply in collaboration with allies in the region.

According to one spy who was recently killed by Taliban an Indian intelligence official named as C.R. Garg working as Attaché and P.S. to Indian Ambassador in Kabul had recently offered as much as US$2000-3200 per foreigner killed in Pakistan.

The spy was given a telephone number for urgent contacts. Another Indian senior official named as Malkit Chand also working as Third Secretary (Education) & Director (Indian Cultural Centre) was engaged in transferring Pakistani Baloch students from Afghanistan to India for special training and financial assistance. Balochi students particularly the children of Baloch refugees are being offered upto US$ 200-300 per month if they agree to proceed to India.

Chandra Mohan Mishra a Third Secretary at Indian Embassy in Kabul and J. Baby working as an Attaché (Technical) have also held several meetings with Blaoch militants during mid-2008.

Other Indian intelligence officials engaged in financing and sending Pakistani youths from tribal areas to several other Central Asian states and Middle East are posted in Consulate General of India, Mazar-i-Sharif are Dinesh Behari working as a Consul and D. N. Dutta working as a Vice Consul in Mazar-i-Sharif.

Two spies recently arrested in tribal areas were carrying Thuraya satellite phone numbers 00-873-763095858 and 00-873-763095867 and 0700501385 which belonged to Indian intelligence officials inside Afghanistan.

Another Indian agents Sanjay Asthana working as Vice Consul in Habibabad,, Jallalabad was in touch with his “assets” using phone/fax number as 0797638744.

An Indian official based in Herat, Manohar Gangesh working as Consul and is posted at the Indian Consulate. He was in contact with local agents who organize secret meetings and trainings for so-callled Islamic militants.

A militant leader claimed that he discovered the telephone number of a senior Indian Intelligence official Raju Balakrishnan working as a diplomat and Vice Consul in Herat as 0799427738 from the possession of a recently captured spy after his detailed interrogation.
Top Stories | Pakistan Observer Newspaper online edition

Islamabad—According to informed sources Indian intelligence officials working in the disguise of diplomats in Embassy and Consulates in Afghanistan have set up a vast network to destabilize FATA, Northern Areas and Balochistan engaging dozens of Afghan-Indians, drug dealers and Afghan warlords.

According to sources several agents hired by the RAW but captured recently in FATA, Waziristan and Southern Eastern areas have provided extensive details claiming that the Indians had managed to penetrate deeply in collaboration with allies in the region.

According to one spy who was recently killed by Taliban an Indian intelligence official named as C.R. Garg working as Attaché and P.S. to Indian Ambassador in Kabul had recently offered as much as US$2000-3200 per foreigner killed in Pakistan.

The spy was given a telephone number for urgent contacts. Another Indian senior official named as Malkit Chand also working as Third Secretary (Education) & Director (Indian Cultural Centre) was engaged in transferring Pakistani Baloch students from Afghanistan to India for special training and financial assistance. Balochi students particularly the children of Baloch refugees are being offered upto US$ 200-300 per month if they agree to proceed to India.

Chandra Mohan Mishra a Third Secretary at Indian Embassy in Kabul and J. Baby working as an Attaché (Technical) have also held several meetings with Blaoch militants during mid-2008.

Other Indian intelligence officials engaged in financing and sending Pakistani youths from tribal areas to several other Central Asian states and Middle East are posted in Consulate General of India, Mazar-i-Sharif are Dinesh Behari working as a Consul and D. N. Dutta working as a Vice Consul in Mazar-i-Sharif.

Two spies recently arrested in tribal areas were carrying Thuraya satellite phone numbers 00-873-763095858 and 00-873-763095867 and 0700501385 which belonged to Indian intelligence officials inside Afghanistan.

Another Indian agents Sanjay Asthana working as Vice Consul in Habibabad,, Jallalabad was in touch with his “assets” using phone/fax number as 0797638744.

An Indian official based in Herat, Manohar Gangesh working as Consul and is posted at the Indian Consulate. He was in contact with local agents who organize secret meetings and trainings for so-callled Islamic militants.

A militant leader claimed that he discovered the telephone number of a senior Indian Intelligence official Raju Balakrishnan working as a diplomat and Vice Consul in Herat as 0799427738 from the possession of a recently captured spy after his detailed interrogation.
We really need to rally behind the government and push for immediate action against these consulates.
Indian terrorism and traitors paid by them like batullah mehsud and Fazlullah must all be slaughtered mercilessly at all costs. This is true. The taliban are getting their money from somewhere and they are getting huge quantities of it. Quantities that can fuel this insurgency for ever. We must find out where these supplies and money are coming from and stop them. Every talibani fighter is paid twice more than our police constables. How are they getting the money so that they can offer a better way of life to the people of these areas.

This is very worrying. We must find the Indians and cut them off from supplying the militants.
Where is the proof!? Where is the evidence? This is not acceptable as evidence and no evidence has been shared yet. This could very well be lies to the core. I am sure the interrogation was to force the person involved to accept that he was an Indian spy no matter what he actually is. Confession under duress. Cant accept! Nay, nien, nicht, Nahin!
Why is it the news papers in Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Qatar, Oman, Baharain, UAE never write any articles alleging such percieved Indian involvements in Afghanistan

They don't even quote your Pakistani media on such matter - point to ponder for Pakistanis and question the authenticty of these accusations [Heeralal - Mumbai, Shukla-Karachi]
No doubt indian have strong bases in Afghanistan but they are helping NATO not mujahadeen.
India, our arch rival, set 8 of their consulates near Pak-Afghan border in Afghanistan and our government is sleeping.

I knew the day I heard India made their prescence in Afghanistan, there would be problems in our western provinces. Indians are also funding BLA, they hate it that we built Gwadar Port.
Where is the proof!? Where is the evidence? This is not acceptable as evidence and no evidence has been shared yet. This could very well be lies to the core. I am sure the interrogation was to force the person involved to accept that he was an Indian spy no matter what he actually is. Confession under duress. Cant accept! Nay, nien, nicht, Nahin!
You think we care about the proof? The scores of Indian nationals who previously worked in Indian consulates being arrested in FATA are the proof. We have confessions. We have tribals arrested who are confessing they worked with Indian officials and took money from them. We have scores of fake currency being found in FATA which is proof.

Moreover, we're convinced that is enough. I don't think we need America to act upon it, we'll take care of this problem ourselves.
India, our arch rival, set 8 of their consulates near Pak-Afghan border in Afghanistan and our government is sleeping.

I knew the day I heard India made their prescence in Afghanistan, there would be problems in our western provinces. Indians are also funding BLA, they hate it that we built Gwadar Port.
Americans suspect we were behind the bombing of the Indian Embassy in Kabul though we've denied it. If that's true that would be a step in the right direction. All anti-Pakistan terror camps need to be addressed.

We started off nice, but I feel we should've taken them all out at once rather than take out one and then allow it to be rebuilt and allow others to secure their premises better. They are now easily laundering in fake currency to Pakistan. The sooner the Indians are out of Afghanistan the sooner would be the return to our stability.
You think we care about the proof? The scores of Indian nationals who previously worked in Indian consulates being arrested in FATA are the proof. We have confessions. We have tribals arrested who are confessing they worked with Indian officials and took money from them. We have scores of fake currency being found in FATA which is proof.

Moreover, we're convinced that is enough. I don't think we need America to act upon it, we'll take care of this problem ourselves.

Thats coz, you are just itching to wait for an opportunity to move the troops from the unpopular western border to the Eastern border, where a small conflagration will whip up a nationalistic wave, which will help you to hide the crumbling society eaten up by wahabism.

If a country with lesser forex reserve and a relatively smaller armed forces can do some chest beating about war, I am sure, India can do much better. The only reason why the Americas and the world countries are being consulted and asked to pressure Pakistan is because, for GoI life is precious and War is waste. GoP has nothing to lose from a War. GoI has its precious li'l infrastructure which has been developed and high growth rate created over the past few years to lose..
Thats coz, you are just itching to wait for an opportunity to move the troops from the unpopular western border to the Eastern border, where a small conflagration will whip up a nationalistic wave, which will help you to hide the crumbling society eaten up by wahabism.

If a country with lesser forex reserve and a relatively smaller armed forces can do some chest beating about war, I am sure, India can do much better. The only reason why the Americas and the world countries are being consulted and asked to pressure Pakistan is because, for GoI life is precious and War is waste. GoP has nothing to lose from a War. GoI has its precious li'l infrastructure which has been developed and high growth rate created over the past few years to lose..
We won't be the FIRST ones to start a war. But anyway this thread isn't about that.

Even though we won't be the 1st ones to fire the shot across the Pak-Ind border but that doesn't mean we won't attack Indian consulates in Afghanistan. A lot of attacks have already happened in Pakistan which is enough of an instigation to make moves to destroy Indian consulates.
Thats coz, you are just itching to wait for an opportunity to move the troops from the unpopular western border to the Eastern border, where a small conflagration will whip up a nationalistic wave, which will help you to hide the crumbling society eaten up by wahabism.

If a country with lesser forex reserve and a relatively smaller armed forces can do some chest beating about war, I am sure, India can do much better. The only reason why the Americas and the world countries are being consulted and asked to pressure Pakistan is because, for GoI life is precious and War is waste. GoP has nothing to lose from a War. GoI has its precious li'l infrastructure which has been developed and high growth rate created over the past few years to lose..

Look whos talking, warmongers. Talk about being a hypocrite.:tsk:
Why is it the news papers in Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Qatar, Oman, Baharain, UAE never write any articles alleging such percieved Indian involvements in Afghanistan

They don't even quote your Pakistani media on such matter - point to ponder for Pakistanis and question the authenticty of these accusations [Heeralal - Mumbai, Shukla-Karachi]

So if they do start writing, will that become a proof for you, will India accept that it is involved in terrorism in Pakistan.
Why is it the news papers in Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Qatar, Oman, Baharain, UAE never write any articles alleging such percieved Indian involvements in Afghanistan

They don't even quote your Pakistani media on such matter - point to ponder for Pakistanis and question the authenticty of these accusations [Heeralal - Mumbai, Shukla-Karachi]

Oh, are we bothered about them??? hell no......... we can take care of our issues by ourselves and we would do that without begging israel, america, china, saudi, iran, russia and many others to whom you have been pleading in a kneeling position. :agree:
Please, stop taking the pain to leave "points to ponder for Pakistanis" or lecturing us on onesidedness of our relations with China simply because we dont consider hindustanis qualified to lecture us on what should be done. Also because we have been witness to the utter humiliation suffered by the "regional super power" called hindustan at the hands of a small but determined nation. From threats of teaching lessons, to threatening phone calls, to surgical strikes to diplomatic offensive to threats of covert wars to ugly retreat into no deadlines given, no phone calls made, to no threats given, to no escalation, to no war desired............ :lol:
May i say at the cost of repetition, UTTER HUMILIATION. Go figure it first before trying to lecture Pakistanis on their problems. :wave:

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